Cipto Budy Handoyo
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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Journal : Imaji: Jurnal Seni dan Pendidikan Seni

Imaji Vol 19, No 1 (2021): IMAJI APRIL
Publisher : FBS UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/imaji.v19i1.37093


Kajian ini merupakan hasil analisis kritis terhadap konsep pendidikan seni musik dengan berpusat pada orientasi humanistik. Orientasi humanistik berarti siswa dianggap sebagai subjek yang mandiri bukan sebagai objek didik.Peran pendidik disini memberikan pengalaman kepada siswa bagaimana cara untuk berekspresi, mengapresiasi, berkreasi, serta juga membentuk sebuah rangkaian harmonisasi yang melahirkan keindahan dalam rangka menumbuhkan kesadaran, kemandirian, dan tanggung jawab yang tinggi sebagai hakikat manusia yang seutuhnya. Sementara paradigm objektivasi murid dengan memberikan materi, pengetahuan hafalan dan ujian pilihan ganda menjadi model pembelajaran dominan. Penerapan pendidikan seni musik dengan berorientasi humanistik dilaksanakan penerapannya secara menyeluruh agar siswa mengerti dan mampu memahami makna inti dari belajar musik mencakup pengetahuan, keterampilan berkreativitas music dan sikap mandiri dalam penempilan musik.Kata Kunci : pendidikan musik, humanistik, subjek mandiri ABSTRACT   This study is the result of a critical analysis of the concept of music education with a humanistic orientation centered on it. Humanistic orientation means that students are considered as independent subjects, not as objects of learning. The role of educators here is to provide students with experience on how to express, appreciate, be creative, and also form a series of harmonization that gives birth to beauty to foster awareness, independence, and responsibility that high as a complete human nature. Meanwhile, the objectivation paradigm of students by providing material, rote knowledge, and multiple-choice exams is the dominant learning model. The application of music education with a humanistic orientation is carried out as a whole so that students understand and can understand the core meaning of learning music including knowledge, musical creativity skills, and independent attitudes in musical performance. Keywords: Music Education, Humanistic, Independent. Subject
Imaji Vol 3, No 2 (2005): IMAJI AGUSTUS
Publisher : FBS UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14842.624 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/imaji.v3i2.6918


Imaji Vol 10, No 2 (2012): IMAJI AGUSTUS
Publisher : FBS UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (79.301 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/imaji.v10i2.6375


Music cannot be separated from human life, and it has been attached to people from generation to generation in all periods of time. Therefore, music logically influences human life as the civilization develops both in positive and in negative ways. The negative influences can cause the human beings’ “early maturity”. Commonly, negative influences have the power to affect people more easily, and this also happens in music. Music can easily inspire people, especially the young, in a negative way. For example, when children enjoy a certain kind of music with all its negative performance and style, they will be easily stimulated by what they see. Thus, people generally expect to gain the positive effects from music. In doing so, there is a huge responsibility for us to think about the way music can give positive contributions especially for the young. In this case, we should optimistically guide children to choose the right kinds of music for them so that we can help them develop their mind for their bright future.
The “Pakeliran Padat” wayang show as an alternative to evoke interest in wayang and gamelan music Cipto Budy Handoyo
Imaji Vol 20, No 2 (2022): IMAJI OKTOBER
Publisher : FBS UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/imaji.v20i2.48955


This study aims to examine the effect of the "Pakeliran Padat" wayang show on the interest and sense of belonging towards wayang and gamelan music (the accompaniment music for wayang show). The study was conducted in the effort to address the concern about the possibility that one of the nation’s cultural resources and a noble form of art, namely the arts of wayang and gamelan, may be abandoned by the future generation as the owner of this heritage. The method used in this study was the quantitative method using the t-test procedure to obtain information about whether the "Pakeliran Padat" wayang show has any effect on the interest of the respondents in wayang kulit and gamelan before and after the show. In this study, students watched the wayang and gamelan show to completion with an appreciative expression in an enjoyable atmosphere. Based on the questionnaires they filled in after the show about their perception on the wayang and gamelan show, it is evident that they enjoyed the show. This indicates a real (significant) difference compared to their perception before watching the wayang and gamelan show several months prior. The difference in mean scores between the before (81.53) and after watching the show (86.40) is 5.13, meaning that it has a significance of 0.012 or smaller than the standard significance number of 0.05. Keywords : Pakeliran Padat, interest, sense of belonging Pergelaran wayang “Pakeliran Padat” sebagai alternatif membangkitkan rasa menyukainya sekaligus menyukai musik gamelanAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh pertunjukan Wayang Kulit Pakeliran Padat terhadap rasa menyukai dan rasa memiliki terhadap pertunjukan wayang kulit dan terhadap musik gamelan (musik pengiring pertunjukan wayang kulit). Hal ini dilakukan oleh karena adanya upaya untuk menepis keprihatinan terhadap kemungkinan ditinggalkannya salah satu kekayaan budaya berupa seni yang agung yaitu seni pewayangan dan gamelan oleh oleh pemilik/pewarisnya sendiri (generasi penerus bangsa). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan prosedur uji-t untuk mendapatkan informasi ada dan tidaknya pengaruh pertunjukan wayang kulit pakeliran padat terhadap suka atau tidak sukanya responden terhadap wayang kulit dan gamelan, antara sebelum dan sesudah adanya pertunjukan wayang kulit dan gamelan sebagai pengiringnya. Dalam penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa di samping mahasiswa menonton pertunjukan wayang dan gamelan hingga selesai dengan suasana dan ekspresi yang menyenangkan, ketika usai pertunjukan diminta mengisi kuesioner tentang persepsi mereka terhadap wayang dan gamelan tersebut, ternyata mereka merasa menyukai. Ini berbeda secara nyata (signifikan) dengan keadaan sebelumnya (beberapa bulan sebelum adanya pertunjukan wayang kulit dan gamelan): selisih mean antara sebelum (81,53) dan sesudah (86,40) = 5,13 dengan signifikansi 0,012 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (bilangan standar signifikansi).Kata kunci : pakeliran padat, rasa menyukai, rasa memiliki