Syarif Husin
Faculty Of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

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Fluid consumption, hydration status, and its associated factors: a cross sectional study among medical students in Palembang, Indonesia Dwi Lisa Nur'aini; Ardesy Melizah Kurniati; Moretta Damayanti; Syarif Husin; Joko Marwoto
World Nutrition Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Nutrition Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25220/WNJ.V05.i1.0012


Background: Adequate fluid consumption and hydration status of students become a special concern because being dehydrated by just 1%-2% can impair cognitive performance. The objectives of this study were to assess the daily fluid consumption, and analyze the correlation of fluid consumption and other associated factors with hydration status of medical students in Universitas Sriwijaya.Methods: A total of 93 medical students in Universitas Sriwijaya were recruited to complete a 7-day cross-sectional study. Subjects were asked to complete a self-administered 7-day-24-hours fluid record and provide first morning urine sample on the last day. Gender information was collected. Physical activity was evaluated by self-administered long version of IPAQ. Body mass index was calculated using body weight and body height measurement. Urine specific gravity was determined by urinometer. The 7-day-24-hours fluid record and 1-day-24-hours urine specific gravity were calculated and analyzed.Results: Majority of the subjects were well hydrated, while 10.8% were slightly dehydrated, 6.5% were moderately dehydrated and 9.7% were severely dehydrated. The average of daily fluid consumption was 1789.28 (989.3-2930) mL. Coefficient correlation of fluid consumption from beverages with urine specific gravity was -0.651 (p=0.00) by Pearson correlation test. The hydration status showed no association with gender, physical activity and body mass index.Conclusions: Most subjects in this study were well hydrated. A strong association was found between fluid consumption and hydration status. It was feasible to use daily fluid consumption from beverages to predict hydration status.
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32539/JKK.V9I2.16988


Prediabetes is a condition where blood glucose is higher than normal yet to be diagnosed as diabetes. This condition is mostly not recognized by people, which worsen the condition into diabetes. Therefore, in order to prevent the worsening condition into diabetes, early detection and education about prediabetes are important. As one of the educational media, Prediaducate is expected to provide not only information but also a risks screening test, hence the prediabetes and diabetes rate can be reduced. This study is a descriptive observational with a cross-sectional design. The sample used in this study is Prediaducate’s users from August-October 2021 who met the inclusion criteria. The data was taken from a questionnaire online by using Google Forms. Later processed with STATA 15. This study concludes that most of the users’ of Prediaducate felt highly satisfied with the system quality, information quality, and interaction quality.
Hubungan Kadar Seng dan vitamin A dengan Kejadian ISPA dan Diare pada Anak Fedriyansyah Fedriyansyah; HM Nazir Hz; Theodorus Theodorus; Syarif Husin
Sari Pediatri Vol 12, No 4 (2010)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (75.848 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/sp12.4.2010.241-6


Latar belakang. Rendahnya sistem imunitas dianggap turut berpengaruh terhadap kejadian ISPA dandiare. Beberapa penelitan menyatakan bahwa kadar seng dan vitamin A dalam serum yang rendah jugaberpengaruh terhadap sistim imun.Tujuan.Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status seng dan vitamin A dengan kejadian ISPA dan diarepada anak.Metode. Penelitian kohort selama enam bulan di lima posyandu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Talang Ratu,Palembang. Subjek penelitian adalah anak berumur 12-60 bulan yang datang ke Posyandu pada bulanFebruari 2009. Kadar seng dan vitamin A diperiksa, serta mendapat vitamin A sesuai program pemerintah.Data ISPA dan diare dari subjek, dikumpulkan selama 6 bulan dan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan programSPSS 15.Hasil. Terdapat 100 subjek ikut dalam penelitian, namun 8 subjek tidak melanjutkan, sehingga terdapat 92subjek. Ditemukan 62% mengalami defisiensi seng dan 68,5% defisiensi vitamin A. Didapatkan hubunganyang bermakna antara defisiensi seng dan vitamin A (RR=5,833;KI 95%:2,816-12,085). Selama 6 bulandidapatkan 62% subjek menderita ISPA dan 30,4% menderita diare. Terdapat hubungan yang bermaknakejadian ISPA dengan anak defisiensi seng dan atau vitamin A (RR=2,455;KI 95%:1,403-4,297). Ditemukanjuga hubungan yang bermakna pada kejadian diare dengan anak defisiensi seng dan atau vitamin A(RR=5,984;KI 95%:1,522-23,534).Kesimpulan. Status seng dan vitamin A merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian ISPA dan diarepada anak.
Compatibility between Menstrual Pictogram Assessment and Haemoglobin Assessment in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Uji Kesesuian Pemeriksaan Piktogram Menstruasi dengan Pemeriksaan Hemoglobin pada Pasien Perdarahan Uterus Abnormal Fitri Yulianti; Heriyadi Manan; Awan Nurtjahyo; Syarif Husin
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 6 No. 3 July 2018
Publisher : Indonesian Socety of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.475 KB) | DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v6i3.783


Objective: To determine the amount of wasted blood and diagnosedAUB and determine amount of decrease in haemoglobinlevels by adjusting the examination of menstrual pictogramwith haemoglobin.Methods: Diagnostic test was conducted in the DepartmentObstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Mohammad Hoesin/Faculty ofMedicine Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang, start from January 2015through January 2017. Sample was obtained from 39 patients withabnormal uterine bleeding who meet the inclusion and exclusioncriteria. Frequency and distribution of data are described in tablesand cross analyze (cut-off point) to find cut points differencemenstrual pictogram and a decrease in haemoglobin levels usingROC curve. Accuracy is measured by the value of Kappa. Dataanalysis using SPSS version 21.Results: From 39 samples that obtained, majority characteristicsage > 35 years (59%), ideal BMI (59%) and multiparous(48.7%). From statistical analysis, there was significanceassociation between haemoglobin measurement toolsand menstrual pictogram (p = 0.063). Both measuring deviceshave compatibility in predicting the type of AUB (p = 0.047),with the degree of conformity is weak (Kappa = 0.232).Conclusion: Accuracy of menstrual pictogram examination andhaemoglobin has a weak degree of conformity, so menstrualpictogram examination can’t be used to determine a decrease inhaemoglobin levels. Menstrual pictogram menstruation only usedas an evaluation of therapeutic response.[Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 6-3: 172-178]Keywords: abnormal uterine bleeding, haemoglobin, menstrual pictogram