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Motivasi Partisipasi Politik Perempuan Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2019 di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Bela, Herwin Sagita; Utama, Alip Susilowati
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol 5, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v5i2.1029


AbstractPolitical participation is a measure of the success of the democratization process because in political participation there is citizen control of government. At present political participation which is still an interesting theme to be investigated is women's political participation. This is inseparable from the existence of the affirmative action movement which wants equal opportunities for women to participate in the political constellation. At present, the influence of political participation in the regions is an important note for central government policy. Therefore, it is important to know the prospects for women's political participation in the region. The results showed that the affirmative action policy actually has a side that can be beneficial but also detrimental to women and political parties. Many of the opportunities with this policy are not exploited because in fact many women do not have the desire to participate in political contestation. This is inseparable from the social support from women in the form of social, economic and cultural support. Most women will think long when it comes to family permits and the economic conditions of the family and culture that surrounds it so far. Therefore, the party also experienced difficulties in recruiting and cadre of party members because most were constrained by these factors although in terms of women's political orientation, they understood and had knowledge of the political system although they were not able to influence gender responsive policies at the district level.Keywords : Prospects, Motivation, Women's Political ParticipationAbstrak Partisipasi politik merupakan tolak ukur keberhasilan proses demokratisasi karena dalam partisipasi politik terdapat kontrol warga negara terhadap pemerintahan. Saat ini partisipasi politik yang masih menjadi tema yang menarik untuk diteliti adalah partisipasi politik perempuan. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari adanya gerakan affirmative action yang menginginkan adanya peluang yang sama bagi perempuan untuk ikut serta dalam konstelasi politik. Saat ini juga, pengaruh dari partisipasi politik di daerah menjadi catatan penting bagi kebijakan pemerintah pusat. Oleh sebab itu, penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana prospek partisipasi politik perempuan di daerah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan affirmative action sebenarnya memiliki sisi yang dapat menguntungkan namun juga merugikan bagi perempuan dan partai politik. Peluang dengan adanya kebijakan ini banyak tidak termanfaatkan karena pada faktanya banyak perempuan tidak memiliki keinginan untuk berpartai dan ikut dalam kontentasi politik. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari dukungan sosial dari perempuan berupa dukungan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Kebanyakan perempuan akan berpikir panjang jika menyangkut izin keluarga dan kondisi perekonomian keluarga dan budaya yang melingkupinya selama ini. Oleh sebab itu, partai juga mengalami kesulitan dalam perekrutan dan pengkaderan anggota partai karena sebagian besar terkendala dengan faktor tersebut meskipun dari sisi orientasi politik perempuan, mereka memahami dan memiliki pengetahuan tentang sistem politik meskipun belum mampu mempengaruhi kebijakan yang bersifat responsif gender di tingkat Kabupaten.Kata kunci : Prospek, Motivasi, Partisipasi Politik Perempuan
Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Pengabdian Untuk Mu negeRI
Publisher : LPPM UMRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.83 KB) | DOI: 10.37859/jpumri.v3i2.1427


The village has a lot of potential that can be developed. In many records, there are three main potentials that villages have in general. First, natural resources, second agricultural products and third potential for local wisdom and culture, where these three potentials can support the development of a tourist village. Since the enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 Regarding Villages, there has been a massive movement carried out by various groups to awaken the village's potential. The authority of the village government to develop its territory is wide open, but this spirit requires the participation of all components of the village community and synergy with various groups in a sustainable manner. Based on these matters, the Community Service Team of the University of Baturaja, through the Mitra Village Assistance Program, the Director of Research and Community Service of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education carried out development assistance activities in Sipatuhu Village, Banding Agung District, Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, South Sumatra Province becoming a souvenir center village and souvenirs in the Lake Ranau tourist area, through excavating village potentials and enhancing the capacity of governance of the Village Owned Enterprises. Keywords: Village potential, Village-Owned Enterprises, souvenir centers, tourism. Abstrak Desa memiliki banyak potensi yang dapat terus dikembangkan. Dalam banyak catatan, ada tiga potensi utama yang dimiliki desa pada umumnya. Pertama, sumber daya alam, kedua hasil-hasil pertanian dan ketiga potensi kearifan lokal dan budaya, di mana ketiga potensi ini dapat menunjang pengembangan menjadi desa wisata. Sejak diberlakukannya Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa, terjadi pergerakan yang begitu massif yang dilakukan berbagai kalangan untuk membangkitkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki desa. Kewenangan pemerintah desa untuk mengembangkan wilayahnya semakin terbuka lebar, tetapi semangat ini memerlukan partisipasi seluruh komponen masyarakat desa dan sinergi dengan berbagai kalangan secara berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut, Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Universitas Baturaja, melalui Program Pendampingan Desa Mitra, Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (PPDM-DRPM Kemristekdikti) menjalankan kegiatan pedampingan pengembangan Desa Sipatuhu, Kecamatan Banding Agung, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan menjadi desa sentra souvenir dan oleh-oleh di kawasan wisata Danau Ranau, melalui penggalian potensi desa dan peningkatan kapasitas tata kelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes).
SOSIALITA Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : SOSIALITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.572 KB)


