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Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/aquatropica.v5i2.2215


Mangrove ecosystems in coastal areas play an important role in supporting physical, biological, and environmental economic functions. One of the alternatives to preserve the mangrove ecosystem is integrated area management. Bulaksetra Beach is a mangrove area located on the East Coast of Pangandaran which has the potential to be developed as an ecotourism area. The Edu-ecotourism area which combines conservation, education, research, and economy requires good and appropriate management. Analysis of land suitability, vegetation types and environmental conditions is important in making decisions and determining the feasibility of an area. Facilities and infrastructure are one of the elements and indicators that support the success of an Edu-ecotourism area. Observations on water conditions, types of mangrove vegetation, water substrate, weather and topography were carried out to determine the feasibility of developing facilities and infrastructure in the Bulaksetra area. The results showed that the Bulaksetra area was feasible to be developed into an Edu-ecotourism area with an average salinity measurement of 14 ppt, an average rainfall of 46.4 mm - 81.3 mm, a sandy mud substrate and a gentle topography. The zoning of the mangrove ecosystem was carried out based on the main mangrove vegetation in Bulaksetra, namely Avicennia alba and Rhizophora apiculata. The selection of vegetation in the landscape design is adjusted to the natural vegetation and topography in the Bulaksetra area. The supporting facilities for Bulaksetra Edu-ecotourism were designed include mangrove trekking, canoeing docks and mangrove galleries. Facilities are designed according to area size, landscape, and suitability of location. Further studies such as the selection of design and building materials, material costs, construction costs, operational costs and maintenance costs need to be carried out to determine the appropriate building construction. The development of Bulaksetra Edu-ecotourism facilities and infrastructure is expected to contribute to the development of the mangrove ecosystem so that it becomes a center for information, education, and conservation for the public, especially in Pangandaran Regency.
APLIKASI KINCIR MINI PADA BUDIDAYA UDANG GALAH (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) SKALA RUMAH TANGGA Indra Kristiana; Igfirlii Amatullah; Atiek Pietoyo; DH Guntur Prabowo; Dinno Sudinno
Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/aquatropica.v6i2.2611


Giant freshwater prawns, one of the freshwater aquaculture commodities which has high economic value and has wide market opportunity. Dissolved oxygen on giant freshwater prawn aquaculture is the one of necessary part on a prawn weight gain. Availability of dissolved oxygen can be increased by optimalization on mini wheel and blower use. Mini Wheel is a part of aquaculture technology application, especially on household scale aquaculture of giant freshwater prawn (M. rosenbergii). This assembly used recycle material which can still be used. This mini wheel was modified by 3 treatments, that A (blower without mini wheel pond treatment); B (one-propeller mini wheel pond treatment); C (two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment). This research used quantitative method and every treatment should has three repetitions. Aquaculture a household scale by applying mini wheel designed to find out its effect on water quality and growth of giant freshwater prawn (M. rosenbergii), with parameter ABW (Average Body Weight), ADG (Average Daily Growth), FCR (Feed Convertion Ratio) and SR (Survival Rate). This research showed that there is a significant difference between two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment, one-propeller mini wheel pond treatment and blower without mini wheel pond treatment. The optimum Dissolved Oxygen value on two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment was about 9 mg/L (morning and afternoon testing), Pond temperature on range 280C, and also pH has stability on 7. The best growth was found in two-propeller mini wheel pond treatment with Survival Rate (SR) 93%, Average Body Weight (ABW) 10 g/prawn, Average Daily Growth (ADG) 0.11 g/prawn, and Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR) 1.5.
Effect of Addition of Duckweed (Lemna sp) and Fish Meal to Feed on Growth and Survival of Nirwana III Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Indra Kristiana; Kennedi Sembiring; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Agus Tiawati
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1369.35 KB) | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v14i2.868


