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Analisis Efektifitas Reduksi Limpasan dengan Underdrain Box Storage Magfirah Malkab; Rita Tahir Lopa; Bambang Bakri
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 24 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112020.01


Penelitian ini membahas mengenaisuatu model saluran drainase sebagai salah satu solusi penanganan masalah genangan yang sering terjadi pada kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dimana pada bagian dasar drainase diberi lubang-lubang yang disusun seri sepanjang saluran sebagai fungsi untuk mengisi ruang penampungan (box storage) di bawahnya yang dapat dihubungkan langsung ke tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis dimensi saluran yang dapar meningkatkan volume tampungan dan mengurangi limpasan air hujan serta menganalisis efektivitas penerapan underdrain box storage dalam meningkatkan volume tampungan dan mereduksi volume limpasan. Penelitian ini membutuhkan pemetaan wilayah aliran yang datang ke drainase yang ditinjau dan juga data curah hujan untuk memprediksi debit rencana dengan periode ulang 20 tahun.Metode yang digunakan dalam perhitungan debit banjir puncak adalah HSS Nakayasu . Kemudian untuk perhitungan debit banjir rencana digunakan metode Rasional. Selanjutnya, perhitungan intensitas curah hujan menggunakan metode Mononobe. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya ruang penampungan di bawah saluran drainase, volume tampungan drainase meningkat dari 14,80% menjadi 57,97% sehingga dapat mengurangi volume air yang melimpas di permukaan dari 85,20 % menjadi 42,03 %. Kata Kunci : UnderdrainBox Storage, Tampungan, Limpasan ABSTRACT This study discusses a drainage channel model as a solution to the inundation problem that often occurs on the campus of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Where at the bottom of the drainage, holes are arranged in series along the channel as a function to fill the storage space below which can be connected directly to the ground. The purpose of this research is to analyze the dimensions of the canal which can increase the storage volume and reduce rainwater runoff and to analyze the effectiveness of the application of underdrain box storage in increasing the storage volume and reducing the volume of runoff. This research requires mapping the flow area that comes to the drainage under review and also rainfall data to predict the planned discharge with a return period of 20 years. The method used in calculating the peak flood discharge is HSS Nakayasu. Then for the calculation of the flood discharge plan used the Rational method. Furthermore, the calculation of rainfall intensity uses the Mononobe method. The results of the analysis show that with the presence of a storage space under the drainage channel, the volume of the drainage reservoir increases from 14.80% to 57.97% so as to reduce the volume of water overtopping on the surface from 85.20% to 42.03%. Keyword: Underdrain Box Storage, Storage, Runoff
Penanganan Banjir pada Danau Tempe dengan Kolam Regulasi pada Inflow Afbiantir Parandangi; Rita Tahir Lopa; Bambang Bakri
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 24 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112020.04


Danau Tempe adalah salah satu danau terluas di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Kondisi pendangkalan serta topografi wilayah disektiarnya yang merupakan dataran rendah menjadikan kawasan sekitar Danau Tempe rawan terhadap ancaman bencana banjir. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan alternative penanganan banjir yang salah satunya adalah dengan pemanfaatan kolam regulasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sebaran daerah rawan banjir serta efektifitas penangan banjir dengan kolam regulasi di sekitar Danau Tempe. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan analisa hidrologi menggunakan data curah hujan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS)Bila Walanae, perhitungan debit banjir rancangan menggunakan model Hidrograf Satuan Sistetik (HSS) Nakayasu serta simulasi profil aliran banjir menggunakan model numerik 2D Hec Ras. Luas daerah rawan banjir berdasarkan hasil simulasi debit banjir 20 tahun pada tiga sungai yang masuk ke danau tempe (Sungai Bila, Sungai Paddangeng, Sungai Walanae) dengan outlet Sungai Cenranae adalah 121,44 km2. Penanganan banjir di sekitar danau tempe dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan kolam regulasi yang ditempatkan pada hulu tiga sungai yang masuk ke danau tempe dengan dimensi yang sama. Hasil simulasi menggunakan model numerik 2D Hec-Ras menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kolam regulasi mampu mengurangi luasan area genangan sebesar 21,74 km2, kedalaman maksimum sebesar 0,1 meter, tinggi muka air maksimum sebesar 0,15 meter, volume sebesar 16.424,11 m3, serta durasi genangan sebesar 0,27 jam.
The Revitalization of Makassar Urban Drainage System Based on Eco Drainage Retention Pond Riswal Karamma; Rita Tahir Lopa; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 8, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v8i1.2811


