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Industri Inovatif : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 12 No 1 (2022): Inovatif Vol. 12 No. 1
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri S1 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/industri.v12i1.3750


Penerapan strategi dynamic pricing di Indonesia sudah banyak dilakukan oleh industri penerbangan dan transportasi darat (Uber, Gojek, Grab, dll), namun masih sangat jarang ditemukan penerapan strategi ini pada perusahaan pelayaran (perusahaan jasa pengiriman peti kemas). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model dynamic pricing yang tepat untuk perusahaan jasa pengiriman peti kemas dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penting yang berpengaruh dalam pembuatan model dynamic pricing pada perusahaan jasa pengiriman peti kemas. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa survei kuesioner, membuat skenario-skenario pemodelan dynamic pricing, dan melakukan uji anova. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor penting yang berpengaruh dalam pembuatan model dynamic pricing adalah faktor harga dan musim. Model dynamic pricing terbaik yang dapat diterapkan adalah melakukan kenaikan untuk harga minggu depan ketika jumlah demand aktual minggu ini lebih besar dari jumlah ekspektasi demand minggu ini dan tidak memberikan perubahan harga untuk minggu depan jika demand aktual minggu ini kurang dari ekspektasi demand minggu ini.
Sistem Informasi Produksi Lis Gypsum pada PT. Asri Indah Surabaya Alfeus Alfeus; Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Infra Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Infra

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PT. Asri Indah adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi bahan bangunan gypsum. Setiap lis gypsum yang diproduksi memiliki jenis dan ukuran yang berbeda sehingga mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan harga pokok produksinya (HPP). Pada bagian produksi juga memiliki masalah yaitu seringnya terjadi kesalahan dalam pertukaran data yang berujung pada miskomunikasi antara produksi dan gudang bahan baku dan kesalahan dalam penjadwalan produksi. Pembuatan laporan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan juga masih dilakukan secara manual. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan masalah yang dipaparkan di atas, maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi (SI) yang mampu mengolah data-data dari proses produksi menjadi informasi berupa penentuan harga pokok produksi, penjadwalan produksi dan laporan yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan PT. Asri Indah Surabaya.Sistem ini akan dibuat berbasis website menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX serta menggunakan database MySQL. Sistem Informasi akan dibagi menjadi 5 hak akses yaitu Admin, Produksi, Gudang Bahan Baku, Gudang Barang Jadi, dan Pimpinan. Masing- Masing hak akses akan memiliki fitur sesuai kebutuhannya.Realisasi sistem ini menyimpulkan bahwa harga pokok produksi pada PT. Asri Indah dapat terhitung secara otomatis dan sudah terbukti melalui perbandingan pehitungan manual dan sistem, penjadwalan produksi secara FIFO dapat dilakukan secara otomatis, laporan yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dapat terpenuhi, sehingga mempermudah perusahaan dalam melihat informasi produksi. dan berdasarkan hasil kuesioner yang dibagikan, untuk tampilan aplikasi 80% responden memberi nilai baik dan 20% responden memberi nilai sangat baik, untuk kemudahan memahami aplikasi 60% responden memberi nilai baik, 20% responden memberi nilai sangat baik dan 20% responden memberi nilai cukup, untuk menjawab kebutuhan 100%  responden memberi nilai baik, dan untuk keseluruhan aplikasi 100% responden memberi nilai baik.
Evaluasi Supplier Kawat Ulir di CV. Jaya Koil dengan Metode Max-Min Edwin Sebastian; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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A Firm occasionaly has more than one supplier to fulfill their raw material needs. It happened because the firm is confused in choosing the good and the bad one. Supplier evaluation is conducted to figure it out. This evaluation is based on each supplier performance. The purpose of this reserach is to find out the suppliers performance at CV. Jaya Koil. The method used in this research is max-min method. The result of this research is that there’s no dominant difference between one supplier with others, so company may allocate its budget on any supplier
Penurunan Waste Proses Produksi Produk RJK di Departemen DEW PT. X dengan Value Stream Mapping Franky Saputra; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X wants to increase profit that obtained from RJK product. Increasing the price can make RJK product will lose with its competing product. PT. X chooses to eliminate wastes that exist in production so higher profit can be obtained. PT. X wants to eliminate non value added activity that exists in RJK production process. Identification waste is done by the help of value stream mapping. Some wastes are located on Main line, CR line, and BYM line. Those wastes happen because of a lot of breakdown on combine line, over bulking, and BYM line does not have independent line because BYM line does not have a cutter. Combine line’s breakdown mainly caused by too long blend changeover or BCO time. Some improvements are done to eliminate waste on Main line, CR line, and BYM line. SMED concept is applied to speed up the BCO time so breakdown time of combine line will reduce. Alarm or visual alert installation is done so overbulking does not happen again. Searching for cutter at other affiliate is done so BYM line has independent line. Those improvements give impact by reducing NVA about 2.44 % at Main line, 0.48 % at CR line, and 1.4 % at BYM line.
