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Prayonne Adi
Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University

Published : 24 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Perancangan Modul Training Pegawai di Departemen Blow Molding dan Injection Molding pada Perusahaan Kemasan Plastik Gisella Gisella; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Titra 8(2) Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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The problem in checking products is so many workers that make mistakes at inspections product. The type of blow molding product defect that many worker error inspections are scratch. The type of injection molding product defect is difficult to inspect are color defects and deformation. The root problem made after knew the problem. The root problem of checking products is domination by man factors and method factors. The root problem of checking products was implement in the training module. The training module made using the Best Training Practice guidelines, where the training methods used to meet the competency needs of workers' performance to be more efficient. The training module created modules, tasks, and tests. The module material consists of four parts, defects definition, causes of defects, defect classification, and types of product defects. The task in the module is to identify reject and accept goods also be able to use, read, and understand worker aids. Tests used are pretest, posttest, and practical test.
Analisis Pembelajaran Daring dengan Aplikasi Video Conference: Studi Kasus di Sebuah Program Studi Universitas Swasta Kelvin Irawan; Prayonne Adi; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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During this pandemic, many learning activities that were initially carried out face-to-face were replaced with online learning using applications. Several universities in Indonesia have started implementing online learning for students and lecturers from the odd semester of the 2020 academic year to the odd semester of 2021. The work on this final project uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method which is the method usually used in analyzing the acceptance of a new technology. This study is also used to determine the existence of several variables that will affect user decisions in the acceptance and use of the new technology. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 152 students of a study program at a private university. After all the data has been collected, the researcher will analyze the data descriptively and test the hypotheses that have been made by testing using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method to determine the influence relationship between indicators and latent variables. The results obtained from the study state that the results in this study are used to determine the factors that influence the acceptance of video conference by students of one of the study programs of a private university so that the results of this research can provide information on the results that can be used by the study program of a private university in knowing factors of student interest in online learning and maximizing the use of video conferencing.
Upaya Perbaikan untuk Mengatasi Kesalahan Inspeksi oleh Selector pada Departemen EBM PT. X Menggunakan Metode DMAIC Gabriella Axelina Limantara; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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X Company is a private multinational company which manufactures a broad range of packaging for makeup and skincare. Quality of the manufactured products is the focus of production process that taken place on X Company, so that the quality inspection are conducted twice. In practice, there is a fairly high number of inspection error done by the inspector. Inspection errors cause a high risk of defective products getting into the hands of customers. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the inspector’s accuracy when conducting inspections using the Attribute Agreement method. Based on the measurement results, it is known that as many as 66.67% of inspectors in the EBM (Extrusion Blow Molding) area have an accuracy level that is below the company given standard. A root cause analysis was carried out to determine the root cause of the problem using the help of fishbone diagram. The root cause are dominated by the aspects of man and method. The results of the analysis will be used as a reference in improvement proposals, using the help of the design thinking method. 
Upaya Penurunan Gap Antara Job Demands dan Job Resources: Studi Kasus di Sebuah Perusahaan Shipping Logistics Rudy Darmawan; Prayonne Adi; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titra 9(1) Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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The article discusses a job demands and job resources at a shipping logistics company. Jobs related to ships and logistics tend to have bigger problems compared to regular workers. This research focuses on seeing the job demands or the work pressure that the workers feel, the job resources or the support that the company gives, and the gap between the company’s and worker’s point of view regarding the job demands and job resources the company gave and the worker received. To see the amount of job demands and job resources, a questionnaire is made with various questions related to job demands and job pressures that has answer options of likert scale 1-5. Job demands with a value bigger than 3 and the gap that is more than 1 between the company’s and worker’s point of view will be analyzed to look for their causes and make the suggestions. The suggestions are made to reduce the tension the workers get from working or the job demands and to balance the tension and support that the workers receive and the company gives
Upaya Penurunan Permasalahan Missing Part dan Missing Hardware pada PT. X Cindy Felicia; Prayonne Adi; Tan Siu Kwang
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is a wooden furniture manufacturing company that produces two types of products: knockdown and set-up, with a make-to-order system. Customer complaints in 2021 show that knockdown products are prone to experiencing the three biggest defects: broken/damage (34.2%), missing parts (25.5%), and missing hardware (21.0%). This research will focus on two types of defects: missing parts and missing hardware in knockdown products. This research aims to discover root cause and solution to overcome the defective product that passed into the customer's hands. This study utilizes two quality improvement tools: pareto chart and 5 whys analysis, which found four root causes of missing parts and five root causes of missing hardware. Solutions to overcome missing parts problems are Working List Packing, and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for incomplete packing. Meanwhile, solutions to overcome the missing hardware problem are Working List Packing Hardware, installation of ventilators, and procurement of hardware charging systems.
