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Interaksi pada Museum Virtual Menggunakan Pengindera Tangan dengan Penyajian Stereoscopic 3D Gary Almas Samaita; Surya Sumpeno; Muhtadin Muhtadin
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.79 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v5i2.16426


Kemajuan teknologi menjadikan museum mengembangkan cara penyajian koleksinya. Salah satu teknologi yang diadaptasi dalam penyajian museum virtual adalah Virtual Reality (VR) dengan stereoscopic 3D. Sayangnya, museum virtual dengan teknik penyajian stereoscopic masih menggunakan keyboard dan mouse sebagai perangkat interaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan menerapkan interaksi dengan pengindera tangan pada museum virtual dengan penyajian stereoscopic 3D. Museum virtual divisualisasikan dengan teknik stereoscopic side-by-side melalui Head Mounting Display (HMD) berbasis Android. HMD juga memiliki fungsi head tracking dengan membaca orientasi kepala. Interaksi tangan diterapkan dengan menggunakan pengindera tangan yang ditempatkan pada HMD. Karena pengindera tangan tidak didukung oleh HMD berbasis Android, maka digunakan server sebagai perantara HMD dan pengindera tangan. Setelah melalui pengujian, diketahui bahwa rata-rata confidence rate dari pembacaan pengindera tangan pada pola tangan untuk memicu interaksi adalah sebesar 99,92% dengan rata-rata efektifitas 92,61%. Uji ketergunaan juga dilakukan dengan pendasaran ISO/IEC 9126-4 untuk mengukur efektifitas, efisiensi, dan kepuasan pengguna dari sistem yang dirancang dengan meminta partisipan untuk melakukan 9 tugas yang mewakili interaksi tangan dalam museum virtual. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa semua pola tangan yang dirancang dapat dilakukan oleh partisipan meskipun pola tangan dinilai cukup sulit dilakukan. Melalui kuisioner diketahui bahwa total 86,67% partisipan setuju bahwa interaksi tangan memberikan pengalaman baru dalam menikmati museum virtual.
PEMANFAATAN PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR (VOC) PADA BUDIDAYA TANAMAN KOL BUNGA Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis L.subvar. cauliflora DC. Juhriah Juhriah; Sri Suhadiyah; Muhtadin Muhtadin; Dewi Lestari
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/bioma.v3i1.5492


Penelitian tentang Pemanfaatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) pada Budidaya Tanaman KolBunga  Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis L. subvar. cauliflora DC. dilakukan  di Tombolo Pao, Kecamatan Tombolo Pao, Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan. Analisis kandungan tanah dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia dan Kesuburan Tanah Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanfaatan pupuk organik cair pada budidaya tanaman kol bunga dan  dosis yang optimal untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi  tanaman kol bunga Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis L. Penelitian ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 kelompok. Analisis data menggunakan Analysis of variance. Hasil yang berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian  pupuk organik cair dengan dosis 30 ml/l air  memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat bunga, berat total tanaman, dan diameter bunga, serta berpengaruh nyata terhadap lebar daun, diameter batang dan panjang akar. Kata Kunci: Kol Bunga Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis L. subvar. cauliflora DC., Pupuk organik cair, budidaya.
Moralitas dalam Novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye Muhtadin Muhtadin; Sugi Murniasih
Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Publisher : LP4MK STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.503 KB) | DOI: 10.31540/silamparibisa.v1i1.19


Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan moralitas yang terkandung dalam novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis isi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kalimat yang mengandung nilai moral yang terdapat novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk Karya Tere Liye. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan catat. Teknik analisis data dengan langkah-langkah: reduksi data, tabulasi data dan pengkodean, interpretasi, klasifkasi, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa moralitas dalam novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk karya Tere Liye, yaitu: 1) hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain berupa eksistensi diri, harga diri, rasa percaya diri, takut, maut, rindu, dendam, kesepian, dan keterombang-ambingan, menjaga kesucian diri dari sikap rakus, mengembangkan keberanian, kejujuran, kerja keras, sabar, ulet, ceria, teguh, terbuka, visioner, mandiri, tegar, pemberani, optimis, dengki, munafik, reflektif, tanggung jawab, prinsip, percaya diri, disiplin, dan rakus 2) hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain (sosial) dan alam berupa kerja sama, saling mengenal, munafik, kepedulian, kemunafikan, rasa peduli, persahabatan, senyuman, saling membantu, dan pengkhianatan; serta 3) hubungan manusia dengan berupa mentauhidkan Tuhan dan menghindari syirik, bertaqwa dan memohon pertolongan dengan doa-doa, salat yang dilakukan oleh manusia, sebagai suatu kesadaran bahwa semua yang ada di alam ini raya milik Tuhan. Kata kunci: moralitas, sastra, novel Abstract The objective of this research was to describes the morality contained in the Negeri di Ujung Tanduk novel the works of Tere Liye. The research method used content analysis. The data in this research is a sentence containing the moral values ​​contained by the Negeri di Ujung Tanduk novel the works of Tere Liye Tere Liye. Technique of collecting data using documentation technique and record. Data analysis techniques with steps: data reduction, data tabulation and coding, interpretation, classification, and conclusion. The result of the research shows that morality in Negeri di Ujung Tanduk novel the works of Tere Liye is: 1) human relationships with other human beings in the form of self-existence, self-esteem, self-confidence, fear, death, longing, resentment, loneliness, maintaining the sanctity of greed, developing courage, honesty, hard work, patient, resilient, cheerful, steadfast, open, visionary, independent, brave, courageous, optimistic, envy, hypocritical, reflective, responsible, principle, confident, disciplined , and voracious 2) human relationships with other humans (social) and nature in the form of cooperation, acquaintance, hypocrisy, caring, hypocrisy, caring, friendship, smile, mutual help, and betrayal; and 3) human relationships in the form of God's menthidising and avoiding shirk, piety and pleading with prayers, prayers performed by human beings, as an awareness that everything in this universe belongs to God. Keywords: morality, literature, novels
Validitas Bahan Ajar LKS Menulis Naskah Drama Siswa Kelas VIII SMP se-Kabupaten Musi Rawas Sri Murti; Muhtadin Muhtadin
Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Publisher : LP4MK STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.614 KB) | DOI: 10.31540/silamparibisa.v2i2.239


This study aims to describe the validity of teaching materials LKS writing drama scripts for eighth-grade students of Musi Rawas Regency. Teaching materials developed to increase student interest in class VIII SMP throughout Musi Rawas Regency. Researchers are also motivated to conduct this development research because they want to add learning references in writing drama scripts. Therefore, the researcher wants to develop a Student Worksheet with examples of drama scripts based on the folklore Musi Rawas. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method with the Dick & Carey model which is limited to 8 stages. Expert validation was carried out with three experts, namely design validation expert, linguistic validation expert, and content/material validation expert. The research instruments were divided into the test, questionnaire, interview, questionnaire, rating scale, and attitude scale, observation, and sociometry. Research activities in developing this teaching material model, researchers used test guideline instruments, interviews, questionnaires, and observation sheets to validate research data. The results showed that the validity of LKS teaching materials writing drama scripts for eighth-grade students of Musi Rawas Regency was included in the good category with a percentage of 79.17% originating from the results of design, language, and material validation experts. Thus, the validity of LKS teaching material writing drama scripts in this study can be accepted as correct. The LKS teaching materials developed were valid and the LKS teaching materials after being tested at school could increase the interest in learning to write drama scripts for eighth-grade students of Musi Rawas.
Aplikasi Web Pembelian Bahan Baku di PT. Matra Roda Piranti Cibitung Muhtadin Muhtadin; Yahya Mara Ardi
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 7 No 2 (2018): JSI Periode Agustus 2018

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (840.733 KB) | DOI: 10.51998/jsi.v7i2.279