Penentuan Ukuran Pemesanan Material dengan Memperhatikan Decay Inventory dan Quantity Unit Discount William Surya Wijaya; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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In this paper we develop decay inventory with quantity unit discounts models. The models are built by considering purchasing and saving cost. The models are compared with Wagner Within model. The analyzes are conducted using a sensitivity analysis to changes in deteriorating rate, setup cost, inventory cost, purchase cost and changes in the number of demand. The model analysis is done by generating 50 random data. Result from the study shows that savings cost model 1.4% is better than purchasing cost model. The cost of Wagner Within model is 1.5% lower than the model with purchasing cost and  not significantly different than the model that consider the savings cost. 
Perancangan Kebijakan Pengadaan Sepeda dengan Pendekatan Simulasi dan Algoritma Evolutionary Alan Darmasaputra Tanudireja; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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UD. X is a company engaged in the business of selling bike, child equipment, and toys in Banjarmasin, South Borneo. UD. X is only able to meet 70% to 80% of consumer demand. Overstock and understock often occurs due to ordering by estimates based on experience. The procurement policy that is used is Periodic Review Policy that consists of S,T Policy, and s,S Policy. The service level used in this policies is 99,99%. All policies will be simulated and compared with the current policy. The simulation is run for 5 products. Simulation result shows that in comparison with the current policy, s,S Policy can decrease the cost for all products while S,T Policy can only decrease the cost of three products. The result of 5 years simulation for the two policies shows that s,S policies is better than S,T Policy for two products, but not significantly different for the other products. This result shows that in the long run s,S Policy can be better than S,T Policy.
Pengukuran Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) di PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. Divisi Adiwira Plastik Christian Yoko Wijaya; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a performance measurement tool that can measure the production losses and identify improvement potential. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. Adiwira Plastics Division (PT AO AWP) is a manufacturing company of automotive components made from plastic which always perform continuous improvement to increase productivity. The problem is the lack of OEE calculation standar prosedure for family mold usage in plastic injection machines. The other problem is the production data on the web which used to measure the performance of the production process can not show the actual condition of plastic injection machine. The cause of this problem are database system, shot per hour (SPH) system updates, and admin errors in data input. Error in production data can lead to errors in performance calculation result of production process as well as errors in set improvement point analysis. The OEE calculation result using production data from Laporan Hasil Produksi is 86%. the result of this calculation is analyzed to obtain the most influential factor and get the root causes for the decisions of improvement.
Analisis dan Perancangan Perbaikan Sistem Perencanaan Produksi di PT. X Robert Karyahastana; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is an company that focus on timber export production. PT. X suffers problem that there is no production planning document that can be checked which cause some delay in order to fulfill the due date of production activities. Besides, the company wants to establish PPIC Department and expects to standardize in all PPIC activities.Production planning system includes creating PPIC Department’s system, procedure and job description, making production planning module, making container setting module, and making production planning format.
Perbaikan Tata Letak Fasilitas Departemen Sheet Metal 1 PT. MCP Meylinda Pramono; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Improvements layout on the sheet metal 1 department at PT. MCP held 45.89% due to backtracking that occurs when the operator does the production process. This improvement layout is built to match better layout for PT. MCP. The method used is the method of calculation of the moment without any cost calculation. Total moment of initial layout is 1,785,988.5. Improvement facility layout on sheet metal 1 department uses two methods. 2-Opt and CRAFT are both the methods. Calculations for 2-Opt method does not produce a total of better moment than the moment of the first layout, but the percentage of backtracking decrease to 38.95%. 2-Opt layout still can not be applied to the real situation because the moment is used as a reference. Otherwise total moment of CRAFT method generate better moment than the moment of the initial layout that is equal to 1,656,291.8 and percentage of backtracking also decreased to 23,69%. Layout CRAFT produced by the method can be applied to the real situation in the department of sheet metal 1 PT. MCP.
Perbaikan Work Cell XCSPA dengan Metode Lean Six Sigma Chris Hansen; I Gede Agus Widyadana
Jurnal Titra Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This study discuss about XCSPA product’s work cell with lean problem WIP after curing process with the maximum location capacity 2640 pieces. Quality issue with main problem contact resistance has resistance value above 25 mΩ, will impact to product function. This study objective is doing improvement to work cell with Lean Six Sigma Method, for improve lean problem and quality issue. In this research, DMAIC is used to solve the problem, however we did not discuss the Improve step. Value Stream Mapping tool used for knowing value added and non-value added process with improvement opportunity. Quality tool using Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (PFMEA) for finding cause of problem and potential problem can be happened in XCSPA Work Cell. Reduction of WIP by rearrange WIP quantity between process that will reducing about 85.49% WIP quantity from VSM current state WIP quantity. Quality issue eliminated by change and modify production process. Eliminate quality issue will impact to CNQ reduction for the reject product. Target achievement stated has accomplish that was reduction of PLT from contribution of WIP reducing, otherwise MDR, PRR still can’t be monitored. There’s 26 improvement suggestion, with 11 suggestion done, 7 suggestion in progress, 5 suggestion not yet implemented, 3 suggestion aborted.