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Pemetaan Struktur Massa Air di Muara Sungai Jeneberang Dengan Menggunakan ArcGis Karamma, Riswal; Pallu, Muhammad Saleh; Thaha, Muhammad Arsyad; Hatta, Mukhsan Putra
Jurnal Teknik Sipil : Rancang Bangun Vol 6, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.844 KB) | DOI: 10.33506/rb.v6i1.1008


Estuary adalah tempat pertemuan air tawar dan air asin yang di pengaruhi oleh pasang surut. Pengaruh pasang surut terhadap sirkulasi aliran seperti kecepatan, profil muka air dan intrusi air asin di estuari dapat sampai jauh ke hulu sungai tergantung pada tinggi pasang surut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Muara Sungai Jeneberang dengan mengukur langsung masa air yaitu salinitas, temperature, dan densitas. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memetakan pola sebaran dan stratifikasi struktur massa air secara spasial pada saat spring tide dan neep tide di Muara Sungai Jeneberang pada saat kondisi pasang menuju surut dan pada saat kondisi surut menuju pasang. Tahapan dalam pengolahan data menggunakan tools Sistem Informasi Geografis/Geographic Infromation System (ArcGis) yang sebelumnya dilakukan pengukuran, pengamatan, perekaman, dan pemetaan. Data hasil pengukuran kemudian dibuat dalam model spasial dengan menggunakan Aplikasi ArcGis untuk melihat pola sebaran struktur massa air akibat pengaruh pasang surut. Pola sebaran dan pelapisan massa air ini diperlihatkan secara spasial pada saat spring tide dan neep tide, pada kondisi pasang menuju surut dan kondisi surut menuju pasang. Pola sebaran struktur massa air secara spasial ini perlu ditambahkan dengan memperlihatkan pola sebabarannya secara vertical, sehingga dapat melihat profil kolom air dan kondisi pencampuran yang terjadi akibat pengaruh pasang surut
Pengaruh Bukaan Pintu Terhadap Karakteristik Gerusan Sekitar Pintu Sorong Pada Saluran Terbuka Afifah Masruniwati; Farouk Maricar; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 24 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112020.08


Abstrak Sewaktu pintu dioperasikan akan terjadi pola aliran di daerah bukaan pintu yang mana arus aliran tersebut akan berinteraksi dengan material-material yang ada di sekelilingnya sehingga menyebabkan material di dasar saluran tergerus. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari bagaimana karakteristik gerusan yang terjadi disekitar pintu sorong pada saluran terbuka dengan variasi debit. Penelitian berbentuk eksperimental yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Hidrolika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 variasi debit (Q) yaitu 1382,837 cm3/detik; 1462.746 cm3/detik; dan 2013.328 cm3/detik. Sedangkan bukaan pintu sorong (Yg) menggunakan tiga variasi yaitu 0,5 cm; 1,0 cm; dan 1,5 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola gerusan yang terjadi disekitar pintu sorong pada saluran terbuka sangat dipengaruhi oleh variasi debit aliran dan besaran bukaan pintu sorong, dan akibat dari adanya frame pada pintu sorong maka konsentrasi aliran cenderung mengarah ketengah dan ke pinggir sebelah kanan saluran sehingga terjadi dominasi gerusan di tengah dan sebelah kanan saluran. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin kecil bukaan pintu maka gerusan yang terjadi semakin besar. Hubungan karakteristik antara kedalaman gerusan disekitar pintu sorong pada saluran terbuka yaitu semakin kecil bukaan pintu dan semakin besar debit yang melewati bawah pintu maka semakin besar gerusan yang terjadi. Abstract When the door is operated, there will be a flow pattern in the sluice gate opening area, where the flow will interacts with the materials around it causing local scouring at the bottom of the channel. The Research was conducted to study the characteristics of the scour around the sluice gate in an open channel with variations in discharge. It was conducted in the form of an experimental study at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. The Research was conducted with 3 discharge variations (Q), namely 1382,837 cm3/second; 1462,746 cm3/second; and 2013,328 cm3/second. The sliding door opening (Yg) uses three variations, namely 0.5 cm; 1.0 cm; and 1.5 cm. The results show that the scouring pattern that occurs around the sliding door in the open channel is strongly influenced by variations in the flow rate and the size of the sliding door opening, and due to the presence of a frame on the sliding door, the concentration of the flow tends to lead to the middle and the right edge of the channel, so that the scouring dominates in the middle and right of the channel. This shows that the smaller the door opening, the greater the scouring. The characteristic relationship between the depth of the scour around the sliding door in the open channel is that the smaller the opening of the door and the greater the discharge that passes under the door, the larger the opening of the door.
Pengaruh Morfologi Muara terhadap Penjalaran Pasang Surut dan Gelombang Pecah pada Muara Sungai Jeneberang Riswal Karamma; Muhammad Saleh Pallu; Muhammad Arsyad Thaha; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
JURNAL SIPIL SAINS Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Stud Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/sipilsains.v10i1.1535