One of the causes of flooding in Makassar City is the management of the water system that is not optimal. It is necessary to arrange a drainage system to overcome flooding in Makassar City. In this study the topography on Catchment area analysis, analysis of hydrology and hydraulics analysis. Modeling the distribution of flood performed using HEC-RAS applications. This research was conducted in the Tallo watershed which consists of the Upper Tallo sub-watershed and the Mangalarang sub-watershed. The results of the analysis of flood discharge in the Tallo Hilir sub-watershed are 523.76 m3/s and in the Mangalarang sub-watershed are 886.82 m3/s. The flood overflow of the Tallo River spread over 6.48 km2 of Manggala District, 0.31 km2 of Rappocini District, 4.24 km2 of Panakukang District, 3.37 km2 of Tallo District, 11.59 km2 of Tamalanrea District and 0.01 km2 of Biringkanaya District. The total area of flood distribution is 26 km2. The solution to overcome the flooding of the Tallo River with an environmentally sound drainage system, it is necessary to plan the construction of a retention pond in Tamalanrea District, with a normal total storage volume of 2.48 million m3 and a maximum capacity of 5.31 million m3. The construction of this retention pond can reduce 17.7 km2 of flood-affected area.
Analisis Pemecah Gelombang (Breakwater) Di Bamballoka Kabupaten Pasangkayu anri rusady; Rita Tahir Lopa; Imam Rohani
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/bjce.v1i1.170


Abstrak Analisis skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aman atau tidaknya bangunan pengaman pantai yang berada di Bambaloka Kabupaten Pasangkayu, terhadap stabilitas kuat dukung tanah, geser dan guling dan studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe bangunan pengaman pantai yang cocok untuk pantai Bambaloka. Dari hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan analisis yang di lakukan dapat di simpulkan beberapa hal mengenai analisis stabilitas bangunan pengaman pantai ( Breakwater ) yang berada pada pantai Bambaloka, Kecamatan Baras Kabupaten Pasangkayu, Sulawesi Barat. Dapat di simpulkan sebagai berikut, Gaya terhadap gelombang, = 0,7 m, = 0,17 m, Stabilitas bangunan pengaman pantai terhadap kuat dukung tanah = - 44,4 kN/m² < = 7,393 kN/m² ( Aman ) Stabilitas Pemecah Gelombang terhadap geser dan penggulingan Terhadap geser = 0 < 2 ( Aman ) Terhadap guling = 0,116 < 2 ( Aman ). Kata Kunci : Analisis, Breakwater, Geser, Guling, Stabilitas, Pengaman Pantai. Abstrak The analysis this thesis aims to determine whether or not a safe beach building located in Bambaloka Pasangkayu Regency, to the strong stability of soil support, shear and rolling and this study aims to determine the type of beach safety building suitable for Bambaloka beach. From the results obtained based on the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that there are several things concerning the stability analysis of the beach safety building (Breakwater) located on the coast of Bambaloka, Baras District, Pasangkayu Regency, West Sulawesi. It can be summarized as follows, force against wave, l_c = 0.7 m, l_t = 0.17 m, stability of coastal protection building against soil bearing strength σ_maks = - 44.4 kN / m² <q_a = 7.393 kN / m² (safe ) Stability of Breakwaters to shear and rolling Against shear = 0 <2 (Safe) Against rolling = 0.116 <2 (Safe). Keywords : Analysis, Breakwater, Slide, Bolster, Stability, Beach Safety.
Sosialisasi Peraturan Daerah Sempadan Sungai Dalam Rangka Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Maros Rita Tahir Lopa
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Penguatan Masyarakat melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v3i1.120


