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Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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Pola Ruang Bersama pada Permukiman Madura Medalungan di Dusun Baran Randugading Ayu Indeswari; Antariksa Antariksa; Galih Widjil Pangarsa; Lisa Dwi Wulandari
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 11, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1178.997 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2013.011.01.4


In human social life, social space created. The kind of social space divided based on its characteristic. Communal space is a part of traditional Nusantara architecture that also means as social spac. It symbolized togetherness. In Madura community, tanean is communal space that has specific meaning. When they migrated to another land, they brought their dwelling tradition to the new land they have occupied. They called Madura Medalungan. One of the land occupied by Madura Medalungan is Baran Randugading, Malang. With the difference environment and culture setting, they adapt their communalspace with the new condition. The new models of communal space of Madura Medalungan society in Baran Randugading need to be studied. The result of the study showed that tanean, terrace or emper, front room or balai, traditional kitchen, langgar, and inter-space between house, were the most frequent used as communal space. In adition, mosque, village street, warung or shop, became communal space in accidental moment.Key words : Shared space, model, Madura Medalungan
Tinjauan Interdisipliner dalam Mengkaji Aspek Kosmologi dalam Arsitektur Ema Yunita Titisari; Antariksa Antariksa; Lisa Dwi Wulandari; Surjono Surjono
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.612 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2017.015.01.6


This paper is a review of the importance of interdisciplinary reviews in assessing the cosmological aspects of architecture. Architecture is a discipline that focuses on the study of the human environment. Environment and humans are very complex objects. Studies of people and architecture need to involve other disciplines. Involving other disciplines will help the understanding of people and architecture as a cultural product. Cosmology is the key to understanding architecture, especially the architecture of pre-modern society. By analysing the substance of some theories and architectural research on cosmology obtained the conclusion that in reviewing cosmological aspects in architecture is required interdisciplinary studies because architecture is an object that needs to be viewed from many perspectives. This is due to the complexity of human beings who create and create architecture as a place of residence.Keywords: interdisciplinary, architecture, cosmology
Building Form berdasarkan Sejarah Kawasan Bangunan pada Jalan Basuki Rahmat Malang Abraham Mohammad Ridjal; Antariksa Antariksa; Noviani Suryasari; Joko Triwinarto Santoso
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 14, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.691 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2016.014.02.4


Human civilization had been through along with the evidence of history. The city of Malang has its own history which been proved by its buildings as the eyewitnesses. As a part of Indonesian History, Malang contributed to colonialism era in which colored this nation efforts during the independence through its buildings which became the evidence of what happened. The existence of these buildings were important for the record of history, not just political stories but also how did people acted in it. Ignorance of these could erase the history of Malang, in which could stop the transfer information about what did Malang. In this case identified and re-constructed history of Malang is needed to re-built its identity. Through this agenda by historical-description hoped Malang Identity could be found and the building form could re-arranged through its character. If this action done, development of Malang city would be synergy with its own history and identity.Keywords: conservation, history, colonialism
Elemen Pembentuk Citra Kawasan Bersejarah Di Pusat Kota Malang Hana Ayu Pettricia; Dian Kusuma Wardhani; Antariksa Antariksa
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 12, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2041.083 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2014.012.01.2


The study of the image of an area needs to be done to find out the identity of the place. District of Klojen is an area that has a legacy of historic buildings and environment in the Dutch colonial era, therefore it is necessary to study the image of the District Klojen kawasan bersejarah.This study aims: (1) analyze the imageforming elements in the historic district based on the perception of residents Klojen District of Malang, and (2) analyze the factors that influence respondents in identifying the image-forming elements in the historic district Klojen. Malang resident perception is divided into three groups, ie community groups, students, and experts. The method are used descriptive analytical and evaluative analysis. Descriptive methods isused to analyze the elements of the image forming region, using mental maps and interviews. Evaluative analysis used to analyze the factors that influence respondents to identify the image of the historic district, and to review the typology of perception of the respondents use the gestalt theory. The results are (1) image of the historic downtown district that is Klojen still can’t properly captured by the inhabitants of the city of Malang, and the District Klojen still highlight the historic image, (2) factors that influence respondents' perceptions are internal factors and external. Typology of perception, internal factors and external factors had ties in identifying the image of the historic district.Key words: image, historic, gestalt theory, mental maps.
Dinamika Ruang Pkl Alun-Alun Ponorogo : Sebuah Kearifan Lokal Achmad Faried Hanafi; Lisa Dwi Wulandari; Antariksa Antariksa
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (929.316 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.02.1


