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Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 18, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

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AbstractIdeologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the traditional family culture, but also have conflicts between pedagogical values in generaltraditional family and Disney’s natural characteristic as a bigcorporation that lives in the capital industry.We can see these conflicts clearly in a few Disney’s box office films. “The Lion King” film shows a deep relation in nonsocialdemocracy, authority naturalization, hierarchy, unbalancedstructure, and full of patriarchy ideology values. “Little Mermaid” film has a strictly unbalanced gender. We can see that from Ariel, one of the characters in this film. Although, she is a pretty and active woman, but she is still on the position where she must obey the romanticism which is dominated by men. “Cinderella” film shows a violence ideology in household, unbalanced gender, and dependency.Disney child animation cartoon film is able to reconstruct a“different world” for children around the world which is not onlyfull of pedagogical values but also full of ideological values such as violence, unclearly values of life, and representation of an artificial world.Keywords: Ideology, Pedagogy, Child, Animation, Cartoon, Film,Disney
PARADOKS GENDER (Kajian Feminisme Etis terhadap Kemunculan Inong Balee dalam Kekerasan Politik di Aceh) Nugroho, Hastanti Widy; Murtiningsih, Siti
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 18, No 3 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

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AbstractThis research aims to get understanding about a definition and a concept of Inong Balee in a political violence in Aceh; secondly, to get an evidence of gender paradox in the Inong Balee’s role and existence in Aceh; thirdly, to criticize the concept of Inong Balee’s gender paradox from Ethical Feminism viewpoint; fourthly, all of them are formulated as a recommendation for a resolution of the political violence in Aceh. The result of this research is the Inong Balee is a general term to show ‘a widow’, so that the Inong Balee is not a woman group’s name of National Liberation Front of Aceh (GAM=Gerakan Aceh Merdeka). The role of Inong Balee as mother bearing and educating children in a domestic region can make a balance with their role as a family head who must struggle in a public region to replace their husband. According to Ethical Feminism, values developed by Inong Balee actually represent the feminine values like patience, mildness, and peacefulness.Keywords: Inong Balee, gender paradox, feminism
PARADOKS GENDER (Kajian Feminisme Etis terhadap Kemunculan Inong Balee dalam Kekerasan Politik di Aceh) Nugroho, Hastanti Widy; Murtiningsih, Siti
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 18, No 3 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.373 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.3529


AbstractThis research aims to get understanding about a definition and a concept of Inong Balee in a political violence in Aceh; secondly, to get an evidence of gender paradox in the Inong Balee’s role and existence in Aceh; thirdly, to criticize the concept of Inong Balee’s gender paradox from Ethical Feminism viewpoint; fourthly, all of them are formulated as a recommendation for a resolution of the political violence in Aceh. The result of this research is the Inong Balee is a general term to show ‘a widow’, so that the Inong Balee is not a woman group’s name of National Liberation Front of Aceh (GAM=Gerakan Aceh Merdeka). The role of Inong Balee as mother bearing and educating children in a domestic region can make a balance with their role as a family head who must struggle in a public region to replace their husband. According to Ethical Feminism, values developed by Inong Balee actually represent the feminine values like patience, mildness, and peacefulness.Keywords: Inong Balee, gender paradox, feminism
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 18, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (59.806 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.3523


AbstractIdeologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the traditional family culture, but also have conflicts between pedagogical values in generaltraditional family and Disney’s natural characteristic as a bigcorporation that lives in the capital industry.We can see these conflicts clearly in a few Disney’s box office films. “The Lion King” film shows a deep relation in nonsocialdemocracy, authority naturalization, hierarchy, unbalancedstructure, and full of patriarchy ideology values. “Little Mermaid” film has a strictly unbalanced gender. We can see that from Ariel, one of the characters in this film. Although, she is a pretty and active woman, but she is still on the position where she must obey the romanticism which is dominated by men. “Cinderella” film shows a violence ideology in household, unbalanced gender, and dependency.Disney child animation cartoon film is able to reconstruct a“different world” for children around the world which is not onlyfull of pedagogical values but also full of ideological values such as violence, unclearly values of life, and representation of an artificial world.Keywords: Ideology, Pedagogy, Child, Animation, Cartoon, Film,Disney
Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Women in the Perspective of Philosophy Nugroho, Hastanti Widy
Jurnal Perempuan Vol 22, No 1 (2017): Women and Public Policy
Publisher : Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan

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The article entitled “Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Women in the Perspective of Philosophy” derived from the results of philosophical research. The research objective is specifically exploring the philosophical concept of Hannah Arendt’s politics of women and revealthe forms of implementation in the context of open access, participation, and political control those are involving the women. Hannah Arendt political concept subsequently is applied to be adopted as a political strategy to fight for political equality of women in Indonesia. Concept, form of implementation, and women’s political strategy is analyzed through library research by using the typical elements of philosophical research; interpretation, deduction and induction, historical continuity, idealization, heuristics, and inclusive language. By using the typical elements of philosophical research, it is found that the source of women political thought isoriginating from Hannah Arendt’s idea of labor. The idea lies in a private area which is regarded as the political basis of reproductive and the strength of birthrate. In addition, Hannah Arendt introduced the politics of women as a feminine ethics which is conceptuallydefined as the ability to forgive and to love. The politics of women at the praxis level, according to Hannah Arendt should emphasize the principle of equality in the public sphere and apply the typical feminine power.
Analisis Etika Biomedis Terhadap Pasien Transgender dalam Mengakses Layanan Kesehatan di Yogyakarta Utami, Rona; Nugraha, Rizky Anandasigit; Yuliantoro, Moch Najib; Nugroho, Hastanti Widy
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 30, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.515 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.53016


