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Pinangan Ali Bin Abi Thalib Kepada Juwairiyah Binti Abu Jahal: Analisis Fiqh al-Hadits Abdul Mufid
Jurnal Ushuluddin Vol 28, No 1 (2020): January - June
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jush.v28i1.9459


Tulisan ini mendiskusikan hadis Miswar bin Makhramah tentang pinangan Ali bin Abi Thalib kepada Juwairiyah binti Abu Jahal. Kajian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena menyorot fenomena yang bersinggungan langsung dengan sahabat agung dan sekaligus menantu Rasulullah. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang status sanad hadis Miswar, status matan hadis Miswar, dan pemahaman terhadap hadis Miswar. Studi kritis analitis diharapkan mampu menghasilkan jawaban yang objektif dari segala macam tuduhan yang diarahkan kepada hadis Miswar. Metode yangdigunakan adalah deduktif, analitis, dan kritis dengan cara menghimpun semua bentuk problem dan kecacatan, kemudian menganalisa, dan setelah itu mengkritisinya. Sementara itu pendekatan yang digunakan adalah fiqh al-hadis. kajian ini meyimpulkan bahwa: Pertama, hadis Miswar bin Makhramah tetap menyandang gelar hadis sahih dan semua kecacatan yang dialamatkan kepadanya tidak mengurangi nilai kesahihan hadis. Kedua, Imam Bukhari dan Muslim dalam Sahih-nya turut membela bersihnya sanad secara detil dari cacat
Shahadah 'Ilmy; Integrating Fiqh and Astronomy Paradigm in Determining The Arrival of Lunar Months in Indonesia Muh. Arif Royyani; Abdul Mufid; M. Ihtirozun Ni’am; Alfian Qodri Azizi; Achmad Azis Abidin
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/al-lhkam.v16i2.5320


Formulating the fixed methodology for determining the beginning of Ramadan month and Islamic Feast in Indonesia is still ongoing. This article attempts to offer an integration between sharia and scientific views through 1) the concept of shahadah (witnessing) in the paradigm of fiqh and astronomy, and 2) the integration of those paradigms in determining the beginning of lunar months, particularly Ramadan and Syawal. This study uses qualitative methods in gaining the data then analyzes it using the approach of Miles & Huberman on interdisciplinary study. The findings of this research are as follows: 1) the concept of shahadah in the paradigm of fiqh is based on religious vows and factual evidence, while the astronomical paradigm perceives it from the certainty of external factors (weather, climate, environment, etc.). 2) Integration of those two paradigms results in better methods. It can turn the shahadah into the quality of qat'i (fixed) while the astronomic perspective gains more legitimacy. The integration is therefore called shahadah-'ilmi which potentially integrates the criteria of crescent visibility (imkan al-rukyah) in Indonesia to minimize the common occurrence on differences in determining those days. (Penetapan awal bulan Ramadhan dan Hari Raya di Indonesia masih terus dirumuskan metodologinya. Artikel ini menawarkan integrasi antara sudut pandang syari’ah dan saintifik melalui kajian atas 1) konsep syahadah dalam paradigma fiqh dan astronomi, 2) integrasi paradigma fiqh dan astronomi dalam menetapkan awal bulan Islam, utamanya Ramadhan dan Syawal. Penelitian ini menggali data dengan metode kualitatif kemudian menganalisisnya dengan pendekatan Miles & Huberman tentang kajian interdisipliner. Temuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Konsep shahadah dalam paradigma fiqh adalah penglihatan yang disertai dengan sumpah dan bukti faktual, sementara dalam paradigma astronomi, shahadah didasarkan pada kepastian ukuran dari faktor–faktor eksternal meliputi cuaca, iklim dan lingkungan. 2) Integrasi dua paradigma tersebut menghasilkan metode yang lebih baik dalam penentuan awal Ramadhan dan Syawal. Shahadah dalam sudut pandang fiqh berubah menjadi qath’i (pasti), sementara hasil persaksian astronomi semakin memperoleh legitimasi. Integrasi kedua paradigma melahirkan konsep shahadah-'ilmi yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tampaknya hilal (rukyah hilal) awal Ramadhan dan Syawal di Indonesia sehingga perbedaan yang kerap terjadi dalam menentukan dua awal bulan tersebut dapat diminalisir.)
Moral and spiritual aspects in counseling: Recent development in the West Abdul Mufid
Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jagc.2020.1.1.5696


