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Orbital Cellulitis Rince Liyanti; Getry Sukmawati; Havriza Vitresia
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 8, No 4 (2019): Online December 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v8i4.1117


Selulitis orbital merupakan penyakit serius yang mengancam jiwa, ditandai dengan infeksi jaringan lunak di bagian posterior septum orbital. melibatkan jaringan lunak orbita. Trombosis sinus kavernosa merupakan tahapan akhir infeksi orbita yang meluas ke intra cranium, ditandai dengan penurunan kesadaran dan gejala rangsangan meningeal. Dipresentasikan tiga kasus selulitis orbital dengan klinis khas yang sangat berbeda. Pilihan terapi diberikan diberikan berdasarkan gejala klinis. Tidak ada kesepakatan tentang antibiotik terbaik untuk digunakan, golongan antibiotik β-laktam selama 4-6 minggu masih direkomendasikan sebagai agen lini pertama, dan untuk kasus thrombosis sinus kavernosus, antibiotik meropenem dan vankomisin selama 6-8 minggu merupakan terapi utama. Observasi lanjutan dan pemeriksaan radiografi dapat dilakukan sesuai indikasi. Manajemen yang tepat dari pasien selulitis orbita memerlukan multidisiplin tim. Diagnosis cepat dan terapi yang tepat diharapkan bermanfaat untuk perbaikan visual dan klinis yang baik, meskipun kadang masih terdapat gejala residual seperti sikatrik kornea dan trichiasis. Selulitis orbital merupakan kasus yang mengancam jiwa, karena penyebaran infeksi yang dapat mencapai intrakranial. Diharapkan dengan diagnosis cepat dan pemberian antibiotik agresif berdasarkan gejala klinis dapat menyelamatkan nyawa pasien.
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 33, No 1: April 2009
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1311.625 KB) | DOI: 10.22338/mka.v33.i1.p%p.2009


Abstrak“Mooren’s Ulcer” adalah ulkus kornea yang bersifat progresif, nyeri, sering berulang sedangkan penyebabnya tidak diketahui. Pada tulisan ini dilaporkan kegunaan tindakan operasi “Bare Sclera conjunctival resection” dengan pemasangan MLAMT pada ulkus Mooren yang diikuti dengan penutupan mata selama 3 hari berturut turut. Pada pasien ini dikerjakan 3 kali operasi yang sama. Kasus adalah seorang wanita berumur 45 tahun dengan Ulkus Mooren yang sudah berulang di pinggir kornea didaerah flap konyungtifa pada mata kanannya sedangkan mata kiri dengan “pthysis bulbi”. Visus mata kanan 20/25, mata kiri Nol, pemeriksaan laboratorium normal, saat ini pasien menolak untuk dilakukan operasi. Pasien datang 1 bulan kemudian dengan keadaan yang lebih buruk, dan setuju dioperasi, dilakukan Partial Bare Sclera conjunctival resection dengan MLAMT, pada hari kesembilan setelah operasi sudah terjadi epitelisasi komplit. Empat bulan kemudian ulkus korneanya meluas keparasentral dan superior kornea yang cendrung perforasi, dilakukan operasi kedua dengan tehnik yng sama. Ternyata epitelisasi kornea baru komplit pada hari ketigabelas. Hal yang sangat jelek adalah ditemukan lagi ulkus baru dibagian bawah kornea, sehingga diputuskan untuk langsung melakukan Total Bare Sclera conjunctival resection dan MLAMT, Epitelisasi komplit pada ulkus terjadi pada hari kesembilan. Pengobatan setelah operasi antibiotik tetes mata dan kortikosteroid secara sistemik. Visus mata kanan saat ini 20/40. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ulkus Mooren merupakan ulkus kornea yang progresif, dengan transplantasi membrane Amnion dan Bare Sclera dapat memperlama munculnya rekurensi tapi tidak menyembuhkannya.Kata kunci: MLAMT, Bare Sclera, Mooren’s ulcerAbstractMooren’s Ulcer is a progressive, pain corneal disease, which is difficult to be treated with unknown etiology. This Interventional Case Report is aimed at reporting the efficacy of Bare Sclera and (MLAMT) with three days patching for recurrent Mooren’s Ulcer.LAPORAN KASUS84We performed three times Bare Sclera conjunctiva resection with MLAMT on one case of recurrent Mooren’s ulcer. Fourty five years old female with Recurrent Mooren’s ulcer on the right eye, at margin of the conjunctival flap and pthysis bulbi on the left eye. Visual acuity (VA) on the right eye was 20/25. Normal laboratory examinations. In this condition she did not agree for operation. One month later, with worse condition, and we performed partial Bare Sclera with MLAMT. After surgery, the epithelialization was completes on the ninth day. Four months later, the active ulcer was extended to paracentral and superior cornea with impending perforatian. We did second surgery, partial Bare Sclera with MLAMT. After surgery, the epithelialization was completes on the thirteenth day. Unfortunately, we found the new ulcer on the inferior cornea, and then we decided to perform the third surgery, total Bare Sclera and MLAMT, the epithelialization was completes on the ninth day. Post operation, topical antibiotic and systemic corticosteroid. The VA on the right eye was 20/40.We conclude that, Mooren’s ulcer is a progressive corneal disease. Although only one case being reported, MLAMT can reduce the recurrence duration of Mooren’s ulcer, but cannot stop the progressivity. MLAMT could be performed more than once. Total conjunctiva resection can make epithelialization significantly faster than partial resection.Keywords: MLAMT, Bare Sclera, Mooren’s ulcer
HUMAN CARE JOURNAL Vol 5, No 3 (2020): Human Care Journal
Publisher : Universitas Fort De Kock

