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Liem Yenny Bendatu
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Perancangan Value Stream Mapping dan Upaya Penurunan Lead time pada Bagian Procurement-Purchasing di PT X Oey Yansen; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT X is one of the biggest manufacturer companies in Indonesia. Achieving one of its mission—continuous improvement, PT X keeps on making the new innovations and solution breakthroughs for its business process. At this opportunity, the improvement will focus on the procurement and purchasing departments, responsible for the company’s daily transactions.The first stage in Value Stream Mapping is Current State Mapping, providing the activities of the current condition and their lead time. Next step is analysis, where all the wastes are identified and solutions are developed. Lastly, Future State Mapping is the continuation of the previous stage—generating the new process involving the new lead time.As the Value Stream Mapping is developed, it is found 3 waste categories, i.e. over processing, waiting, and unnecessary movement. Solutions are given to reduce those wastes and will reflect in the future state mapping. It is believed that the future mapping will shorten process’ lead time of the pre-purchase requisition by 33.25% and after purchase requisition by 28.17% for FSS and 23.53% for M&S category.
Tinjauan Pemberian Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasan Karyawan di PT. Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam Plant Berdasarkan Grade Kwan Yenny Ade Wijaya; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam Plant (PT. EOB) has a variety of benefit schemes, but has not been doing employee satisfaction survei on these benefits. This research accommodating the needs by doing an employee survey at Rank and File and Supervisor Level. Survey results were analyzed using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Results from the IPA shows the median value for all the interest benefit is six (very important). This indicates employees are not able to give the appraisal of importance wisely. Housing allowance, newborn child vaccination, position benefit, and the cost of prenatal care are considered important but the level of satisfaction is low. So these benefits should be the focus of improvement. In addition, the employee’s opinion also surveyed in connection with the plan to replace the medical benefit with BPJS Kesehatan. It was found that most of the employees did not know BPJS clearly so the socialization of BPJS Kesehatan is proposed.
Perbaikan Proses Dandori di PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. Divisi Adiwira Plastik Albert Junaedi Gani; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This paper discusses the abnormality in dandori process and improvements to overcome it. Dandori is a process of changing mold or material during the production. Lately, dandori process at PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. still experienced abnormality such as material unreadiness, lack of facilities and infrastructure, and long barrel washing process. This research aims to reduce the preparation time and processing time of dandori and line stop. Quality control circle was used as the main method to design the improvements. Improvements are supported by some work standardizations for maintaining continuous improvements. The implementation of the improvements result in reducing dandori total time by 23 hours per month or 10,7% and average dandori time per process is reduced by 6,9 minutes or 17,6%. Material heating line stop reduced by an average of 15,5 hours per month or 35,8%.
Penyusunan Training Matrix Setiap Job Title Berdasarkan Job Description pada Divisi Manufacturing PT Ecogreen Oleochemcials Rio Iriando Hasudungan Sitanggang; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Ecogreen Oleochemicals is one of the companies engaged in the field of oleochemicals and  produces some olechemicals products. Company has been providing some trainings held by Human Resources Department based on user’s request. The user’s request is not effective because it is not suitable with training needs of employee. Therefore, using  job description approach into training matrix can define the training needs of an employee clearly. Training matrix consists of technical competency and knowledge. Total of training matrix in Manufacturing Division are 68 which divided into 19 in Maintenance Department, 15 in Production EOB 1, 8 in Production EOB 2, 4 in Quality Assurance, 4 in Utility, 18 in Engineering. Knowledge mapping will be used as a guidance for Human Resources Department to arrange the training
Penyusunan Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) Di PT. X Shandy Irawan; Togar W.S Panjaitan; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is a company which produces a variety of glassware product. PT. X wants to develop Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) in order to fulfill the requirement of OHSAS 18001:2007 application. The area covers in raw materials warehouse, production, and finished good warehouse.The preparation of HIRARC is divided into 3 stages which are hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control. Hazard identification is performed based on interviews with the workers, the observations in the factory, and the historical data of accidents at PT. X. The result of the risk assessment shows 34% of activities is categorized as low risk, 58% of activities is categorized as moderate risk , 8% of activities is categorized as high risk and there is no activity in the category of extreme risk. Risk control will be performed on activities with moderate risk and high risk category. Based on the result, there are 4 potential hazards with high risk category, which are the sharpness of the material in the production area, shortness of breath due to workers are not wearing APD, shortness of breath due to the pungent smell from additives during the casting process, and the hook of the basket is fragile in the mixing process. Risk Control is undertaken by giving APD, safety sign, punishment, equipment maintenance, and make a special area for walking.