Maros Regency is one of the regencies in South Sulawesi Province whose river management system is not optimal yet. Based on this case, the Maros River flooding problem in Maros Regency must be dealt with as soon as possible in a good and correct manner and community participation is needed in terms of understanding river border regulations. The purpose of this activity is to provide socialization to the community to increase community knowledge about river border regulations. The method is used to achieve the stated goals and targets is to carry out river schools which are expected to be useful for the local community. Activities undertaken will involve the community. The implementation of this community service activity, in the form of socialization of river boundary regulations in the context of flood control, is expected that community knowledge about river border will increase and patterns of community behavior regarding the handling of river border areas can be increased and will have a positive impact on improving river management by the community. The knowledge that is possessed is expected to be transmitted and become an example for the community around Maros Regency
Penyuluhan Mitigasi Bencana pada Kawasan Sempadan Pantai Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar Riswal karamma; Muh Saleh Pallu; Muh Arsyad Thaha; Farauk Maricar; Rita Tahir Lopa; Mukhsan Putra Hatta; Silman P Manda; A Subhan Mustari; Bambang Bakri; Farid Maricar; A Ilda Puspita
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Community Empowerment through Health Awareness in the New Normal
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v4i2.215


Coastal community education is needed to maintain the balance of coastal border areas. The purpose of this activity is to increase public awareness in dealing with and reducing disaster risk and provide a basic understanding of disaster mitigation in coastal border areas. Disaster mitigation is an activity to reduce the impact of disasters. The main components that need to be considered in understanding disasters are hazard, vulnerability, resilience, and risk. An understanding of the four main components will determine how the approach and action to disaster must be taken. The data collection method was carried out by observing the coastal border area in the Takalar area, then conducting a review of data or documents related to the border area and discussions with the community who live around the coastal border in North Galesong District to complete the results of the data review. In this service activity, counseling is carried out, one of which describes the level of danger of abrasion and the efforts made to reduce the risk. The step taken as an effort to reduce the risk of abrasion is to carry out disaster mitigation efforts. Implementation of disaster mitigation counseling in coastal border areas is a form of non-structural disaster mitigation in terms of strengthening community capacity. This outreach activity motivates the community to strengthen capacity and protect the environment around the coastal border, especially to prevent abrasion.
Pengaruh Kemiringan Struktur Plat Segitiga Terhadap Kecepatan Gesek Dasar pada Saluran Terbuka Yunarto Rombebunga; Rita Tahir Lopa; Bambang Bakri
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 25 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.052021.05


