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Tingkat Pengetahuan terhadap Donor Darah pada Masyarakat Pendonor Dina Afrianti; Elis Susilawati; Eko Naning Sofyanita
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 4, No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v4i1.8445


Blood donation is an activity to donate blood for transfusion purposes. The number of voluntary blood donors in Indonesia is around 20% of the total production of blood bags per year, the rest is met from replacement donors. People are generally reluctant to donate blood because of fear of pain when blood is drawn using a syringe, fear of running out of blood, resulting in anemia, contracting the disease through blood donors, feeling unwell to donate blood and feeling that it is enough to only donate blood once. This is a factor that causes the limited number of donors due to limited knowledge. Research Objectives: To see an overview of the level of knowledge about blood donors in the community of donors at Pekalongan City. Methods: The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach with a questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge of the donor community. Results: Most of the blood donors at the Pekalongan City are Male 73 respondents (73%), the highest percentage aged 17-30 years as many as 54 respondents (54%), high school education, namely as many as 49 respondents (49%). Most of the donor knowledge level is said to be good, namely 88 respondents (88%). Conclusion: Most of the donor community at the Pekalongan City have a good level of knowledge about blood donation.
Rasio Penutupan Luka pada Tikus Diabetes Diinduksi Streptozotocin dengan Perlakuan Dressing Tipe Pasif dan Interaktif (Penelitian Pendahuluan) Eko Naning Sofyanita; Arya Iswara
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 3, No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v3i2.8045


Deparaffinization is a stage before the staining process to remove/dissolve paraffin so that the absorption of color in tissue preparations is maximized. Deparaffinization is usually carried out using xylol and toluol. Xylol has toxic effects including acute neurotoxicity, heart and kidney damage, hepatotoxicity, fatal blood dyscrasias, skin erythema, dry skin, peeling skin, and also has a carcinogenic effect. The toxicity effect of olive oil is lower than that of xylol. Oils that have non-polar properties can remove the remaining paraffin contained in the tissue. The purpose of this study was to determine the microscopic appearance of the kidney tissue preparations of mice deparaffinized with olive oil on hematoxylin eosin (HE) staining. The type of research used is experimental research which is analyzed with a descriptive approach. The results of the assessment of preparations deparaffinized with xylol in 80 visual fields obtained 100% good preparations and preparations deparaffinized with olive oil in 80 visual fields obtained 0% poor preparations, 11.3% poor preparations, and 88.7% good preparation. So it can be said that better results are found in the microscopic picture of the kidney preparations of mice (Mus musculus) deparaffinized with xylol.
Gambaran Ureum dan Kreatinin pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Roni Roni Afriansya; Eko Naning Sofyanita; Suwarsi Suwarsi
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 2, No 1 (2020): May 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v2i1.5813


Chronic Kidney Disease is evident if the blood urea level is more than 200 mg/dl. Uremia causes a malfunction in almost all organ systems such as; fluid and electrolyte disorders, metabolic endocrine, neuromuscular, cardiovascular and pulmonary, skin, gastrointestinal, hematological, and immunological. Hemodialysis is an attempt to reduce the symptoms of uremia so that the patient's clinical condition can also improve. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of Ureum and Creatinine in CKD Patients undergoing Hemodialysis. This type of research is observational descriptive. The sample included all CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis at the Ir Sukarno Sukoharjo Regional Hospital in 2019 who met the inclusion criteria, so as many as 83 samples were obtained. The type of data is secondary data obtained from medical records. The results showed that most patients were in the 40-60 years age group of 72% and the majority of the male sex were 51 patients (61%). Urea and creatinine appearance in patients undergoing hemodialysis has increased very high. In 83 patients with CKD increased serum creatinine levels ( 100%) with a mean creatinine level in men of 11.80 mg / dL and women of 9.73 mg / dL and an increase in ureum levels with a mean of 167 men, 09 mg / dL and women of 164.39 mg / dL. This study concludes that all patients with CKD have increased levels of urea and creatinine by more than 100%.
Minyak Zaitun Sebagai Pengganti Xylene pada Prosesing Jaringan Histologis untuk Pewarnaan Kulit dan Hepar Mencit dengan Hematoxylin Eosin: Sebuah Studi Perbandingan Eko Naning Sofyanita; Arya Iswara; Djoko Priyatno
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v4i2.8688


