Hamdiah A. Latif
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

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Bahaya Riba dalam Perspektif Hadis HamdIah Latif
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v17i2.9047


This article aims to discuss the purpose of riba (usury) prohibition within The Prophet Tradition perspective. As it is known undoubtfully, the terminology of riba (usury) is forbidden not only in Islam as a religion but also in Jew as well as Christian. In Al-Qur’an itself, the prohibition of riba has gradually been prohibited, at least through four passages that are found in four disparate surahs in which riba (usury) at last is forbidden and condemned; even it is also considered as a great sin. By using bibliography studies, this article would like to dig and elaborate on some of the Prophet hadith regarding the prohibition of riba and its impact within society. It is believed that riba is a great sin in Islam because it leads to social jealousy and injustice. Therefore the tradition of riba is aiming at promoting gracious, wisdom, a mutual benefit that can realize a more just economic system that is based on Islamic ethics to perform justice and prosperity.AbstrakArtikel ini ingin membahas tujuan dari pelarangan riba dalam perspektif hadis. Tidak diragukan lagi, istilah riba sebenarnya dilarang dalam semua agama samawi, baik Yahudi, Kristen maupun Islam. Di dalam Al-Qur'an sendiri, pelarangan riba memiliki empat ayat yang ditemukan pada empat surat berbeda, di mana riba jelas-jelas dikutuk dan dilarang, bahkan riba dinyatakan pula sebagai dosa yang sangat serius. Dengan menggunakan studi literatur, artikel ini ingin menggali dan mendalami beberapa hadis tentang larangan riba dan dampaknya di masyarakat. Dikatakan bahwa riba adalah dosa dalam Islam, karena mengarah pada kehancuran, sedangkan sedekah mengarah kepada pertumbuhan. Oleh karena itu, penghapusan riba sebenarnya bertujuan untuk memajukan sistem ekonomi yang merahmati, lebih berkeadilan, hubungan sosial yang lebih berimbang serta nilai-nilai etika yang sejalan dengan ajaran Islam.    
Egalitarianism in the Qur'an: Dialectics of Concept and Reality Hamdiah Latif
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v20i1.14643


The issue of equity and equality between men and women is one of the most serious problems and challenges that Muslims have faced in the modern era. Islam and Muslims are not only challenged to prove that their doctrine, as mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah, shows that egalitarianism is their main value, but they also should prove it in real life. However, it must be demonstrated not only through normative means as mentioned in its doctrine or history, but also by answering many contemporary challenges to the concept of equality between men and women today. This article examines the concept of egalitarianism from an Islamic perspective as found in the Qur'an.By using library research methods, it examines the further meaning of egalitarianism from an Al-Qur'anic perspective.
MIN 8 Aceh Barat Daya لترقية قدرة التلاميذ على مهارة الكتابة بـــ (Projector) الإملاء المنظور بوسيلة كشاف ضوئي Sulthan Rafid; Hamdiah Hamdiah; Fadhilah Fadhilah
لسـانـنـا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya Vol 13, No 1 (2023): لساننا (LISANUNA): JURNAL ILMU BAHASA ARAB DAN PEMBELAJARANNYA (JANUARI-J
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan keguruan- UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ls.v13i1.18031


The purpose of this research is to find out the application of imlak manzur using projector media can improve students' writing skills. The research method used by the researcher is experimental research. To collect data, researchers conducted pre-test, post-test. The research population is all students at MIN 8 Aceh Barat Daya while the sample in this study is grade 5 students, totaling 30 students. The research results obtained in this thesis, namely the results of the paired sample T-test -18.660 (sig<0.05) and the results of the independent sample T-test 0.489 (sig>0.05) at the significance level (Sig) (0.05> 0.00) and this shows that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
تطوير مهارة الكتابة باللغة العربية لطلاب جامعة الرانيري الإسلامية الحكومية Hamdiah A. Latif
لسـانـنـا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya Vol 13, No 1 (2023): لساننا (LISANUNA): JURNAL ILMU BAHASA ARAB DAN PEMBELAJARANNYA (JANUARI-J
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan keguruan- UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ls.v13i1.18027


This article would like to discuss about the topic on how to increase capacity in writing skills in Arabic language among students of the Islamic State University (UIN) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, especially students of the Tarbiyah Faculty, Arabic Language Teaching Study Program. Writing skills is one of the most difficult skills to be developed in its application, even though the theory and material presented by the lecturers about it, tends to make it easier during the teaching and learning process. This article attempts to examine the precise and easy steps that can be taken in increasing Arabic writing capacity and skills among university students. This article uses qualitative methods to diagnose various factors and problems faced by students when writing exercises are applied, and this article also tries its best to offer the right methods to make it easier for students to develop writing and composing skills (in Arabic language).