Studi Kelayakan Pendirian Pusat Pembelajaran Piano untuk Penderita Autisme di Surabaya Marselina Rusli; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Titra 8(2) Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Piano learning center for autism is a learning center with music therapy and piano concept. Learning center is founded to answer autistic needed in focus, auditory, and emotion. To make a right foundation, feasibility study need to analysis from 3 segment are, market segment, technical segment, and financial segement. Market segment for this learning center examine competitor, SWOT analysis, focus, auditory, emotion autismetic, interest for learning center, potential market and business model canvas. Techinical segment examine license for operation and enstablised, worker, facility and layout design, room needs, and teaching schedule. Financial segement examine learning center income, salary, cost for every  needs, income statement, internal rate of return, and payback period. Final result for this feasibility study are, learning center has 550 potential market, all technical segment for learning center compatible with goverment and standar for autismetic suffer, and learning center have 50% internal rate of return and 3,6 year payback period.
Perancangan Sistem Penentuan Lead Time Produksi Berdasarkan Kapasitas dan Waktu Baku pada PT. X Kevin Kusuma Prawiro; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is a subsidiary of PT Astra Otoparts engaged in the automotive industry in producing motorcycle chains, engine chains, filters, and accessories for motorbikes. PT. X has 2 customer chain products, namely OEM (Original Equipment Market) products which include Astra Honda Motor (AHM), Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Suzuki. RM Products (Replacement Market) which include Honda Genuine Part (HGP) and Yamaha Genuine Part (YGP). The chain of OEM products is a chain that will be installed directly on a motorcycle during the assembly process. The RM product chain is a spare parts chain that will be marketed in motorcycle dealers. Determining the standard time and production capacity of each process aims to determine the production lead time. Production lead time is needed by the company to determine a product from the start of the raw material being processed to the end of being a chain product. The results of the calculation of the standard time of each process can be analyzed as the cause of the delay in product distribution to the customer. The results of this study are used to determine the production lead time for a certain period with the number of stock components, the number of chain stocks used for production plans for a certain period. The production plan uses data from the calculation of the standard process time and process capacity used to determine the production lead time.
Upaya Penurunan Kecacatan Mulut Botol Melipat menggunakan Metode DMAIC di PT. XYZ Jason Fran Tranggono; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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the research was conducted to eliminate the type of folding bottle mouth defect in the production output at PT XYZ. Folding mouth defect is the cause of leakage in the mouth of bottle. The problem is seen based on customer complaint data in 2021-2022, namely 33% of customers complained about leaking bottles. Efforts to eliminate the type of folding mouth defect carried out using the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) stages to analyze the root cause of the problem and provide a proposed improvement plan that will be carried out. Analysis of the causes of the problem is done using the help of fishbone diagrams. Four factors cause the problem of folding mouth defects, namely man, machine, method and material factors. Improvements that can be made to eliminate folding mouth defects are to carry out an overall audit of the machine ,replace abnormal parts and making helper tool for set up.
Perancangan Transportation Management System pada PT. X Grace Natasha; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is a company that engaged in the production and distribution of motorbikes. This research was conducted in the LDD department, where the department supports the distribution process of motorcycle at PT. X. The role of the LDD department is to ensure the distribution process of motorbikes, so that motorbikes can reach the hands of consumers well. The LDD Department expects a working system that is more effective, efficient, and transparent in monitoring so that units that are not unfilled are low. Problems will be identified by using fishbone diagrams, where the results of the identification are found to be three main problems that occurs in the LDD department. The main problem is the opening of DO is not in accordance with the capacity of the truck, the truck does not come to take up the DO units that have been opened, and the trucks that come cannot be carried out the loading process directly. The improvements are made by digitizing the distribution process by Logistic 4.0 principle or designing the Transportation Management System (TMS). TMS is a system designed with the aim that the distribution process can be easily tracked and monitored. TMS will also connect related parties that previously sought manually. The distribution process is expected to be improved to be more effective, efficient and transparent
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Strategi Peningkatan Pelayanan pada PT. X dengan Metode Servqual dan QFD Michelle Christina Linda Mulyawan; Jani Rahardjo; Prayonne Adi
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titra 9(1) Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Competition in the construction service industry rest on the company’s ability to provide service quality that satisfies customer expectations. Measurement of service quality with intangible characteristics can be done by measuring the level of customer satisfaction as an evaluation to improve service quality. Service quality is a method for measuring gap between customer perceptions and expectations of the service attributes. Evaluation of service quality are divided into five dimensions comprising of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurances, and empathy. The negative value gap indicates that the customer satisfaction level is still less than the level of interest for the service attributes. The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method will be used to translate and formulate service improvement strategies in efforts to reduce gaps that occur and improve customer satisfaction. This research is conducted using a chain analysis method consisting of three House of Quality levels to give more specific results for the company.