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Kontribusi Manajemen Peserta Didik terhadap Pendidikan Seksual Minggusta Juliadarma
Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian (LP3M) STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/alidaroh.v5i1.187


So far, education experts have contributed a lot of thoughts on tips on child sexual education, but the operation of the education process is only through informal education, which is only in the family environment. This study seeks to present the flow of the sexual education process of children at the school level as an integral part of the learning process. This study discusses the contribution of student management to sexual education of children in schools. This study uses library research methods and uses documentation study as a data collection technique. The results revealed that the process of implementing sexual education in students can be carried out in three stages of activities, namely the stages of admitting new students, the learning process, guidance and monitoring. The first stage is through managing new student orientation activities which are divided into male and female groups, new students are accustomed not to mingle with the opposite sex. This activity should also be used by the school to socialize school rules that contain sexual education values. The second stage, management of the learning process in the form of managing student groupings based on gender (gender grouping); determining the learning method through the expository method, discussion method, exemplary method, and habituation method; as well as managing learning programs by incorporating sexual education values ??into formal subjects such as Biology, Sociology, Morals, and Fiqh. The next stage is to carry out structured guidance related to sexual education coaching under the supervision of guidance and counseling teachers. The final stage in the series of sexual education processes in schools is monitoring activities that involve all stakeholders in the school environment such as the principal, vice principal in student affairs, homeroom teachers, subject teachers, guidance and counseling teachers and even parents.
Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dalam Kitab Fathul Baari Minggusta Juliadarma
eL Bidayah: Journal of Islamic Elementary Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): el Bidayah, March 2019
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Tribakti Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33367/jiee.v1i1.741


The concept of Islamic education is absolutely necessary in forming Muslims who are pious, noble and have good cognitive abilities. For this reason, many Islamic thinkers try to formulate the concept of Islamic education as a whole which can be used as a reference in fostering the younger generation of Islam. Islamic thinkers include: Ibn Hazm, al-Ghazali, an-Nahlawi, Naguib al-Attas and others. In this paper, the author tries to present other nuances from a different perspective, the author tries to uncover the concept of Islamic education According to the hadith scholars, namely Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in the book Fathul Baari. The research in this paper aims to: (1) To know the concept of Islamic education in the book Fathul Baari, and (2) To find out the differences in the concept of Islamic education in the book Fathul Baari with the concept of other Islamic education. the concept of Islamic education in the book contains the definition of education, the position of science in Islamic education, educators and their duties, and methods of education.
ISTIGHNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 2, No 2 (2019): edisi JULI
Publisher : stit-islamic-village

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.328 KB) | DOI: 10.33853/istighna.v2i2.27


Konsep pencegahan kenakalan anak menurut Nāṣiḥ ‘Ulwān merupakan sebuah konsep tindakan preventif yang dapat menekan timbulnya kenakalan dan penyimpangan perilaku pada anak. Beberapa pihak yang ikut bertanggung jawab dalam memegang peranannya dalam mencegah kenakalan anak, yaitu orang tua, masyarakat, dan Negara. lingkaran pranata sosial inilah yang saling berkaitan dan dapat menentukan arah perilaku anak ke depannya. Secara garis besar, pandangan Nāṣiḥ ‘Ulwān tentang pencegahan kenakalan anak dapat diupayakan dengan memaksimalkan bebarapa metode, yaitu Pengawasan terhadap dampak negatif media massa pada anak dengan metode penanaman prinsip-prinsip Islam, Peran aktif orang tua dalam mengaplikasikan tahapan pendidikan seksual bagi anak, Menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis antara bapak dan ibu dengan pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban masing-masing, Melakukan pengawasan terhadap tingkah laku sosial anak dengan metode authoritative Parenting, Jaminan negara terhadap kesejahteraan ekonomi warganya, Orang tua berlaku lemah lembut dan menghindari perlakuan yang buruk terhadap anak, Mengisi waktu luang anak dengan sarana-sarana ‘amaliyat yang bermanfaat, dan Kerja sama orang tua dalam memperhatikan pendidikan anaknya.
Studi Komparatif Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dan Manajemen Penddikan Barat Minggusta Juliadarma
Dirasah : Jurnal Studi Ilmu dan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol 4 No 1 (2021): DIRASAH
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Faqih Asy'ari Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/dirasah.v4i1.155


The purpose of this research is to elaborate comprehensively about the differences that can be explored from Islamic education management and western education management. This study uses a library research method with documentation study as a data collection technique. The results showed that there were at least five substantial differences between Islamic education management and western education management. The difference lies in the purpose of education, basic education, curriculum management, student management, and management of educational institutions.
PERAN WALI KELAS DALAM PENGELOLAAN PROBLEM SOLVING Minggusta Juliadarma; Kartini Limatahu; Andy Andy; Umi Salamah Tianotak; Murniyanti Murniyanti; Nadi Osamalu; Muhajirin Abdul Malik
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32529/glasser.v7i1.2232


Wali kelas merupakan guru mata pelajaran yang yang diberikan amanah oleh kepala sekolah untuk mengatur kelas dan mengendalikan siswa ketika kegiatan belajar mengajar dan saat siswa mendapat masalah, baik permasalahan pribadi, sosial, atau permasalahan akademis. Sesuai dengan pemikiran di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran wali kelas dalam pengelolaan problem solving sangat urgen, dikarenakan dapat menopang kelancaran dan keefektifan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Sehingga membawa siswa kepada bakat, minat, dan semangat yang baik agar lebih serius dalam belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengelolaan problem solving di SMAN 5 Tidore Kepulauan dan menganalisis peran wali kelas dalam pengelolaan problem solving di SMAN 5 Tidore Kepulauan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksplanatori yang bersifat menceritakan dan menggambarkan fakta temuan lapangan yang ditemukan peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengelolaan problem solving di SMAN 5 Tidore Kepulauan terdiri dari beberapa pengelolaan, diantaranya adalah kebijakan tata tertib siswa, alur pengelolaan problem solving, penghargaan (reward) dan hukuman (punishment), rapat koordinasi, pelibatan guru bimbingan konseling, pelibatan pengurus kelas, pelibatan pihak internal dan eksternal. Sedangkan Peran Wali Kelas Dalam Pengelolaan Problem Solving Di SMA Negeri 5 Tidore Kepulauan diantaranya mengidentifikasi permasalahan, melaksanakan bimbingan dan pembinaan, memberikan nasihat, memberikan motivasi, melakukan kunjungan rumah (home visit), melibatkan pengurus kelas,  membuat grup What’s App untuk siswa dan orang tua siswa, eksekutor sanksi skala ringan, pemberi stimulus, dan melakukan komunikasi pada pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam permasalahan siswa.
Development of Digital-Based Teaching Material Management for Teachers of SMP Negeri 13 Ternate City Andy Andy; Ramli Yusuf; Mubin Noho; Minggusta Juliadarma; Asrul Usman; Faidah T. Hi. Jafar
Archipelago Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Edisi Desember 2021
Publisher : IAIN Ternate

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4633/arc.v2i2.823


There are several factors that determine the success of the learning process, one of which is teaching materials. Teaching materials need to be designed in such a way that they can support the achievement of expected learning outcomes. On the other hand, in the current era of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government and all stakeholders must work together and think hard about dealing with this virus. One of the efforts that can be done to improve the ability of these teachers is to conduct training for teachers of SMP Negeri 13 which aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. The community service activities in this report aim to improve the ability of junior high school teachers in making digital-based teaching materials to facilitate students in the learning process.Keywords: Learning, Teaching Materials, Teacher