Perbaikan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dengan Metode HIRARC di PT. Sumber Rubberindo Jaya Andreas Arif Gunawan; liem yenny bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT Sumber Rubberindo Jaya is a company that produces motorcycle tires. This company has implemented occupational safety and health but with limitation in providing personal protective equipment. Currently, some export customers require occupational safety and health as a condition of export. Therefore this research is to improve the occupational safety and health in the company. HIRARC method is used to analyze the safety and health of the company. The result shows 24% activities are categorized as low risk, 48% are categorized as moderate risk, 28% are categorized as high risk. There are 8 moderate risk activities from all areas and 9 high risk activities from raw materials, mixing, cutting, building drum, curing. Proposed improvements are given to fixing the floor, giving personal protective equipment (safety shoes, helmet) and safety sign, the path the forklift and various other things.
Penjadwalan Predictive Maintenance dan Biaya Perawatan Mesin Pellet di PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia - Sepanjang Ivan Soesetyo; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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In this thesis we elaborated the predictive maintenance for the critical parts of Pelletizer machines in PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. We used the reliability tools, such as, availability, mean time to failure and mean time to repair for calculating the total minimum cost. As the result we can improve the availability of pelletizer 1, 3 and 4 as much as 1%, 1% and 3 % respectively. Additionally, the reliability of pelletizer 1 and 2 are improved to 20.55%, 19.71% respectively and the total cost is reduced from 12% to 90%.
Value Stream Mapping sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Waste di Departemen S PT A Novitriana Anggraini Sudjianto; Liem Yenny Bendatu; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT A is a manufacturer company which produces cigarette. PT A wants to do continuous improvement by keeping on reducing waste in S department. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a method that has been used to identify value added activity and non value added activity (waste) in that company.Based on the current value stream mapping of brand Y, there are 3 types of wastes which are inventory, transportation, and waiting. The proposed improvements will reflect in the future value stream mapping and reduce the total lead time by 5.82 %.
Penentuan Lokasi dan Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas Tempat Packaging PT.ABC Christina Natalia Rubianto; Liem Yenny Bendatu
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. ABC is a company that sells cooking oil in a bulk size, however the company is willing to develop their new efficient packaging in 18L jerry-can. The company wants to determine the right location for the packaging location and also designs departments’ layout inside. The chosen location is “Location K”. The facility layout design is done using ALDEP, CORELAP, CRAFT methods. The result after adjustment shows the best option is using CORELAP with the momen of 7100.
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X, is a bicycle company, tries to meet the needs of local and international con-sumers. Meeting the needs of the consumer must be accompanied with quality products espe-cially international standards. Thus, high skill employees both in production and Quality Control departments are in need. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is one of the tools for measuring the staff skills. In this project we design the Key Performance Indicator s based on Balanced score card to the level of foreman and operators at Incoming Department and Assembly Department. Design of Key Performance Indicator s based on Balanced score card to the level of foreman and operators Department Incoming and Assembly consists of 2 perspectives which are customer per-spective and learning and growth perspective. Customer perspective is based on the work fore-man and operators with regard to the level of accuracy checking of goods that meet the standard specification while learning and growth perspective consists of two tests, i.e. written and practice tests. The test material for the Incoming Department foreman or operatorare namely checking part measurements, checking surface condition, standard specification, checking each part type, and knowledge of measuring instruments used. The test material for the Assembly Department foreman are namely knowledge of measuring instruments used, describing an assembly production line, the standard specification, assembly of bicycles in accordance with the function of each part.