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Rusli HAR
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Pemanfaatan FABA, Tawas dan Kapur Untuk Menetralkan Air Asam Tambang Indra Siregar; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 4 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Coal is the most important source of energy for electricity generation and serves as a basic fuel for industries such as steel and cement production as well as fuel for power generation. However, it is undeniable that the continuous use of coal also produces negative impacts from the mining process, namely acid mine drainage and coal processing in power plants, namely Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA). Coal mining produces waste products in the form of acid mine drainage. FABA and Acid Mining Water (AAT) are two of the many negative effects of mining, so there is a need for awareness of the issues of damage that threaten the surrounding environment. FABA is solid waste produced from the coal combustion process for power generation. This study will discuss the use of FABA, alum and lime to neutralize acid mine drainage. Acid mine water obtained from PLTU X has a pH of 3.74. Neutralization of acid mine drainage is done by mixing AAT with FABA, AAT with alum and AAT with lime. Then proceed with mixing AAT with FABA and alum, mixing AAT with FABA and lime and mixing AAT with alum and lime. After that, mixing AAT with FABA, alum and lime. The results of this study provide variations in the composition of FABA, alum and lime which are good for neutralizing acid mine drainage  Keywords: Neutraluzation, Acid Mine Water (AAT), FABA, Alum, Lime
Analisis Perhitungan Debit Air Tanah pada Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Terbuka di Pit X PT. Bukit Asam Tbk., Kabupaten Muara Enim, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Trio Mei Kristin Zendrato; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 5 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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The existence of ground water is very dependent on the amount of rainfall and the amount of water that can seep into the ground. Other influencing factors are lithological conditions (rocks) and local geology. Loose sandy soil conditions or rocks with high permeability will facilitate the infiltration of rainwater into rock formations. On the other hand, rocks with strong and compact cementation have the ability to absorb small amounts of water. The problem of water entering the mine site and flooding the mining site is a very important problem for the company. This is because water entering the mining site can interfere with mining activities and result in production delays for the company in achieving the production targets that have been set, so that if this happens, the company will experience losses both materially and time. From the results of the analysis of the calculation of groundwater discharge with the determination of the value of K (hydraulic conductivity), the total groundwater discharge that enters the pit is 10,049 m3/second, 602,94 m3/minute, 36.176,4  m3/hour or 868.233,6 m3/day.
Kajian Teknis Sistem Mine Dewatering dalam Upaya Pencegahan Genangan Air di Area Penambangan Pada Tambang Batubara Bawah Tanah Seam C2 Site Sapan Dalam PT Nusa Alam Lestari, Desa Salak, Kecamatan Talawi, Kota Sawahlunto Nurdiani Fauziah; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 5 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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At the research site, the problem that often occurs is the entry of water into the mining front. The water comes from ground water flowing through the fractures. Therefore, a mine drainage system is needed to support mining activities. At the mining site SD-C2 Lori 1 has 4 control tanks, where the pumping system is carried out by flowing water from the mining area to the control tank until the next control tank reaches the main sump. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the study site has an intensive fracture structure with a secondary permeability value of 10-2 with a free discharge classification. Groundwater discharge in all fractures is 10,32 m3/day. Based on the specifications of the existing pump, it should be able to compensate for the incoming water discharge, but because the head of the pump is greater than the maximum head of the pump in control tank 1 to control tank 2, the pump is unable to drain water properly until control tank 2. In addition, the number of control tanks with a total dimension of 9.5 m3 has not balanced the daily incoming water discharge with a total discharge of 10.32 m3/day, so it is recommended to add 1 control tank with dimensions of not less than 0.82 m3.
Pemanfaatan Fly Ash Bottom Ash dan Tawas Untuk Menetralkan Air Asam Tambang Gregorius Bryan Giftin Samosir; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 4 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PLTU X uses coal as its fuel. The impact of the use of this coal produces 150 – 200 tons of fly ash bottom ash (FABA) waste every day and is pilled up in the ash disposal. This study aims to utilize FABA, alum and mixture of both to neutralized acid mine drainage. Acid mine drainage used as the object of this research is taken from CV. Air Mata Emas Sawahlunto which had pH 3.72. This experimental test was carried out by varying the mass of FABA, alum and mixture of FABA alum to neutralized acid mine drainage. The result of this research on mixing 200 ml of acid mine drainage water samples which had pH 3.7 2  with various FABA masses, it was found 1 gr of FABA could increase the pH of acid mine water to 7.3. It isn’t recommended to use alum for neutralizing acid mine drainage because an increase mass of alum actually makes acid mine drainage more acidic. For neutralizing acid mine drainage using a mixture of FABA and alum, the ratio of both of 5.3 : 0.5 can neutralized acid mine water with pH of 3.72 to 7.71. The mixing of FABA and alum can also accelerate the deposition of FABA used, so that neutral acid mine water can be drained directly outside the mine area. Keywords: Coal, Fly Ash Bottom Ash, Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization, pH, alum.