Pada aliran saluran terbuka, distribusi kecepatan seringkali dibedakan sebagai distribusi kecepatan di daerah inner region, yang berada di dekat dasar dimana distribusi kecepatan logaritmik berlaku, dan di daerah outer region, yang berada jauh dari dasar dimana distribusi kecepatan menyimpang secara jelas dan sistimatik terhadap hukum logaritmik. Tujuan penelitian adalah struktur mampu meredam energi aliran dasar sehingga kecepatan yang terjadi dapat diminimalisir. Percobaan dilakukan pada saluran flume dengan Panjang 8,00 m, lebar 0,40 m dan tinggi 0,40 m. Untuk kemiringan saluran yang digunakan 0,05% dan 0,10% pada bidang licin. Tipe aliran adalah aliran seragam, menggunakan 3 (tiga) variasi debit inlet (Q). Untuk Struktur berupa model plat segitiga, menggunakan variasi stuktur dengan kemiringan 30o (M1), 45o (M2) dan 60o (M3) dengan kemiringan saluran 0.05%. Adapun tinggi plat segitiga ditentukan berdasarkan tinggi rerata kecepatan maksimum sebesar 0,6D. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan gesek yang terjadi sebelum melewati plat segitiga akan membesar dengan nilai rerata 53% (kecepatan gesek (u*) menurun) dan sesaat setelah melewati plat segitiga menjadi kecil (kecepatan gesek (u*) meningkat) dengan rerata 26% seiring bertambah besarnya kemiringan plat segitiga dan konstantan integrasi (C) berupa perubahan kecepatan aliran semakin meningkat. Namun trend kecepatan gesek yang ditunjukan untuk setiap model akan terlihat semakin menurun pada saat menjauhi plat segitiga dan hal ini mengindikasikan kecepatan gesek (u*) akan mengalami kondisi rezim aliran yang baru. Selain itu secara kuantitatif terkonfirmasi bahwa dengan adanya struktur plat segitiga maka nilai Froude yang terjadi sebelum melewati struktur akan mengalami penurunan kecepatan aliran seiring bertambah besarnya kemiringan struktur dan setelah melewati struktur, kecepatan aliran akan meningkat dan terjadi intensitas turbulen disepanjang saluran. In an open channel flow, velocity distribution is often distinguished as velocity distribution in the inner region, which is near the base where the logarithmic velocity distribution applies, and in the outer region, which is far from the base where the velocity distribution deviates clearly and systematically from the logarithmic law. The purpose of this research is the structure is able to reduce the base flow energy so that the velocity that occurs can be minimized. The experiment was carried out on a flume channel with a length of 8.00 m, a width of 0.40 m and a height of 0.40 m. The slope of the channel used are 0.05% and 0.10% on a slippery surface. The type of flow is uniform flow, using 3 (three) variations of inlet discharge (Q). For the structure in the form of a triangular plate model, using a variation of the structure with a slope of 30o (M1), 45o (M2) and 60o (M3) with a channel slope of 0.05%. The height of the triangular plate is determined based on the average height of the maximum speed of 0.6D. The results of the analysis show that the frictional speed that occurs before passing through the triangular plate will increase with an average value of 53% (friction speed (u*) decreases) and immediately after passing through the triangular plate becomes small (friction speed (u*) increases) with an average of 26% along with as the slope of the triangular plate increases, the integration constant (C) in the form of a change in flow velocity increases. However, the frictional velocity trend shown for each model will appear to be decreasing as it moves away from the triangular plate and this indicates that the frictional velocity (u*) will experience a new flow regime. In addition, it is quantitatively confirmed that with the triangular plate structure, the Froude value that occurs before passing through the structure will experience a decrease in flow velocity as the slope of the structure increases and after passing through the structure, the flow velocity will increase and turbulence intensity occurs along the channel.
Racic : Rab Construction Research Vol 7 No 2 (2022): DESEMBER
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36341/racic.v7i2.2997


Mandar River is one of the rivers in West Sulawesi Province which is located in Polewali Mandar Regency and comes from one of the foot of the mountain with a length of about 150 km. The use of Mandar River water, apart from being a source of air for the surrounding community, is also used as a power plant, so that the Mandar River cannot be separated from the lives of some people who live in the border areas of the Mandar River. Over time, activities in the Mandar River border area have increased, especially in the construction of residences and other buildings such as residential buildings. This study aims to identify the use of space in the Mandar River border area and provide recommendations for spatial planning by zoning the use of space in the area and reducing the impact of flooding. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with spatial analysis. The results of this study are the zoning arrangements for regional activities in the form of conservation areas and border areas, while the zoning of cultivation areas are river conservation areas and agricultural and plantation areas. The border area of ​​the Mandar River for structuring more arrangements is right on the edge, where the area is a flood-prone area with relocation development or river normalization.
Dam-Break Energy of Porous Structure for Scour Countermeasure at Bridge Abutment Ira Widyastuti; M. Arsyad Thaha; Rita Tahir Lopa; Mukhsan Putra Hatta
Civil Engineering Journal Vol 8, No 12 (2022): December
Publisher : Salehan Institute of Higher Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-019


The aim of the study is to determine the structure for energy absorption in order to countermeasure the scouring on the bridge abutment. Consider a porous structure for energy absorption, which can reduce flow velocity and depth of scouring due to its porosity. The energy absorber plate demonstrated in triangular shape with several porous as submerged barrier. The investigation was conducted in laboratory and placed the abutment in the middle of the channel with a distance of 3Lb, 5Lb, 7Lb and 9Lb. The plate area consists of 0% (MP1), 5% (MP2), and 10% (MP3). The scour depth measurement (ds) is carried out at 6 crucial points in the abutment area. Comparisons between experimental measurements and a numerical prediction model are presented. The experimental results show that the percentage of frictional velocity in the inhibition area for each pore opening before the obstacle, 31.42% (decreasing), - 9.27% (increasing), and -32.92% (increasing), respectively. Furthermore, the optimum position of the porous energy absorber at 9Lb to the abutment. The magnitude decreases of scour depth obtained from MP2. It can be concluded that the placement of energy absorbers can lead to damping forces. It also found that the porous structures could be beneficial for motion damping and absorber of the scouring. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-019 Full Text: PDF
Penggunaan Blok Pracetak Heksagonal dan Vegetasi Rumput untuk Mengurangi Limpasan Permukaan Pada Tebing Arsyuni Ali Mustary; Muh Saleh Pallu; Rita Tahir Lopa; Arsyad Thaha
Retii Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-12 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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Curah hujan merupakan faktor penting dalam laju  limpasan permukaan (runoff) apalagi jika lahan tersebut tidak tertutupi oleh Vegetasi , berbagai  metode  untuk mengurangi limpasan permukaan yang selama ini digunakan namun metode yang ada belum mampu menjawab seluruh permasalahan dan cenderung tidak memperhatikan efek terhadap lingkungan, namun seiring dengan berkembangnya konsep restorasi sungai dan restorasi lereng,  menjadi sebuah tuntutan dalam perlindungan lereng  agar karakteristik ekologi tetap terjaga. Berbagai jenis pelindung tebing  memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan baik itu yang murni vegetasi maupun yang murni struktur, untuk itu kami mengevaluasi dan mendesain model pelindung tebing dari kedua metode tersebut, yaitu dengan mendisain  Blok pracetak berlubang  dan memvariasikan dengan vegetasi rumput sehingga diperoleh manfaat dari kedua metode tersebut.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besarnya debit limpasan aliran permukaan (run off) yang terjadi pada variasi tutupan tanah dengan Blok Pracetak Berlubang dan Vegetasi rumput pada kemiringan permukaan tanah  15°, 25° dan 40°.Pengambilan sampel dilakukan  diawali dengan kalibrasi Curah hujan sehingga diperoleh 3 (tiga) jenis Curah Hujan, selanjutnya membuat skala model  dengan  kemiringan tanah  15°, 25° dan 40° pada Bak Rainfallsimulator, selanjutnya variasi model tutupan tanah termasuk juga model Blok Pracetak Berlubang di susun pada model  tebing dan dilakukan running dengan 3 Varian Curah Hujan , 4 (empat) varian  model tutupan lahan, dengan 3 (tiga) varian kemiringan , dari ketiga varian Curah Hujan jumlah limpasan rata-rata menunjukkan tutupan tanah menggunakan  Blok Pracetak Berlubang kombinasi vegetasi rumput dapat menurunkan limpasan permukaan secara signifikan yaitu sebesar 41.06 % pada kemiringan 15° , pada kemiringan 25° penurunan limpasan yang terjadi sebesar 45.41 %, sedangkan pada kemiringan 40° penurunan limpasan yang terjadi sebesar 41.77 % dari tanah tanpa tutupan , juga semakin curam kemiringan tanah maka jumlah limpasan permukaan juga semakin tinggi. Kata Kunci : limpasan, Tebing , Blok Pracetak Hexagonal, Vegetasi, Rainfallsimulator.