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High Order Thinking Skill dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Era Industri 4.0 Husni Mubarok
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 7, No 2 (2019): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v7i2.6107


The 2013 curriculum emphasizes the importance of High Order Thinking Skills and developing character values. It aims to balance intellectual ability and character in accordance with national education goals. This study aims to discuss a) the concept of High Order Thinking Skill, b) the concept of character building, and c) analysis of High Order Thinking Skills for character building elementary school students. The method used is library research with a qualitative approach. The research method is content analysis.The results of this study are 1) Higher Order Thinking Skill is a process of thinking critically, creatively, analytically to information and data in solving problems with cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills that become a unity in the learning and teaching process. 2) Character is a way of thinking and behaving that characterizes each individual to live and work together. 3) The application of HOTS in the industrial era 4.0 using 4Cs Learning (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) are four skills to foster character in elementary school students.  
Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah Indonesia Deen Haag Belanda dan Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Husni Mubarok; Indun Rohmaedah; Anni Qurrotul Aini; Wahyu Aditya Rahmawati; Sinta Mahanani; Riska Yustiani
ISLAMIKA Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JANUARI
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/islamika.v3i1.970


The implementation of the 2013 curriculum is expected to be able to produce productive, creative, and innovative students to compete in the international world. This study aims to determine the implementation of the 2013 curriculum at the Dutch Indonesian School in The Hague (SIDH) and the Kuala Lumpur Indonesia School (SIKL) Malaysia. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data collection was carried out through interview techniques and literature studies. The results showed that the Dutch School of Indonesia in The Hague (SIDH) also fully implemented the curriculum in accordance with the national curriculum standards in Indonesia. The application of the learning curriculum at the Dutch Indonesian School in The Hague (SIDH) is similar to schools in Indonesia. The Dutch School of Indonesia in The Hague (SIDH) has a challenge, namely the emphasis on the values ​​of nationalism and religious character. Meanwhile, Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL) Malaysia applies a curriculum called the Living Curriculum. The Living Curriculum was formed with the aim of combining or empowering family, community, and school education with one scope. This Living Curriculum is applied so that students have character and have life skills that do not only refer to knowledge. Students are expected to be able to recount learning at home with their parents. With the implementation of the curriculum, students are expected to have character and life skills that are embedded in them.
Penerapan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 pada SIDH Belanda dan SIKL Malaysia Husni Mubarok; Yasinta Indra Swastika; Ayu Ainun; Siti Umi Hamdanah; Putri Diana Lestari; Muhammad Alif Saifuddin
ISLAMIKA Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JANUARI
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/islamika.v3i1.971


The covid-19 pandemic caused the elimination of all activities that are usually carried out by almost everyone in the world, especially learning activities at various levels. Based on the Higher Education Law number 12 of 2012, article 31 concerning Distance Education (PJJ) is a learning process that is carried out remotely through the use of various communication and information media. Therefore, since the covid outbreak, distance education is now widely applied in the learning process almost all over the world. This study aims to determine the application of distance education in SIDH Netherlands and SIKL Malaysia during the pandemic, and to find out the obstacles in the application of distance education in SIDH Netherlands and SIKL Malaysia during the pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study using interview techniques. The results of the study state that SIDH in the Netherlands and SIKL Malaysia have implemented the PJJ (Distance Education) system since 2008, with Distance Learning being used to do this, automatically during this pandemic, students are not surprised by the online learning provided. teachers (educators), but there are also some obstacles faced during the teaching and learning process during the pandemic. Whereas in SIKL Malaysia, distance education was implemented when there was covid-19, so all students study at their respective homes. In its application, there are several obstacles in the learning process, one of which is signal constraints. The teachers from the two scools have coshen the best method for their students so that learning can be carried out optimally. And it is hoped that in learning to apply health protocols so that students and teacherscan carry out learning activities comfortably.
Pengaruh Manajemen Pembelajaran terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SD Al Ma’soem di Masa Pandemi Husni Mubarok; Uswatun Khasanah; Aliyya Ishlah Farah; Khoirun Nisa; Novi Musanadah; Roikhatun Haniyyah
Arus Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 1 No 3: Desember (2021)
Publisher : Arden Jaya Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.408 KB)


