Valentinus Pebriano
Universitas Tanjungpura

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MUSEUM SENI RUPA MODERN DI PONTIANAK Rahma Aulia; Zairin Zain; Valentinus Pebriano
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v9i1.45157


Museums in general are used to store, maintain, secure and utilize museum collections in the form of cultural heritage objects. Fine arts museums are appreciated through visions with visible media and have a physical form or simply presented as a show. The city of Pontianak does not yet have a place to carry out the function of this fine art museum. The museum collection focuses on modern fine art with long-term loans to the museum. There are some art enthusiasts in Pontianak but there is no place to channel this interest. The design method uses three stages. The first stage, data collection by classifying data as information and facts on a problem. The second stage, the analysis aims to analyze the data that has been obtained. The third stage is systematic and systematic by using images in the form of stages with product results, namely, planning drawings and design reports. The design of the Modern Art Museum in Pontianak uses a green architectural approach, namely building planning that seeks to minimize various harmful influences on human health and the environment. This museum has two floors divided according to functions, namely manager and visitor functions. The facade used is of the 3R type (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), so the walls use bricks and the windows will use low e-glass material and uPVC frames. The comparison composition of 60:40 for buildings and green land follows the requirements for building a museum.
PERANCANGAN KAWASAN GELANGGANG OLAHRAGA DI KOTA SEKADAU Gustiawan Hidayat; Valentinus Pebriano; Lestari Lestari
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 10, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v10i2.55691


The sports arena is a place to do sports activities. The existence of the arena has an important role so that the goals of exercise can be achieved. In Sekadau Regency at this time the place is still not available, so that services for the community in Sekadau Regency have not been fulfilled to the fullest. Meeting the needs of community infrastructure services and improving human quality is one of the goals of designing the arena building. The existence of a sports arena in Sekadau Regency not only supports the community in exercising, but can be used outside of sports activities. The sports arena has more than one activity that is accommodated so that it has the potential to become a center for gathering public activities and becoming an icon of the city. The design of the sports arena area aims to facilitate sports activities, public spaces and become an icon of Sekadau City. In this design the glass box method is used to support the design objectives. The results of the design of the sports arena area in the form of areas and buildings that elevate locality values, form an area and building design that displays characteristics and is only found in Sekadau City.
GALERI SENI DAN BUDAYA DAYAK KALIMANTAN BARAT Bayu Indrabuana; Valentinus Pebriano; Lestari Lestari
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 10, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v10i2.55554


Art and culture were born from human civilization. Humans must of course maintain and preserve the arts and culture inherited from their ancestors. A pattern of thought is needed so that art and culture are maintained and developed. In West Kalimantan, especially the Dayak tribe, they have various artistic and cultural potentials with the emergence of various agendas in the life of the Dayak group. This paper aims to create a recreational and educational forum that represents the agenda of Dayak art and culture. The method used in designing the West Kalimantan Dayak art and culture gallery in Kubu Raya Regency consists of various stages such as the idea stage to the stage of collecting data related to the required design needs. The result of the design of the West Kalimantan Dayak art and culture gallery in Kubu Raya Regency is a single building with the basic form of a long house and an area that represents the environment of the Dayak tribe through forest and river parks with the main function of the gallery and supporting facilities in it. The West Kalimantan Dayak art and culture gallery area displays the functions of promotion, education, recreation, and information that is able to support various arts and presents various distinctive reflections on Dayak architecture in West Kalimantan.
EKOWISATA MANGROVE DI MEMPAWAH Surya Priva Jaya; Lestari Lestari; Valentinus Pebriano
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 10, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v10i2.55608


Mempawah Regency has natural tourism potential in the form of mangrove forests which are ideal in optimizing the function of tourism areas related to conservation, education and communal recreation spaces. The potential tourism object for development in Mempawah Regency is the mangrove forest. The development of mangrove forest tourism has received minimal attention from the Government. It is indicated by the non-ideal facilities and functional buildings in mangrove forest tourism. Mangrove forest tourism contains mangrove forests that are beautiful and natural but have suffered damage to the natural environment, less than ideal and optimal infrastructure. Ecotourism is a solution and form of optimizing mangrove forests in Mempawah, tourism, and nature conservation on the coast. The purpose of this paper is to design a mangrove ecotourism area that is recreational, educative, and conservative. Consideration of ocean landscapes and mangrove forest landscapes on land as the main value in developing the attractiveness of the area and its buildings. The planning site is on Jalan Gusti Sulung Lelanang, Pasir Village, Mempawah Hilir District, Mempawah Regency which has a planning area of 2.95 Ha. The approach and concept used in the planning of mangrove ecotourism is an ecological architectural approach with consideration of the site, actors and activities, the amount of space, architectural aesthetic elements, structures, utilities. The design methodology applied is the Zeisel imaging method of the surrounding ecology. The result of the design of mangrove ecotourism is a recreational, educative, conservative mangrove forest natural tourism area in Mempawah Regency.
PONDOK PESANTREN IBNU TAIMIYAH SINGKAWANG Uray Zulfaa Nurul Farhanah; Syaiful Muazir; Valentinus Pebriano
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 10, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v10i2.57118


