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Almufida : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Almufida: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

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Reading the Al qur 'an is one way to acquire glory and primacy on the side of god because the Al qur 'an gives a clue in human life. This research aims to find out if the communication of the circle influences the success of reading the Al qur 'an student. Later, research subjects for graduate student Aliyah Tahfizul of the islamic center islamic center was chosen as the research subject and interviewed by fifty (50) people. This type of research was codified by data collection techniques using the document angket method and the likert scale, that is, the "d" answer was given 1, the "c" was given 2, and the "b" answer was given 3, the answer "a" gives 3 points "gives 4 points. Product moment Pearson analysis is used to test this research hypothesis. From the research hypothesis, communication circle hada positive impact on the ability to memorize the Koran. So now acquired product product = 422** which indicates a highly significant link between communication circle and recite the Al qur 'an.
CHILD COMMUNICATION AND MORAL CULTIVATION FOR CHILDREN Nanang Susianto; Mailin Mailin; Ahmad Muhajir; M. Zainuddin Daulay
Almufida : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Almufida: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

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Reading the Al-Qur’an is one way to acquire glory and primacy on the side of god communication is an important part of human life. So too is harmonious communication a desirable situation in the family. The family also has an important role to play in the development of a child's character, especially the morals of each child. Teaching children morality early on helps them socialize in families, neighborhoods, schools, and communities. Consistent with what is taught, children become accustomed to behaviors that reflect religious values. Implanting values and moral materials should go hand in hand by instilling virtue and overbearing children in moral behavior. This study is intended for us as parents to know what communication a child wants to have and how parents' role in instilling moral values is to make children have good character. Research methods use qualitative research methods. Research indicates that children's communication that should be understood by parents is important to children. In the cultivation of moral values also parents cannot follow the same manner of speaking or communication as their fellow adults. For when implanting value to children, parents must choose a young vocabulary that is understood and understood by the child
Handling Victims at the Badan Narkotika Nasional of North Sumatra Province through Fardiyah Da'wah achiruddin hasibuan; syukur kholil; mailin mailin; rustono farady marta
Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum Vol 22, No 1 (2023): New Edition of Pena Justisia
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pj.v22i1.3916


This study aims to describe the Islamiccommunication pattern of Badan Narkotika NasionalProvinsi Sumatera Utara/the National NarcoticsAgency of North Sumatra Province (BNNP-NorthSumatra) in order to prevent victims of narcoticsabuse in Medan City. The research also describes theobstacles experienced by BNNP-North Sumatra in aneffort to prevent victims of abuse This researchparadigm relies on constructivism with a qualitativeapproach and uses descriptive research, while theresearch method uses case studies. The results of thisstudy indicate that the BNNP of North Sumatra usesan Islamic communication pattern based on theanalysis of fardiyah da'wah, which also contains theprinciples of Islamic communication. The obstacleexperienced by the foundation while preventingvictims of drug abuse is the low self-restraint in thecommunity. The recovery process for victims of drugabuse at LRN (Lembaga Rehabilitasi Narkotika/Narcotics Rehabilitation Institute) Khalid Bin Walidas a rehabilitation center is through three stages ofrehabilitation, namely: pre-rehabilitation,rehabilitation process, and post-rehabilitation