This study aimed to determine the effect of duckweed and fish meal on feed on the growth and survival of Nirvana tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The tested tilapia were 8-10 cm long and weighed 12 g, kept in 9 aquariums (120 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm), three aquariums as control, three aquariums for treatment A and three aquariums for treatment B, with each each treatment A. 5% dry duckweed and fish meal (1 kg commercial feed, 25 g dry duckweed and 25 g fish meal), treatment B. 5% wet duckweed and fish meal (1 kg commercial feed, 25 g wet duckweed and 25 g g of fish meal) and treatment K (control) without treatment. The results showed that dukweed and fish meal could be used as additional feed for fish. Of the three feeds that gave the best growth, treatment A 5% (dried duckweed and fish meal) had a specific growth rate of 1.7% with a daily growth rate (GR) of 0.32 grams, and an absolute length of 3.16. cm with a survival rate of 99%.
Aplikasi Duckweed (Lemna sp) pada Pakan Benih Ikan Lele Mutiara (Clarias gariepinus) indra kristiana; Ari Suci Karisma; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Muhammad Akbarurrasyid; Atiek Pietoyo
Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/joaa.v7i2.3466


Pearl Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is a type of freshwater fish that is widely cultivated by many people because of its economic value. Pearl catfish is a new strain of African catfish Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 superior breeding results of the Sukamandi Fish Breeding Research Agency (BPPI) which has been declared passed in the Type / Variety Release Assessment on October 27, 2014, under the name MUTIARA (Peerless High Quality) catfish. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of duckweed on feed on the growth and survival of pearl catfish fry. The test fish is a pearl catfish measuring 7-10 cm long and weighing 6 gr that is kept in a sized aquarium (120 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm), as many as 9 aquariums, three aquariums as a control, three aquariums for treatment A, three aquariums for treatment B, with each treatment A(5% dry duckweed), treatment B (10% dry duckweed) and treatment K (control) without treatment. . The results showed that dry dukweed can be used as an addition to fish feed, of the three feeds that provide the best growth, namely in the B treatment (10% dry duckweed) has a daily growth rate (GR) of 0.41 g, Specific Growth Rate 2,57%, absolute weight 19 g, absolute length is 11.31 cm with a survival of 90%.
Jurnal Perikanan Vol 12 No 4 (2022): JURNAL PERIKANAN
Publisher : Program Studi Budidaya Perairan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jp.v12i4.388


Pupuk tracemetal adalah larutan yang terdiri dari FeCl3.6H2O, EDTA, CuSO4.5H2O, CoCl2.6H2O, MnCl2.4H2O, Na2MoO4.H2O, ZnSO4.7H2O. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan pemberian dosis pupuk pada peningkatan pertumbuhan dan kepadatan Tetraselmis sp. Pupuk NP adalah larutan yang terdiri dari NaNO3 dan DSP. Metode penelitian dilakukan menggunakan 4 perlakuan dengan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu perlakuan A pengurangan dosis pupuk NP 30% (7 ml) dan penambahan pupuk tracemetal 70% (17 ml), perlakuan B penambahan dosis pupuk NP (70%) (17 ml) dan pengurangan pupuk tracemetal 40% (7 ml), perlakuan C penambahan pupuk NP 60% (16 ml) dan pengurangan pupuk tracemetal 40% (6 ml), dan kontrol (K). Parameter yang diamati yaitu kepadatan sel harian, laju pertumbuhan harian, waktu generasi, dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan larutan penambahan dan pengurangan dosis pupuk berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan kepadatan Tetraselmis sp. dengan perlakuan B dengan dosis terbaik yaitu kepadatan sel sebesar 95 x 104 sel/mL dan laju pertumbuhan harian sebesar 3.99936 sel/mL/hari.
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PROBIOTIK PELEPAH PISANG (Musa paradisiaca) PADA PAKAN KOMERSIAL TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) Muhammad Akbarurrasyid; Indra Kristiana; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Doni Efendi
Marlin : Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021): (Agustus, 2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/marlin.V2.I2.2021.99-106


