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Pengaruh Bawang Merah (Allium Cepa, L.) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Darah Pada Penderita Hiperlipidemia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangnongko Kabupaten Klaten Agus Winarso; Youstiana Dwi Rusita; Bambang Yunianto
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5 No 1 (2016): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v5i1.21


Abstract: Cholesterol Blood, Red Onion (Allium Cepa, L.), Hyperlipidemia. Changes in lifestyle, diet, and advances in technology may lead to a decline in physical activity in the community, resulting in the occurrence of energy imbalance. Hyperlipidemia was a condition to an increase in cholesterol and or triglyceride serum upper limit of normal. Onion (Allium cepa, L) contains quercetin in high enough levels can reduce total cholesterol. This study used a sample of onion powder capsules that aims to determine the effect of onion (Allium cepa, L.) to decrease blood cholesterol levels in patients with hyperlipidemia. This research is a pre-experimental design, wherein the treatment group was given capsules of onion (Allium cepa, L.) using a randomized experimental design pretest-Post test Group Design. This study uses the Shapiro Wilk normality test with the sample amounted to 31 people. Based on the results of non-parametric Wilcoxon statistical test showed that cholesterol levels before taking capsules red onion ranged between 226 mg/dl and 370 mg/dl with an average of 281.7 mg/dl. While cholesterol levels after consuming capsules onion ranged between 129 mg/dl and 400 mg/dl with an average of 273.7 mg/dl. The value of p = 0.737 (α ˃ 0.05) means that there is not a statistically significant effect capsule onion powder to decrease cholesterol levels.
Pengembangan Formula Wedang Secang Sebagai Minuman Kemasan Rendah Kalori Nutrisia A S; Indri Kusuma Dewi; Youstiana Dwi Rusita
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 7 No 1 (2018): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v7i1.77


Abstract: Wedang Sappanwood, Physical Stability, Stability of Antioxidant, Test Hedonik, Low in Calories. Wedang sappanwood is a traditional drink of Indonesia, especially from the region of Central Java, which is made from the wood of caesalpinia sappan (Sappan L caesalpia) which gives a fresh red color like wine (wine). In addition to wood, sappanwood in wedang sappanwood also there are other spices that serves as a flavor enhancer. Empirically wedang sappanwood can be efficacious for preventing and minimizing the occurrence of degenerative disease through its activity as antioxidant and lowering blood sugar so that the necessary development of other caesalpiniasappan became preparations down ready low-calorie drink that is safe for diabetics. This research aims to develop preparations Wedang Sappanwood As lowcalorie Beverages in view of physical stability, stability of antioxidant and consumer acceptance (test hedonik). Test results on hedonik parameter that gets the highest value is the color of the material, then followed its homogeneity, the aroma, viscosity, and most smaller parameter flavor. The physical test result wedang sappanwood in Weeks 0 through Sunday XII shows the results organoleptc the smell of stale spices, brown color, liquid form, there are deposits of liquid, viscosity 1 cp, and pH of 4.23. Test results on hedonik parameter that gets the highest value is the color of the material, then followed its homogeneity, the aroma, viscosity, and most small parameter flavor. Test of antioxidants in 0 to month decline to III activities antioxidant it is characterized with a price less than the CI50 150 ppm of antioxidant activities are categorized, so weak.
Uji Aktifitas Tabir Surya Dan Stabilitas Fisik Formula Gel Semprot Dari Ekstrak Temugiring (Curcuma Heyneana Val.) Dan Ekstrak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii Nees.) Dengan Kombinasi Karbopol Dan HPMC. Youstiana Dwi Rusita; Suhendriyo Suhendriyo
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2 (2017): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v6i2.104


