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KONSELING PERNIKAHAN BERBASIS BUDAYA SINOMAN JAWA Sesya Dias Mumpuni; Dita Efani; Winahyu Destyarti; Indra Tirto Aji
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Borneo Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/jbkb.v2i2.1760


Semakin semaraknya tren yang banyak menjadikan remaja atau dewasa dengan usia siap menikah menjadi rentan dan kehilangan diri untuk lebih mengetahui wawasan berumah tangga, dukungan lingkungan yang memudar membuat individu tersebut menjadi tidak menyadari adanya budaya yang nilainya dekat dengan hal – hal berkaitan dengan pernikahan. Melalui penelitian ini, bertujuan untuk mengembalikan budaya yang sejatinya sudah ada di lingkungan untuk dapat di aplikasikan bagi mereka yang melangsungkan ikatan yang lebih sakral sebagai solusi dari stigmasisasi lajang dan kerentanan terhadap kekerasan yang diterima oleh orang – orang dengan risiko kehamilan tidak di inginkan serta membantu untuk pihak terkait mempromosikan untuk memiliki keluarga terencana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dimana data dikumpulkan menggunakan google form terdiri dari 50 responden dengan dominasi jenis kelamin perempuan. Responden berasal dari domisili beberapa wilayah di pulau Jawa dengan perolehan tiga tertinggi dari Pemalang sebesar 17.1%, Kabupaten Tegal sebesar 22,9% dan Kabupaten Brebes sebesar 24,3% serta total kesiapan pernikahan masih lama dari 50 responden memberikan hasil 55,7% hal tersebut dapat dijadikan acuan untuk memberikan wawasan tentang pentingnya informasi menjelang pernikahan yang perlu dipersiapkan. Tingkat kevalidan data yang dikumpulkan merujuk pada indikator variable kondisi hubungan, cinta remaja, persiapan pernikahan, pager ayu, ladhen wedhang serta rewang pada 50 responden dari beberapa daerah khususnya wilayah Jawa, usia 21 tahun keinginan menikah tertinggi memiliki tingkat kevalidan yang kuat sebanyak 41 item dan satu item tidak valid pada nomor tiga dengan bunyi item berikut “Kami dikenalkan oleh rekan kerja”  serta reliabilitas menunjukan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar α = 0.943. Item tertinggi dengan kesesuaian indikator utama dari Sinoman Jawa yakni pada pernyataan pernikahan sebagai gerbang utama dari perjalanan yang panjang sehingga harus dibarengi dengan limpahan kesabaran untuk mampu menerima apapun kondisi pasangan yang memperoleh layanan terbaik juga terhadap orang tua hal tersebut didukung dengan komunikasi atau tukar pendapat bersama pasangan sebagai kunci terhindari dari permasalahan. Kata Kunci : Budaya Jawa, Bimbingan, Konseling, Kuantitatif, Pernikahan
Analysis of Sinoman Principles as Marriage Readiness in Teenagers Sesya Dias Mumpuni; Dita Efani; Winahyu Destyarti; Indra Tirto Aji
Biblio Couns : Jurnal Kajian Konseling dan Pendidikan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling FKIP UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (954.13 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/bibliocouns.v4i2.5079


Marriage is a lifelong worship who believe it, people in the world always want married just once in their life, but this desire is very rarely accompanied by readiness. Good preparation for marriage can be indicated when conducting an assessment between couple male and female in premarital counseling by applying the Sinoman principle as a preventive service in counselling. The aims of study to find the readiness of a prospective married couple by applying the Sinoman principle. This research uses descriptive quantitative research method use a sample of 70 respondents Google Form questionnaire to prospective married couples combining the level of recognition, readiness to accept and the reciprocity of the couple with the variables in this study, namely relationship conditions, adolescent love, wedding preparations, pager ayu, ladhen wedhang and rewang. The results of the validity the r table obtained was 0.235 with a reliability coefficient of ? = 0.0937. The conclusion of this study is marriage preparation is something that must be considered as best as possible, through premarital counseling, the goal of helping to minimize problems in a marriage, not only during marriage but also in married life.
Assistance in The Implementation of Peer Group Counseling for Tegal City Genre Volunteers as an Effort to Prevent Early Marriage During the Covid 19 Pandemic Renie Tri Herdiani; Sitti Hartinah DS; Dita Efani
ASEAN Journal of Empowering Community Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): ASEAN Journal of Empowering Community
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/ajecom/vol2issue2.41


This community service activity is held based on the reality that many early marriages seem “forced” and end up with less comfortable things, especially in terms of psychology. Based on this, we want to share information on the impact of early marriage in terms of psychological, social, economic, health and o, and their. The socialization from related parties makes us want to do service to provide selling assistance counseling teenagers have insight into the impact of promiscuity and young marriage so that teenagers avoid various problems in navigating life. The target of this service is the genre volunteers of the city of Tegal of junior-high school age as the subjects of the service. The service implementation procedure uses three methods, namely the three lects: lecture, peer group counseling assist counseling the activity process. Many parts activation gave a positive response, namely by asking our team many questions about various things related to the positive and negative impacts of early marriage, so we can conclude that this mentoring activity is beneficial, especially in this case volunteers a genre that is still common with the effects of early marriage. We hope that after this peer group counseling assistance activity, all participants can resocialize it to their friends in their environment so that young people can understand and consider the positive and negative impacts of getting married at a young age. In addition, parental supervision also needs to be improved.