This writing aims to study the Effect of Management on Student Learning Outcomes at Al-Ma'soem Elementary School during the Pandemic. This writing uses descriptive qualitative research methods in obtaining data. So as to be able to explain the influence of learning management on student learning outcomes during the pandemic. In this study, the aspect studied was learning management at Al-Ma'soem Elementary School such as methods and strategies in teaching during the pandemic in order to achieve a goal, with good management, of course, it would affect student learning outcomes. Thus, with this writing, it is hoped that good learning management can affect student learning outcomes so that a learning goal can be achieved.
Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Disiplin Peserta Didik di SD Darul Hikam Husni Mubarok; Erika Agustina; Mazieda Salsabiela Bihar Mahya; Abdul Halim Atho’illah; Nisrina Aulia Rachma; Nila Zuliana
TSAQOFAH Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.894 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v2i4.427


Teachers are the most important part in the world of education. These components are needed in the process of formal and non-formal education. The role of the teacher in improving the character of students must be optimized, especially in terms of the character of discipline, so that in the future it can make students able to complete their school assignments well. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher's role in improving the disciplined character of students in the Darul Hikam Elementary School in Bandung. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach, the informants are taken through snowball sampling technique. The data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques researchers use data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions or verification. In this study it can be concluded that the role of teachers in SD Darul Hikam Bandung in improving the character of discipline, namely: Teachers as educators, teachers as initiators and teachers as correctors.
Peningkatan Karakter Religius melalui Program Taqwa Character Building di SD Darul Hikam Bandung Husni Mubarok; Sailin Nikhlah; Lina Ulatul Waroah; Annisa’ Qothrunnada Agustin; Ahmad Akhsan Alwi; Ihda Rifatul Himmah
TSAQOFAH Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (598.298 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v2i4.447


Man was created by Allah as a caliph because he has many gifts that other creatures have and do not have, it becomes a privilege and brings him to glory and happiness. Character is what distinguishes humans from animals. Humans can be called people who have strong characters and both individually and socially when they have good morals, morals, and character. The Taqwa Character Building program is used by researchers as a program to strengthen character education in schools which is thus related to student character or behavior. . In this TCB program there are three program structures starting from planning, process, and results, which later this program will be linked whether it can build students' morals or not. Darul Hikam's typical curriculum is one of Taqwa Character Building. Taqwa Character Building literally means building student character. SD Darul Hikam is one of the leading schools in Bandung which will become a postgraduate school through a long process with the initial stages of testing and development in the fields of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, infrastructure, environment, academic culture. Religious character is a person's special personality as a differentiator. between individuals with one another and obediently carry out the teachings of their religion. The 7 values of TCB are (sincere, patient, trustworthy, disciplined, caring, intelligent, and sincere) as the focus of character building for students whose goal is that students have the character of piety, namely obedient prayer.
Mewujudkan Generasi Emas dan Berkarakter Disiplin melalui Program Tahfidz Qur’an di SD IT Istiqomah Husni Mubarok; Zunainatin Ilya; Riska Kholiliya Nisa'; Nurul Khoirun Nisa’; Elisa Okta Anintiya; Hendika Mukhoyyar Ahmad
ALSYS Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.488 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i4.435