Abstract : Spray Gels, Sunscreens, Physical Stability, Rhizome Temugiring And Cortex Kayumanis. Excessive sun exposure can harm human skin, for skin damage can occur after exposure, namely in the form of burning or skin Erythema which is the onset of symptoms of degradation of cells and tissues. Sunscreen preparations have benefits to protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and also contains antioxidants. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni Nees.) that has the activity of sunscreen, because it contains the compound sinamaldehid in addition also have activity as antioxidant. Rhizome temugiring (Curcuma Heyneana Val.) contain a flavanoid with fairly high antioxidant activity. Preparation of the gel has a number of advantages including not sticky and gels have a steady flow of tiksotropik and pseudoplastik i.e. solid gel when it is stored and will soon melt away when beaten. Spray technique is one of the new material has advantages which allow preparations sprayed with the dispersed evenly without needing to contact directly to flatten. Base that is often used in the making of gel karbopol and HPMC, among others. This type of Research design is a True Experiment. The formula that is used, there are three types with a combination of karbopol and HPMC. The research of spray gel extract kayumanis and extract temugiring on physical organoleptic stability Formula I red the typical smell of condensed form, kayumanis, part or a little murky, there are some air bubbles and cool on the skin when sprayed. Formula II, color of red brick the distinctive aroma preparations kayumanis, condensed form, no turbid and slightly cold when air bubbles, didispersikan to the skin; Test the viscosity Formula I 4000mPas, Formula II 1000 mPas, Formula III 1500mPas; Power test scatterplot latched into a Formula I attached did not drip to the formulation II is slightly attached and dripping, Formula III wasn't too attached to or flow; Test the spray pattern, the Formula I and II pattern that is formed is not round spread, Formula III pattern formed round spread; Its homogeneity test Formulation I, II, and III there are no particles; Irritation test Formulation I, II, and III the absence of symptoms of irritation. As for testing the stability of the antioxidant Formula I average IC50 values 1.21 SPF value average value, Formula II 10.48 IC50 value of 1.23 average average SPF 19.29, Formula III average IC50 values 1.18 SPF value average 12.51. Each formula no different IC50 values activity and SPF with the combination of karbopol and HPMC. Physical stability test and a good antioxidant formula III is with a combination of Karbopol 50% and 50% HPMC
Aktifitas Tabir Surya Dengan Nilai Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Sediaan Losion Kombinasi Ekstrak Kayu Manis Dan Ekstrak Kulit Delima Pada Paparan Sinar Matahari Dan Ruang Tertutup Youstiana Dwi Rusita; Indarto A.S
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i1.26


Abstract : SPF, Kayumanis, Pomegranate, Lotions. The Sun produces ultraviolet radiation that causes damage to the skin texture, premature aging, burning skinreactions and skin cancer in exposed skin in a long period. One of the ways to protect skin from UV radiation use sunscreen lotions. Stem bark of cinnamon (Cinnamomun burmani) and pomegranate peel (Punica granatum) is known as an antioxidant activity and have a compound that is potentially as sunscreens. This research aims to know the activity of sunscreen with an SPF value of sunscreen lotions of pomegranate peel and cinnamon extract and the warming rays of the Sun and closed space. The determination of the value of the sun protection factor is done with methods of in vitro in Mansur using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. SPF Value calculated based on the Absorbance at a wavelength of 290-320 nm. The result is a non parametric Test is analyzed using MannWhitney test. Results of organoleptic the colored is yellow brown, like to emultion and shaped the distinctive, smell of cinnamon, less homogeneous, showed the value of pH5.63, dispersive power 6 cm, adhesion 1.75 seconds and viscosity 5,500 cps. Preparations that are exposed in the Sunlight showed the value of SPF 20.146 hereaspreparations stored in enclosed space showed the value of SPF 26.398. The results of statistical tests indicate that there is no difference between the SPF on reparations that are exposed to sunlight and in a closed space with alpha value > 0.05.
Optimasi Campuran Manitol-Sukrosa Untuk Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Daun Dewa (Gynura Procumbens (Lour) Merr)) Secara Granulasi Basah Dengan Metode Simplex Lattice Design Youstiana Dwi Rusita
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v1i1.30