Pola hidrodinamika pantai di sekitar muara bergantung pada gelombang, debit sungai, dan pasang surut. Faktor gelombang, debit sungai, dan pasang surut  akan bekerja secara simultan. Faktor gelombang memberikan pengaruh yang lebih dominan pada muara sungai yang berada di laut terbuka. Gelombang yang datang menuju pantai secara teoritis dapat menimbulkan arus di daerah pantai. Pola arus disekitar muara ditentukan oleh besarnya sudut yang dibentuk antara gelombang datang dengan garis pantai. Tujuan dan manfaat penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pola difraksi gelombang dan panjang penjalaran pasang surut menuju pantai di muara. Hasil analisis ini bisa digunakan sebagai masukan dalam upaya pengelolaan dan pengembangan daerah pantai di muara Sungai Jeneberang. Panjang penjalaran pasang surut dari muara Sungai Jeneberang adalah sekitar 1220 meter kearah hulu. Difraksi gelombang terjadi dari arah utara, arah barat laut dan arah barat muara sungai di mana difraksi gelombang terbesar datang dari arah barat sebesar 0.73 m dan difraksi gelombang terkecil datang dari arah utara sebesar 0.04 m.
Test Of Bio-Activator Model with Natural Zeolite from South Sulawesi As Filter Media and Adsorbents Heavy Metal Pb, Ni, and Cu Sukmasari Sukma Antaria; Mary Selintung; Muh Saleh Pallu; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series Vol 1, No 1 (2014): International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts (APTECS) 2013
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2014i1.425


The purpose of this study is how the characterization of natural zeolite South Sulawesi and how the ability of zeolite as filter media and adsorbents to reduce the heavy metal lead ( Pb ), Nickel (Ni) and Copper (Cu) in the raw water . Zeolites in activation , given the warming that is: 100º C , 200º C , 300º C , and 400º C , then in the characterization by SEM and XRD. Subsequently smoothed with a 170 mesh size ( 3 mm ) , and weighed each one weighing 50 grams and incorporated into any model of Bio - Activators, respectively on the tube , 2 , 3 and 4. Raw water that has been injected with 5 ppm Pb, Ni, Cu heavy metal inserted into the reservoir, then piped or for running into the model to test the ability of zeolite as filter media and adsorbents . Results if the water was tested by means of AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscope), instrument test results obtained from the numbers the actual decrease in the concentration and absorbance . Results actual dcrease in the concentration and adsorbance for each heavy metals Pb, Ni and Cu are : -0.2119, -0.1112, and -0.2902. Model analysis is the method of Langmuir and Freudlich. This result is expected to provide new information about the characteristics of natural zeolite South Sulawesi and produced water treatment models are inexpensive and easy to obtain.
Potential of Groundwater Reserves in Jeneponto Regency of South Sulawesi Province Mukhsan Putra Hatta; Sugiarto Badaruddin; Zulvyah Faisal; Devi Ayu Puspita
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 7, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.378 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v7i1.2091


