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WARTA LPM WARTA Volume 19, Nomor 1, Maret 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v19i1.1982


The Aim of community service are; 1)Training of primary school teachers of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences based integrated thematic curriculum in 2013 with a scientific approach, 2) To improve the professional skills of primary school teachers of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences based integrated thematic curriculum in 2013 with a scientific approach, 3) To produce the guidance system of the teachers of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences based integrated thematic curriculum, 2013 in Muhammadiyah schools Kartasura. This is the approach of community service workshops, training and mentoring learning of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences based integrated thematic curriculum, 2013. The participants of Master of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences in SD Muhammadiyah Kartasura, His place in the School of Muhammadiyah Kartasura. The result of this devotion implementation; 1) Training of primary school teachers of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences based integrated thematic curriculum in 2013 with a scientific approach, using techniques to observe, to question, to reason, to try and form a network, and implemented with the collaboration system, using the three steps of the learning; introductory, core and cover. 2) To improve the professional skills of primary school teachers of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences based integrated thematic curriculum in 2013 with a scientific approach, using cooperative learning model learning with instructionalstrategies PBL (Problem Based Learning), DCL (descovery Learning), Jigsaw. Third this learning strategy, capable of creating a class to become a haven for students, namely; happy atmosphere for learners in the following study. This learning strategies,can improve learning achievement, namely; No increase in the value pretest to posttestvalues, namely: pretest values 60 = 50%: postes values 69 = 100%. 3) The resultingmodel of training primary school teachers of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences basedintegrated thematic curriculum in 2013 is a model mentoring based learning lesson study, with three stages (plan-do-see).
Kontribusi Sarana Prasarana Pendidikan, Kondisi Lingkungan, Kedisiplinan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru SD Sutama Sutama; Kristiawanto Kristiawanto; Suyatmini Suyatmini
Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.127 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/jmp.v11i2.2652


This study aims to examine the contribution of education infrastructure, environmental conditions, and work discipline teacher performance UPTD Pendidikan Kecamatan Brati  simultaneously and partially. This research is quantitative. The population of this study were 188 elementary school teachers then retrieved a sample of 128 teachers through proporsional random sampling. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, test the accuracy of the model, test the accuracy of parameter estimators (t test), donations predictors and classical assumption. Results of the study: 1) the infrastructure of education, the environment and simultaneously work discipline has contributed to the performance of elementary school teachers in the District UPTD Brati with α 5% is a significant level of value 1,657 0,000 0,05 and the effective contribution of 74.68%. 2) Means of education infrastructure showed a significant influence on the performance of teachers with sig 0.000 0.05 and the effective contribution of 25.93%. 3) Environmental conditions showed no significant effect on the performance of teachers with sig 0.000 0.05 and the effective contribution of 11:03%. 4) Discipline work shows significant effects on the performance of teachers with sig 0.000 0.05 and the effective contribution of 37.72%. 5) The independent variable a contribution of 84.4% of the performance of teachers and 15.6% are influenced by other factors not discussed in this study.
Pengelolaan Penilaian Autentik Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SMA Sutama Sutama; Gilang Ary Sandy; Djalal Fuadi
Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 12., No. 1, Januari 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.17 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/jmp.v12i1.2967


Tujuan penelitian ini ada tiga. (1) Mendeskripsikan penyusunan instrument penilaianautentik mata pelajaran matematika. (2) Mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan penilaianautentik mata pelajaran matematika. (3) Mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan hasil penilaian autentik mata pelajaran matematika. Jenis penelitian kualitatif menggunakan desain etnografi. Tempat penelitian di SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. Waktu penelitian dari bulan februari 2016 sampai dengan bulan agustus 2016. Subjek penelitian wakil kepala sekolah bagian kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa kelas XI Ipa. Teknik analisis data dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validasi data dengan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data dengan teknik interaktif dengan proses reduksi data, analisis data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ada tiga. (1) Penyusunan instrumen penilaian dilakukan dengan menetapkan aspek yang diteliti, merumuskan tujuan, merumuskan indicator berdasarkan kompetensi dasar, dan membuat kriteria ketuntasan minimal. (2) Pelaksanaan penilaian aspek sikap menggunakan teknik observasi dan jurnal. Pelaksanaan aspek pengetahuan dilakukan dengan tes lisan, tes tertulis dan penugasan. Tes lisan sebagai pendukung tes tertulis. Penugasan dilakukan dengan berkelompok maupun individu. Pelaksanaan aspek keterampilan dilakukan dengan teknik unjuk kerja menggunakan skala penilaian yang disertai rubrik. (3) Pemanfatan hasil penilaian untuk membentuk sikap positif siswa, menyeragamkan kemampuan berfikir siswa, memberikan informasi kepada orangtua, dan perbaikan dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran.
Management of Competency Certification Assessment by Professional Certification Body of Tengaran Vocational High School Semarang Regency Aris Abadi; Sutama Sutama; Ahmad Muhibbin
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.6076


Competency Certification Assessment is a process of assessing students against the fulfillment of the requirements set out in the certification scheme and providing recognition of competence to vocational high school students. Competence is a major part of Vocational High School students because it shows the workability of each individual which includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and work attitudes that are in accordance with the expected standardization. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1) planning of competency certification assessment, 2) competency certification assessment process, 3 follow-up competency certification assessment. The research uses qualitative methods which are used to examine natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument. Using the type of phenomenology where the researcher's investigation is carried out on a program, event, activity, or process of a group of individuals. Researchers use interviews, observations, and data review of competency certification assessment. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the management of the Competency Certification Assessment by the Professional Certification Body of Tengaran Vocational High School begins with planning and is divided into two types of planning, administrative or document planning, and facilities/infrastructure planning. Furthermore, in the Competency Certification assessment process using cluster installments, where assessment participants will take cluster fractions to get KKNI level II on a scheme that matches their major. The follow-up to the Competency Certification Assessment is the issuance of a certificate, where only the assessment participants who are declared competent will receive a competency certificate, and the last follow-up is the validation of the assessment process. Validation of the assessment pays attention to critical aspects, including the assessment process, methods/tools, evidence collected, and assessment decisions.
Autentik : Jurnal Pengembangan Pendidikan Dasar Vol 6 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), STKIP PGRI Sumenep

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36379/autentik.v6i2.227


The purpose of this research is to see how Discovery Learning and Problem Based Learning affect students' grades or the end of learning aspects of knowledge in fifth grade elementary school students. Quantitative research methods with an experimental approach. The grouping of data used is descriptive statistics. The research tools used are tests and documentation. The participants in this research were students of fifth grade elementary school. Samples or research subjects were taken randomly. From the research results, both Problem Based Learning and Discovery Learning products in studying have increased. However, the Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy is superior in strengthening students' cognitive learning products in Mathematics compared to Discovery Learning. (DL). This is evidenced by the fact that the experimental population research subjects using Problem-Based Learning outperformed the population sample using Discovery Learning Keywords: problem based learning, discovery learning, cognitive learning outcomes