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INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Agustus 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (763.571 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v19i2.8023


This activity aims to improve the quality and quantity of production, and to improve the quality of financial management in “Brownis Cinta” and “Salsabila”. The method includes the introduction of production equipment, laboratory testing, and training of financial bookkeeping. The conclusion of these activities are: (1) “Brownis Cinta” and “Salsabila” have received and used production equipment to improve the quality and quantity of products;(2) organolopotik test results showed that the age of the product expiry more than three (3) days; and (4) “Brownis Cinta” and “Salsabila” have understood and tried to arrange financial bookkeeping
Diversifikasi Produk Sebagai Strategi Bertahan dan Berkembang di Masa Pandemi Desa Prima Kenanga Sugiharti Mulya Handayani; Endang Siti Rahayu; Heru Irianto; Setyowati Setyowati; Mei Tri Sundari; Fanny Widadie
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 7 No Special-1 (2022): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v7iSpecial-1.2361


Desa Prima is one of the policies of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment to break the poverty chain and women empowerment through productive economic development. “Kenanga” group is one of the Desa Prima with 21 active members engaged in culinary (81%), handicraft (9.5%), and services (9.5%). During the pandemic, sales are decreasing drastically. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an alternative business to survive and develop. By using FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, these service activities aim to provide alternative product diversification. This service provided training in making “pisang sanggan” and “Jadah Wajik” as delivery in “seserahan” ceremony. This training was chosen because it is still relevant to the business field of the participants and can increase selling. The results show that the training increases participants’ understanding, skills, and creativity in making “Pisang sanggan” and “Jadah Wajik” and selling the product 100%.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF FOOD SMES: A CASE STUDY IN SUKOHARJO REGENCY Mei Tri Sundari; Endang Siti Rahayu; Heru Irianto; Sugiharti Mulya Handayani; Setyowati Setyowati
SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 20, No 1 (2023): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/sepa.v20i1.65047


This research aims to determine the costs, receipts, business advantages, and business feasibility of food Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs).  The primary method used in this study is analytical descriptive with survey techniques. This research involved food SMEs entrepreneurs in Sukoharjo Regency with several 50 respondents. The sampling method uses a simple random sampling method. Data is obtained by interview and observation methods. The analytical techniques used are profit analysis, R/C ratio, liquidity analysis, solvency, business rentability, and risk analysis. The results showed that the RoA value was 12.102% so that the Food SMEs in Sukoharjo Regency showed possible outcomes to be developed. SMEs' solvency value represents a figure of 0.016%, based on creditors funding the business of 0.016% of the total assets held. 
Formulation of Business Development Strategies in Gula Aren Temon SMEs in Pacitan District Royyaa Shobaah; Heru Irianto; Kusnandar Kusnandar
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v3i5.803


The development company is one of the important factors underlying the creation of a successful business so that it can maintain its productivity in the long term. Likewise, MSMEs need to design a business strategy to support the progress of their business during increasingly competitive business competition. This study aims to identify business implementation, analyze business potential, and formulate strategic priorities in Gula Aren Temon SMEs. The research method used is a qualitative method with analytical tools in the form of BMC, VRIO, SWOT, and QSPM. The results of the study show that the nine building blocks of the BMC analysis describe the interrelated elements of Gula Aren Temon SME’s business implementation. The VRIO analysis results show that most of the resources owned by the business are at competitive parity. The results of the SWOT Analysis show that there are nine alternative strategies, while the priority chosen strategy to implement is to maximize the quality of service and products to maintain relationships with consumers and other partners. The strategy was chosen based on the highest TAS score, namely 6,280.
Strategi UMKM Bertahan dan Berkembang di Era New Normal berbasis Model Bisnis Canvas (kasus UMKM Gethuk Take, Kecamatan Tawangmangu Kabupaten Karanganyar) Heru Irianto; Rhina Uchyani Fajarningsih; If Bambang Sulistyono; Yayan Suherlan; Ratna Endah Santoso; Sayid Mataram; Nidyah Widyamurti
AGRISAINTIFIKA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Vol 7, No 1 (2023): AGRISAINTIFIKA
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/ags.v7i1.3691