Pakan merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan yang dibudidayakan. Penggunaan pakan dalam budidaya perlu diefesiensikan untuk dapat mengoptimalkan hasil produksi. Mutu pakan dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan probiotik pelepah pisang. Pelepah pisang mengandung sejumlah metabolit sekunder khas yang berguna untuk aktivitas mikrobiologis. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan nila. Penelitian dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan 4 perlakuan, yakni: K (tanpa perlakuan), A (10 ml/kg), B (20 ml/kg) dan C (30 ml/kg). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penggunaan probiotik pelepah pisang berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan ikan nila (Fhit > Ftabel). Rata-rata pertumbuhan tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan C (30 ml/kg) sebesar 6,26 gram untuk laju pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, 4,91% untuk laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan 3,44 cm untuk pertumbuhan panjang mutlak. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan B (20 ml/kg) sebesar 76,6%.
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN TEPUNG MAGOT (Hermetia illucens) PADA PAKAN KOMERSIAL TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN IKAN KOKI (Carassius auratus) Ega Aditya Prama; Indra Kristiana; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Vini Taru Prajayanti; Iqdas Adlin Hisina
Marlin : Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2022): (Februari 2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/marlin.V3.I1.2022.35-42


Ikan Mas Koki (Carrasius auratus) merupakan salah ikan hias yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi dan pasngsa pasar yang stabil. Pakan merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan mas koki. Pakan yang baik akan bedampak pada pertumbuhan ikan mas koki yang lebih cepet. Magot merupakan salah satu alternatif pakan alami yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan mas koki. Penambahan tepung magot kering pada pakan memberikan dampak yang positif pada pertumbuhan ikan mas koki. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan tepung magot kering dengan dosis K (100% Pakan buatan), A (25% Tepung magot : 75% Pakan buatan), B (50% Tepung magot : 50% Pakan buatan), C (75% Tepung magot : 25% Pakan buatan), D (100% Tepung magot). Hasil penelitian terbaik untuk parameter pertumbuhan terdapat pada perlakuan C dengan pertumbuhan bobot sebesar 5,92 gram dan SGR sebesar1,77%, sedangkan untuk survival rate tertinggi pada perlakuan A sebesar 95%, pada perlakuan K, B dan C sebesar 93% sedangkan untuk perlakuan D sebesar 91%.Goldfish (Carrasius auratus) is an ornamental fish with a high economic value and a stable market share. Food is one of the important factors to promote the growth of goldfish. Good food influences a faster growth of goldfish. Magot is an alternative natural food that can be used to increase the growth of goldfish. The addition of dry magot meal to the feed has a positive influence on the growth of goldfish. In this study, the addition of dry magot meal with a dose of K (100% artificial food), A (25% Magot meal: 75% artificial food), B (50% Magot meal: 50% artificial food), C (75% Magot meal: 25% Artificial feed), D (100% Magot flour). The best study results for growth parameters were in treatment C with a weight gain of 5.92 grams and SGR of 1.77%, while the highest survival rate was in treatment A at 95%, in treatment K, B and C at 93% while treatment D by 91%.
C Catappa Dip Addition on Betta Fish (Betta sp) Color Change indra kristiana; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Reza Reza Maulana; Ega Aditya; Atiek Pietoyo
Journal of Aquatropica Asia Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Journal of Aquatropica Asia
Publisher : Jurusan Akuakultur, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/joaa.v8i2.4069


Betta fish, one of freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture commodities which has high sale value. Betta fish has various pattern and unique fish fin shape. Cattapa dip was a fish health product consisting of catappa leaves and vitamin C. This product could be use for betta fish cultivation so as not to be attacked by parasites, fungi, bacteria and also for helping the process of betta fish color changing. Cattapa dip could also maintain the stability of the water pH in betta fish cultivation. This product has a shape resembling a tea bag product which is very attractive and unique. This study consisted of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments given were Treatment A (0.3 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram vitamin C), Treatment B (0.5 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C), Treatment C (0.7 gram of catappa leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C) and K treatment / control (without treatment). The parameter observed during the study was the color change of Betta fish (Betta sp) which was measured by the percentage of color change based on RGB (Red Green Blue) using the Color Picker application. The results showed that the treatment with the addition of Kataplus in the form of dip as much as 0.5 gram of ketapang leaves and 0.1 gram of vitamin C was the best treatment. Based on the results of the color changes that occur in treatments A, B, C with 3 color indicators namely Green (green), Red (red), and Blue (blue). Color changes occurred in weeks 1st to week 4th where the best were obtained in treatment B with the average percentage produced, namely Red of 125,975%, Green of 111,375% and Blue of 116,6%. So it could be conclude that the use of Cattapa dip has an effect on color changes in Betta fish (Betta sp).
Tilapia Aquaculture (Oreochromis niloticus) by Using Minapadi System: Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Dengan Menggunakan Sistem Minapadi Indra Kristiana; Ega Aditya Prama; Gusti Nu’man Amir; Muhammad Akbarurrasyid; Achmad Sofian; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Dinno Sudinno; Vini Taru Febriani Prajayati; Atiek Pietoyo; Rani Rehulina Tarigan; Irvan Firman Syah
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 6 (2023): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i6.15253