This research focuses on transgender patients discrimination in Yogyakarta in accessing healthcare services. There are two questions on this research: what is the obstacle faced by the transgender-patients in accessing healthcare services? How is the analysis of biomedical ethics seeing this issue? Theresults on this research are despite the facttheywere notbeing discriminated inthehospital, they did not getthe health insurance by the governmentbecause of the administrative issuewhichcan not accommodatetheir genderchoice. Therefore, this researchseeks to understand the barriers of transgender patients in accessing healthcareservices through the perspective of biomedical ethics ofTom L. Beauchamp and James Childress. The researcher concludes that thegeneral ruleon social benefitsappliedin society isstill limitedonlyto the specificgenders. Itis not in accordance with the two principles in biomedical ethics:the principle of justice states that the transgender who is physically harmedhasright to getsocial benefitsto remedy the effect of thedisadvantagesdue to theirnatural property and to have more equal chance of life;and the principle of autonomy states that an autonomous decision of the transgender people to choose their gender is related to the individual rightsalthough they have different view with others andas long as their action do not leave the disadvantage toothers,it must be respected as a moral obligation.
Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Women in the Perspective of Philosophy Hastanti Widy Nugroho
Jurnal Perempuan Vol. 22 No. 1 (2017): Women and Public Policy
Publisher : Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34309/jp.v22i1.162


The article entitled “Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Women in the Perspective of Philosophy” derived from the results of philosophical research. The research objective is specifically exploring the philosophical concept of Hannah Arendt’s politics of women and revealthe forms of implementation in the context of open access, participation, and political control those are involving the women. Hannah Arendt political concept subsequently is applied to be adopted as a political strategy to fight for political equality of women in Indonesia. Concept, form of implementation, and women’s political strategy is analyzed through library research by using the typical elements of philosophical research; interpretation, deduction and induction, historical continuity, idealization, heuristics, and inclusive language. By using the typical elements of philosophical research, it is found that the source of women political thought isoriginating from Hannah Arendt’s idea of labor. The idea lies in a private area which is regarded as the political basis of reproductive and the strength of birthrate. In addition, Hannah Arendt introduced the politics of women as a feminine ethics which is conceptuallydefined as the ability to forgive and to love. The politics of women at the praxis level, according to Hannah Arendt should emphasize the principle of equality in the public sphere and apply the typical feminine power.
Relevansi Filosofi Androgenitas Carl Gustav Jung bagi Pendidikan Adil Jender Hastanti Widy Nugroho
Ilmu Pendidikan: Jurnal Kajian Teori dan Praktik Kependidikan Vol 28, No 1 (2001)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

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The Relevance of Carl Gustav Jung's Philosophy on Androgynity to the Gender Equality in Education. Androgynity concept means that everyone carries within them the feminine and masculine aspects as two eternal images, coexisting as equal and complementary parts of balanced cosmic system. Androgynity concept functions as a pair of opposites complementary, profoundly influencing the relation of all men and women with each other. Based on the research, understanding androgynity concept is important to make both man and women become consciuos of each other's psychic reality and have consciousness of gender equality, mainly in education. Androgynity concept is needed as alternative solution to gender inequality problem in education.
Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Women in the Perspective of Philosophy Hastanti Widy Nugroho
Jurnal Perempuan Vol. 22 No. 1 (2017): Women and Public Policy
Publisher : Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34309/jp.v22i1.162


The article entitled “Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Women in the Perspective of Philosophy” derived from the results of philosophical research. The research objective is specifically exploring the philosophical concept of Hannah Arendt’s politics of women and revealthe forms of implementation in the context of open access, participation, and political control those are involving the women. Hannah Arendt political concept subsequently is applied to be adopted as a political strategy to fight for political equality of women in Indonesia. Concept, form of implementation, and women’s political strategy is analyzed through library research by using the typical elements of philosophical research; interpretation, deduction and induction, historical continuity, idealization, heuristics, and inclusive language. By using the typical elements of philosophical research, it is found that the source of women political thought isoriginating from Hannah Arendt’s idea of labor. The idea lies in a private area which is regarded as the political basis of reproductive and the strength of birthrate. In addition, Hannah Arendt introduced the politics of women as a feminine ethics which is conceptuallydefined as the ability to forgive and to love. The politics of women at the praxis level, according to Hannah Arendt should emphasize the principle of equality in the public sphere and apply the typical feminine power.
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 18, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.3523


AbstractIdeologically, Disney animation cartoon films do not just represent pedagogical values in the traditional family culture, but also have conflicts between pedagogical values in generaltraditional family and Disney’s natural characteristic as a bigcorporation that lives in the capital industry.We can see these conflicts clearly in a few Disney’s box office films. “The Lion King” film shows a deep relation in nonsocialdemocracy, authority naturalization, hierarchy, unbalancedstructure, and full of patriarchy ideology values. “Little Mermaid” film has a strictly unbalanced gender. We can see that from Ariel, one of the characters in this film. Although, she is a pretty and active woman, but she is still on the position where she must obey the romanticism which is dominated by men. “Cinderella” film shows a violence ideology in household, unbalanced gender, and dependency.Disney child animation cartoon film is able to reconstruct a“different world” for children around the world which is not onlyfull of pedagogical values but also full of ideological values such as violence, unclearly values of life, and representation of an artificial world.Keywords: Ideology, Pedagogy, Child, Animation, Cartoon, Film,Disney