Abstract— By building a web application purchase information system at PT Matra Roda Piranti, which is not owned by the company, and utilize the network local that has been installed. The methodology used in designing this purchasing information system is by direct observation and interview with the speaker, the director of the purchasing department of PT. Matra Roda Piranti. In addition, the literature method is also used to obtain references from books available both libraries and on the internet. The existing system at PT. Matra Roda Piranti this is still done manually, starting from recording of raw material transactions to suppliers, to storage of other data related to the process of purchase to the preparation of reports, Site application has been successfully built to facilitate purchase transactions such as materials The process of procurement of raw materials, The process of timely recording of payments and reporting. Intisari— Dengan membangun suatu aplikasi web sistem informasi pembelian pada PT Matra Roda Piranti yang belum dimiliki perusahaan, dan memanfaatkan jaringan lokal yang sudah terpasang. Metodelogi yang digunakan dalam mereancang sistem informasi pembelian ini adalah dengan pengamatan dan wawancara secara langsung dengan narasumber yaitu direktur bagian pembelian PT. Matra Roda Piranti. Selain itu, metode kepustakaan juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan referensi dari buku-buku yang tersedia baik diperpustakaan maupun di internet. Sistem yang ada pada PT. Matra Roda Piranti ini masih dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari pencatatan transaksi pembelian bahan baku kepada supplier, sampai penyimpanan data-data lainnya yang berhubungan dengan proses pembelian hingga sampai pembuatan laporan, Aplikasi website yang telah dibangun ini berhasil mempermudah transaksi pembelian seperti proses pengadaan bahan baku, proses pembelian, proses pencatatan pembayaran serta pembuatan laporan yang tepat waktu. Kata Kunci— Bahan Baku, Database, Pembelian, Web
Prinsip dan Karakteristik Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Hafid Muslih; Ghina Ulpah; Miftahul Huda; Mukhlishah Mukhlishah; Muhtadin Muhtadin
Lumen: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katekese dan Pastoral Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Juni : Lumen: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katekese dan Pastoral
Publisher : Publisher STPKat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/lumen.v3i1.348


Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has an important role in shaping the character and noble character of students. Quality PAI teaching materials are one of the determining factors for successful learning. This study aims to describe the principles and characteristics of effective PAI teaching materials. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. Data were collected from books, scientific journals, and other reliable sources. The data were analyzed with descriptive analysis techniques and then selected and compared and classified, and the final stage drew conclusions according to the truth. The results of the study found that PAI teaching materials are learning tools designed to assist teachers and students in achieving the learning objectives of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). Good and quality PAI teaching materials will help students understand Islamic teachings more easily and explore, as well as practice them in everyday life. In addition, the characteristics of PAI teaching materials that are different from teaching materials in general make additional capital for the realization of the ideals expected by Islamic Religious Education and Budi Pekerti to students. By paying attention to these principles and characteristics, Islamic Religious Education teaching materials can help students to achieve the expected learning objectives, namely to become a Muslim person who has faith, devotion, and noble character.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknologi Digital Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pai : (Studi Kasus di Kelas 5 SD Darul Hikam Bandung) Yanti Nurhayati; Ghina Ulpah; Muhtadin Muhtadin; Miftahul Huda; Kemal Al Kautsar Mabruri
Garuda: Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Dan Filsafat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Maret : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Filsafat
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan Kinerja Dosen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/garuda.v2i1.2442


Education in Indonesia is currently facing the fourth industrial revolution known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Education 4.0 is an education characterized by the use of digital technology in the learning process or known as the cyber system. This study aims to find out how the use of digital technology in PAI subjects at SD Darul Hikam Bandung, how is the learning achievement in PAI subjects at SD Darul Hikam Bandung, and how much influence does the use of digital technology have on PAI subjects at SD Darul Hikam Bandung. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach. The statistics use correlation analysis, simple linear regression analysis, and the coefficient of determination and the t test. The population in this study were 103 students of grade 5 SD Darul Hikam Bandung, the sample of the study was taken as many as 50 students. The data collection technique was carried out by means of online questionnaires, interviews and documentation of the 2019/2020 odd semester PAI report cards. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the effect of using digital technology on student achievement in PAI subjects was included in the high category with a correlation coefficient of 0.701 and a contribution of 49.1% and the remaining 50.9%, learning achievement was influenced by other variables. There is a significant effect of the use of digital technology in PAI subjects on student achievement with a significance value of 0.000. This finding is very important, especially for PAI teachers to be able to use and apply digital technology in the teaching and learning process because the media can improve student learning achievement. For students, it is hoped that by implementing learning using digital technology, the learning achievements obtained by students can increase even higher.