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Ed-Humanistics Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Ed-Humanistics Vol 5 No 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (Unhasy) Tebuireng Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.289 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/ed-humanistics.v5i1.706


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen kuasi dengan posttest only design. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan tes penguasaan konsep sebanyak 20 soal setelah diberikan perlakuan pada 3 kelompok kelas. Kelompok pertama adalah siswa yang belajar dengan pembelajaran problem solving berbantuan PhET, kelompok kedua adalah siswa yang belajar dengan pembelajaran problem solving, dan kelompok ketiga adalah siswa yang belajar dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Sebelum diberikan perlakuan dan pengambilan data, instrumen penelitian yang digunakan telah melalui uji ahli dan uji coba. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji Manova satu jalur dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan penguasaan konsep antara siswa yang belajar dengan pembelajaran problem solving berbantuan PhET, pembelajaran problem solving, dan pembelajaran konvensional. Perbedaan ini disebabkan adanya proses pembelajaran yang berbeda antara ketiga kelompok kelas. Penguasaan konsep siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran problem solving berbantuan PhET lebih tinggi dari siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran problem solving dan pembelajaran konvensional Kata Kunci: Problem Solving, PhET, Molaritas, Penguasaan Konsep
INTELEKSIA - Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Dakwah Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : STID Al-Hadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (575.715 KB) | DOI: 10.55372/inteleksiajpid.v2i1.94


Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas fenomenal, keberhasilan sebuah desa yang miskin dan terbelakang, kemudian menjelma menjadi desa yang mandiri, kaya, dan berprestasi. Salah satu prestasinya adalah desa ini sukses mendapatkan predikat sebagai desa terbaik se-Asean. Dengan demikian, menarik untuk mengkaji bagaimana cara mereka melepaskan diri dari keadaan terbatas menjadi berdaya. Fokus tulisan ini mengkaji salah satu model intervensi komunitas yaitu pengembangan masyarakat lokal sektor ekonomi pada Desa Nglanggeran Yogyakarta. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode library research. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori model intervensi komunitas Rothman-Tropman spesifik model pengembangan masyarakat lokal. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa model pengembangan komunitas lokal pada desa ini memiliki karakteristik yang unik, yaitu segala sumber daya (baik yang bersumber dari internal dan eksternal masyarakat) tidak ada yang luput dari perhatian mereka untuk dimanfaatkan potensinya. Sumber daya yang telah mereka potensikan antara lain sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, sumber daya sosial (kearifan lokal, spiritual, dan lain-lain). Termasuk mengajak kerja sama seluruh elemen sosial eksternal, antara lain lembaga pendidikan, lembaga penelitian, pemerintah, swasta, dan lain-lain. Terakhir, yang terpenting agar bisa mengoptimalkan segala sumber daya dalam rangka mencapai tujuan, hampir secara keseluruhan anggota masyarakat Nglanggeran terlibat dalam mengambil keputusan untuk menentukan apa yang terbaik bagi mereka.
Analysis Model in the Cloud Optimization Consumption in Pricing the Internet Bandwidt Indrawati Indrawati; Fitri Maya Puspita; Sri Erlita; Inosensius Nadeak
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 8, No 6: December 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.139 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp4391-4397


The problem of internet pricing is a problem that is often a major problem in optimization. In this study, the internet pricing scheme focuses on optimizing the use of bandwidth consumption. This research utilizes modification of cloud model in finding optimal solution in network. Cloud computing is computational model which is like network, server, storage and service that is utilizing internet connection. As ISP's Internet service provider requires appropriate pricing schemes in order to maximize revenue and provide quality of service (Quality on Service) or QoS so as to satisfy internet users or users. The model used will be completed with the help of LINGO software program to get optimal solution and accurate result. Based on the optimal solution obtained from the modification of the cloud model can be utilized ISP to maximize revenue and provide services in accordance with needs and requests.
Bit Error Rate (BER) QoS Attribute in Solving Wireless Pricing Scheme on Single Link Multi Service Network Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Fitri Maya Puspita; Indrawati Indrawati; Rahayu Tamy Agustin
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 8, No 1: February 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.08 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i1.pp236-245


Pricing schemes were set up on multi service network of wireless internet pricing scheme to proposed models applying Bit Error Rate QoS attribute due to requirements for ISP to maximize revenue and provide high quality of service to end users.The model was deigned by improving the original model together with added parameters and variables to the model of multi- service network by setting the base price (α) and premium quality (β) as variables and parameters. LINGO 11.0 were applied to help finding the solution. The results show that the improved models yield maximum revenue for ISP by applying the improved model by setting up a variable α and β as constant as well as by increasing the cost of all the changes in QoS. The QoS attriute BER is proven to achieve the ISP’s goal to maximize the revenue.
The Preprocessing and Probing Technique of Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Split and Time Deadline (OCVRP-St) Model In Rubbish Transportation Problem Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Fitri Maya Puspita; Indrawati Indrawati; Fitra Nur Azizah
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences Vol 2, No 4: December 2013
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.254 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijaas.v2.i4.pp193-200