Nowadays most of alun-alun turned into an urban park that serves as public open space advocates social, aesthetic and ecological functions. PKL as an economic entity, do not lose on the chance of crowd people on public space as a potential market for their business. The existence of street vendors in the square had become a dilemma, allowed or prohibited. This research aims to describe the spatial dynamics of street vendors in alun-alun Ponorogo and explore its existence to study its local wisdom. This study used qualitative descriptive method based on indepth interview on keypersons. The existence of street vendors in alun-alun Ponorogo form spatial-dynamic and as a form of local wisdom that develops in alun-alun Ponorogo.Keywords : alun-alun, Ponorogo, PKL (street vendors), local wisdom
Penggunaan Ruang Pada Usaha Batik Tulis Di Kampung Batik Jetis Sidoarjo Irma Fitriyani; Antariksa Antariksa; Lisa Dwi Wulandari
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (800.048 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.02.6


Kampung Batik Jetis Sidoarjo adalah lokasi penghasil batik tulis khas Sidoarjo. Di Kampung Batik Jetis terdapat 15 pengrajin batik yang bertempat tinggal sekaligus menjalankan usaha kerajinan dan penjualan di lokasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memahami penggunaan ruang pada usaha pengrajin batik tulis di Kampung Batik Jetis Sidoarjo. Dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan dengan pengamatan dan observasi pada ruang usaha 15 pengrajin batik tersebut sehingga didapat hasil identifikasi yang akan dianalisa dengan mengacu pada teori yang terkait. Skala penelitian ini adalah hanya melingkupi ruang secara mikro. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah tentang penggunaan ruang untuk usaha pengrajin batik tulis di Kampung Batik Jetis ini secara umum menunjukkan bahwa setiap pengrajin melakukan aktivitas usaha dalam ruang usaha mereka masing-masing yang dimiliki sendiri (13 pengrajin) atau dipinjam dari pengrajin lain (2 pengrajin). Ruang yang digunakan terdiri dari ruang untuk proses produksi dan pasca produksi. Terdapat beberapa tipe ruang usaha berdasarkan ruang yang dimiliki/ digunakan. Sifat penggunaan ruang adalah permanen dan terdapat tipe ruang usaha berdasarkan letak/ proporsinya yang merupakan kombinasi dari tipe berimbang, campuran dan terpisah.Kata kunci: penggunaan ruang, aktivitas usaha batik, pengrajin batik tulis
Pengaruh Arsitektur Tradisional Jawa dalam Hunian Kolonial di Kampung Bubutan Surabaya Risqi Cahyani; Lisa Dwi Wulandari; Antariksa Antariksa
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1083.694 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.01.6


Kampung Bubutan is one of the original community of settlements in the city of Surabaya. As the coastal city, Surabaya closely with the image as a trading city. These factors led many immigrants come from many different cultures, local and international including Netherlands. This article will discuss about what makes the formation of the settlement pattern at Kampung Bubutan, and how the acculturation between Javanese and Colonial on the settlement using descriptive–qualitative method. The results is Kali Mas river and Mancapat mythe effected the formation of Kampung Bubutan settlements. Colonial architectural found in the basic shape of the building and building technology . While the Javanese architecture found in the building ornaments, organizations of space, and the meaning of the Javanese who appreciate nature and social community. Values, advices, and good wises from Javanese giving much meaning in the house.Keywords: Javanese architecture, colonial architecture, etnic aculturation
Lokalitas Struktur Konstruksi Rumah Tradisional Sabu Di Kampung Adat Namata, NTT Yohanes Wilhelmus Dominikus Kapilawi; Antariksa Antariksa; Agung Murti Nugroho
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (724.736 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.02.7