Perencanaan Sistem Penyaliran Tambang PT. Rajawali Internusa Jobsite PT. Budi Gema Gempita, TJ. Jambu, Merapi Timur, Kabupaten Lahat, Sumatera Selatan Ekky Maulana Ramadhan Hutapea; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. PT.Rajawali Internusa is a mining company engaged in mining contractor, PT.Rajawali Internusa uses the open pit method, therefore water is one of the things that greatly affects production activities. From the results of the analysis of rainfall data in 2011–2020 with a mine opening pit of 11.6Ha, a runoff discharge of 3.403/second was obtained. From drill log data, it can be known the cross section of geology, hydrogeology and fence diagrams as well as the determination of the K value, in terms of the discharge of groundwater entering the Pit by 1.5411/second. It takes a sump to hold water of 409,027.2/day. The total head of the pump that must be provided to drain water as planned is 30,712m, with a pump power of 21,679watts, then the pump needs can be calculated by comparing the runoff volume with the pumping volume with the addition of 5 pumps. Open channel design is known to be the width of the channel base 1m, hydraulic depth 1.5m, the length of the channel slope 1.74m, the topsurface width 2.74m and the channel guard height 0.86m obtained an open channel discharge of 1.186/sec so that it is able to accommodate the pumping water discharge.  Keywords: Rainfall, Ground Water, Sump, Pump, Open Channe.
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Sistem penambangan secara terbuka sangat dipengaruhi oleh cuaca, salah satunya ketika terjadinya hujan. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang penulis lakukan di tambang batubara PT. BABP, penulis menemukan adanya genangan air pada area kerja di jalan tambang yang bersebelahan dengan sump yang merupakan tempat kolam penampungan air. Genangan air yang memenuhi jalan tambang dikarenakan air yang terkumpul pada kolam penampungan air (sump) telah melebihi kapasitas sump yang kemudian meluap hingga menggenangi badan jalan. Untuk mengurangi resiko meluapnya air pada sump tersebut diperlukan perhitungan dalam menganalisis bagaimana dimensi sump yang memadai serta mengevaluasi kebutuhan pompa sehingga bisa meminimalisir terjadinya resiko air dari sump meluap ke badan jalan tambang.Metode pemecahan masalah dilakukan dengan menghitun luas Catchment Area, debit air limpasan, debit air tanah dan debit air total agar dapat menganalisa dimensi saluran terbuka, sump, kolam pengendapan dan menghitung kebutuhan pompa. Berdasarkan pengukuran yang dilakukan pada sofware Arcgis 10.4, pada daerah tangkapan hujan atau Catchment area di Pit 2 PT. Benal Aiti Bara Perkasa yang masuk ke dalam bukaan tambang memiliki luas  sebesar 74,85 Hektar.Berdasarkan perhitungan volume air limpasan dan air tanah maka volume total air yang masuk kedalam sump bintang adalah sebesar 29.308,458 m³/detik. Dari perhitungan Head total pompa Jumlah pompa yang dibutuhkan oleh PT. Benal Aiti Bara Perkasa untuk mengeluarkan air yang masuk ke pit 2 pada tahun 2020 adalah sebanyak 3 unit merk Ebara Pump 125 x 100 FS JCA.Dimensi Sump yang direncanakan pada Tahun 2020 yaitu dengan luas permukaan 416 m x 408 m, luas dasar 408 m x 400 m, kedalaman 7 m serta kapasitas tampung sebesar 1.165.248 m3. Dimensi Saluran Terbuka/Open Channel Tahun 2020 berbentuk trapesium dengan kemiringan dasar saluran (S) = 0,25 %, lebar dasar saluran (b) = 2,24 m, lebar permukaan (B) = 5,06 m, kedalaman saluran (d) = 1,948 m, kedalaman aliran (z) = 0,29 m, panjang sisi luar saluran (a) = 2,25 m, dengan debit yang dialirkan sebesar 12,93 m3/detik. Kata Kunci : Catchment Area, pompa, sump, saluran terbuka dan kolam pengendapan lumpur.
Analisis Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Terbuka Penambangan Batubara di PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada Jobsite PCNS, Desa Sebamban, Kec. Sungai Loban, Kab. Tanah Bumbu, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Putri Arrina Haq; Rusli Har
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada PCNS Jobsite is one of the coal mining companies engaged in mining contractor. Mining activities are carried out using the open pit mining method, which causes the formation of a basin that is wide enough and has the potential to become a water storage area, both from surface runoff and groundwater. Based on the results of the calculation of rainfall for a period of 12 years, from 2010-2021, with a catchment area of 216,03 Ha, the planned rainfall value is 182,38 mm in a 10-year return period, with a rainfall intensity of 62,46 mm/hour and runoff discharge of 20,2 /second. Based on observations of field conditions by looking at the difference in the initial and final elevations that occur in the Majapahit Pit sump, the amount of groundwater that enters the Majapahit Pit sump is 1,35 /second. The total water discharge which is the overall discharge that will be accommodated in the sump is 21,55 /second. For the total pump head that must be provided to drain the amount of water as planned is 106,2 m, with a pump power of 32,77 kW or 43,94 Hp, then the pumping activity with one available pump is only able to dry 20% of the total sump capacity. The volume of water in the sump in a day after pumping is 1.847.017,12 .. Recalculation of the sump dimensions at the research site is not necessary, because there is no economical coal reserve under the sump. For an economical open channel design, it is known that the bottom width of the channel (b) is 1,25 m, the hydraulic depth (y) is 1,5 m, the wet cross-sectional area is (A) 3,18 , the wet perimeter (P) is 4,71 m, the hydraulic radius (R) is 0,75 m, the length of the channel slope (a) is 1,495 m, the top surface width (B) is 2,99 m and the channel guard height (W) is 0,86 m, the open channel discharge is 4,8 /second so it can accommodate the pumping discharge issued at the outlet which is 0,216 /second. The volume of the sludge settling pond which made by the Engineering Department of PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada PCNS Jobsite is 65.289  so it can accommodate if the rainfall is high, which is 64.880,95  and there is no need to add another pond.
