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The design of Plasma Reactor and Study of Oxgyen Gas Flow Effect against to the Carbon Ashing Rate in Steel K110 Antonius Prisma Jalu Permana; Bernardus Crisanto Putra Mbulu
Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Natural B, Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (897.975 KB)


Thin film technology is a green technology in order to decrease industrial waste. The need of thin film cleaner in recoating process is a must. Build up of a plasma reactor using oxygen gas and generate with 2.45GHz microwave was studied. The main objective of this research was to determine alternative plasma generation using high frequency microwave 2.45GHz as a thin film cleaning media on thin film technology. The results show that plasma could generate with maximum pressure at 3cmHg or 30 Torr and it could decrease carbon on surface of steel K110.
Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengering Menjes Gombal Dengan Studi Kasus Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Dan Temperatur Bernardus Crisanto Putra Mbulu; Antonius Prisma Jalu Permana
Praxis : Jurnal Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat dan Jejaring Vol 2, No 2: Maret 2020
Publisher : Soegijapranata Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/praxis.v2i2.2531


Menjes is an food that was made by tofu pulp. In order to be made a menjes chis, it must be dried as dry as possible. In this research, it’ll develop a menjes dryer with variation of heat and time in order to calculate the efficiency of the dryer. The results, drying process using menjes dryer was faster than ordinary process. If menjes dried by sunlight, it need 3 hour to decrease 14% of water level inside menjes, but if menjes dryed by menjes dryer it only need an hour to decrease 12,33% water level using T=400C heat source temperatur and 8.6% using T=500C. Keywords: Menjer, Dryer, Menjes Chips, Water Level Abstrak Menjes merupakan makanan berbahan dasar kedelai yang umumnya terbuat dari ampas tahu. Untuk dibuat menjadi keripik menjes, menjes tersebut harus dikeringkan sekering mungkin. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan rancang bangun mesin pengering menjes dengan variasi temperatur pemanasan dan lama pemanasan. Hasil dari penelitian ini pengeringan menggunakan mesin pengering menjes lebih cepat dibandingkan dijemur di matahari. Proses pengeringan menjes dengan dijemur hanya bisa menurunkan kadar air hingga 14% dalam waktu 3 jam, sedangkan dengan menggunakan pengering menjes dapat menurunkan kadar air 12,33% pada T=400C dan 8,6% pada T=500C dalam waktu 1 jam. Kata Kunci: Menjes, Pengering, Keripik Menjes, Kadar air
Analisa Desain dan Perancangan Ruang Vakum Medium Sebagai Media Pembangkitan Plasma Oksigen Menggunakan Gelombang Mikro 2,45 GHZ Antonius Prisma Jalu Permana; Danang Murdiyanto; Bernardus Crisanto Putra Mbulu
Praxis : Jurnal Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat dan Jejaring Vol 2, No 2: Maret 2020
Publisher : Soegijapranata Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/praxis.v2i2.2532


In line with the development of thin-film technology, its also developing plasma-based removal techniques such as plasma ashing. Plasma is an ionized gas-like phase. Ionized gas when the temperature approaches or exceeds atomic ionization energy. The atoms are ionized into positive and negative ions. The purpose of this research to analyze the working system of plasma generation using 2,45GHz microwaves. The plasma reactor was successfully operating, but it only maintain to generate plasma in short time. The reactor broke because it couldn’t hold the bombardment energy of particles which the energy was 1,623x10-24 for each every second. At last, the reactor could maintain the plasma only for ±240 s. Keywords: microwave, plasma, ashing, vacuum, mean free path, ionization.
Asawika : Media Sosialisasi Abdimas Widya Karya Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Desember : Asawika
Publisher : LPPM Unika Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37832/asawika.v8i2.147


AbstrakProsentase sampah plastik di Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua, setelah sampah organic, yaitu14% dari total. Indonesia termasuk salah satu dari 8 negara terbesar kontributor sampah plastik di laut.Berdasarkan data tersebut, pemerintah berusaha mengurangi limbah plastik melalui berbagai cara, sehingga perludilakukan pemilahan sampah plastik mulai dari sumbernya (rumah tangga). Pemahaman kesadaran memilahsampah plastik dapat dilakukan melalui edukasi, salah satunya kegiatan edukasi terhadap siswa SD, SLB danSMP di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka memperingati World Environment Daydengan tema Beat Plastic Pollution. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan penayangan video singkat dampak sampahplastik terhadap biota laut; lomba mewarna tote bag sesuai tema; dan lomba memilah sampah organik, anorganikdan B3. Dari hasil penayangan video, terdapat 57,1% peserta SD memahami isi pesan dalam video tersebut, dan75% peserta SLB dan SMP yang memahami. Seluruh peserta paham untuk memilah sampah organic darisampah lain. Sedangkan dalam memilah sampah anorganik, 50% peserta SD bisa memilah dengan benar;sementara peserta SLB dan SMP hanya 25% bisa memilah dengan benar. Pemahaman memilah limbah B3, 100% peserta SMP,75% peserta SD dan 50% peserta SLB bisa memilah, meski masih ada kesalahan.Kata kunci : edukasi, pemilahan, sampah plastikAbstractThe percentage of plastic waste in Indonesia ranks second after organic waste, constituting 14% of the total.Indonesia is among the eight largest contributors of plastic waste in the oceans. The government has beenmaking efforts to reduce plastic waste through various means, emphasizing the need for plastic wastesegregation at its sources (households). Awareness and understanding of plastic waste segregation can beachieved through education, including educational activities for elementary, special needs, and junior highschool students in Pasuruan Regency. These activities are conducted in commemoration of World EnvironmentDay with the theme "Beat Plastic Pollution." The activities include the screening of a short video illustrating theimpact of plastic waste on marine life, tote bag colouring competition, and waste segregation competition fororganic, inorganic, and hazardous waste. From the video screening, 57.1% of elementary school participantsunderstood the message, while 75% of special needs and junior high school participants understood it. Allparticipants understood how to segregate organic waste from other waste types. However, when it came tosegregating inorganic waste, only 50% of elementary school participants could do so correctly, while only 25%of special needs and junior high school participants could do it. For segregation of hazardous waste, 100% ofjunior high school participants, 75% of elementary school participants, and 50% of special needs participantscould do it, with some errors.Keywords: education, segregation, plastic waste.