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Andreas Handojo
Program Studi Informatika

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Sistem Pembacaan kWh Meter Digital berbasis Raspberry Pi Thomas Kalsanta; Andreas Handojo; Resmana Lim
Jurnal Infra Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Electricity nowadays has become a fundamental necessity for various human activities for various functions. In Indonesia authorized as a provider of electrical energy is Negera Electricity Company (PLN), to know the large electrical energy used, a tool is needed called kWh meters. There are two kinds of analog kWh meters and digital kWh meters. The recording carried out by PLN is now varied from the coming of the officers to record manually or by doing many prepaid systems. This kind of recording is a waste of time and is less effective to do in modern times like this that everything is instant.Things like this will certainly begin to be abandoned when not updated soon. It is therefore necessary to centrally read digital kWh Meter technology that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Looking at the above problem, it takes an application to see the use of kWh, voltage, current, power, and power factor. To monitor the use of a tenant tenant centrally and anywhere can be accessed.This system uses Raspberry Pi and Website. This system can detect the use of kWh meters now with digital kWh meters connected with Raspberry Pi and the user or admin can see the usage of the website in direct. Users can view graphs of the usage of kWh, voltage, current, power, and power factor. In addition, users can also get notifications if they exceed the specified limit. This system can help record kWh on each tenant as an effective way
Aplikasi Warehouse Inventory Picking Order pada PT. XYZ Menggunakan Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm Adelyn Thungriallu; Andreas Handojo; Tanti Octavia
Jurnal Infra Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Warehouse Inventory Picking Order is the process of taking or placing goods in the warehouse according to the demand list. This is an important process in a company, for example PT. XYZ, because it involves operational costs and can affect the customer satisfaction. Efficiency is needed, especially in the speed and accuracy of picking up or placing products in the warehouse. If the picking order process is efficient, the operational costs and  time required will be more efficient too.Unfortunately, this process is often done manually and becomes inefficient due to long and repetitive processes. To answer this problem, a web-based application was designed to determine the route for picking and placing products to minimize the travel distance by using the Discrete Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm (SOS Algorithm) for discrete data. The final result is that the routing problem can be solved using SOS Algorithm for discrete data with an average distance reduction rate of 38.49% for 25 data.
Aplikasi Inventory Control Pada Multistore CV.Plastik Tommy Hartanto Salim; Andreas Handojo; Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi
Jurnal Infra Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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The need for information in this era of globalization needed a breakthrough that could facilitate the acquisition of information, along with the various methods done to develop knowledge and information in Inventory Control. He did this research because of the stock information on CV. Plastic is not managed properly, so often the buildup of goods in the warehouse CV. Plastic, as well as uncomputerised stock logging.Inventory Control system using Fixed Order Quantity (FOQ) and forecasting method, can help to manage information in stock logging, assist in the operation of stock transaction in stock order, stock procurement, storage Stock, and stock mutation, and to support the sales process on CV. Plastic.The results of the research indicated by the calculation of FOQ, safety stock, and ROP can be used to prevent excess stock, lost stock, damaged stock and anticipate out of stock. Forecasting that can be used is trend forecasting because it has only error 6%.
Aplikasi Segmentasi Pelanggan menggunakan Algoritma RFM/P dan Kmeans Clustering pada PT. XYZ Priscilla Delaya; Andreas Handojo; Alexander Setiawan
Jurnal Infra Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Customers are one of the keys to the resilience of a business. Each customer has different behavior and needs, so they need different treatment. Intense competition in the retail business makes customers have many choices and can easily switch to other companies. As a solution for PT. XYZ to compete, a customer segmentation system is needed to help PT. XYZ understand and maintain their customer’s loyalty. Therefore, in this study, the RFM/P method was used to calculate customer value, which was then followed by Kmeans clustering to divide customers into three clusters, namely below zeroes, most growable customers, and most valuable customers for each product. The results of the questionnaire evaluation in system testing were carried out on 6 respondents, for application functionality 93% good, application design 90% good, ease of use of application 83% good, application responding to needs 90% good, and overall application 87% good.
Aplikasi Pengaturan Menu Makanan Diet Menggunakan Metode Genetic Algorithm berbasis Android Nita Hidayat; Andreas Handojo; Anita Nathania Purbowo
Jurnal Infra Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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A diet is a healthy lifestyle that helps people control their eating habits with losing weight as the main goal. As time goes on, diet has also been developed into various types and each type of diet even has specific goals for people certain allergies or diseases. However, often people are less able to apply a good and correct diet because they do not know what type of diet is suitable and how to set the right food menu.To help people go on a diet, an application is made that can adjust the diet food menu according to the person's condition based on the profile data entered into the application. The method used in creating the diet menu is Genetic Algorithm. This diet application was created and developed for smartphone. The results of the application will provide a food menu arrangement for a week in accordance with user profile data.The test results show that the factors that influence the length of time running the Genetic Algorithm process are the number of epochs and the number of population used. The greater the number of epochs or the amount of population used, the longer the running time duration of the Genetic Algorithm process.