Pengaruh lingkungan dan interaksi sosial antara satu kelompok dengan kelompok yang lain menghasilkan aturan yang terwujud dalam sebuah tatanan nilai – nilai aturan budaya, tertuang dalam wujud fisik yang tentunya selalu menyesuaikan terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya. Aturan nilai budaya dalam wujud fisik menghasilkan kebiasaan atau tradisi, dalam wujud kearifan berarsitektur terhadap bagian – bagian elemen konstruksinya dalam pemanfaatan teknologi berupa peralatan, sistem sambungan dan material konstruksi setempat. Kearifan lokal ini tentunya memiliki nilai tradisi dan aturan yang selalu menjaga keseimbangan antara alam tempat hunian. Kampung adat Namata merupakan sebuah perkampungan adat tertua di Pulau Sabu yang kaya akan nilai budaya, sejarah, keragaman suku dan arsitektur rumah tradisionalnya. Arsitektur rumah tradisional Sabu (Ammu Hawu) merupakan salah satu cerminan lokalitas yang memiliki tatanan aturan nilai budaya setempat dan memiliki nilai keseimbangan antara lingkungan dan tempat tinggalnya. Lokalitas arsitekturnya terlihat dari struktur konstruksi yang ada pada setiap bagian – bagian elemen konstruksi Ammu Rahi Hawu. Objek rumah ini yang dijadikan sebagai objek untuk diteliti terhadap bagian – bagian elemen struktur konstruksinya terkait unsur – unsur nilai budaya setempat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasikan dan menganalisis lokalitas terhadap bagian – bagian elemen struktur konstruksi. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi, dengan kriteria pemilihan sampel penelitiannya, yakni terhadap bangunan yang merupakan bagian yang dikategorikan sebagai rumah adat serta karakteristik struktur konstruksi sesuai fungsi bangunan.Kata kunci : Lokalitas, Struktur Konstruksi, Rumah Tradisional.
Atribut Ruang Sebagai Penanda Ruang Ritual Pada Pesarean Gunung Kawi Kabupaten Malang Dhinda Ayu; Antariksa Antariksa; Abraham M. Ridjal
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 12, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (765.979 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2014.012.02.4


Implementation of a ritual could not separate from its subject, time, space and things that used during the process. Space is a very important thing in the implementation of a ritual. Attribute or furniture inside the space that used to carry out the ritual activity also has a role to build a ritual space. Buildings that are considered sacral at Pesarean Gunung Kawi have space attribute which function to create a ritual space on the implementation of various types of rituals at that place. The purpose of this study is to determine the ritual space that formed by space attribute at Pesarean Gunung Kawi. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive research. The result of this study showed that beside as a ritual space signage, space attribute also divide the space in accordance with the level of privacy.Keywords: attribute, space, ritual
Tradisionalisme Dalam Arsitektur Kolonial Belanda Di Kota Malang Joko Triwinarto Santoso; Noviani Suryasari; Antariksa Antariksa
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.417 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2013.011.02.5


People are not able to break away from the past that gave birth to (system) values and thoughts derived continuously without or with very few changes. This kind of understanding is called as traditionalism. Traditionalism is also in the architecture as a product of human culture. Malang as the town grew rapidly during the Dutch colonial period, saved some buildings from that era. Architecture of these buildings is certainly a result of the design which is based on a wide range of ideologies, one of which is tradisionalism. This study that seeks to identify the presence of traditionalism in the Dutch colonial architecture using descriptive methods (graphics), with data obtained by purposive sampling technique. The results obtained indicate that there is influence of traditionalism in the Dutch colonial architecture embodied in the two architectural elements, namely the roof and openings.Keywords: tradisionalism, Dutch colonial architecture, Malang