Abstract: Dewa Leaves, Lozenges, Simplex Lattice Design. Dewa is an Indonesian traditional medicinal plants are efficacious among others to the tonsils. Dewa leaf extract can be prepared as lozenges because it is more practical and effective than the traditional way in the form of infusion. This study aimed to get the optimum formula mannitol - sucrose using the simplex lattice design that has more value than triall error. Dewa leaf aqueous extract obtained by maceration leaf powder dewa with 70% ethanol and then evaporated to obtain a thick extract is dried with aerosil. This study is based on the method simplex lattice design with two components, namely FI (100% mannitol), F II (100% sucrose), F III (50% mannitol: 50% sucrose). The method used in the manufacture of leaf extract lozenges Dewa was wet granulation using the binder PVP. The granules tested flow rate, compactibility and granules ditablet to test the taste responses. Of the value of the response characteristics of the granules obtained the largest total selected as the optimum formula. Furthermore ditablet and tested physical properties which include uniformity of weight, hardness and friability of tablets. Data of physical properties of the granules suction of the optimum formula theoretically and statistically tested using the t test (T-test). The results showed that the optimum formula derived from a mixture of mannitol 70% - sucrosa 30%. From the results of the t test (T-test) and compactibility flow rate did not different significantly betwen theoretical experiment. To test the taste responses acceptable 98% of respondents. Dewa leaf extract lozenges optimum formula produced meets the physical properties of the tablet.
Uji Stabilitas Fisik Dan Hedonik Sirup Herbal Kunyit Asam Stability And Hedonic Test Of Tumeric Tamarind Syrup Indri Kusuma Dewi; Youstiana Dwi Rusita
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 2 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v2i2.52


Abstract: Physical Stability, Hedonic, Syrup, Tumeric Tamarind. Tumeric have a benefit as antiinflammation so can be improved in the syrup formula. This research aimed to describe the result physical stability and hedonic test of the tumeric tamarind sirup with differences temperature storing for phormula I was saving in 5°C and phormula II was saving in 35°C for 24 hours as many 14 cyclic. It was experimental research. This research was done by testing physical stability of the tumeric tamarind sirup include to organoleptic, pH, homogenity and pour time test and also hedonic test. The result research: organoleptic test were no change for two weeks with brownish yellow colour, smell test is turmeric tamarind, flavor test is sweet and tamarind and texture is solid. pH test is stable at 4, homogenity test is stable homogen and pour time test is phormula I was storing in 5C is 8,14 second and 7,84 second, phormula II was storing in 35°C is 5,04 second and 4,14 second for 24 hour as many 14 cyclic. Hedonic test was showed result for first week at temperature 5°C is 40% of respondents are very like, 40% of respondents are like and 20% of respondents are dislike, at temperature 35°C is 40% of respondents are very like and 60% of respondents are like. While for second week at temperature 5°C is 60% of respondents are very like and 40% of respondents are like, at temperature 35°C is 80% of respondents are very like and 20% of respondents are like.
Formulasi Masker Ekstrak Daun Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Sebagai Anti Jerawat Intan Pratiwi; Youstiana Dwi Rusita
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jkkt.v3i2.87


Abstract Background: Mask is one of the effective facial skin cleanser. Mask has merit as deep cleansing,it’s cleaning the dirt on the skin layer deeper, binds skin cells that have died, refine pores of the skin, clean the remnants of excess fat on the surface of the skin’s face, reduce skin irritation, smoothing layer outer skin and nourish the skin, so it looks bright. This study uses papaya leaf extract has a content of the enzyme papain, alkaloids, pseudokapain, glikosid, karposid and saponins. Alkaloid contained in papaya leaves is a kind karpain which has anti bacterial activity. The advantages of the mask is the method of production can be prepared in a simple way. Masks in this study is made in the form of powder to make it easier to use and storage. Method: This study have purpose to determine the results of mask powder formulation of papaya leaf extract as an anti acne that meet the test parameters include physical, organoleptic test, water content test, pH test, and flow rate of irritation test. Result: This research is experimental observation. The results of organoleptic test mask bone-white powder, scented roses and soft textured, the results of water content of 7.5%, a flow rate of over 9 seconds, pH of 6.35. Conclusion: The results of irritation test to the 20 olunteers did not show any reaction of irritation.
Jurnal Kebidanan Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2015): JULI
Publisher : STIKES Mamba'ul 'Ulum Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.388 KB) | DOI: 10.36419/jkebin.v6i2.109


