Wirda Hayati
Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh

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Idea Nursing Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Idea Nursing Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Keperawatan-Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.647 KB) | DOI: 10.52199/inj.v3i1.6418


ABSTRAKMetode positive deviance dan pos gizi telah memberikan hasil yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan status gizi balita yang mengalami kurang gizi. Saat ini di NAD juga masih ditemukan kejadian gizi kurang pada balita termasuk di Kota Sabang. Namun khususnya di Kota Sabang terutama di kelurahan Paya Seunara belum ada suatu hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa metode positive deviance pos gizi juga memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan status gizi keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas Pendekatan Positive deviance – Pos Gizi dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi balita Di Kelurahan Paya Seunara Kota Sabang tahun 2010. Desain penelitian berupa kuasi eksperimenpre-post test, jumlah sampel sebanyak 18 orang yang merupakan total populasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan menggunakan instrumen pengembangan dari formulir pencatatan status gizi (PSG) balita dari DepKes RI, sedangkan untuk menilai status gizi digunakan pengukuran BB anak balita dan kuisioner tentang cara pemenuhan gizi balita oleh keluarga serta instrument food record untuk memudahkan pengontrolanpemenuhan gizi pada balita yang dilakukan selama intervensi positive deviance – pos gizi baik di posyandu maupun di keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pendekatan Positive deviance – Pos Gizi efektif dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi balita Di Kelurahan Paya Seunara Kota Sabang dengan p value = 0.000, ada perbedaan pemenuhan zat gizi balita oleh keluarga sebelum dan setelah dilakukan positive deviance posgizi di kelurahan Paya Senara Kota Sabang p value = 0.000 serta ada perbedaan Status gizi balita di Kelurahan Paya Seunara Kota Sabang sebelum dan setelah dilakukan pendekatan positive deviance – pos gizi denagn p value = 0.000. Diharapkan kepada para stakeholder dan jajaran terkait agar merencanakan kegiatan postive deviance – pos gizi untuk setiap posyandu yang ada diwilayah kerjanya guna meningkatkan status gizi balita sebagai program tahunan yang berkesinambungan.Kata Kunci : Positive deviance, pos gizi, status gizi balita.ABSTRACTThe Positive deviance method and the post nutrition had been given a significant result on increasing the nutritional status of malnutrition toddlers. Currently, in NAD, it still found the incidence of malnutritionamong toddlers including Sabang city. However, in Sabang city particularly, Paya Seunara village especially did not have a research result which showed that the positive deviance method and the postnutrition had a significant impact on increasing nutritional status of the family. This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the Positive deviance approach and the post nutrition in order to increase nutritionalstatus among toddlers in Paya Seunara village, Sabang city, 2010. The study design is quasi-experimental study using pretest - posttest tested; the samples are 18 people who are total population. This study was conducted during 6 months using the developed instrument from the documentation of the toddlers nutrition form (PSG) by Depkes RI; while, to assess the toddlers nutritional status are used the toddlers body weight measurements and questionnaire about how the family meet the toddlers needs and food record instrument controlling the easier fulfillment of the toddlers nutrition, it conducted during positive deviance and post nutrition intervention, both in posyandu or in the family. Result of the study showed that the Positive deviance - post nutrition approach was effective in increasing the toddlers nutritional status in Paya Seunara village, Sabang city with p value = 0.000, there is a difference fulfillment nutrients of toddlers by the family before and after the positive deviance and post nutrition intervention in Paya Seunara village, Sabang city with p value = o.ooo, and there is a difference of nutritional status in Paya Seunara village, Sabang citybefore and after positive deviance - post nutrition approach intervention with p value = 0.000. It is expected to stakeholders and related parties to plan the positive deviance - post nutrition activities for every posyandu existent in work area to improve the nutritional status of toddlers as an ongoing annual program.Keywords: Positive deviance, post nutrition, nutritional status of toddlers.
Idea Nursing Journal Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Idea Nursing Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Keperawatan-Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52199/inj.v11i1.19795