The activity of rubbish transportation in Palembang is one of the applications of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) in transporting rubbish in Sako Palembang by applying preprocessing and probing techniques to obtain simplest OCVRP model. The solution is conducted by using LINDO software. The results show that the optimal routes in Sukarami before and after applying the tehniques are the same routes. In addition, we obtain the reduction of constraints and variables, the reduction of iteration numbers and the optimal value did not change.
Preprocessing Techniques in SCVRP Model: Case of Rubbish Transportation Problem in Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Palembang South Sumatera Indonesia Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Fitri Maya Puspita; Indrawati Indrawati; Ferani Eva Zulvia
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences Vol 1, No 3: September 2012
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (112.361 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijaas.v1.i3.pp108-115


Rubbish transportation activities in Palembang can be considered as one of the application of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). We call it Symmetric Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (SCVRP) since we allow two way direction routes. We focus on rubbish transportation of Kecamatan Ilir Barat II Palembang, one of the biggest districts in Palembang to be simplified using preprocessing techniques to achieve simpler SVCRP model. This technique can simplify the model through some stages such as strengthening the bounds of constraint, eliminating redundant variables or fixing the variables [1]. The results show that preprocessing techniques can create simpler SCVRP formulation and easily solve the problem with aid of optimization tool.
Internet Pricing on Bandwidth Function Diminished With Increasing Bandwidth Utility Function Indrawati Indrawati; Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Fitri Maya Puspita; Oky Sanjaya
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 13, No 1: March 2015
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v13i1.117


In this paper we analyze the internet pricing schemes based on bandwidth function diminished with increasing bandwidth utility function with 3 pricing strategies for homogeneous and heterogeneous consumer. The new proposed pricing schemes with this utility function will give the information to the internet service providers (ISP) in maximizing profits and provide better service quality for users. The Models on every type of consumer are applied to the data traffic in Palembang local server. LINGO 11.0 is used to compute the nonlinear programming problem to get the optimal solution. The results showed that for each case based on 3-pricing scheme, ISPs get better profit by choosing all three schemes in consumers type of homogenous case while for heterogeneous cases on willingness to pay and based on demand of the consumers, ISPs can select flat fee scheme to gain higher profit rather than those two other schemes.
Cobb-Douglass Utility Function in Optimizing the Internet Pricing Scheme Model Indrawati Indrawati; Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Fitri Maya Puspita; Meiza Putri Lestari
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 12, No 1: March 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v12i1.18


The greater numbers of internet users the greater challenge will be tackled by ISP to provide good services but gain maximum profit. By analyzing Cobb-Douglass utility function we will obtain optimal pricing scheme. Wu and Banker analyzed modified Cobb-douglass utility function and obtained optimal model of flat fee and two part tariff for homogen consumers meanwhile we focus on getting optimal pricing scheme model by using original Cobb-Douglass utility function. The first step to conduct this research is by formulating Cobb-Douglass utility function then analyzing that function. The results show that we obtain optimal pricing scheme model for homogenous and heterogeneous consumer cases. The two-part tariff pricing scheme yield better optimal solution rather than flat fee and two-part tariff pricing scheme regarding with homogen consumers and heterogen consumers based on willingness to pay. For heterogeneous consumers based on consumption level, the optimal pricing scheme is on two-part tariff pricing scheme.
Model and Optimal Solution of Single Link Pricing Scheme Multiservice Network Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Indrawati Indrawati; Fitri Maya Puspita; Juniwati Juniwati
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 12, No 1: March 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v12i1.19


This paper discussed the new improved and modified internet pricing scheme in multiservice networks [1]. This new improved scheme is created to set up the  base price, quality premium and Quality of service (QoS). This scheme has the purposes to help Internet Service Provider (ISP) in maximizing the revenue and contribute better quality of service to the users. The objective function will be formed to set up the base price and quality premium as a vaiable or a constant. The models used are in nonlinear forms and solved by using LINGO 11.0 to get the optimal solution. The results show that for each cases of improved scheme, ISP gets better optimal solutions by varying or fixing the base price and quality premium.
Kajian Fungsi Nilai Mutlak dan Grafiknya Indrawati Indrawati; Cinta Sembiring
Jurnal Penelitian Sains Vol 14, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Mathtmatics and Natural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.484 KB) | DOI: 10.56064/jps.v14i1.117


Fungsi nilai mutlak adalah suatu fungsi yang aturannya memuat nilai mutlak. Nilai mutlak suatu bilangan real x, dinyatakan dengan |x|, didefinisikan sebagaiFungsi ini merupakan fungsi khusus yang menarik, karena memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda dari fungsi lain terutama proses pencarian solusi dan penyajian yang berbentuk grafik. Fungsi nilai mutlak dapat diselesaikan dan digambar grafiknya dengan cara mengubah bentuk aturan fungsi nilai mutlak tersebut sehingga diperoleh suatu fungsi dengan banyak persamaan yang memenuhi daerah definisinya. Fungsi nilai mutlak memiliki limit di suatu titik namun tidak terdiferensialkan dititiktersebut, sehingga fungsi nilai mutlak tidak kontinu di titik tersebut.