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32883/hcj.v5i3.782


Chronic inhalation of organic solvents causes retinal toxicity such as decreased color vision and contrast sensitivity because organic solvents cause damage to photoreceptor function, changes in cortical or retinal neurotransmitter systems such as glutamate, dopamine and acetylcholine and changes in function in parvo, magno and coniocellular cells. Method: The sample of this study consisted of 45 gas station operators who were divided into 3 groups, namely those who worked 1 year-5 years, 5 years-10 years and >10 years. All subjects underwent quantitative color vision examination by calculating the value of the color confusion index (CCI) using Fansworth D15. Contrast sensitivity examination is by determining the log contrast sensitivity value using the Pelli-Robson test. Results: CCI values> 1.00 and log contrast sensitivity values <1.65 were found in officers who worked for >10 years by 12 subjects (80%). Statistically there is a significant relationship between the duration of work with the decrease in color vision and contrast sensitivity (P Value 0,000). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the duration of exposure to organic solvents with a decrease in color vision and contrast sensitivity in operator officers who work >10 years.
Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis: A Serious Corneal Inflammation: Poster Presentation - Case Report - Resident Fitrah; Havizra Vitresia; Getry Sukmawati
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 49 No S2 (2023): Supplement Edition
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/ssgrxa71


Abstract Introduction : Peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) is a rare, but severe sight-threatening inflammatory condition that affects the cornea. PUK is characterized by peripheral corneal ulceration, stromal thinning, and neovascularization that can lead to corneal perforation and vision loss. Although PUK can occur in individuals without underlying systemic disease, it is most commonly associated with autoimmune disorders. Case Illustration : A 53-year-old woman presented to the ophthalmology clinic with complaints of redness, foreign body sensation, and blurred vision in her both eye for the past three days. On examination, slit-lamp biomicroscopy revealed a peripheral corneal ulcer. She had a history of rheumatoid arthritis for the past 2 months and was being treated with methotrexate and metylprednisolone. Laboratory investigations revealed elevated Anti-CCP IgG, which confirmed the presence of rheumatoid arthritis. Discussion : PUK is most commonly associated with autoimmune disorders, particularly rheumatoid arthritis, but may also occur in individuals with infectious, degenerative or traumatic corneal injuries. Immune- mediated inflammation, complement activation, and tissue destruction are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of PUK. The diagnosis of PUK requires a thorough ophthalmic examination, including slit-lamp biomicroscopy, and laboratory investigations for underlying autoimmune disorders. Conclusion : PUK is a rare but serious ocular disease that requires prompt diagnosis and management to prevent severe complications such as corneal perforation and vision loss. Although PUK can occur in individuals without underlying systemic disease, it is most commonly associated with autoimmune disorders, particularly rheumatoid arthritis.