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning contained in SD IT Istiqomah accompanied by a memorizing program of the Koran to create a golden and character generation. The method in writing is a qualitative descriptive method, then the search for the most relevant and main data related to the study of learning contained in SD IT Istiqomah is carried out through the memorization program of the Koran to create a golden and character generation. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning contained in SD IT Istiqomah accompanied by the Tahfidz qur'an program to create a golden and character generation. The method in writing is a qualitative descriptive method, then the search for the most relevant and main data related to the study of learning contained in SD IT Istiqomah is carried out through the memorization program of the Koran to create a golden and character generation. The results showed that the tahfidz qur'an program in SD IT Istiqomah was running well. The implementation of learning at SD IT Istiqomah is getting more quality with the addition of the tahfidz qur'an program, learning will be more interactive and with the tahfiz qur'an program also Islamic religious values will be embedded little by little in students at SD IT Istiqomah which will make them become generation of gold and character in accordance with Islamic values.
Penerapan Nilai Budaya Religius dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa di SD Darul Hikam Bandung Husni Mubarok; Muhammad Yusrun Nada; Ami Silmia; Nur Laila Fadhila; Rihun Nada Maghfiroh; Evi Rismala Putri
ALSYS Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.194 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i4.439


This study aims to determine the effect of applying religious cultural values in improving student achievement at SD Darul Hikam Bandung. The results of the research are expected to contribute to the development of the Management of the Application of Religious Cultural Values. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used the Iles and Huberman model analysis with the following steps: data analysis, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of this study indicate that the application of religious cultural values at SD Darul Hikam Bandung can affect the improvement of student achievement, and has an effect on increasing student discipline and awareness in worship, as well as social attitudes and community harmony.
Pengembangan Karakter Religius melalui Kurikuler di SD Istiqomah Kota Bandung Husni Mubarok; Nur Khofifah; Khalimatusa’adah Khalimatusa’adah; Wahyu Dwiyanto; Mellia Kamila
MASALIQ Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.763 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/masaliq.v2i4.433


This study aims to determine how the development of students’ religious character through curricular activities at SD Istiqomah Bandung. Instillling religious values is important in a school institution for the development of the caracter of student, an institution is required to be able to create a religious atmosphere trough programs or activities carried out by all school members, one of which is curricular activities, where these activities can produce, one of which is curricular activities, where these activities can produce the formation of a unity, namely religious culture in schools. This religious culture will later become religious values and underlie the behavior, daily habits, traditions, and symbols practiced by the school community. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the development of religious character through curricular activities at SD Istiqomah Bandung. In this study, we used qualitative research through collection methods in the form of observation, interviews an documentation. Based on the results of this study proves that the development of rwligious character activities at SD Istiqomah Bandung can be implemented and developed well.
Manajemen Guru dalam Implementasi Program Keagamaan di SD Istiqomah Husni Mubarok; Eni Nortiah; Indah Kusumastutik; Azwaliza Ahmad; Muhammad Mujiburrohman; Triya Khoirunnisa
MASALIQ Vol 2 No 4 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.055 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/masaliq.v2i4.442


Teachers are a key to success in education. Teacher management really needs to be considered so that all forms of success are expected to be achieved. Like the existing programs in schools, they can be successful because there is a good teacher management in education. Moving on from that, the writer wants to know how teacher management is in implementing religious programs at Al Istiqomah Elementary School. 2. What are the supporting factors for education management in the implementation of religious programs. At SD Al Istiqomah 3. The toughest obstacle in an education management is in implementing religious programs at SD Al Istiqomah Bandung. In our research, we use a descriptive qualitative approach. namely collecting data based on the factors that support the object of research, then analyze these factors to find the role. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques, observation techniques and documentation study techniques. The data collection techniques used by the researchers in this study consisted of: observation, and documentation. At SDIT Istiqomah Lembang there are several forms of evaluation of activities that are directly related to religious activities including: Each student has a daily control book, daily grade book, grade book report cards, certificates of good conduct. The implementation of the religious activity program at SDIT Istiqomah Lembang is carried out through several activities which are divided as follows: Daily religious program, Monthly religious program, Annual religious activity. Teacher Education Methods at SD Istiqomah 1. Use of interesting learning media in class 2. Tahassus method.