Arie Indartono
Jurusan Teknik Kelistrikan Kapal, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Jl. Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia

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Analisis Kenaikan Tekanan Fluida Terhadap Tegangan Dan Fleksibilitas Pipa Blowdown A106 Grade A Berdasarkan ASME B31.3 Mahardhika, Pekik; Julianto, Eko; Indartono, Arie; Kusuma, George E.
TEKNIK Vol 39, No 1 (2018): (July 2018)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.613 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v39i1.17118


Aplikasi sistem perpipaan untuk distribusi fluida banyak di jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Boiler di PLTU beroperasi secara kontinyu sehingga perlu dilakukan proses blowdown secara berkala. Sistem blowdown berguna untuk mengontrol dan membuang kandungan solid dalam sisa air pemanasan. Pertemuan dua zat berbeda fase dan temperatur tinggi pada pipa dapat menimbulkan kenaikan tekanan. Tekanan merupakan salah satu hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam sistem perpipaan. Dampak negatif kenaikan tekanan fluida secara kontinyu adalah terjadinya deformasi pipa. Deformasi pipa disebabkan tegangan pipa melebihi nilai tegangan yang diijinkan. Kode yang digunakan adalah ASME B31.3 Piping Process.  Berdasarkan kriteria critical line, pipa blowdown A106 Gr.A merupakan kategori B yang harus dikoreksi dengan metode sederhana. Fluida di dalam pipa blowdown telah terjadi kenaikan tekanan menjadi 322,55 psi dan bersifat turbulen. Berdasarkan ASME B31.3, Tegangan pipa akibat beban sustain setelah terjadi kenaikan tekanan fluida masih berada di bawah tegangan ijin (16000 psi). Fleksibilitas pipa masih di bawah nilai fleksibilitas yang diijinkan. Sistem perpipaan blowdown masih dinyatakan aman.
Transmisi Vol 16, No 3 (2014): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.176 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/transmisi.16.3.121-127


Abstrak   Stabilitas kapal pada berbagai kondisi selama penambahan, pengurangan atau pemindahan muatan dan selama pelayaran dapat dihitung dengan mengetahui kondisi stabilitas awal kapal terlebih dahulu. Pada umumnya stabilitas awal kapal hanya terbatas pada stabilitas melintang. Hal ini berarti bahwa garis stabilitas melintang berat kosong kapal harus diketahui terlebih dahulu dengan cara melaksanakan percobaan kemiringan. Garis stabilitas melintang kapal meliputi garis KM, garis KB, garis BM, garis GZ, garis GM dan garis KG. Nilai garis KM dan garis KB dapat diperoleh dari kurva hidrostatis kapal, sedangkan nilai garis BM, garis GZ, garis GM dan garis KG dapat diperoleh dari percobaan kemiringan. Secara konvensional, percobaan kemiringan dilakukan menggunakan pendulum/bandul pada garis CL. Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai identifikasi garis stabilitas melintang kapal melalui percobaan kemiringan menggunakan pemrograman Delphi berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino yang berfungsi sebagai inclinometer. Tingkat keakurasian inclinometer dihitung dengan cara membandingkannya dengan pendulum dan busur derajat yang berfungsi sebagai alat ukur sudut acuan. Identifikasi garis stabilitas melintang kapal melalui hasil pengujian percobaan kemiringan menggunakan inclinometer dapat dilakukan secara cepat, praktis dan memiliki tingkat akurasi rata-rata yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan menggunakan pendulum dengan prosentase tingkat keakurasian rata-rata adalah 99,78 % dan prosentase tingkat error rata-rata adalah 0,22 % untuk sudut percobaan kemiringan 0o-4o.   Kata kunci : stabilitas, melintang, kemiringan, garis, inclinometer.     Abstract   Stability of the ship under varying conditions during the addition, reduction or displacement of load and during the cruise can be calculated by knowing the condition of initial stability ship first. Generally, the initial stability of the ship is confined to the transverse stability. This means that line of the transverse stability of the lightship must be known in advance by carrying out the inclining experiment. Line of the transverse stability of the ship include KM, KB, BM, GZ, GM and KG. Value of KM and KB can be obtained from the ship hydrostatic curve, while value of BM, GZ, GM and KG can be obtained from the inclining experiment. Conventionally, the inclining experiment carried out using a pendulum at CL. In this study discussed identification the line of the transverse stability of the ship through the inclining experiments using the Delphi programming based on Arduino microcontroller that functions as an inclinometer. Inclinometer accuracy rate is calculated by comparing it with a pendulum and a protractor that functions as a reference. Identification the line of the transverse stability of the ship through the test results of the inclining experiment using inclinometer can be done quickly, practically and having an average degree of accuracy that is better than using a pendulum with a percentage of the average accuracy rate was 99,78 % and the average error rate was 0,22 % for the inclining experiment angle 0o-4o.   keywords : stability, transverse, inclining, line, inclinometer.
Evaluation of Radar Reflector Design for Traditional Fishermen in Banyuwangi Dian Asa Utari; M. Basuki Rahmat; I Putu Arta Wibawa; Arie Indartono; Eko Setijadi; Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko
THE SPIRIT OF SOCIETY JOURNAL : International Journal of Society Development and Engagement Vol 5 No 1 (2021): September 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/scj.v5i1.1557


Every fishing boat owned by fishermen in the Muncar Harbor area of Banyuwangi is always decorated. In addition to beautifying the ship, they also provide enthusiasm for work. Various decorations used include the shape of the dome of the mosque and the shape of a butterfly. Although technically all ornaments do not support their safety at sea. Accidents, namely the collision of traditional fishing vessels by large commercial vessels often occur. because the area of operation of traditional fishermen is the trajectory of large commercial ships. Many accidents occur because the presence of fishing boats is not detected by commercial vessels. because most traditional fishing boats are made of materials that do not reflect the radar signals of large vessels. For this reason, it is very necessary to install a reflector radar, which is a passive radar that serves to increase the object’s Radar Cross Section value. This radar can be mounted on fishing vessels so that the reflected energy from this radar reflector can be recognized by large ships. This article describes designs that are in demand by traditional fishermen in the Muncar area of Banyuwangi.
Integrated Validation System (IVS) Design for Proposal Submission of Student Activities at PPNS Yesica Novrita Devi; Wibowo Arninputranto; Fitri Hardiyanti; M. Khoirul Hasin; Arie Indartono
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 1 (2021): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference On Intelectuals Global Responsibility
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/pssh.v1i.61


The concept of Industry 4.0 is a combination of new technological developments that aim to facilitate human-computer interaction. Higher Education Institutions are currently not separated from the development of the industrial revolution involvement 4.0. Technology has a tremendous influence in the running of all activities of daily living, not least the performance of management in institutions of Higher Education Institutions. The demand to be able to work more effectively and efficiently in producing a product both in the form of goods and services makes PPNS have to keep up with technological developments. PPNS is expected to produce a product, both goods and services, in accordance with the expectations of the stakeholders (students, society and lecturers-employees). One of the problems that often becomes a problem is the bureaucracy that has a long flow. In this study, problems that occur in the PPNS Student Affairs Sector will be raised, namely regarding the approval of student activity proposals from the Student Association (HIMA) by the PPNS Management in Student Affairs under Deputy Director III. There are several steps that can be assisted in the process by using technology, so as to increase the effectiveness of performance in student affairs. Based on these problems and opportunities, a study is proposed with the title Integrated Validation System (IVS) Development to Optimize Student Service Performance in PPNS. With this system, it is hoped that it will help optimize the performance in the field of student affairs so that it can be more effective and efficient in serving requests for student activities at PPNS
Performance Evaluation of Floating Solar Power Plant in Sidobandung Bojonegoro Mohammad Basuki Rahmat; Joessianto Eko Poetro; Annas Singgih Setiyoko; Hendro Agus Widodo; Purwidi Asri; Edy Prasetya Hidayat; Arie Indartono; Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko
THE SPIRIT OF SOCIETY JOURNAL : International Journal of Society Development and Engagement Vol 6 No 2: March 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/scj.v6i2.2197


Sidobandung Village is a village that will develop the potential as a tourism village. One of the potentials that has been successfully built is a reservoir. With the construction of the reservoir in this village, tourism activities began to be seen. The number of visitors who came increases the village's income. Yet, Currently it only open on daytime conditions. Therefore, in its development, there is a desire to open services at night. The problem is how to reduce electricity costs. One of the facilities to support this is to build a floating generator (PLTS) which was built in collaboration with one of the expert vocational colleges in the field of floating buildings located in Surabaya. This floating PLTS is a renewable energy source, in accordance with the village's wish to become an educational tourism village. This floating PLTS is expected to be able to supply 30 lamps which each having a power of 50 watts for street lighting around the reservoir. The total lamp load is about 100 watts. The PLTS system that was built consists of 10 solar cell panels, each solar cell panel has a capacity of 330 WP. With a total of 4 batteries with specifications of 12 Volt 200 Ah. This system is being evaluated. The evaluation results show that the battery capacity is only able to supply 15 lamps for 12 hours. So to supply all the required load, 12 batteries are needed.