This thesis discusses cultural and political culture in ethnic Semende on matrilineal kinship system. The ethnic Semende spread in several districts in Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan has strong ties to customary that leads the attitudes and behavior community based on the customary. Research conducted since December 2015 until April 2016 aims to analyze the relationship between matrilineal culture and the cultural construction of political culture women Semende and analyze the cause of the differences in the roles of women Semende at elite and grassroots level. This study used a qualitative approach with the informant traditional leaders and women Semende from the grassroots and the elite of society. The results of the interview subsequently processed and analyzed as a result of research. The results showed that the matrilineal culture of the Construction ethnic Semende influence on the mindset of women Semende but gave no influence on the political culture towards women Semende participant political culture. This occurs because the bonds formed in the indigenous ethnic Semende very strong.With a degree of viscosity customary in Semende society, the participation rate of women Semende against small groups at lower layers of society becomes higher. But the same thing does not happen to women in elites. The fact that support of matrilineal in Semende society does not create women become the center of power on the wider environment. This proves that even in a matrilineal society, the tendency towards patriarchy still high and became barriers cultural in the Women’s political culture.
Motivasi Partisipasi Politik Perempuan Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2019 di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Herwin Sagita Bela; Alip Susilowati Utama
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol 5, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v5i2.1029


AbstractPolitical participation is a measure of the success of the democratization process because in political participation there is citizen control of government. At present political participation which is still an interesting theme to be investigated is women's political participation. This is inseparable from the existence of the affirmative action movement which wants equal opportunities for women to participate in the political constellation. At present, the influence of political participation in the regions is an important note for central government policy. Therefore, it is important to know the prospects for women's political participation in the region. The results showed that the affirmative action policy actually has a side that can be beneficial but also detrimental to women and political parties. Many of the opportunities with this policy are not exploited because in fact many women do not have the desire to participate in political contestation. This is inseparable from the social support from women in the form of social, economic and cultural support. Most women will think long when it comes to family permits and the economic conditions of the family and culture that surrounds it so far. Therefore, the party also experienced difficulties in recruiting and cadre of party members because most were constrained by these factors although in terms of women's political orientation, they understood and had knowledge of the political system although they were not able to influence gender responsive policies at the district level.Keywords : Prospects, Motivation, Women's Political ParticipationAbstrak Partisipasi politik merupakan tolak ukur keberhasilan proses demokratisasi karena dalam partisipasi politik terdapat kontrol warga negara terhadap pemerintahan. Saat ini partisipasi politik yang masih menjadi tema yang menarik untuk diteliti adalah partisipasi politik perempuan. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari adanya gerakan affirmative action yang menginginkan adanya peluang yang sama bagi perempuan untuk ikut serta dalam konstelasi politik. Saat ini juga, pengaruh dari partisipasi politik di daerah menjadi catatan penting bagi kebijakan pemerintah pusat. Oleh sebab itu, penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana prospek partisipasi politik perempuan di daerah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan affirmative action sebenarnya memiliki sisi yang dapat menguntungkan namun juga merugikan bagi perempuan dan partai politik. Peluang dengan adanya kebijakan ini banyak tidak termanfaatkan karena pada faktanya banyak perempuan tidak memiliki keinginan untuk berpartai dan ikut dalam kontentasi politik. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari dukungan sosial dari perempuan berupa dukungan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Kebanyakan perempuan akan berpikir panjang jika menyangkut izin keluarga dan kondisi perekonomian keluarga dan budaya yang melingkupinya selama ini. Oleh sebab itu, partai juga mengalami kesulitan dalam perekrutan dan pengkaderan anggota partai karena sebagian besar terkendala dengan faktor tersebut meskipun dari sisi orientasi politik perempuan, mereka memahami dan memiliki pengetahuan tentang sistem politik meskipun belum mampu mempengaruhi kebijakan yang bersifat responsif gender di tingkat Kabupaten.Kata kunci : Prospek, Motivasi, Partisipasi Politik Perempuan
Eksistensi Partai Politik Islam Menurut Persfektif Aktivis Organisasi Mahasiswa Islam Di Universitas Baturaja Alip Susilowati Utama; Herwin Sagita Bela; Ikang Putra Anggara
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol 6, No 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v6i1.1320