High tilapia production indicates high demand,therefore it is necessary to produce tilapia in a sustainable manner. Sustainable tilapia production can be fulfilled through fish farming activities with various aquaculturemethods and systems. One of the integrated systems of tilapia aquaculturecan becarried out through minapadisystem.This community service activity (PKM) aims to increase the productivity of paddy fields so that they can be utilized for the production of agricultural products and for fish production through the minapadi aquaculturesystem in Karangkamulyan Hamlet, Cintakarya, Parigi, Pangandaran. The stages of this activity include: (i) planning and presentation of tilapia aquacultureusing the minapadi system; (ii) creating a minapadi system that integrates tilapia aquaculturewith rice; (iii) monitoring the growth of cultivated tilapia fish; and (iv) evaluation of activities related to the perceptions of the target community and the results of monitoring the growth of tilapia cultivated using the minapadi system. The results of monitoring fish growth obtained an absolute weight of 65,86 grams, while an absolute length of 7,86 cm and a specific growth rate of 3,84% per day. The results of monitoring water quality during maintenance were obtained, pH value 7 –7,9; temperature (26-34)oC and DO values (3,1 –11,3) mg/l. The results of monitoring and evaluation can be concluded that Cintakarya Village, which is included in the Parigi District, has the potential to develop tilapia aquaculturewith the minapadi system. This is shown by the enthusiasm of the cultivators while participating in PKM activities and being supported by natural resources that are suitable for the aquacultureof the minapadi system
PEMANFAATAN SILASE DAUN KELOR (Moringa oleifera) DALAM FORMULASI PAKAN TERHADAP EFISIENSI NUTRIEN DAN PERTUMBUHAN IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) Muhammad Akbarurrasyid; Vini Taru Febriani Prajayati; Achmad Sofian; Dinno Sudinno; Ega Aditya Prama; Wahyu Puji Astiyani; Indra Kristiana
Jurnal Perikanan Vol 13 No 2 (2023): JURNAL PERIKANAN
Publisher : Program Studi Budidaya Perairan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jp.v13i2.539


Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) merupakan bahan baku lokal yang memiliki kandungan protein nabati sebesar 21,49% sehingga dapat dijadikan alternatif dalam penyusunan formulasi pakan buatan. Potensi penggunaan daun kelor sebagai bahan baku dalam formulasi pakan dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk silase. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan dan persentase silase daun kelor dalam formulasi pakan terhadap efisiensi nutrient dan pertumbuhan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian dilakasana dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengindetifiksi potensi silase daun kelor, persiapan pakan perlakuan dan uji biologi terkait efesiensi nutrient dan pertumbuhan ikan nila. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemanfaatan silase daun kelor memiliki potensi yang sama seperti pakan komersial terhadap efisiensi nutrient dan pertumbuhan ikan nila. Nilai efisiensi nutrient tidak menunjukan perbedaan signifikan antara pakan formulasi silase dan tanpa silase daun terhadap rasio konversi pakan dan retensi energi (P>0.05), sebaliknya mengalami perbedaan signifikan terhadap rasio efisiensi protein (P<0.05). Pertumbuhan ikan nila yang diperoleh tidak menunjukan perbedaan signifikan antara formulasi silase dan tanpa formulasi terhadap pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, Laju Pertumbuhan Spesifik (LPS) dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup (P>0.05), hal ini menujukan bahwa kualitas pakan formulasi silase sama dengan pakan tanpa formulasi tapi memiliki tingkat rasio efisiensi protein yang rendah.