Pesantren is an Islamic Education and Broadcasting Institution, Islamic boarding schools also teach general knowledge, organize, socialize and so on. as a provision to navigate life in the world. In Indonesia, many Islamic boarding schools have been established, generally having student dormitories, places of worship, schools, residences for clerics or clerics, kitchens, and others needed for housing, worship, and education. Ibnu Taimiyah Islamic Boarding School is located in Singkawang City, precisely on Jl. Education, Sedau, Singkawang Sel.. Singkawang City, West Kalimantan 79163. The location of this Islamic boarding school is located in a tourist area. This pesantren has been established since 1991 by KH Ahmad Hambali Lc. However, this pesantren is not growing fast because of the factors that become the weakness of the pesantren, one of the weaknesses of the architectural field is the lack of adequate facilities. The design of this final project aims to redesign the Ibnu Taimiyah Islamic Boarding School by taking into account the environment and its functions, and the suitability of geographical potential. It is hoped that the results of this redesign can play a role in the establishment of the economic independence of the Ibn Taimiyah Islamic Boarding School so that it is known to the public in addition to being an added value for the Ibn Taimiyah Islamic Boarding School so that people are interested in studying at the Ibn Taimiyah Islamic Boarding School Singkawang.
PERANCANGAN FOOD COURT DI KOTA PONTIANAK Jacksons Jacksons; Lestari Lestari; Valentinus Pebriano
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 10, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v10i2.57258


Pontianak is one of the developing cities. Various culinary businesses are developing in Pontianak, such as catering businesses, restaurants, food courts, street stalls / street stalls. Culinary needs are not only as a fulfillment of basic needs but have also developed into a lifestyle. This is inseparable from the daily life of urban people who have a high level of mobility. People prefer to eat outside the home because it is more practical and also the need for entertainment after a day of activities. Food Court is an alternative that can accommodate and introduce various types of local and non-local foods and can meet the lifestyle of urban people and entertainment. In addition, the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic emerged which became the basis for people's concerns. Covid-19 greatly affects people's mind preferences for the ease of being infected and tend to choose open spaces. Therefore, it is necessary to design a food court in Pontianak that emphasizes open space. This design is carried out through data collection, followed by the analysis stage to obtain spatial layout and design concepts with the final result in the form of visualization and design work drawings. The design location is on Jalan Abdulrahman Saleh, Bangka Belitung Laut District, Southeast Pontianak District, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan. The shape of the building is adapted to modern architecture containing food and beverage outlets, as well as facilities for visitors.
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v11i1.60106


Most human activities are carried out in an indoors space. The room as an activity support facility must be able to provide a sense of comfort and safety and provide the health impacts needed by its occupants. Unhealthy working conditions can cause SBS (Sick Building Syndrome). SBS is a health problem and discomfort during activities in the room, which gradually disappears when the room user leaves the building. SBS causes a decrease in room user’s health, comfort, and productivity. To prevent this, identification of indoor health and comfort or IHC based on Greenship Interior Space is required. The object of this research is the Tanjungpura University Library, which has fulfiled the green construction criteria in terms of previous research. The study used an evaluative method by measuring the assessment referring to the Greenship Interior Space version 1 standard with field observations, simulations, manual calculations, and evaluation interviews. The results of analysis shows that the building achieves a score of 14 out of the maximum score of 28 with a value of 50%. The building successfully fulfilled prerequisite criteria, CO2 levels, chemical pollutants, biological pollutants, visual comfort, views from the outside and sunlight, and user comfort. It is hoped that the research results can be proposed as the right strategy to improve indoor health and comfort conditions at the Tanjungpura University Library building.
KAWASAN WISATA AIR TERJUN DAIT DI KABUPATEN LANDAK Windi Guswirno Hedi; Syaiful Muazir; Valentinus Pebriano
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 9, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v9i2.48893


Landak Regency has many natural resources that have the potential to be used as natural tourism objects. One of them is Dait Waterfall which has 7 floors and is located in an unspoiled forest area. The area is often visited by tourists from various regions of West Kalimantan. However, there are several problems related to supporting facilities and infrastructure that are not up to standard for tourism activities, so that the tourism potential is not maximized. For this reason, it is necessary to design a "Dait Waterfall Tourism Area in Landak Regency" which is in accordance with tourism standards and local environmental needs, with the concept of ecotourism that uses a sustainable environmental approach and empowerment of local communities. The arrangement is done by designing which starts from the function analysis process, which includes the main functions and supporting functions. The main functions include recreational aspects and supporting functions consisting of commercial functions, ecological functions and community participation functions. The design method consists of the introduction, definition, preparation, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and re-evaluation stages. The design process is applied in the construction of the main tourism facilities and infrastructure such as outbound areas, camping areas, selfie areas, and others. In addition, supporting facilities and infrastructure such as management areas, commercial areas, service areas, utility aspects, and others. With this design, it is hoped that the Dait Waterfall Tourism Area will attract more tourists from a wider variety of areas.
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur Vol 11, No 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jmars.v11i2.62283


The freelancer profession in the current era is in great demand by many people. In the world of freelancing, income and place of work are not fixed. Most freelancers have little business capital in leveraging skills and building relationships. In addition, freelancers do not have a limit on working time, but are free to determine where to work. Freelancer activity facilities in Pontianak City do not support convenience. They are active in cafes or coffee shops with a low level of privacy. Freelancers and other creative industry players need a place that is comfortable for their activities, both working, socializing, and collaborating in running their business. They need a container that fits their activities, namely coworking space. Coworking space is a multifunctional workplace that combines various commercial functions, such as offices, meetings, culinary, entertainment, and others. For this reason, it is necessary to design a coworking space in Pontianak City. The purpose of a coworking space is to accommodate various work activities, both individually and in groups, along with their supporting activities. The design method used is flexibility in architecture, including adaptable and universal space. The steps used are looking for problems, identifying, collecting data, analyzing, conveying ideas, selecting ideas, designing products, and evaluating. The expected result is a flexible spatial plan inside and outside the coworking space, adapting to the dynamics of freelancers and other users.