This research based on the background that political parties in general and Islamic parties in particular are experiencing serious problems, namely the contradiction between the role and function idealism of the realities of everyday political party life witnessed by the public. Political parties receive a negative stigma, for example parties are considered corrupt, feudal and do not think about the fate of the little people. Islamic parties, which have been the object of research studies in several general election competitions (elections), have not been able to win or win the majority of votes despite having cultural and even ideological closeness to Muslims in Indonesia. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive analytical approach. The results show that Islamic parties are still in doubt about their commitment to carrying out their responsibilities and in general they have not attracted or been trusted by some activists of Islamic student organizations, others still provide opportunities and trust in the hope that Islamic parties can improve the negative image attached to their institutions. Keywords: political parties; student organizations; and Islam.
Implementasi Prinsip-Prinsip Good Governance dalam Aplikasi Sistem Keuangan Desa Herwin Sagita Bela; Alip Susilowati Utama
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol 4, No 3

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.485 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v4i3.772


ABSTRACTThe Village Financial Sistem Application (Siskeudes) is an application that was created as an effort to improve village financial reporting in addition to efforts to improve village financial administration. As the Minister of Home Affairs No. 113 of 2014, village finance is managed based on transparent, accountable, participatory principles and carried out in an orderly budget discipline so this research leads to how the implementation of the principles of transparency, accountability and participation in the Siskeudes application. This research also focuses on the factors that influence the implementation of the principles of Good Governance in the Siskeudes application. From several villages that were the object of research and applied Siskeudes, they showed legal compliance with existing regulations. The implementation of the principles of Good Governance has been carried out as mandated by the laws and supporting regulations. However, in the implementation process in the field, gaps occur due to a mismatch between expectations and reality. In the process of participation, transparency and accountability there are still gaps that cause the standard of achievement of implementation cannot be fulfilled. This factor is influenced by the target group's environment of the character of the ruler and the level of compliance of the target groups.Keywords : Implementation, Good Governance Principles, SiskeudesABSTRAKAplikasi Sistem Keuangan Desa (Siskeudes) merupakan aplikasi yang yang diciptakan sebagai upaya perbaikan pelaporan keuangan Desa disamping upaya perbaikan penatausahaan keuangan Desa. Sebagaimana Pemendagri No. 113 tahun 2014, keuangan desa dikelola berdasarkan asas-asas transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif serta dilakukan dengan tertib disiplin anggaran maka penelitian ini mengarah pada bagaimana implementasi prinsip transparan, akuntabel dan partisipatif pada aplikasi Siskeudes. Penelitian ini juga menitikberatkan pada faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi implementasi prinsip-prinsip Good Governance dalam aplikasi Siskeudes. Dari beberapa Desa yang menjadi objek penelitian dan telah mengaplikasikan Siskeudes menunjukkan kepatuhan hukum atas aturan yang ada. Implementasi prinsip-prinsip Good Governance telah dijalankan sebagaimana yang diamanatkan Undang-undang dan peraturan pendukungnya. Akan tetapi pada proses implementasi di lapangan, kesenjangan terjadi karena ketidaksesuaian antara harapan dan kenyataan. Pada proses partisipasi, transparansi dan akuntabilitas masih terdapat celah yang menyebabkan standar ketercapaian implementasi tidak dapat terpenuhi. Hali ini dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan kelompok sasaran dari karakter penguasa dan tingkat kepatuhan para kelompok sasaran.Kata kunci : Impelementasi, Prinsip Good Governance, Siskeudes
Relasi Agama dan Negara untuk Pencapaian Tujuan Pemerintahan Ikang Putra Anggara; Alip Susilowati Utama
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Widya Praja Vol 46 No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan (LRPSP), Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33701/jipwp.v46i2.1274