UMKM di Indonesia mampu berkontribusi menyumbang Produk Domestik Bruto maupun penyerapan tenaga kerja dalam berbagai kondisi perekonomian bangsa. Namun, pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan pada UMKM karena daya beli masyarakat menurun sebagai akibat lesunya perekonomian dan banyaknya pengangguran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji fenomena ditengah banyaknya UMKM mengalami penurunan omset dan kebangkrutan, masih ada UMKM yang bertahan dan berkembang ditengah-tengah serangan Covid 19” bahkan bertahan pada tatanan kehidupan baru (new normal) untuk dijadikan motivasi UMKM lain ditengah tatanan kehidupan baru tersebut. Guna kajian tersebut peneliti melakukan kajian pada salah satu UMKM olahan pangan yang mampu bertahan mekispun terdampak covid 19, yaitu UMKM Gethuk Take berada di wilayah Kecamatan Tawangmawu Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode analisis menggunakan bisnis model canvas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak pandemi Covid 19 secara telah menurunkan omset penjualannya karena basis konsumennya adalah para wisatawan, namun meski demikian UMKM Gethuk Take masih bisa bertahan dengan berbagai tindakan penyesuaian sebagai berikut : 1. Strategi inovasi produk dan pasar yang merupakan kunci keberhasilan untuk bertahan dan berkembang dalam masa pandemi seyogyanya tetap dilakukan dalam kondisi apapun, karena inovasi diharapkan akan menarik perhatian kepada konsumen yang loyal maupun calon konsumen baru. 2. Selain itu model bisnis berbasis digital dalam pemasaran dan keuangan sebaiknya secara gradual dijalankan agar bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan baik, tetap sehat pelakunya dan usaha terus dapat berkembang di era digitalisasi yang semakin cepat mendorong perubahan-perubahan perilaku konsumen.Kata Kunci :     Covid 19, Model Bisnis Canvas, UMKM Gethuk Take.
Sustainability Analysis of Independent Palm Oil Plantations in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Kamaludin Kamaludin; Mohamad Harisudin; Joko Sutrisno; Heru Irianto
Journal of International Conference Proceedings Vol 6, No 4 (2023): 2023 ICPM Tokyo Proceeding
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v6i4.2611


The goal of this investigation is to examine the impact of institutional, technological, social, and economic factors on the long-term viability of independent oil palm plantations in West Kalimantan's Sintang Regency. The data obtained from interviewing 216 respondents, spread across three sub-districts, namely, the Sintang, Kelam Permai, and Binjai Hulu; and used Multi-dimensional Scaling RAPFISH (Rapid Assessment Techniques for Fisheries) to analyze the data. The research results show that the sustainability index values in different aspects are generally favorable, such as the sustainability index value in the economic aspect is 74.36%, the value in the social aspect is 71.28%, the environmental value is 70.59%, the institutional dimension value is 72.34% and the technology dimension value is 70.14%. Considering the sensitive attributes of this research as decisive factors some efforts should be made to sustained the oil palm plantations. Furthermore, governments and policymakers should strengthen their institutional and organizational role in supporting oil palm plantations to make it easier for farmers to access technology, assistance with plantation facilities, and agricultural extension services.
Analysis of Consumer Repurchase Intent on Organic Vegetable Products in the Modern Market Ima Yunita Indriyanti; Heru Irianto; Kusnandar Kusnandar
International Journal of Social Service and Research Vol. 4 No. 01 (2024): International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/ijssr.v4i01.674


This research explores the commercial value of vegetables, especially in the context of consumers' need for sustainable vegetables, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main focus is on organic vegetables, which are considered to have higher nutritional value and are free from harmful chemicals. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior approach, this study shows that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control influence the intention to repurchase organic vegetable consumers in Surakarta City. Other variables analyzed involve perceived value and customer satisfaction. This research method is quantitative associative, involving 130 respondents aged 20-60 years who have bought organic vegetable products in Surakarta City. Analysis of data utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through smartPLS 3.0 revealed positive influences of attitudes, subjective norms, perceptions of behavioral control, and customer satisfaction on the intention to make repeat purchases. Perceived value and customer satisfaction also influence positive attitudes towards organic vegetables. However, the findings showed that perceived value did not have a positive influence on repurchase intent. Based on the results of the study, practical suggestions include increasing public information about the benefits of organic vegetables, expanding availability in markets or supermarkets, and actively promoting the health and environmental advantages of organic vegetable consumption. This effort is expected to strengthen consumer confidence and encourage the intention to repurchase organic vegetables in Surakarta City.
Jurnal Agristan Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Agristan
Publisher : Jurusan Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/agristan.v5i2.8465


