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El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 2, No 1 (2011): EL-HAYAH (VOL 2, NO 1, September 2011)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v2i1.1790


Masalah lingkungan dan pencemarannya merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh manusia saat ini dan belum ditemukan solusi yang jitu untuk memecahkannya secara komprehensif, baik dari segi cara mengontrol penyebabnya ataupun mengurangi sebab-sebabnya, meskipun usaha itu sudah dilakukan oleh organisasi lingkungan hidup dengan segala upayanya, bahkan masalah pencemaran lingkungan ini selalu dibahas oleh masyarakat internasional. Salah satu permasalahan yang mereka bahas adalah timbulnya lubang pada lapisan ozon yang mengancam terjadinya bencana yang lebih luas pada lingkungan dan dapat berdampak pada timbulnya berbagai penyakit bagi manusia. Jika peradaban modern saat ini telah menimbulkan pencemaran udara tanpa memikirkan dampaknya, maka sebenarnya Islam telah meletakkan dasar-dasar hukum, jauh sebelum timbulnya berbagai pencemaran yang timbul sekarang ini. Namun permasalahannya adalah kurangnya implementasi dan aktualisasi dasar-dasar hukum tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Maka dalam kajian ini dengan tema Lingkungan dan Pelestariannya dalam prespektif Islam, pada dasarnya adalah kajian umum yang mengkaji dari sisi hukum Islam, yaitu membahas secara umum pandangan Islam tentang lingkungan dan penyebab serta konsekuensi yang timbul dari kesalahan manusia dalam menangani masalah lingkungan serta bagaimanakah solusi yang diberikan oleh prinsip-prinsip Syariah Islam.Key word : lingkungan, pelestarian, perspektif, hukum, Islam.
PERANAN AIR DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QURAN (Air Sebagai Sumber Kehidupan) Imamudin, Mochamad
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 3, No 1 (2012): EL-Hayah (Vol 3, No 1, September 2012)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v3i1.2220


Air merupakan kebutuhan pokok dan esensial bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup di muka bumi ini, oleh karena itu keberadaannya merupakan anugerah teragung yang dilimpahkan Allah  Swt  kepada  seluruh  makhluknya, sebab  dengan  air  Allah  menghidupkan segala makhluk di atas bumi ini, menyebarkan rejeki melalui pemanfaatannya sebagai zat yang menumbuhkan  tanaman,  sebagai  minuman  bagi  binatang  ternak  dan  bahkan  sebagai sumber energi yang dapat diperbaharui. Disisi lain air juga dapat mendatangkan bahaya dan bencana besar bagi ekosistem makhluk hidup di muka bumi ini seperti datangnya banjir, air pasang di tepi laut dan longsor. Namun datangnya bencana tersebut apakah disebabkan oleh kesalahan alam ataukah manusia yang salah mengelola alam ini. Maka pada penelitian ini penulis akan mengungkap bagaimana pandangan al-Quran tentang air dari  segi  manfaatnya sebagai  sumber  kehidupan  sehingga  dapat  menambah  wawasan tentang air dari perspektif al-Quran.  
Identification of Student Academic Performance in Computer Science Based on Naive Bayes Aziz, Kevin Elmy; Crysdian, Cahyo; Imamudin, Mochamad
MATICS Vol 13, No 1 (2021): MATICS
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/mat.v13i1.9726


Jurusan Teknik Informatika is one of the study programs at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Based on the current curriculum in Jurusan Teknik Informatika, the curriculum refers to the IEEE/ACM Computer Science Curricula 2013. The IEEE/ACM Computer Science Curricula 2013 has a knowledge area classification, which is mentioned in the curriculum as having 18 knowledge areas. The curriculum used in the current technical study program is formulated and determined from the entire content or collection of knowledge in the IEEE/ACM Computer Science Curricula 2013. In the Jurusan Teknik Informatika curriculum at UIN Malik Ibrahim Malang currently there are 76 subjects, 58 of which are Teknik Informatika subjects and 18 others are general subjects. To identify the academic performance of students it is necessary to classify the curriculum in the Department of Informatics Engineering to the knowledge area in the IEEE / ACM Computer Science Curricula 2013. Classification is done using the Naïve Bayes method by calculating the probability of each course of the knowledge area, after it is done classification, data will appear in the form of subject distribution to the knowledge area. After classification, it is necessary to determine the level of contribution of each course that has spread to the knowledge area. This contribution level is entered into the Joint formula with the value of the student transcript to calculate the student's academic performance. Testing is done by comparing the output in the form of knowledge area with the highest performance produced by the program with input in the form of knowledge area from the expert for each student. This research resulted in an accuracy of 78.95% from the results of twenty times experiment.
Therapy of Schizophrenia Disorders with Spiritual Methods at the Az-Zainy Tumpang Mental Rehabilitation Boarding School Malang Regency / Terapi Gangguan Skizofrenia dengan Metode Spritual Di Pesanten Rehabilitasi Mental Az-Zainy Tumpang Kabupaten Malang Rofiq, Aunur; Anam, Khoirul; Imamudin, Mochamad
Psikoislamika: Jurnal Psikologi Islam Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Second Issue End of Year 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/psikoislamika.v17i2.15523


This study examines the psychiatric disorder Schizophrenia. The researcher took a sample of the research site at the Az-Zainy Tumpang Islamic Boarding School. In this study, it is explained that people who experience schizophrenia are very underestimated by the community and without any action for the healing process. For this reason, the Az-Zainy Islamic boarding school is one of the places for therapy for the healing process of students who have schizophrenia. With the care of KH. Zain Baik, the method of healing is by using prayer and ruqyah, namely asthma and hizb. With this research, it is hoped that it can provide insight for readers, that spiritual therapy using prayer and ruqyah methods can heal students who experience mental disorders, especially Schizophrenia. For this reason, in taking research data, researchers use descriptive-qualitative research methods with field observation research models, interviews with research objects, written data, documentation as evidence from field research. So that the four models can provide accuracy in this study. This research study resulted in an analysis that people with Schizophrenia disorder can be cured by the therapeutic process that has been carried out by KH. Zain Good. The healing process does not require a short time but also takes a long time in the healing process. Besides the therapy that has been done by KH. Zain Baik, students are also introduced to learning calistung, reciting the Koran, etc., so that students who are starting to recover can recall reading letters with their own abilities. Keyword: Therapy, Schizophrenia, Prayer, Ruqyah