ABSTRACT The issue that has not been resolved since the beginning of Indonesian independence is the relationship between religion, especially Islam, and the State. Some examples recorded in history include the rebellion known as Darul Islam / Indonesian Islamic Army (DI / TII) and the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The most recent case that shows the tension between religion and the State in Indonesia is related to efforts to handle cases of radicalism and terrorism which are felt by Muslims to seem to corner and stigmatize Islamic groups only. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between religion and the state according to the perspective of Islamic organizations and religious groups in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency which is measured from the view of the informants regarding the ideal relationship between Islam and the state, the existence of the Indonesian nation-state based on Pancasila, interpreting the existence of radicalist and terrorist groups in Islam, as well as alternative efforts in dealing with the problem of radicalism and terrorism in the State of Indonesia. Keywords: Religion; Country; Radicalism; Terrorism
Kreativitas Pengelola BUMDES Desa Sipatuhu dalam Mempromosikan Produk Makanan Olahan melalui Website Bambang Sulistyo; Hendra Alfani; Akhmad Rosihan; Alip Susilowati Utama
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202054.564


CREATIVITY OF SIPATUHU VILLAGE BUMDES MANAGEMENT IN PROMOTING PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS THROUGH THE WEBSITE. Empowerment of village communities based on the superior potential of the village is the key to increasing welfare and community independence. Sipatuhu Village, Banding Agung Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan District, South Sumatra Province, has a potential that other villages do not have. Sipatuhu village has abundant potential for plantation resources, namely robusta coffee and palm sugar, the largest in South Sumatra. The Village Government, Village-Owned Enterprise Managers, and elements of the Sipatuhu Village community are working together to improve the potential management capacity so that it has high economic value. In addition to increasing the capacity of village productive economic governance, creative efforts were also made to innovate in designing promotional media and marketing of products in the form of processed robusta coffee, and sugar and liquid palm sugar made from palm sap, through the website. The use of information technology was chosen to expand the product marketing reach to potential consumers, if previously it was still done conventionally. This effort has produced positive results, although it is still simple, the website as a promotional medium has been successfully realized, by developing both the views on the website design, as well as the narrative and promotional content displayed.
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.942 KB) | DOI: 10.54895/dinamika.v1i2.1133


Democracy as a political system has necessitated the spirit of equality and togetherness in order to achieve the common good, in the form of state and community life, participation is needed as a form of togetherness and inclusion in the political process. Specifically for women to fulfill the policy requirements of Law Number 10 Year 2008 which requires politics to include a representation of women of at least 30% both founders and central level management. The fact is that based on data from the National Unity and Politics Agency, the presence of women in parliament, especially the Ogan Komering Ulu District DPRD, has decreased from 4 in the 2014-2019 period to 2 in the 2019-2024 period. The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation of women to join political parties. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a research approach and research focus. This research was conducted at the Office of the United Development Party and the Democratic Party of Ogan Komering Ulu. Primary data sources and secondary data, data collection techniques by interview, observation and documentation. Based on the results of data prosessing in the field about the motivation of women in political parties has been successful because it has fulfilled the needs of political parties, but in a political party there are still thos who use a family or dynastic interest system. The suggestions that can be given to political elites have steps so as not tu use the dynastic system in political parties.
Model Collaborative Governance dalam Pembangunan Pariwisata Alam di Kecamatan Ulu Ogan Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Herwin Sagita Bela; Alip Susilowati Utama
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol. 7 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v7i4.2461


Penelitian ini didasari oleh sebuah permasalahan sosial yang terjadi di Kecamatan Ulu Ogan Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu setelah beroperasinya secara komersial perusahaan BUMN yaitu PT. Pertamina Geotermal Energy (PGE). Oleh karena itu pemerintah desa, karang taruna dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa menjadikan desa mereka menjadi desa wisata dengan menjual keindahan alam dan wisata sungai seperti arung jeram dan river tubing tentunya dengan melibatkan perusahan PGE. Maka rumusan masalah penelitian ini bagaimana model collaborative governance dalam pembangunan pariwisata alam di Kecamatan Ulu Ogan Kabupaten Ogan Komering ulu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan penerapan triangulasi data sehingga didapatkan data yang valid. Dari analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa model collaborative Governance dalam pembangunan pariwisata alam di Kecamatan Ulu Ogan menggunakan model gabungan antara model collaborative governance Ansell & Gash dan Ratner. Adapun model collaborative governance ini lebih menekankan pada proses diskusi dalam memetakan hambatan dan peluang untuk terselenggaranya kegiatan kolaborasi. Dengan identifikasi hambatan, akan diketahui langkah-langkah alternatif untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut dengan demikian akan lebih mudah dalam menyamakan persepsi dari tujuan kolaborasi yang hendak dicapai dan membangun komitmen serta mempertahankan kepercayaan yang sudah ada dan mampu menjadikan kegiatan kolaborasi dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan.