Evendi, Azhari
Sociology Study Program, Mataram University, Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Mataram, 83125

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Jurnal Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : usat Standar dan Kebijakan Pendidikan, BSKAP, Kemendikbudristek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/jpkp.v13i2.382


This study aims to analyze the roles and strategies of the Lontar literacy community to introduce literacy culture to the wider community in the West Nusa Tenggara region. Primary data obtained through observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out systematically by determining the sections and relationships between the data sections. The validity of the data is measured by triangulation and external audit. The results show that the Lontar Community has played its role by providing intensive coaching since 2017 at Taman Baca Masyarakat in two regencies that are tourist destinations, such as TBM Rinjani at the slopes of Rinjani, and the Perpustakaan Adat Bayan for this Traditional Village, North Lombok Regency. In this journey, the Community cooperates with all parties whose mission is to advance education. As for the strategy of spreading literacy culture, the Lontar Community utilizes public space as a place for reading books, scientific discussion and writing in the classroom, and uses social media for literacy campaigns.
Pengembangan Wisata Alam Denda Seruni Melalui Pemanfaatan Dana Desa Azizah Azizah; Ika Wijayanti; Azhari Evendi
RESIPROKAL: Jurnal Riset Sosiologi Progresif Aktual Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/resiprokal.v3i1.55


Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengembangan Wisata Alam Denda Seruni melaui pemanfaatan dana desa dan kendala serta upaya yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah desa dalam mengembangakan Wisata Alam Denda Seruni. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun teori yang digunakan yaitu teori Praktik Sosial Pierre Bourdieu yang menjelaskan tentang (Habitus x Modal + Ranah) = Praktik. Terdapat empat modal dalam teori prakik sosial Pierre Bourdie antara lain, modal ekonomi, modal sosial, modal kultural atau budaya dan modal simbolik. Melalui habitus yang dimiliki oleh agen yang didukung oleh modal ekonomi melalui pemanfaatan dana desa, modal sosial, modal budaya dan modal simbolik menciptakan sebuah praktik sosial dalam pengembangan Wisata Alam Denda Seruni. Namun dalam pengembangan Wisata Alam Denda Seruni belum bisa memanfaatkan modal-modal yang dimiliki secara optimal. Kurangnya sosialisasi dan pemberian informasi oleh pemerintah desa, pengelola dan pokdarwis mengenai perubahan status Desa Wisata kepada masyarakat Desa Seruni Mumbul menyebabkan masyarakat kurang barpartisipasi dan belum sadar sepenuhnya mengenai pentingnya pengembangan wisata di desa. Oleh karena itu pemanfaatan habitus dan modal-modal masyarakat Seruni Mumbul masih kurang maksimal dan belum efektif dalam pengembangan wisata Denda seruni. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah desa dalam mengembangkan Wisata Alam denda Seruni antara lain: (1) Terkendala dana (2) Etos kerja masih rendah (3) Adanya mis komunikasi antara pengelola dan pemuda (4) Adanya kesalahpahaman manajemen tata kelola keuangan (5) Kurangnya sosialisasi oleh Pokdarwis (6) Adanya pandemi Covid 19 menjadi kendala dalam mengembangkan wisata Denda Seruni.
Modal Sosial Masyarakat Pulau Maringkik dalam Menghadapi Bencana Azhari Evendi; Rosiady H. Sayuti; Oryza Pneumatica Inderasari
RESIPROKAL: Jurnal Riset Sosiologi Progresif Aktual Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/resiprokal.v3i1.57


Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk merangkai korelasi antara modal sosial dengan mitigasi bencana pada komunitas kepualauan di Pulau Maringkik, Lombok Timur. Wilayah kepulauan merupakan wilayah yang memiliki risiko bencana yang cukup tinggi yang mengancam eksistensi masyarakat. Mayoritas masyarakat lebih memilih tinggal di pulau maringkik dari pada pindah ke tempat yang risiko bencananya lebih rendah. masyarakat memiliki sistem pengetahuan yang menjadi modal sosial untuk menghadapi berbagai risiko bencana alam dan non alam. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif ditemukan bahwa masyarakat Pulau Maringkik memiliki modal sosial dalam hal mitigasi bencana yang terdapat pada sikap saling percaya, partisipasi dalam suatu jaringan, resiprositas, dan norma-norma sosial. Modal sosial dalam hal mitigasi bencana menjadi kekuatan sosial masyarakat Pulau Maringkik untuk melangsungkan hidup di gugus pulu kecil walaupun risiko bencananya cukup tinggi.
The Influence of Education and Local Culture on Community Preparedness in Facing Disasters Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti; Oryza Pneumatica Inderasari; Azhari Evendi
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: e-Saintika Vol. 5 No. 1: March 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/e-saintika.v5i1.381