Anak perlu toilet training karena kebutuhan yang paling awal yang ditemui pada anak adalah kebutuhan untuk membantu diri dalam buang air. Toilet training ini dapat berlangsung pada fase kehidupan anak yaitu umur 18 bulan sampai 3 tahun dan keberhasilan dapat diketahui pada usia 5 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan peran orang tua dengan keberhasilan toilet training pada anak usia 5 tahun di TK Desa Suwaloh Balen Bojonegoro. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian analitik correlation dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan populasi orang tua anak usia 5 tahun sebanyak 37 responden, dengan menggunakan Total sampling. Data ditabulasi dan dianalisis dengan SPSS 17 for windows menggunakan uji Korelasi Uji Spearman’s rho (ρ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan orang tua sebagian besar cukup yaitu 40,5%, peran ibu lebih dari cukup yaitu 51,4%. Dan keberhasilan toilet training pada anak usia 5 tahun cukup yaitu 48,6%. Hasil pengujian dengan uji korelasi Spearman’s rho (ρ) diperoleh nilai sebesar koefisien korelasi = 0,626 dan nilai sig 2 tailed (p) = 0,000 dimana ρ < 0.05 pada pengetahuan dan dengan uji korelasi Spearman’s rho (ρ). Diperoleh nilai sebesar koefisien korelasi Spearman’s rho (ρ). = 0,721 dan nilai sig 2 tailed (p) = 0,000 dimana ρ < 0.05 pada peran orang tua. Ini menunjukkan bahwa antara pengetahuan dan peran orang tua dengan keberhasilan toilet training pada anak usia 5 tahun mempunyai hubungan signifikan, dengan arah korelasi positif. Kata kunci: pengetahuan, peran orang tua, keberhasilan toilet training, usia 5 tahun
Jurnal Kebidanan Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2015): JULI
Publisher : STIKES Mamba'ul 'Ulum Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.17 KB) | DOI: 10.36419/jkebin.v6i2.110


Peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan atau warga desa menjadi strategi utama bagi organisasi pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan pelayanan dalam bentuk Puskesmas Keliling. Pelanggan yang puas akan jasa/produk yang diterimanya akan menimbulkan kognisi, Afeksi dan konasi terhadap produk/jasa tersebut sehingga pada akhirnya muncul minat untuk menggunakan produk/jasa tersebut Rancangan penelitian menggunakan survey analitik model cross sectional. Populasi penelitian 37, jumlah sampel 37 dengan metode sampling jenuh. Lokasi di Desa Kedung Dowo Kecamatan Sugih Waras Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Waktu penelitian 02 Februari - 02 Juli 2014. Teknik pengolahan data memakai editing, scoring, coding, tabulating, uji spearmen rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 28 responden (75,7%) memiliki kepuasan dan minat yang puas, 2 responden (5,4%) memiliki kepuasan cukup dan memiliki minat yang baik, 2 (5,4%) responden memiliki kepuasan dan minat cukup, 1 responden (2,7%) memiliki kepuasan kurang dan minat yang cukup, 4 responden (10,8%) memiliki kepuasan dan minat yang kurang. Adanya pengaruh tersebut juga dibuktikan dengan melakukan uji korelasi spearman’s rho hasil menunjukkan nilai 0,000 yang berarti nilai tersebut kurang dari nilai α = 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan yaitu ada hubungan antara kepuasan warga desa terhadap minat menggunakan jasa pelayanan puskesmas keliling di desa kedung dowo kecamatan sugih waras kabupaten bojonegoro. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan, Minat, Jasa Pelayanan Puskesmas Keliling
Deteksi Sederhana Boraks dan Formalin pada Makanan Jajanan Anak dengan Bunga Terompet Ungu (Ruellia Tuberosa) Rini Tri Hastuti; Youstiana Dwi Rusita
Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): JURNAL EMPATHY PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v1i1.14


Abstract Background: Borax and Formalin are often misused by naughty producers as additional preservatives in children's snacks such as cilok, meatballs, noodles and other foods. BPOM data shows that throughout 2012, the incidence of poisoning due to consuming food occupied the highest position, namely 66.7%, one of the causes of food poisoning was the presence of chemical contamination in children's snack foods, such as borax and formalin. The accumulation of these substances in the body can have a negative impact on health. Purple trumpet flower is a simple detection material to find out the presence of borax and formalin in food. The aim of community service is to increase knowledge in mothers of school-age children, how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Methods: The method by means of detection training is how to detect simple borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Results: From the results of community service, that mothers with 90% of school-age children can do a simple way of detecting borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers. Conclutions: that mothers of school-age children can do a simple way of detecting borax and formalin in children's snacks with purple trumpet flowers.