Evaluasi Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Batubara di Pit 1 PT. Benal Aiti Bara Perkasa Jobsite Jpc Desa Pemusiran Kecamatan Mandiangin Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi silvi anadia; Rusli Har
Bina Tambang Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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ABSTRACT Silvi Anadia: Evaluasi Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Batubara di Pit 1 PT. BenalAiti Bara Perkasa Jobsite Jpc Desa Pemusiran Kecamatan Mandiangin Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi              High rainfall in the mining industry can affect mining operations, an optimal form of effort for handling air entering the mining area through a form of mine drainage system study. The purpose of the research is to control runoff water entering the mine openings so that the mining process is not disturbed. The calculation of the planned day rainfall to determine the use of gumbel distribution, the planned rainfall is 186.290501 mm/day for a 25 year return period, the annual runoff discharge with a 25 year return period is 0.30804 m3/s. Based on the results of the analysis between the planned annual runoff discharge and the pump's capacity, there must be at least 2 selwood pumps available to cope with high-intensity rain, if not in the rainy season, one pump is sufficient to keep the air from disturbing mining activities. The designed sump has a base side of 90 m while the surface side of the sump is 84 m with a depth of 5 meters and a wall angle of 60° sump has a volume of 37,890 m3. The dimensions of the open channel that will be used are trapezoidal in shape because it is easier to manufacture Keyword : Precipitation, sump, pump, open channel,    
Perencanaan Sistem Penyaliran Tambang Batubara Dalam Perancangan Main Sump Block B PT Harmoni Panca Utama Jobsite PT Tambang Damai, Kalimantan Timur Feraldo Sandrio; Rusli Har
Bina Tambang Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/bt.v8i1.121965


PT Harmoni Panca Utama jobsite Tambang Damai is a company engaged in the mining business with the type of mineral being mined is coal, which is located in East Kalimantan Province, East Kutai Regency. Mining operations carried out at PT Harmoni Panca Utama (HPU) jobsite PT Tambang Damai (TD) use the open pit method. This method will result information about potentional to become water catchment area, which is from ground water and run-off. The planned drainage system in the coal mining area of PT Harmoni Panca Utama is using combination metodhs there is mine drainage and mine dewatering, namely efforts to prevent, dry and remove water that enters the mining area. The mine drainage system plan is designed based on mining progress. Based on analysis of annual rainfall data, obtaining a planned rainfall of 117,67 mm/day. In the mine drainage system plan in the catchment area or catchment area with surface water runoff entering the mine opening of 20.74 m3 /s and a total groundwater discharge of 0.001 m3/s. In the main sump, there are 2 open channels or trapezoidal open channels. The sludge settling pond/settling pond is planned to be 4 compartments with a capacity of 1,500 m3 each.
Bina Tambang Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/bt.v8i2.125158


Indonesia has an abundance of various types of natural resources, which if properly managed and utilized will have a positive impact in the form of contributing to financing and development for the region and the country. Utilization of natural resources, especially mineral resources, is a promising aspect to be managed in the present and in the future. Along with the need for energy and raw materials which are increasing every year and the existing resources are depleting, efforts are needed to anticipate in order to have other alternatives to the use of resources by conducting an inventory in areas that have potential resources that have not been properly recorded. One of the issues at the time of potential mineral resources in Indonesia is rare earth metal elements. However, no information has been found regarding rare earth metals in the West Sumatra region. This study aims to determine the geological conditions, characteristics and potential of rare earth metals in sandstone units of the upper and lower ombilin formations, West Sumatra. This research was conducted using the XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) method. The analysis of the XRF method aims to determine the composition of elements and compounds in the sample quickly without damaging the sample. The results of the analysis showed the presence of rare earth metal elements in the study area in the form of Yttrium, Europium and Neodymium. If the levels of rare earth metals are averaged in the study area, there are elements of Europium which contain the most element content of 591.25 ppm, Neodymium of 425 and Yttrium of 292.73 ppm. With this study it is hoped that there will be further development in the observation of rare earth metals in the area around the Ombilin basin by covering a wider scale.Keywords: Sandstone, Rare Earth Metal Elements, Xrf