This research is motivated by the awareness of the importance of community preparedness against disasters, especially for island communities whose locations are in disaster-prone areas. Maringkik Island, East Lombok Regency was chosen as the research location because the island is included in the southern part of Lombok Island which has the potential for megathrust with earthquakes above 8 SR. The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the level of community education in Maringkik Island and its effect on community readiness in dealing with current disasters, (2) the level of understanding of disaster preparedness in the community in patron-client relationships, and (3) the level of disaster preparedness in the local social system of community in Maringkik Island, East Lombok Regency. The method used in this research is mixed methods, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The data were collected using in-depth interviews and surveys using a questionnaire that had been prepared. The results obtained from this study are that community preparedness in facing disasters is influenced by several factors, namely the level of education and knowledge as well as existing socio-cultural values. In addition, the existing patron-client pattern actually contributes to the community's low understanding of disaster preparedness. Community behavior and preparedness in the event of a disaster are still traditional, instinctive and natural, not based on modern science. Therefore, this study recommends the importance of disaster-specific subjects in schools and routine disaster mitigation-related training from related institutions.
Jurnal Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Balitbang Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/jpkp.v13i2.382


This study aims to analyze the roles and strategies of the Lontar literacy community to introduce literacy culture to the wider community in the West Nusa Tenggara region. Primary data obtained through observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out systematically by determining the sections and relationships between the data sections. The validity of the data is measured by triangulation and external audit. The results show that the Lontar Community has played its role by providing intensive coaching since 2017 at Taman Baca Masyarakat in two regencies that are tourist destinations, such as TBM Rinjani at the slopes of Rinjani, and the Perpustakaan Adat Bayan for this Traditional Village, North Lombok Regency. In this journey, the Community cooperates with all parties whose mission is to advance education. As for the strategy of spreading literacy culture, the Lontar Community utilizes public space as a place for reading books, scientific discussion and writing in the classroom, and uses social media for literacy campaigns.
Konstruksi Sosial Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Masyarakat di Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Mandalika Iwan Efendi; Muh. Taqiuddin; Azhari Evendi
RESIPROKAL: Jurnal Riset Sosiologi Progresif Aktual Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/resiprokal.v4i1.129


The research is entitled " Social Construction of Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone ". Sengkol Village is one of the disaster-prone villages, especially in the hamlets of Gerupuk 1, Gerupuk 2, Ebangah which is located in the coastal area. The Village Disaster Preparedness Team (TSBD) was formed as a communitybased disaster risk reduction. This study uses the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Luckmann. This research uses a qualitative case study method. Research informants from the management of the Village Disaster Preparedness Team, the CONSEPSI field staff of the Caritas Germany program, and the village head of Sengkol, Central Lombok. Data collection techniques used structured interview techniques, field observations, and documentation results. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model from Milles and Habberman in three (3) ways, namely data reduction, data presentation,and conclusion drawing. The validity technique uses extended observations and triangulation methods to check the level of confidence. The results showed that based on the results of the analysis using social construction theory, Berger and Luckman Social construction are formed through 3 (three) dialectical processes, namely, first, externalization is reflected in the existence of local wisdom in the tsunami early warning system with the appearance of Layur fish on the beach, indicating that a disaster will occur. Second, the objectification process, through the rules for implementing disaster management and philosophical values so that it successfully legitimizes the existence of community-based disaster risk reduction. Third, the internalization process through primary socialization using the TSBD institution to mobilize the community in community-based disaster risk reduction. This becomes the capital in reducing disaster risk in Sengkol Village.
Tinjauan Sosiologis Peran Perempuan Pesisir Dalam Pembangunan Desa Sekotong Barat, Lombok Barat Maya Atri Komalasari; Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti; Azhari Evendi
Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan Vol 18 No 1 (2023): JURNAL KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN VOLUME 18 NOMOR 1 JUNI 2023
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47441/jkp.v18i1.298


Development is experiencing adverse developments, as seen from the poverty and inequality rates experienced by coastal women in West Sekotong. This study aims to describe the role of women in developing coastal communities in West Sekotong Village, West Lombok Regency, which is analyzed with Talcot Parsons' theory of action (voluntarism). The research method used is qualitative intrinsic case studies. The data collected are primary and secondary. Research informants are selected using purposive sampling techniques, a collection using observation, interviews, and documentation, and data analysis using interactive models. The results showed that the role of coastal women in village development is manifested in their roles as implementers and evaluators. The role of an evaluator indicates the presence of action with an aspect of voluntarism. In carrying out their role in village development, women face various obstacles Pembangunan masih mengalami perkembangan negatif yang tampak dari angka kemiskinan dan ketimpangan serta dialami perempuan pesisir Sekotong Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan peran perempuan dalam pembangunan masyarakat pesisir di Desa Sekotong Barat, Kabupaten Lombok Barat yang dianalisis dengan teori aksi (voluntarisme) Talcot Parsons. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif studi kasus intrinsik, data yang dikumpulan yakni data primer dan sekunder, informan penelitian dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peran perempuan pesisir dalam pembangunan desa terwujud dalam perannya sebagai pelaksana dan evaluator. Peran sebagai evaluator menunjukkan adanya tindakan dengan aspek voluntarisme. Dalam menjalankan perannya pada pembangunan desa, perempuan pesisir menghadapi berbagai kendala, oleh karena itu perlu dukungan dengan memberikan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas melalui pendidikan, pelatihan komunikasi publik dan penguatan kepercayaan diri perempuan secara psikologis sehingga mereka mampu menyalurkan aspirasinya demi kemajuan dan perkembangan desa.