Aplikasi Pemetaan Penyakit Demam Berdarah di Surabaya dengan Metode Neural Network Multilayer Perceptron Ivan Enrico Widodo; Andreas Handojo; Siana Halim
Jurnal Infra Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Dengue fever is a disease that caused by dengue virus. This virus is transmitted into human body through mosquito bites, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. This kind of mosquito are mostly found in subtropical and tropical regions, including in Indonesia. Almost every year, cases of dengue fever occur in Indonesia. Government’s effort to prevent dengue fever have been carried out. Following the development of technology, the government began to save patient data through their own health institution, the community health centers.However, the stored data cannot produce useful information instantly. The data must go through series of processes first before it can become informastion. Data processing methods that can be used are neural network. Because neural network have one function that is prediction. Then, the prediction data can be entered into a digital map for the mapping process. Mapping with digital map that have colors and display the level of sufferers can be said to produce useful information. The result of this program is a website that can display maps in the form of digital map, with data obtained based on prediction results using neural network method. So that later this website can help the government to take preventive measures againts dengue fever.
Sistem Presensi Perkuliahan pada Universitas Kristen Petra Berbais RFID Dan Arduino Edwin Prastyan Wiyanto; Andreas Handojo; Resmana Lim
Jurnal Infra Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Presence is a recording of student attendance in attending a course. With the presence of these records, especially for Petra Christian University, students can observe the number of attendance in each course. During this time the presence at Petra Christian University was done manually, namely with paper for signatures. There are several obstacles such as no data backup when the paper is lost, and too much paper usage. Therefore, another alternative is needed to reduce these obstacles.In this journal, a presence system will be created using RFID technology and Arduino which is connected to the presence website that can help students, lecturers, departments and BAAK in viewing attendance and processing the data.The final result of this journal is a tool that has been designed and a website to facilitate students and lecturers in presenting. In addition, presence data which is stored in the database can be processed by departments and BAAK.
Aplikasi Pelayanan Asisten Tutor Berbasis Android di Universitas Kristen Petra Dieni Lucky Prayapitesha; Andreas Handojo; Anita Nathania
Jurnal Infra Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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Ethics Enrichment is a coaching program for new students during the first semester. This development program will divide new students into several small groups which led by Asisten Tutor (Astor). Besides making a development program, Asisten Tutor (Astor) must join another development program like intensive fellowship and Bible study groups. Each group has a mentor in order to lead the group. At this moment, every equippment that is used for new students, Asisten Tutor (Astor), and mentor is still printed in papers. With the numbers of new students, Asisten Tutor (Astor), and mentor that are increasingly rise every year; the usage of papers is such a waste and it is not simple. Therefore, web application dan mobile application are exist in order to help Asisten Tutor (Astor) and mentor; and also help new students to follow this development program effectively. This application is a technology-based because the usage of technology is a need for everyone in this era. The users of web application consist of administrator, asisten tutor observer, and students observer. Thus, the users of mobile application consist of mentor, Asisten Tutor (Astor), and new students. According to the test result, web application and mobile application is accesible. This application also helps management system of Ethics Enrichment service become well-organized.
Sistem Informasi Administrasi dan Inventory Control pada Multistore UD. XYZ Gunawan Putra Pratama; Andreas Handojo; Alexander Setiawan
Jurnal Infra Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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UD. XYZ is a trading business in the city of Mataram engaged in the sale of shoes, socks, bags and others. At present UD. XYZ does not have a computerized system for recording. The results of branch sales reports using paper records that will be given by the branch every day to the admin to record requires a long time to make a report. With this problem we need a system that can help record all transactions.To be able to help record all transactions at UD. XYZ is by implementing an administration that can produce reports on sales, purchases, calculating COGS, profit and loss. In addition there is inventory control to help control stock. The system is made using the programming language HTML, PHP, Javascript and MySQL database.The final result of the development of this system is that all branch transactions can be integrated such as purchases, sales, stock. The system can also show a variety of reports such as reports on sales, purchases, profit and loss, debt and others. The system created can also monitor the stock of each branch.
Aplikasi Tes Kepribadian Online Berbasis Website pada Pusat Konseling dan Pengembangan Pribadi Universitas Kristen Petra Kevin Kevin; Justinus Andjarwirawan; Andreas Handojo
Jurnal Infra Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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The need for an introduction to one's own personality is needed, especially to know who you are and can help companies find out who will be recruited as employees. Today, there are several sites that offer to be able to work on personality tests directly. However, the results of the tests that have been done can only be seen for one time only, so the test data that has been obtained cannot be stored for documentation purposes.To help users know their personality correctly and intact, a personality test application is created that can display test results that are in accordance with the user's personality and can save the results. Through this application, users can know who they are and the company can easily get to know the user's personality correctly. Existing tests include Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Temperament Test, A / B Personality Type Test which has different test results or information. So that users and companies need to choose which tests are suitable for their needs.The test results show that this personality test is able to answer the user's needs for correct and complete personality recognition. In addition, the results of the tests that have been taken and worked on can be saved either by the user or by the company with different formats according to the needs. So that both users and companies can save these results to be documented in various formats according to their needs.