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GIANT STEP Yanuar Ichsan; Erfan Lubis; Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.497 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v3i2.4480


Abstract The proses of making and producing the music artwork “Giant Step” aimed at expressing the musicians’ experience that had a special meaning on the use of the harmony of two tones with the use of interval (the space between two tones) that had a huge space from the first tone to the combination tone with the electric bass as the instrument. The huge interval was used to create harmony in this artwork. Some of them were sekt, sept, octave, none, decime and undecime, the interval between the tone was based on the range of the fingers and the needs of  this artwork. In this artwork, the writer used the fusion style in which there was a combination between rock, funk and jazz style. The writer aimed at performing an artwork that had an energy and spirit from Rock and Funk style as well as it got the harmony from the Jazz style so that it could give its special uniqueness and characteristics. Key Words: Giant, Step
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 3, No 3 (2014): Seri A
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.809 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v2i3.4470


Abstract This research was designed for improving the students’ ability in playing Pianika by using Drilling Method in class VIII-7 of SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Alung. This was a classroom action research wich was conducted in two cycles consisting of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The object of the research was the students in class VII-7 of SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Alung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman that consisted of 36 students. The result of the research indicated that from the first cycle to the second cycle, the use of Drilling Method could improve the students’ ability in playing Pianika. In addition, the students’ activities in the learning process also improved. Kata Kunci : Peningkatan, Pianika, Metode Drill
Penerapan Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Dalam Pembelajaran Seni Budaya di Kelas Viii 2 SMP Negeri 14 Padang Jauharul Anwar; Erfan Lubis; Yos Sudarman
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.559 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v4i1.5809


Abstrak The formulatian of the research problem was “How was the teaching and learning process of Cultural Art (Music) conducted in class VIII-2 of SMP Negeri 14 Padang?” Based on this formulation, this research sought to explain the impelementation of basic skill of teaching and the teaching and learning process of Cultural Art (Music) conducted in class VIII-14 of SMP negeri 14 Padang. The theoretical review applied in this research was about teaching and learning process, the definition of teaching and learning process, the implementation of teaching and learning process, and teaching and learning process of music at scool. This was a qualitative research which applied descriftive analysis method. The result of the reserch revealed that the basic skill of teaching is very importand to conduct the teaching and learning process of music. This skill is closely related to the technical and non-technical ability of the teacher to conduct music teaching and learning process. There are eight teaching skills needed by the teachers to design the teaching and learning process, and the results could be seen in the learning activities in the classroom. Keywords: Studi Komparatif, Bernyanyi, Siswa, Notasi Angka.
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.456 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v5i1.8388


            This research is aimed at finding out and describing the implementation of the extracurricular activity of the Marching Band Gita Abdi Praja in IPDN Campus, Baso West Sumatra. The extracurricular activity has been carried on since mid-2013.   This is a descriptive qualitative research. The object of study is the Madya Praja students of IPDN, Campus Baso West Sumatra who were involved in the activities of the marching band. The instrument of the research is the researcher herself, who played the role as the observer and participant-an insider who directly took part in investigating the research objects. Supporting data consists of the result of documentation obtained from observation, interviews list and pictures.   The result of study shows that the IPDN Campus conducted the estracurricular activities by first preparing the recruitment process of the Madya Praja students and then selecting them based on the availability of the Marching band equipments and the students ability. Before the Marching Band practices were conducted, the trainer grouped the students into two groups those who would play the percussion instruments (Snare, tenor, cymbal, quintom and bass drum) and the melody instruments (Bellyra, Marching Bell, Brass Instruments.) Next the two group were united to play the instruments collaboratively. The result of evaluation shows that the Praja kept on making progress every time they gathered for practice. This was the result of the good work of both the advisor and trainer who planed and implemented the Marching Band activities in accordance with the procedures.
ANALISIS LAGU BUNDA CIPTAAN MELLY GOESLAW Levi Zahardi; Jagar Lumban Toruan; Erfan Lubis
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1021.716 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v6i1.8442


 This research is intended to analyze “Bunda” song written by Melly   Goeslaw in   terms of song structure and melody composition. This research is categorized into qualitative study conducted by applying content analysis approach. The theories used to analize the data were those related to melody structures, melody composition, and song forms. The data were obtained through documentation study, library study, and lab work. The results of the research reveal that “Bunda” song has combination of strong and faint taps and uses stepping and jumping style. It has 90 tempo with 4/4 cadence. The musical cord used is major and the dominant interval is seconded. This song has 12 ranges of musical notes. The formulation of the melody is the combination of rising, flattening, and lessening melodies. The progressing accords  applied  were  not  only the  basic  accords  but  also  the connecting ones that could bridge the move from the basic accord. This  movement  makes  the  song  flow  and  sway  smoothly. “Bunda” song has 2 basic motives, 15 developed motives, 4 antecedent phrases, and 5 consequent phrases. The song has two forms; A and B. The melody and the lyrics are dominantly in the form of syllabic. This  song is  classified into  Logogenic (text- focused). The song comprises of several major accords, namely tonica, supertonica, subdominant, sub-median, and connecting accords (median and dominant). “Bunda” song has two cadences including the Perfect Authentic Cadence and The Authentic Half Cadence. Although the song has melismatic and neumatic forms, it is dominated by syllabic form. Key word: Analysis, Song Structures, “Bunda” Song.
ANALYSIS OF FATWA PUJANGGA SONG Ahmad Fauzan Yusman; Jagar Lumban Toruan; Erfan Lubis
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (733.605 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v6i1.8443


