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LIMNOTEK - Perairan Darat Tropis di Indonesia Vol 26, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Research Center for Limnology

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Bogor regency which is located in the middle of the Ciliwung basin centered in Cibinong city is experiencing rapid urban development. However, with the rapid urban development, most of these small lakes in either disappear or in degraded conditions. In this area presently still maintain 95 urban small lakes or locally known as ?situ?. Situ has multifunction such as water retention for flood mitigation, irrigation for urban agriculture, fisheries, water sport activities, and ecotourism. The objective of this study was to analyze the water balance of situ. The model was calibrated and validated on the Kampung Kelapa river gauge with manual calibration. The Soil Water Assesment Tool (SWAT) is a hydrological model designed to predict the impact of land use and management on water, sediment and agricultural chemical yields in watersheds, The model was applied to Situ Kabantenan and Cikaret for modeling of the hydrological water balance. The SWAT model simulation was done for the periods of 2008?2015 while it used land use information in 2014. The Calibration was done in 2014 and the validation in 2013, the R2 and Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of the calibration were 0,58 and 0,55 respectively and the validations were 0,54 and 0,49 respectively. The monthly average of volume of Situ Kabantenan and Situ Cikaret from the simulation were 136,955 m3 and 508,907 m3, respectively. The annual inflow of Situ Cikaret was 24,693,822 m3/year and outflow was 25,177,593 m3/year, precipitation was 648,520 m3/year, evaporation was 166,543 m3/year, delta storage 1,794 m3/year, respectively. The average inflow discharge of Situ Cikaret (2008?2015) were 0.78 m3/s and outflow discharge was 0.80 m3/s. The water balance results showed that both sites were in good condition since they have never passed the emergency spillway, but their function needs to be optimized as a flood controller in the Ciliwung Watershed. This study also showed that the SWAT model can be utilized as a potential monitoring tool, especially for small urban lakes as water reservoirs.
Perkiraan sedimentasi Pada Tahun 2018 di Waduk Jatiluhur, Kabupaten Purwakarta: Sedimentation Prediction in Jatiluhur DAM, Purwakarta District Ulfah Sarach Sheftiana; M Yanuar Jarwadi Purwanto; Suria Darma Tarigan
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan Vol 23 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitl.23.1.18-21


Jatiluhur DAM is one of the multipurpose DAMs in West Java with the design of hydroelectric power plants, water supply in industry, irrigation, fisheries, tourism and flood control. Based on the final report of Juanda Public Corporation in 2000 that the DAM volume in 1964 was 2,970 million m³, in 1987 it was 2,556 million m³, 1995 was 2,456 million m³ and in 2000 was 2,448 million m³. This shows that the DAM volume has decreased by 522 million m³ over a period of 36 years at an altitude of ± 107 masl. The purpose of this study are to calculate sedimentation in the Jatiluhur DAM in 2018. TSS measurements using SNI 06-6989.3-2004 and calculation of sedimentation using direct measurement methods. The results showed that the total sediment in DAM inlet is 859,368.40 tons year-1 and the reservoir outlet is 92,553.33 tons year-1. Based on this data, the total sediment deposited in the Jatiluhur Reservoir in 2018 was 766,815.07 tonnes. So it needs handling in reducing sediment so that the reservoir does not experience silting.
Water Balance Analysis and Design of Water Resources Conservation in Prumpung Watershed, Tuban District, East Java Muhammad Syahdan Shah; Muhammad Yanuar Jarwadi Purwanto
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 3: Desember 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.892 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.1.3.111-124