The community, both individuals and groups, need water for daily and other needs. From the various types of needs, the water for drinking water is a top priority, above all other necessities.Excessive exploitation of groundwater that exceeds the ability of aquifers to provide groundwater due to competition for various interests can cause a continuous decline in groundwater level and will certainly reduce the potential for groundwater availability in the aquifer. In this research, the potential of groundwater in Jeneponto’s aquifers in several locations is examined using in situ pumping test. From the pumping test results, it is known that the potential of groundwater reserve in Jeneponto Regency is quite significant and is spread in several districts with a minimum discharge supply of 4 litres per second. However, some procedures must be taken to protect the availability of groundwater in the regency from the technical aspects for example the determination of pumping location, the depth of groundwater pumping and the maximum pumping discharge allowed, and also all steps that support groundwater recharge.
Hydrodynamic Condition of Tides and Wave Diffraction in the Estuary of Jeneberang River Riswal Karamma; Muhammad Saleh Pallu; Muh Arsyad Thaha; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 7, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1216.229 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v7i1.2103


The coastal hydrodynamic pattern around the estuary is determined by the wave, river discharge, and the tidal condition which work simultaneously. The wave factor contributes to more dominant influence on estuaries located in the open sea. Wave coming towards the coast can generate current on the coast. The current pattern around the estuary is determined mainly by the magnitude of the angle formed between the incoming wave and the coastline. The objective of this research is to analyze the wave diffraction patterns and the length of tidal propagation towards the direction of the coast in the estuary. Investigated area is situated in the estuary of Jeneberang River. The analysis of tidal propagation and wave diffraction covers a reach of 4270 meters upstream. Data collected include bathymetric, wind, and tidal data. Furthermore, the result of this analysis can be used as an input in efforts to manage and develop the coastal area in the estuary of Jeneberang River. The length of the tidal propagation in the estuary of Jeneberang River is approximately 1220 meters upstream. Wave diffraction occurs from the north, northwest, and west direction. The highest wave diffraction came from the west direction with the value of 0.73 m and the lowest wave diffraction came from the north direction with the value of 0.04 m.
The Revitalization of Makassar Urban Drainage System Based on Eco Drainage Retention Pond Riswal Karamma; Rita Tahir Lopa; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 8, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v8i1.2811


One of the causes of flooding in Makassar City is the management of the water system that is not optimal. It is necessary to arrange a drainage system to overcome flooding in Makassar City. In this study the topography on Catchment area analysis, analysis of hydrology and hydraulics analysis. Modeling the distribution of flood performed using HEC-RAS applications. This research was conducted in the Tallo watershed which consists of the Upper Tallo sub-watershed and the Mangalarang sub-watershed. The results of the analysis of flood discharge in the Tallo Hilir sub-watershed are 523.76 m3/s and in the Mangalarang sub-watershed are 886.82 m3/s. The flood overflow of the Tallo River spread over 6.48 km2 of Manggala District, 0.31 km2 of Rappocini District, 4.24 km2 of Panakukang District, 3.37 km2 of Tallo District, 11.59 km2 of Tamalanrea District and 0.01 km2 of Biringkanaya District. The total area of flood distribution is 26 km2. The solution to overcome the flooding of the Tallo River with an environmentally sound drainage system, it is necessary to plan the construction of a retention pond in Tamalanrea District, with a normal total storage volume of 2.48 million m3 and a maximum capacity of 5.31 million m3. The construction of this retention pond can reduce 17.7 km2 of flood-affected area.
Penyuluhan Mitigasi Bencana pada Kawasan Sempadan Pantai Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar Riswal karamma; Muh Saleh Pallu; Muh Arsyad Thaha; Farauk Maricar; Rita Tahir Lopa; Mukhsan Putra Hatta; Silman P Manda; A Subhan Mustari; Bambang Bakri; Farid Maricar; A Ilda Puspita
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Community Empowerment through Health Awareness in the New Normal
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v4i2.215