This paper aims to explore the moral and spiritual dimensions of counseling. Since professional counseling has developed in the West, the cultural identity and individualistic orientation of identity has entered the counseling profession. Recently a surge of interest in spirituality and religion has been noted with several treatments focused on a new approach to counseling. The new approach shows that spirituality in life is central to individuals, families and communities. Therapists examine the relationship between spirituality and general psychological health. Secular and religious professionals recognize the paradigm shift from illness to health and from individualism to collectivism. Counseling that develops from the premise of such a therapist must be free of value. The emergence of an integrated perspective with religious and spirituality counseling views has resulted in a fundamental conflict with the prevailing professional value system. Counselors still want to avoid the role of a moralist. The controversy also relates to the firmness one wants, the therapist attaching moral and spiritual dimensions while advocating certain values. Psychotherapy, as a moralistic company, requires modification in its training program. Therapists need to change their orientation, namely as scientists with deep moral or spiritual commitment. Clients need and demand reorientation like this. This profession has a claim to respond to the needs of its clients and it cannot ignore the impetus that arises in practice.Studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dimensi moral dan spiritual dalam konseling. Sejak konseling profesional berkembang di Barat, budaya kekhasan dan orientasi individualistis dari oksidentalis telah merasuki profesi konseling. Baru-baru ini gelombang minat dalam spiritualitas dan agama telah dicatat dengan beberapa pelayanan yang terfokus pada pendekatan baru konseling. Pendekatan yang baru menunjukkan bahwa spiritualitas dalam kehidupan adalah pusat bagi individu, keluarga, dan komunitas. Terapis meneliti hubungan antara spiritualitas dan kesehatan psikologis umum. Para profesional sekuler dan religius mengakui terjadinya perubahan paradigma dari penyakit ke kesehatan dan dari individualisme ke kolektivisme. Penelitian ini mendasarkan pada kajian pustaka, dimana beberapa teori menyebutkan bahwa terdapat perspektif yang terintegrasi dengan pandangan konseling agama dan spiritualitas telah menghasilkan konflik mendasar dengan sistem nilai profesi yang berlaku. Konselor masih ingin menghindari peran sebagai seorang moralis. Kontroversi juga berkaitan dengan ketegasan yang diinginkan seseorang, terapis dalam melampirkan moral dan dimensi spiritual sambil menganjurkan nilai-nilai tertentu. Psikoterapi, sebagai  perusahaan moralistik, memerlukan modifikasi dalam program pelatihannya. Terapis perlu mengubah orientasi mereka, yakni sebagai ilmuwan dengan moral yang mendalam atau komitmen spiritual. Klien membutuhkan dan menuntut reorientasi seperti ini. Profesi ini memiliki klaim untuk menanggapi kebutuhan kliennya dan hal itu tidak bisa mengabaikan dorongan yang muncul dalam praktiknya.
Jurnal Bilqolam Pendidikan Islam Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Prodi PAI Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Serdang Lubuk Pakam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (46.662 KB) | DOI: 10.51672/jbpi.v4i1.67


This study discusses the effectiveness of media visual learning as an effort to improve the teaching ability of candidates Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtida'iah teacher. Because the media can encourage and Motivate students so that they can provide solutions to problems in learning. The direct learning approach is an approach that used in this study, where researchers can directly practice in delivering the material and learning objectives. This close has features structured so as to provide a teaching experience to explore the ability of prospective teaching students, in addition to the learning approach directly, researchers can find problems that may occur in class. The method used in this research is the microteaching method. This study is presented in a qualitative form from the results of observations and interview. From these approaches and methods applied to students Madrasah Ibtida'iyah Teacher Education Study Program at STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. It can be concluded that in order to improve students' teaching skills, prospective elementary school teachers using the microteaching method can provide a real picture as a reference to become a competent teacher candidate and professional.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak melalui Bermain Oobleck Abdul Mufid; Sayyidatul Mukaromah; Puji Lestari
Absorbent Mind Vol 2 No 01 (2022): Psychology and Child Development
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/absorbent_mind.v2i01.1504