Development of the region will increase water requirement. Increased water use will influence human intervention on water resources. The purpose of this study were to analyze water availability and water demand, and to provide recommendation of conservation to increase water storage capacity in Prumpung basin, Tuban. Prumpung basin geographically located between three sub-districts: Bancar, Kerek and Tambakboyo with an area of 22.319,14 ha. The calculation was conducted using water balance analysis. The total water requirement in Prumpung watershed in 2014 was 138.295.090,73 m3/year and water availability was 64.157.428 m3/year. It meaned that in 2014 Prumpung watershed had water deficit of 74.137.662 m3/year and need water conservation program. Conservation programs were conducted by using artificial well, rorak terrace, and retention pond. The number of conservation unit required were 53.281 units artificial wells, 1.077.708 units rorak terrace, and 72 units retention ponds which can absorb water of 142.665.013 m3/year. Total cost required was Rp 516.823.553.224,00.Keywords: conservation design, water availability, water balance,water deficit, water  requirements
Water Credit Analysis of Water Conservation Infrastructure Unit in Prumpung Watershed (DAS), Tuban District, East Java Wanca Aldrianus; Muhammad Yanuar Jarwadi Purwanto
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 1 No. 3: Desember 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.283 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.1.3.125-136


Water credit is the activity to increase groundwater by increasing infiltration. The purpose of this research were to design and to analyse water credit of water conservation infrastructure unit in Prumpung DAS. The research consisted of prediction rainfall analysis, designing and water credit analysis of each water conservation infrastructure. The result showed that water credit of single artificial well unit were Rp 6.160.832 to Rp 9.555.674 per m3/year for mediterranean soil, Rp 30.804.158.249 to Rp 47.946.013.645 per m3/year for grumosol soil, and Rp 10.589 to Rp 16.464 per m3/year for regosol soil. Water credit of communal artificial well unit were Rp 10.498.475 to Rp 11.200.082 per m3/year for mediterranean soil, Rp 52.492.374.552 to Rp 56.443.974.147 per m3/year for grumosol soil, and Rp 17.426 to Rp 19.194 per m3/year for regosol soil. Water credit of rorak unit were around Rp 198.701 per m3/year for mediterranean soil and Rp 993.514.151 per m3/year for regosol soil. Water credit of water retention unit were around Rp 14.16 per m3/year for mediterranean soil, Rp 2.125 per m3/year for grumosol soil and Rp. 850 per m3/year for regosol soil.
Land Use Planning for Brackish Water Shrimp Ponds in The North Coast of Tuban, Indonesia Widiatmaka Widiatmaka; Wiwin Ambarwulan; Yudi Setiawan; Muhamad Yanuar Jarwadi Purwanto; Taryono Taryono; Hefni Effendi
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 47, No 2 (2015): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1179.354 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.9268


Shrimp is a commodity that is increasingly in demand. The limited land resources implies the need of effective land use planning. The objective of this study was to assess land suitability for brackish water shrimp ponds, which then will be recommended for pond development in the north coast of Tuban, Indonesia. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were used to obtain the weight of the different criteria consisted of soil characteristics, topographic, water quality, and infrastructure criteria. The suitable land for brackish water shrimp ponds was determined by weighted overlay in GIS. The results show that the study area contains highly suitable land for brackish water shrimp ponds. Land use and land cover map was interpreted from 2014 SPOT 5 imagery. The area recommended for brackish water shrimp pond wasdelineated by taking into account the suitability and the constraints of land use and land cover.
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (JPSL)
Publisher : Graduate School Bogor Agricultural University (SPs IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jpsl.4.1.24


Relationships between water quality and catchment characteristics are examined for rivers in the Upper sub Watersheds of Citarum using a GIS-based approach. The study aimed to analyze the relationship of type of land cover and water quality parameters in response to surface runoff. The multiple linear regression model was evaluated to demonstrate the relationship between the both variables. Stepwise multiple linear regressions demonstrated that agriculture and settlement land cover type was able to describe the overall water quality status. Physico-chemicals of water quality parameters could be sufficiently predicted using one land use/land cover type. Stepwise regression results showed that paddy field were significantly related to pH, DO, BOD and COD.Forestrelated significantly to TDS and temperature in dry periods. Water quality parameters over the period of the rainy seasons including agricultural related significantly to temperature, BOD, COD, TP and H2S. Nitrite and TDS had relationship with settlement and paddy field had relationship with pH and TSS. Moreover, only forest had relationship with DO in wet periods. The overall statistically relationships were significant in p < 0.05. This research provides perspective relationship between water quality and land cover types which is an important factor for the water resources conservation in the management plans. Keywords: water quality, land cover, surface runoff, stepwise linear regressions, water resources conservation