Coastal community education is needed to maintain the balance of coastal border areas. The purpose of this activity is to increase public awareness in dealing with and reducing disaster risk and provide a basic understanding of disaster mitigation in coastal border areas. Disaster mitigation is an activity to reduce the impact of disasters. The main components that need to be considered in understanding disasters are hazard, vulnerability, resilience, and risk. An understanding of the four main components will determine how the approach and action to disaster must be taken. The data collection method was carried out by observing the coastal border area in the Takalar area, then conducting a review of data or documents related to the border area and discussions with the community who live around the coastal border in North Galesong District to complete the results of the data review. In this service activity, counseling is carried out, one of which describes the level of danger of abrasion and the efforts made to reduce the risk. The step taken as an effort to reduce the risk of abrasion is to carry out disaster mitigation efforts. Implementation of disaster mitigation counseling in coastal border areas is a form of non-structural disaster mitigation in terms of strengthening community capacity. This outreach activity motivates the community to strengthen capacity and protect the environment around the coastal border, especially to prevent abrasion.
Pemetaan Struktur Massa Air di Muara Sungai Jeneberang Dengan Menggunakan ArcGis Riswal Karamma; Muhammad Saleh Pallu; Muhammad Arsyad Thaha; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
Jurnal Teknik Sipil : Rancang Bangun Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.844 KB) | DOI: 10.33506/rb.v6i1.1008


Estuary adalah tempat pertemuan air tawar dan air asin yang di pengaruhi oleh pasang surut. Pengaruh pasang surut terhadap sirkulasi aliran seperti kecepatan, profil muka air dan intrusi air asin di estuari dapat sampai jauh ke hulu sungai tergantung pada tinggi pasang surut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Muara Sungai Jeneberang dengan mengukur langsung masa air yaitu salinitas, temperature, dan densitas. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memetakan pola sebaran dan stratifikasi struktur massa air secara spasial pada saat spring tide dan neep tide di Muara Sungai Jeneberang pada saat kondisi pasang menuju surut dan pada saat kondisi surut menuju pasang. Tahapan dalam pengolahan data menggunakan tools Sistem Informasi Geografis/Geographic Infromation System (ArcGis) yang sebelumnya dilakukan pengukuran, pengamatan, perekaman, dan pemetaan. Data hasil pengukuran kemudian dibuat dalam model spasial dengan menggunakan Aplikasi ArcGis untuk melihat pola sebaran struktur massa air akibat pengaruh pasang surut. Pola sebaran dan pelapisan massa air ini diperlihatkan secara spasial pada saat spring tide dan neep tide, pada kondisi pasang menuju surut dan kondisi surut menuju pasang. Pola sebaran struktur massa air secara spasial ini perlu ditambahkan dengan memperlihatkan pola sebabarannya secara vertical, sehingga dapat melihat profil kolom air dan kondisi pencampuran yang terjadi akibat pengaruh pasang surut
Jurnal Keteknikan dan Sains (JUTEKS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Keteknikan dan Sains - Oktober 2018
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Hidrodinamika dapat didefinisikan sebagai salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari gerak liquid atau gerak fluida cair khususnya gerak air, Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh kondisi hidrodinamika pantai. Penelitian menunjukkan perubahan garis pantai. Permasalahn utama adalah di lokasi studi adalah erosi pantai yang menyebabkan mundurya garis pantai sehingga berpotensi menyebabkan hilangnya tambak masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sistem model numerik secara umum memodelkan simulasi muka air dan aliran di estuary, teluk dan pantai. Program inti dari SMS ini adalah program permodelan hidrodinamika yang dapat menhitung elevasi muka air dan kecepatan aliran untuk masalah aliran perairan dangkal dan mendukung permodelan keadaaan langgeng dan tidak langgeng. Hasil dari penelitian berdasarkan analisis permasalahan pantai di lokasi studi, ditetapkan pias pantai yang akan diamankan adalah pantai Tarowang. Kondisi hidrodinamika pantai tarowang dengan kedalaman rata rata 2 - 3 m vektor gelombang pada arah selatan dan timur cenderung membentuj sudut 45° dari arah datang gelombang, Berdasarkan hasil prediksi simulasi di pantai Jeneponto, Nampak bahwa bangunan pantai jenis groin lebih tepat digunakan untuk perencanaan. Mengingat energi gelombang yang terdeduksi dengan tinggi gelombang relative lebih kecil dibanding Detached Breakwater. Sehingga dalam arah perencanaan bangunan pantai bisa dijadikan pertimbangan.