This researchwas aimed to analyzing the Fatwa Pujangga song by Said Effendi. The songwas analyed from its structures. The design of the research was qualotative using the content analysis approach. Data were obtain from library study, transcription, and laboratorial analysis.The research resultshow that the has 5 antecedent phrases and 1 consequent phrase. In addition, it consist of 3 minor melodies. The melodies and verses in thesong are dominantly syllabic. Howover, some if themare neumatic. In the term of its verses, the song is included in melogenic category. The songconsists of main chords such as chord I (tonic), chord II (supertonic), chord III (median), chordIV (subdominant), chord V (dominant), chord VI (submedian), and chord VII (the leading note). Finally, the song has three cadence,the perfect authentic cadence, the authentic half cadence, and deceptive cadence.It is found that the meaning of the found in the refers to the humble idol who appreciates his fans by writing this song as asymbol of gratitude toward them even though at moment, he is at the top of his popularity.Keyword : Analisis, Struktur lagu, lagu Fatwa Pujangga.
MELANKOLIA Rizki Pratama; Erfan Lubis; Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Seri A
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.363 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v3i1.4464


Abstract People could not evade problems when they were doing their daily life routines. These problems made them feel sad, confused and depressed which later led them to what is called as Melancholia. This melancholic feeling surely interrupted them in doing their routines so that it was difficult for them to obtain their life goals. This melancholia phenomenon was then transferred into a music composition. The melancholic feeling would be best felt through a masterpiece of music. It was hoped that by listening to it, people would feel how it was to be melancholic. Kata kunci : Melankolia  
WONDERFULLY NATURAL Afrion Putra Trias; Erfan Lubis; Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1324.328 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jsu.v3i2.4490


ABSTRACT The artwork of “Wonderfully Natural” was the individual artwork that was derived from life experiences that composed in music based the ability and the influences of social and cultural environment in recent time. The aim of the mucik creation was to express the writer’s own ability  in music. In this “Wonderfully Natural”  artwork, the writer had tried to develop several changes on the instruments and the techniques of the music. In this wsic artwork, the writer rearrenged the initial arrangement. Moreover, the writer composed the music with combining the orginal versiion with ballada style and instrumental. The differen between these two versions was that in ballada style, it usually has the vocal or voice and in this combination, instruments was used to replace the vocal voice.   Key Word : Wonderfully Natural, Beauty, Natural
Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni Vol 16, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (196.296 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/komposisi.v16i1.8048


MENGEMBANGKAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER MELALUI KEMAMPUAN MENCIPTA LAGU SEDERHANA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SENI BUDAYA BAGI SISWASEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA (SMP)AbstractThe research was conducted in SMP Negeri 16 Padang, which was motivated by the music of culture and art of learning problems in curriculum-based Character Education in 2013, where some of the subject matter tends to develop the cognitive and psychomotor, more geared to the development of the affective domain. From the pattern of KI and KD field of the music of culture and art in 2013 at the junior high curriculum, competencies, knowledge and skills the art of music is not negligible, but the development of attitudes of learners through learning music is much more important. Developing Character Education through Capability Creates a Simple Song learning in the Junior Cultural Arts is one of the subject matter may be directed to the development of the educational aspects of character, to understand the attitude and response of students to the theme of simple songs that he created. There are nine steps that are applied in this study are: (1) find the idea: (2) exploration of the theme of experience and appreciation of the work: (3) stringing words according to the theme: (4) analysis of the suitability of the choice of words on the vowel sounds in rhymes and articulation: (5) selection of musical nuance and patron melody; (6) analysis of the relationship melodies and lyrics; (7) notational (number / beam) (8) makes a simple isnstrumental musical accompaniment; and (9) the presentation creation simple songs sung by music iiringan. Results showed that, with a simple song that created the students, they realize himself what he knew and understood about attitudes and behavior problems of both himself and other people. Key Words: Education Music Arts, character education, creating songs AbstrakPenelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 16 Padang yang dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah pembelajaran seni budaya musik dalam Kurikulum 2013 yang berbasis Pendidikan Karakter, di mana beberapa materi pelajaran yang cenderung mengembangkan ranah kognitif dan psikomotorik, lebih diarahkan kepada pengembangan ranah afektif. Dari pola KI dan KD bidang Seni Budaya Musik pada kurikulum 2013 di SMP, kompetensi pengetahuan dan keterampilan seni musik tidak diabaikn, namun pengembangan sikap peserta didik melalui pembelajaran musik jauh lebih penting. Mengembangkan Pendidikan Karakter melalui Kemampuan Mencipta Lagu Sederhana dalam pembelajaran Seni Budaya di SMP adalah salah satu materi pelajaran yang dapat diarahkan kepada pengembangan aspek pendidikan karakter, dengan memahami sikap dan tanggap siswa terhadap tema lagu sederhana yang ia ciptakan. Ada sembilan langkah yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (1) menemukan ide: (2) eksplorasi tema dari pengalaman dan apresiasi karya: (3) merangkai kata sesuai tema: (4) analisis kesesuaian pilihan kata pada bunyi vokal menurut sajak dan artikulasi: (5) pemilihan nuansa musikal dan patron melodi; (6) analisis hubungan melodi dan lirik; (7) penulisan notasi (angka/balok) (8) membuat iringan musik isnstrumental sederhana; dan (9) presentasi ciptaan lagu sederhana yang dinyanyikan dengan iiringan musik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, dengan lagu sederhana yang diciptakan siswa, mereka menyadari sendiri apa yang ia ketahui dan pahami tentang masalah sikap dan berperilaku baik bagi dirinya maupun oranglain. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Seni Musik, pendidikan karakter, mencipta lagu