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Teknologi Budidaya Rumput Laut Gracilaria verrucosa Menggunakan Kantong Jaring Bersusun Dengan Bobot Awal Bibit Berbeda Muhammad Akbarurrasyid; Atiek Pietoyo; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Dinda Ayunda Mustia
Maspari Journal : Marine Science Research Vol 13, No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56064/maspari.v13i2.14036


Gracilaria verrucosa merupakan salah satu spesies rumput laut yang dibudidayakan di tambak dengan cara horizontal. Kegiatan budidaya G. verrucosa secara horizontal dibatasi oleh ketersedian lahan, oleh sebab itu diperlukan alternatif budidaya dengan teknologi budidaya vertikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan teknologi kantong jaring bersusun sebagai alternatif budidaya secara vertikal yang berdampak pada peningkatan produksi dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang terbatas. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimen selama 45 hari yang terdiri dari 4 perlakukan, yakni: perlakuan A (kontrol/metode sebar), Perlakuan B (kantong jaring bersusun dengan bobot awal 100 gram), Perlakukan C (kantong jaring bersusun dengan bobot awal 200 gram) dan Perlakuan D (Kantong jaring bersusun dengan bobot awal 300 gram).. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pertumbuhan G. verrucosa berkisar 106 – 119,44 gram untuk bobot awal 100 gram, 220 - 230,66 gram untuk bobot awal 200 gram dan 308,44-317,11 untuk bobot awal 300 gram. Laju pertumbuhan bobot mutltak dengan metode kantong jaring bersusun berkisar 17,11 – 30,66 gram. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik dengan metode kantong jaring bersusun berkisar 5,70 – 19,44%. Pertumbuhan bobot mutlak dan spesifik masih dalam kategori optimum. Kualitas air budidaya G. verrucosai, yakni: suhu (31 -32,2°C), pH (7 – 9,22), Salinitas (15 – 20 ppt), oksigen terlarut (6,2 – 11,12 ppm),  kecerahan (40 – 60 cm), kedalaman (60 – 90 cm), nitrit (0,003 – 0,690 mg/L), phosfat (0,003 - 0,690 mg/L) dan amoniak (0,032 – 0,428 mg/L). Nilai kualitas air budidaya G. verrucosa masih dalam kisaran yang sesuai untuk kegiatan budidaya rumput laut.
APLIKASI KINCIR MINI PADA BUDIDAYA UDANG GALAH (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) SKALA RUMAH TANGGA Indra Kristiana; Igfirlii Amatullah; Atiek Pietoyo; DH Guntur Prabowo; Dinno Sudinno
Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/aquatropica.v6i2.2611


Giant freshwater prawns, one of the freshwater aquaculture commodities which has high economic value and has wide market opportunity. Dissolved oxygen on giant freshwater prawn aquaculture is the one of necessary part on a prawn weight gain. Availability of dissolved oxygen can be increased by optimalization on mini wheel and blower use. Mini Wheel is a part of aquaculture technology application, especially on household scale aquaculture of giant freshwater prawn (M. rosenbergii). This assembly used recycle material which can still be used. This mini wheel was modified by 3 treatments, that A (blower without mini wheel pond treatment); B (one-propeller mini wheel pond treatment); C (two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment). This research used quantitative method and every treatment should has three repetitions. Aquaculture a household scale by applying mini wheel designed to find out its effect on water quality and growth of giant freshwater prawn (M. rosenbergii), with parameter ABW (Average Body Weight), ADG (Average Daily Growth), FCR (Feed Convertion Ratio) and SR (Survival Rate). This research showed that there is a significant difference between two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment, one-propeller mini wheel pond treatment and blower without mini wheel pond treatment. The optimum Dissolved Oxygen value on two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment was about 9 mg/L (morning and afternoon testing), Pond temperature on range 280C, and also pH has stability on 7. The best growth was found in two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment with Survival Rate (SR) 93%, Average Body Weight (ABW) 10 g/prawn, Average Daily Growth (ADG) 0.11 g/prawn, and Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR) 1.5.
Performa Hasil Pemijahan Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates calcarifer) Strain Lokal dan Australia Mochammad Husni Al hakim; Atiek Pietoyo; Rani Rehulina Tarigan; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Vini Taru Febriani; Irvan Firman Syah
Journal of Aquaculture Science Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Journal of Aquaculture Science
Publisher : Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31093/joas.v7i2.256


Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung merupakan salah satu unit pelaksana teknis di bidang pengembangan budidaya laut, salah satu peranan BBPBL adalah sebagai pengembangan komoditas budidaya. Guna memenuhi peranan diatas BBPBL mendatangkan induk ikan kakap putih strain Australia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa hasil pemijahan ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) strain Lokal dan Australia yang meliputi jumlah telur total, fertilization rate (FR), dan hatching rate (HR). Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode survei Induk yang digunakan untuk strain Lokal 15 ekor, 5 ekor dan jantan 10 ekor. dan strain Australia 15 ekor, 6 ekor dan jantan 9 ekor. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan informasi jumlah strain Australia pada bulan Maret dengan jumlah telur 2.143.000 butir. Rata- rata ferilization rate tertinggi bulan Mei dengan nilai 85,06%. Rata-rata hatching rate pada strain Australia yaitu 89,83%. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian, menunjukan performa hasil pemijahan dari strain Australia lebih tinggi berdasarkan data jumlah telur total, fertilization rate (FR), dan hatching rate (HR). Kata kunci : Lates calcarifer, jumlah telur, fertilization rate (FR), hatching rate (HR)
Aplikasi Duckweed (Lemna sp) pada Pakan Benih Ikan Lele Mutiara (Clarias gariepinus) indra kristiana; Ari Suci Karisma; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Muhammad Akbarurrasyid; Atiek Pietoyo
Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/joaa.v7i2.3466


Pearl Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is a type of freshwater fish that is widely cultivated by many people because of its economic value. Pearl catfish is a new strain of African catfish Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 superior breeding results of the Sukamandi Fish Breeding Research Agency (BPPI) which has been declared passed in the Type / Variety Release Assessment on October 27, 2014, under the name MUTIARA (Peerless High Quality) catfish. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of duckweed on feed on the growth and survival of pearl catfish fry. The test fish is a pearl catfish measuring 7-10 cm long and weighing 6 gr that is kept in a sized aquarium (120 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm), as many as 9 aquariums, three aquariums as a control, three aquariums for treatment A, three aquariums for treatment B, with each treatment A(5% dry duckweed), treatment B (10% dry duckweed) and treatment K (control) without treatment. . The results showed that dry dukweed can be used as an addition to fish feed, of the three feeds that provide the best growth, namely in the B treatment (10% dry duckweed) has a daily growth rate (GR) of 0.41 g, Specific Growth Rate 2,57%, absolute weight 19 g, absolute length is 11.31 cm with a survival of 90%.
C Catappa Dip Addition on Betta Fish (Betta sp) Color Change indra kristiana; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Reza Reza Maulana; Ega Aditya; Atiek Pietoyo
Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4069


Betta fish, one of freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture commodities which has high sale value. Betta fish has various pattern and unique fish fin shape. Cattapa dip was a fish health product consisting of catappa leaves and vitamin C. This product could be use for betta fish cultivation so as not to be attacked by parasites, fungi, bacteria and also for helping the process of betta fish color changing. Cattapa dip could also maintain the stability of the water pH in betta fish cultivation. This product has a shape resembling a tea bag product which is very attractive and unique. This study consisted of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments given were Treatment A (0.3 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram vitamin C), Treatment B (0.5 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C), Treatment C (0.7 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C) and K treatment / control (without treatment). The parameter observed during the study was the color change of Betta fish (Betta sp) which was measured by the percentage of color change based on RGB (Red Green Blue) using the Color Picker application. The results showed that the treatment with the addition of Kataplus in the form of dip as much as 0.5 gram of ketapang leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C was the best treatment. Based on the results of the color changes that occur in treatments A, B, C with 3 color indicators namely Green (green), Red (red), and Blue (blue). Color changes occurred in weeks 1st to week 4th where the best were obtained in treatment B with the average percentage produced, namely Red of 125,975%, Green of 111,375% and Blue of 116,6%. So it could be conclude that the use of Cattapa dip has an effect on color changes in Betta fish (Betta sp).