Clearing results in histological processing can be affected due to tissue density and viscosity of the clearing agent. Xylene is the most commonly used aromatic solvent for clearing agents and deparaffinizing agents in histopathology laboratories, but xylene is one of the most dangerous chemicals found in histology laboratories. Based on the dangers posed by xylene, a replacement material is needed. Several xylene substitutes such as reagents derived from limonene, aliphatic hydrocarbons, vegetable oils and mineral oils have been commercially developed, but the available xylene substitutes are still less effective, more expensive, and still as dangerous as xylene itself. Substitutes that are considered safer are from natural oils, one of which is olive oil which has similarities with xylene, namely in hydrocarbon and phenol compounds. This study used two types of tissue, namely skin and liver from mice (Mus musculus) which were cut into two parts; the first part uses xylene as and the other part uses olive oil as a clearing agent. The assessment of hematoxylin eosin staining results were determined based on the category of assessment of cell structure, such as the cell nucleus, cytoplasm, and color uniformity carried out by three readers and five fields of view for each microscopic slide at 40X magnification of the objective lens. Comparison of observations of the xylene group in skin and liver tissue 100% got a good score on the cell nucleus, cytoplasm, and color uniformity. (p=1,000). The olive oil group had a slight difference in color uniformity in liver tissue when compared to skin, but not statistically different (p=0.773). The comparison of the overall readings of the xylene and olive oil groups on skin and liver tissue also showed no statistically different (p=0.262). So it can be concluded that olive oil can be recommended as a substitute for xylene in the clearing process in histological tissue processing.
Deteksi Karsinoma Nasofaring Mengunakan Rapid Test Uji Imunokromatografi pada Petugas SPBU Roni Afriansya; Umi Rosidah; Eko Naning Sofyanita
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 5, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v5i1.9337


Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is the 4th most common malignancy in Indonesia, after breast, cervical and lung cancer. The risk factors for this cancer are Epstein-Barr virus, gender, race, adult age 30-50 years, family history, drinking alcohol and smoking. The prevalence of NPC in Indonesia is 6.2/100,000, with nearly 13,000 new cases, but this is a small proportion that has been documented. Adham et al (2012) reported that NPC is the most common head and neck cancer (28.4%), with a male-female ratio of 2:4 and is endemic to the island of Java. The existence of knowledge about NPC starting from prevention, early detection, appropriate treatment will be able to help overcome problems caused by nasopharyngeal cancer. Early detection is very important. If NPC is found at an early stage, the cure rate is quite high, reaching 90%. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there were gas station workers in Semarang City who experienced NPC. This study used an analytic survey method with a cross-sectional approach. The results of the study of 20 Semarang City Gas Station officers found that the characteristics based on age were the most in the range 31-50, namely 70%. Characteristics based on gender of the 20 gas station attendants are all male (100%). Characteristics based on length of service are 1 - 10 years (35%), 11 - 20 years (35%) and 21 - 30 years (30%) respectively. Characteristics based on smoking history, 55% of respondents smoked and 45% did not smoke. And the NPC examination results of all respondents (100%) were NPC negative.
Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 4 No. 8 (2023): Journal Health Sains
Publisher : Syntax Corporation Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jhs.v4i8.1009


The Ice cubes have a very low temperature, this is an assumption that the ice cubes consumed are relatively safe, even though coliformbacteria at that temperature do not necessarily die. Coliformis a bacterium that is used as an indicator of water contamination. Research Objectives comparing Coliform bacteria in ice cubes (plastic packaging, ice crystals, ice cubes) sold in the Peterongan market. This research is an observational study with descriptive research criteria through a cross sectional approach. All samples of 15 ice cubes consisting of plastic packaged ice cubes, ice crystals, ice blocks sold at the Peterongan Market, Semarang city 6 samples (5, 8, 2, 6, 14, 15) did not meet the requirements set by the Agency National Standardization No. SNI 388:2009 regarding maximum limit of microbial and food contamination is 3/gramMPN index. This is caused by hygiene and sanitation factors such as not providing water for washing hands and washing utensils, poor waste handling, unhygienic serving of ice cubes. In addition, the water factor is the raw material for ice cubes which is not clean and is not cooked first Samples of ice cubes sold by beverage traders at the Peterongan market, Semarang City were all found to contain Coliform bacteria.
Gambaran Nilai Index Trombosit pada Pasien Tuberulosis Paru yang Mengonsumsi Obat Anti Tuberkulosis S.Y. Didik Widiyanto; Nurul Qomariyah; Eko Naning Sofyanita
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 5, No 2 (2023): November 2023
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v5i2.9646


Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis which mostly attacks the lungs. Based on several studies, it is stated that tuberculosis sufferers who take OAT for healing experience side effects in the form of lowering the platelet index due to reactions from drugs that lyse platelets. This research is a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Research was conducted on 30 respondents who consumed OAT. The results of this study obtained results of more than 50% on one of the platelet indices, namely the PWD value, which was obtained with low results with a total of 19 patients (63.3%), while for other indices such as platelet counts there were 21 patients (70%) , MPV in 28 patients (93%) and PCT in 23 patients (77%) had normal results. The conclusion of this study is that platelet index examinations in TB patients tend to be low in MPV and PDW, while they show high results in PLT and PCT examinations.