Children's motor skills greatly affect the strength and mental development of a child, because with good facilities from the role of parents or people around, this can increase the child's confidence and ability to coordinate hand muscle movements, eye nerves in doing something. This study aims to describe how the implementation of the oobleck game and what changes are seen after the children play the oobleck game. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a descriptive type of research. This study uses research subjects at KB Pelangi Ceria Blora, using data collection such as observations, interviews, and also documentation. As for what is studied in this study, how to improve the fine motor skills of children in KB Pelangi Ceria Blora by playing oobleck, where this game really attracts children's attention and becomes children's enthusiasm to participate in it. With the oobleck game that is done repeatedly, it will be seen a comparison of the improvement in the fine motor skills of the child.
Efforts to Improve the Development of Naturalistic Intelligence through Outbound Methods at RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser Tunjungan District, Blora Regency Abdul Mufid; Siti Fatimah; Jamilu Abdullahi Umar; Daniel Mawere
Al-Hijr: Journal of Adulearn World Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/alhijr.v1i3.26


The naturalistic intelligence of early childhood is very important to be stimulated because at an early age child are faster to receive stimuli and apply the knowledge or knowledge they have acquired. One way to stimulate is through the outbound method. The naturalistic intelligence of grade B children at RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, and Blora has not yet been achieved and developed. Therefore, this study analyzes efforts to improve children's naturalistic intelligence through the outbound method. The type of method used by the researcher is qualitative, namely using analysis of interview data and in-depth observations in the field. From the data sources that the researchers got from the field, the researchers were able to formulate a problem statement on how to apply increasing naturalistic intelligence through the outbound method at RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Kec. Tunjungan, Blora? to increase naturalistic intelligence in children. The results of this study indicate an increase in the naturalistic intelligence of class B children RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, and Blora.
Relevance Of Different Methods Of Complexing Mukhtalif Hadith In Preserving The Truth In Interpreting A Hadith Abdul Mufid; Ahmad Makruf; Taufiq Hidayat; Desy Desy
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/tasamuh.v14i2.597


There are a number of problems regarding the Prophet's hadiths both from method thinking and interpretation that are sometimes misleading. Of the various problems, there are some hadiths that are sometimes doubtful such as mukhtalif hadith which is considered outwardly looks contradictory. mukhtalif hadith is also one of the sources of law in Islam. Hadith is sometimes difficult to be the proposition of a charity because of the clash. But if it has gone through various processes then free from opposition then this hadith can be practiced. In the process of ikhtilaf hadith through ikhtilaf hadith whose way of settlement is clear and appropriate so that the hadith can be resolved properly, it is not arbitrary people can do the process of assurance but only people who are experts in the field of hadith and Ushul fiqh. Some of the methods used for the completion of mukhtalif hadith are tawaquf, plural, tarjih and nasakh mansukh.
Peningkatan Perkembangan Kecerdasan Naturalistik Anak melalui Metode Outbound Abdul Mufid; Siti Fatimah; Asfahani Asfahani; Nur Aeeni
Absorbent Mind: Journal of Psychology and Child Development Vol 2 No 02 (2022): Psychology and Child Development
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/absorbent_mind.v2i02.1501


Kecerdasan naturalistik anak usia dini sangat penting untuk dirangsang, karena pada usia dini anak lebih cepat menerima rangsangan dan mengaplikasikan ilmu atau pengetahuan yang telah diperolehnya. Salah satu cara untuk merangsang adalah melalui metode outbound. Kecerdasan naturalistik anak kelas B RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, Blora belum tercapai dan berkembang. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis peningkatan kecerdasan naturalistik anak melalui metode outbound. Jenis metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah kualitatif, yaitu dengan cara analisis data wawancara dan observasi mendalam di lapangan. Dari sumber data yang peneliti peroleh dari lapangan, peneliti mampu merumuskan research question tentang bagaimana penerapan peningkatan kecerdasan naturalistik melalui metode outbound di RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Kec. Tunjungan, Blora untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalistik pada anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kecerdasan naturalistik anak kelas B RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, Blora. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan kegiatan outbond mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalistik anak. Abstract Naturalistic intelligence of early childhood is essential to be stimulated because, at an early age, children are faster to receive stimulation and apply the knowledge or knowledge they have acquired. One way to encourage is through the outbound method. The naturalistic intelligence of class B children RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, and Blora has not yet been developed. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the increase in children's naturalistic intelligence through the outbound method. The method used by the researcher is qualitative, namely by analyzing interview data and in-depth observations in the field. From the data sources that the researchers obtained from the area, the researchers were able to formulate a research question about how to apply the increase in naturalistic intelligence through the outbound method at RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Kec. Tunjungan, Blora to improve naturalistic intelligence in children. The results of this study indicate an increase in the naturalistic intelligence of class B children RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, and Blora. So it can be concluded that outbound activities can improve children's naturalistic intelligence.