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Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Paludikultur Endemik Lokal pada Kelompok Tani Tunas Jaya Elfis Elfis; Prima Wahyu Titisari; Sepita Ferazona; Syarifah Farradinna; Haliza Nurdilla Nurdilla; Tarjiyo Tarjiyo; Daniel Afrian Hakiki
COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): COMSEP : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Akuntansi Indonesia

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Paludiculture is one of the agroforestry models to responsible peatland management that preserves ecosystem services while also accumulating carbon. Paludiculture products can provide food, feed, fiber, and fuel, as well as industrial raw materials. The goal of this community service activity is to create canal blocking and applied nucleation demonstration plots to increase the diversity of local endemic paludiculture plant species. The community involved is Kelompok Tani Tunas Jaya (KTTJ) Parit II Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency. The results of the activity in the form of making 2 canal blocking points and 3 demonstration plots of applied nucleation were carried out by KTTJ members. The local endemic paludiculture species planted are Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), Pulai (Alstonia pneumatophora), Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla), Pinang merah (Areca vestiaria) and Pisang kepok (Musa accuminata). Based on the monitoring and evaluation of activities, members of KTTJ were very satisfied with the implementation of the activities.
Diversifikasi Kuliner Mangrove Kelompok Usaha Berembang Asri Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak Prima Wahyu Titisari; Elfis Elfis; Syarifah Farradinna; Muhammad Akbar Maulana; Haliza Nurdilla; Putri Selaras
COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): COMSEP : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Akuntansi Indonesia

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The potential development of culinary diversity comes from various types of leaves and mangrove fruit. One coastal area with a potential mangrove area is Parit I/II, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency. The purpose of this program was to the utilization of mangrove into processed culinary diversity as an effort to improve the economy through creative small industries that utilize the natural potential. Outcomes of this program were mangrove syrup, mangrove tea, mangrove chips, mangrove cake, mangrove nastar, dodol mangrove. Mangrove products were potentially to be developed in Sungai Apit and Siak Regency.
Biology and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Biology and Education Journal
Publisher : Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Press

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan psikomotorik siswa dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran project based learning (PjBL), pada siswa kelas VIIIA di SMP Negeri 18 Pekanbaru, Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini dimulai dari bulan Oktober sampai dengan November 2016 di kelas VIIIA SMP Negeri 18 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIIIA SMP Negeri 18 Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 41 orang siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif melalui daya serap, ketuntasan individual dan ketuntasan klasikal. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai psikomotorik daya serap siswa mengalami peningkatan (3,4%) dari sebelum PTK yaitu (75,9%) menjadi (79,3%) pada Siklus I, dan mengalami peningkatan kembali sebesar 6,5% menjadi 85,5% setelah siklus II. Ketuntasan klasikal siswa untuk nilai Psikomotorik mengalami peningkatan 19,5,% dari sebelum PTK yaitu 65,9% menjadi 85,4% pada Siklus I, dan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 9,7% menjadi 95,1% setelah siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan psikomotorik siswa kelas VIIIA di SMP Negeri 18 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017.
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 18 (2023): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi (SEMABIO) Tahun 2022
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Bengkalis District is one of largest peatlands in Riau. However, peatlands in Bengkalis have been degraded by 57% due to careless logging plantations, so there is rapid subsidence, land draying, and more flammability. One of method to recover the peatland is by utilizing local plant such as geronggang tree (Cratoxylum arborescens (Vahl.) Blume). The benefit of ecological aspect from Geronggang trees was to maintaining peatland moisture, storage a lot of water and the same as many benefits for Bengkalis' citizen. This study aimed to provide information regarding the conservation of geronggang trees by local Bengkalis' people support the restoration of peatland. Primary and secondary data collected by observation and interview to local citizen. The results show that the Bengkalis cityzen has its own way for conserving geronggang trees, it is geronggang seeds are planted with mixed cropping system and the harvesting with thinning cutting system, cutting hallway (track) system, and cutting the embroidery. This is done for the sustainability of peat moisture on one side and maintaining of geronggang trees. Its means, the conservation efforts made by the local people of Bengkalis can maintain the existence of geronggang trees in the region and can help restoration of the degraded peatland.
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 18 (2023): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi (SEMABIO) Tahun 2022
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Indonesia is one of the biodiversity countries, Indonesia ranks the second largest biodiversity in the world after Brazil. Around 8500 fish species are in Indonesian waters, as many as 1300 fish species occupy the fresh waters of western Indonesia. This is inseparable from the role of the community who strives to protect and preserve the environment. One of the efforts to conserve freshwater fish by the community is the existence of a prohibition pit. The purpose of this study was to explore the biodiversity of fish species in the river basin and its management. The method in this study is a survey method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Collecting data in the form of primary data, through observation and interviews. Sampling of fish is through sampling directly to the location. The research was conducted from April 2021 to July 2021. From the results of the study found 9 species of fish, namely: Sebarau (Hampala sp), Lampam (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii), Selais (Kryptopterus cryptopterus), Gabus (Channa striata), Baung (Mystus temarus), Limbat (Clarias nieuhofii), Seluang Juo (Luciosoma trinema), Nila (Oreochromis niloticus), and Toman (Channa micropletes). The most widely used fish by the community are lampam, sebarau and cork fish. While the rare fish are toman fish and limbat fish. To maintain the preservation of fish, people are not allowed to take fish before the harvest period and can only take large fish. The harvest is done the day before the month of Ramadhan. The regulation aims to maintain the existence of local fish.
Diversifikasi Produk Kuliner Berbasis Mangrove Pada Kelompok Usaha Berembang Asri, Riau Prima Wahyu Titisari; Elfis Elfis; Syarifah F arradinna; Muhammad Akbar Maulana; Haliza Nurdilla; Putri Selaras
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.465 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/jppm.v8i1.212