Stroke merupakan penyebab kecacatan kedua terbanyak di seluruh dunia pada individu di atas 60 tahun dan merupakan diagnosis utama teratas dalam perawatan jangka panjang. Fisioterapi membantu klien membangun kekuatan dan mempertahankan rentang gerak (range of motion ) dan  tonus otot pada bagian  tubuh yang tidak terkena stroke. Dukungan keluarga sangat mempengaruhi motivasi penderita stroke dalam melakukan latihan juga berpengaruh besar dalam peningkatan kekuatan otot. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan motivasi pasien pasca stroke dalam melakukan latihan fisioterapi. Jumlah sampel 93 keluarga yang menemani pasien melakukan fisioterapi di rumah sakit, dengan menggunakan tehnik Random sampling. Dan analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji statistik uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 63,4%  responden memiliki dukungan keluarga baik, 72,9% responden memiliki motivasi baik, 72,4% responden yang memiliki dukungan emosional baik, 73,2% responden  memiliki dukungan informasi baik, 72,5% responden yang memiliki dukungan instrumental baik, dan 73,3% responden yang memiliki dukungan penghargaan baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik (uji Chi-Square), p. 0,011 terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga dengan motivasi pasien pasca stroke dalam melakukan latihan fisioterapi di Rumah Sakit. Direkomendasikan kepada perawat untuk meningkatkan pendidikan kesehatan kepada keluarga, sehingga dukungan dan motivasi pasien akan semakin baik.Kata kunci: Dukungan keluarga, Motivasi, Stroke, Latihan fisioterapiABSTRACTStroke is the second leading cause of disability worldwide in individuals over 60 years and is the top leading diagnosis in long-term care. Physiotherapy helps clients build strength and maintain range of motion and muscle tone in parts of the body that are not affected by a stroke. Family support greatly influences the motivation of stroke survivors in doing exercises and also has a major effect in increasing muscle strength. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and motivation of post-stroke patients in doing physiotherapy exercises. The sample size is 93 families who accompany patients to perform physiotherapy in the hospital, using a random sampling technique. And the data analysis was used in univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi-square test. The results showed 63.4% of respondents had good family support, 72.9% of respondents had good motivation, 72.4% of respondents had good emotional support, 73.2% of respondents had good information support, 72.5% of respondents had good emotional support. good instrumental support, and 73.3% of respondents who have good reward support. Based on the results of statistical tests (Chi-Square test), p. 0.011 There is a significant relationship between family support and motivation of post-stroke patients in doing physiotherapy exercises at the hospital. It is recommended for nurses to improve health education for families, so that patient support and motivation will be better.Keywords: Family Support, Motivation, Stoke, Physiotherapy Exercises
Demonstration and Audio-Visual Methods for Improving Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Breast Care among Pregnant Women Wirda Hayati; Dewi Marianthi; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Tantut Susanto
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v8i1.1312


One of the physical changes during pregnancy is their breasts that usually get larger and heavier, the areola mammae becomes darker and the nipples get bigger. These conditions cause the breasts need to be treated in preparation for exclusive breastfeeding. However, in reality, there are many pregnant women who have not done much breast care due to their ignorance of its importance and lack of information. The aimed this study was to identify the effective of audio-visual and demonstration method for improving knowledge, attitude, and skills of breast care among pregnant women in Aceh. This study was used a pre-test post-test design with a control group (37 of pregnant women) and intervention group (36 of pregnant women). The intervention group was given health education about breast care using demonstration method, while the control group was given by watching videos. The instruments used in this study was a questionnaire about breast care and checklist to assess breast care skill. The instruments was developed based on the existing theory. Data was analyzed using t-independent test (p<0.05). There were significantly difference of knowledge (72.83 + 8.48 vs. 45.43 +12.06), attitudes (58.76 +6.20 vs. 46.83 + 4.58), and skill (73.74 + 7.98 vs. 56.17+ 10.62) of breast care between intervention and control group among pregnants women (P<0.001). Furthermore, the scores of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of breast care among pregnant women using demonstration (intervention groups) method were more higher compared pregnant women using audio-visual method (control groups). Health education using demonstration method is more effective for improving knowledge, attitudes, and skills of breast care among pregnant women than audio visual method. Therefore, demonstrations and re-demonstration using guideline should be implement for women with guidance during pregnant.
Demonstration and Audio-Visual Methods for Improving Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Breast Care among Pregnant Women Wirda Hayati; Dewi Marianthi; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Tantut Susanto
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v8i1.1312


One of the physical changes during pregnancy is their breasts that usually get larger and heavier, the areola mammae becomes darker and the nipples get bigger. These conditions cause the breasts need to be treated in preparation for exclusive breastfeeding. However, in reality, there are many pregnant women who have not done much breast care due to their ignorance of its importance and lack of information. The aimed this study was to identify the effective of audio-visual and demonstration method for improving knowledge, attitude, and skills of breast care among pregnant women in Aceh. This study was used a pre-test post-test design with a control group (37 of pregnant women) and intervention group (36 of pregnant women). The intervention group was given health education about breast care using demonstration method, while the control group was given by watching videos. The instruments used in this study was a questionnaire about breast care and checklist to assess breast care skill. The instruments was developed based on the existing theory. Data was analyzed using t-independent test (p<0.05). There were significantly difference of knowledge (72.83 + 8.48 vs. 45.43 +12.06), attitudes (58.76 +6.20 vs. 46.83 + 4.58), and skill (73.74 + 7.98 vs. 56.17+ 10.62) of breast care between intervention and control group among pregnants women (P<0.001). Furthermore, the scores of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of breast care among pregnant women using demonstration (intervention groups) method were more higher compared pregnant women using audio-visual method (control groups). Health education using demonstration method is more effective for improving knowledge, attitudes, and skills of breast care among pregnant women than audio visual method. Therefore, demonstrations and re-demonstration using guideline should be implement for women with guidance during pregnant.