Peluang usaha coffee shop meluas dari daerah perkotaan sampai pedesaan. Meningkatnya jumlah coffee shop menimbulkan persaingan pemasaran, hal ini didukung dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi menuju pasar persaingan. Terdapat hambatan dalam pemasaran di Kopi Lawe Kota Surakarta yang menjadi ancaman bagi perusahaan, sehingga perlu analisis kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal sehingga dapat menghasilkan alternatif strategi yang dapat digunakan Kopi Lawe Surakarta dalam melakukan kegiatan pemasaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui kondisi umum pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta, (2) mengidentifikasi faktor internal pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta, (3) mengidentifikasi faktor eksternal pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe di Kota Surakarta, (4) merumuskan alternatif strategi yang diterapkan dalam pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta, dan (5) merumuskan prioritas strategi untuk pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta. Metode dasar yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan mixed method serta metode penentuan lokasi secara purposive. Key informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dipilih secara purposive dan snowball. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu (1) Matriks IFE dan EFE (2) Matriks Grand Strategy dan Matriks SWOT (3) Matriks QSPM. Hasil penelitian terdapat 4 alternatif strategi dari matriks SWOT. Prioritas strategi untuk pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta adalah menjaga kualitas produk dan tenaga kerja dengan nilai STAS 6,172.
Penerapan Pencetak Coklat pada UMKM Coklat Tin Erlyna Wida Riptanti; Raden Kunto Adi; Harini Harini; Heru Irianto; Nindyah Widyamurti; If Bambang Sulistyono
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 15, No 2 (2024): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v15i2.16233


Coklat disukai dari anak-anak sampai dewasa baik dalam bentuk minuman, permen, roti, snack, dan olahan coklat. Produk olahan coklat dari produsen skala nasional yang beredar di pasaran relatif banyak sehingga meningkatkan persaingan yang cukup kompetitif. UMKM Coklat Tin merupakan salah satu UMKM yang memproduksi coklat. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah bentuk produk tidak terstandar dan belum mencerminkan ciri khas. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian adalah menerapkan pencetak coklat sehingga bentuk produknya terstandar dan mempunyai ciri khas. Metode kegiatan secara partisipatif dengan pelibatan yang besar pada mitra. Tim Pengabdi mendiskusikan pencetak coklat yang memenuhi kriteria ukuran terstandar dan berciri khas. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa alat pencetak coklat yang diintroduksikan dalam pembuatan coklat di mitra dapat digunakan sesuai harapan. Mitra tidak mengalami kendala dalam memproduksi ukuran yang terstandar. Ukuran yang terstandar memudahkan dalam proses pengemasan. Coklat yang dibentuk memiliki ciri khas terdapat huruf timbul tulisan coklat tin. Manfaat lainnya adalah berkurangnya risiko kerusakan dan meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan waktu kerja.
Agrifo : Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Vol 8, Nomor 1 : April 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Malikussaleh – Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ag.v8i1.11452


This research aims to 1) determine the marketing mix strategy of dragon fruits in UD Sabila Farm, and 2) analyze the marketing strategy for dragon fruit in UD Sabila Farm using the SWOT framework. The study was conducted at UD Sabila Farm, Kaliurang Street Km. 18.5, Kertodadi, Pakembinangun, Pakem Sub-district, Sleman District, Yogyakarta. The research employed a qualitative descriptive methode with a case study approach. The data were gathered through the process of observation, conducting in-depth interviews, and documentation. Based on the results, it was mentioned that the applied marketing mix includes the 7P of the marketing mix applied are price, promotion, place, product, people, process, and physical evidence. The SWOT analysis revealed internal factors encompassing strengths and weaknesses, as well as external factors involving opportunities and threats. Firstly, the strengths of UD Sabila Farm are the excellent Agroeduwisata concept, strategic location, and use of certified seeds. Second, the weaknesses are plant diseases and infections that cause fluctuating production, and they are unable to optimize social media. Furthermore, the opportunities include high demand and an existing market, while the threats of UD Sabila Farm include increased competition and a high number of imported products in the market.