Provinsi riau merupakan salah satu provinsi yang memiliki kawasan ekosistem mangrove cukup luas. Salah satu desa yang memiliki kawasan mangrove adalah Desa Parit I/II, Kecamatan Sungai Apit, Kabupaten Siak, yang memiliki potensi mangrove untuk pengembangan kuliner. yang berasal dari buah mangrove. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk mengedukasi kelompok Berembang Asri di kawasan tersebut untuk memanfaatkan mangrove menjadi olahan keragaman kuliner, sebagai upaya peningkatan ekonomi melalui industri kecil kreatif yang memanfaatkan potensi alam. Pelaksanaan program terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu, sosialisasi, pelatihan pengenalan jenis-jenis buah mangrove, pelatihan pembuatan aneka jenis olahan kuliner mangrove, serta monitoring dan evalusasi pelaksanaan kegiatan. Hasil dari program ini adalah sirup mangrove, teh mangrove, keripik mangrove, kue mangrove, nastar mangrove, serta dodol mangrove. Respon anggota kelompok terhadap kegiatan ini sangat baik, mereka merasa bahwa kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan diharapkan dapat dilanjutkan. Produk olahan kuliner mangrove berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di Kabupaten Sungai Apit dan Siak, sebagai produk unggulan desa. Riau Province is one of the provinces that has a wide area of mangrove ecosystem. One of the villages that has a mangrove area is Parit I/II Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency, which has mangrove potential for culinary development derived from mangroves. The aim of this program is to educate the Berembang Asri group in this area to utilize mangroves to become processed culinary diversity, as an effort to increase the economy through creative small industries that take advantage of natural potential. The implementation of the program consists of four stages, namely, socialization, training on the introduction of types of mangrove fruits, training on making various types of mangrove culinary preparations, as well as monitoring and evaluating the implementation of activities. The results of this program are mangrove syrup, mangrove tea, mangrove chips, mangrove cake, mangrove nastar, and mangrove lunkhead. The response of group members to this activity was very good, they felt that this activity was useful and they hoped it could be continued. Mangrove culinary processed products have the potential to be developed in Sungai Apit and Siak Regencies, as village superior products.
Pengkayaan Kebun Sawit Rakyat Melalui Penerapan Agroforestri Tumbuhan Lokal pada Lahan Gambut di Kabupaten Siak, Riau Elfis Elfis; Prima Wahyu Titisari; Sepita Ferazona; Syarifah Farradinna
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 8 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/jppm.v8i3.430


Pengkayaan kebun sawit rakyat dengan penerapan agroforestri tumbuhan lokal pada lahan gambut dapat dikembangkan sebagai bentuk kombinasi berbagai komoditas unggulan pertanian dan perkebunan yang ditumpangsarikan pada kebun sawit rakyat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini penerapan pengkayaan agroforestri tumbuhan lokal Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen), Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen), Jelutung rawa (Dyera polyphylla Miq. Steenis), dan Sukun (Artocarpus altilis J.R.Forster & G.Forster) pada kebun karet ranyat di lahan gambut. Mitra komunitas masyarakat yang dilibatkan adalah Kelompok Tani Jaya Makmur Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai Juli sampai dengan November 2022. Demplot penerapan pengkayaan agroforestri tumbuhan lokal berupa penyisipan empat jenis tumbuhan lokal pada lahan kebun sawit rakyat di lahan gambut. Berdasarkan monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan, keempat jenis tumbuhan tumbuh dengan baik dan tidak terjadi kompetisi yang berari antara empat tumbuhan yang ditumpangsarikan dengan produktivtas sawit, serta mitra merasa sangat puas dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan serta bersedia dan mulai menerapkan kegiatan pengkayaan kebun sawit rakyat dengan penerapan agroforestry tumbuhan lokal di kebun sawit mereka. The enrichment of smallholder oil palm plantations with the application of local plant agroforestry on peatlands can be developed as a form of combination of various superior agricultural and plantation commodities which are intercropped on smallholder oil palm plantations. The purpose of this community service activity is in the form of technical guidance on the application of agroforestry enrichment of local plants Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen), Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen), Jelutung rawa (Dyera polyphylla Miq. Steenis), and Sukun (Artocarpus altilis J.R.Forster & G.Forster). The community partners involved are the Jaya Makmur Farmers' Group, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency. Activities will be carried out from July to November 2022. The demonstration plot for the application of local plant agroforestry enrichment is the insertion of four types of local plants on smallholder oil palm plantations on peatlands. Based on the monitoring and evaluation of activities, the four types of plants grew well and there was no significant competition between the four plants intercropped with oil palm productivity, and partners were very satisfied with the implementation of the activities and were willing and started implementing community oil palm plantation enrichment activities with the application of local plant agroforestry. in their oil palm plantations.