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Organoleptic Test of Smoke Cob Fish (Euthynnus affinis) Using Efhilink Fishing Equipment and A Simple Cabinet Type of Smoking Time Suwarsih Suwarsih; Marita Ika Joesidawati
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 13, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing LLC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.13.2.301-309


The purpose of this study was to determine how long the tuna smoking process takes and how long the quality of smoked fish lasts by conducting an organoleptic test. The material of this research is the organoleptic test of smoked tuna quality with the Efhilink fish fumigant and the simple cabinet type on smoking time. The method used in this study is an experimental method that is by using corn clams as fuel for smoking cobs. The conclusion of the different treatment of the Efhilink and the simple cabinet type with the analysis results can be seen that the fumigation process that is the fastest produced by the Efhilink rack 1 type fumigator is 56 minutes. This is because the working process of the Efhilink type smoker changes the shape of the smoke produced into liquid smoke by connecting the smoke pipe with the condenser so that the temperature of the Efhilink device can be hotter than the Simple Cabinet-type fumigator, besides that the position of rack 1 is very close to the smoke source. . Whereas the longest smoking process produced by a Simple Cabinet Type 3 rack smoking device is 325 minutes or 5 hours 25 minutes this is due to the working process of the Simple Cabinet Type smoking device which emits the smoke produced through the top funnel, so that the heat produced is lower. than the Efhilink-type fumigator. In addition, the position of shelf 3 is very far from the smoke source. Meanwhile, the best organoleptic test value was produced on day 3 of the two tools. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that the fumigation process uses the Efhilink smoke device.
Comparison of the Quality of Smoked Tuna (Euthynus Sp.) Using Efhilink and Traditional Tools With Corn Cob Smoked Fuel Marita Ika Joesidawati; Suwarsih Suwarsih; Sriwulan Sriwulan
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v15i2.1254


Fish can be processed into various products, such as smoked fish. This product is unique, much in demand, and can extend the shelf life of fish. Traditionally processed smoked fish often does not meet the quality standards of smoked fish quality. Therefore, the efhilink fumigation device was developed. This study was conducted to compare the smoked tuna using traditional smoking and efhilink using corn cob smoked as fuel. This study obtained data that smoked tuna with efhilink has better quality than smoked tuna with traditional processing based on organoleptic quality parameters, carbon residue content, water content, and microbiological quality based on ALT values.
Curtina Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1108.005 KB)


Area penambangan galian C di Kabupaten Tuban juga perlu dilakukan pemantauan secara berkelanjutan Adanya Perbedaan pada lahan bekas tambang yang secara visual dengan aktivitas lain seperti perkebunan, pembukaan lahan,jalan, dan pemukiman diperlukan metode yang tepat untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan lahan tersebut. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan identifikasi lahan penambangan dengan Metode Berbasis Citra. Langkah penelitian dengan melakukan pengolahan data citra dengan menggunakan metode Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) dan metode digitasi berbasis Citra Multitemporal untuk mengetahui ketepatan luasan lokasi area penambangan di kabupaten Tuban dalan hal ini pada area penambangan di desa Pongpongan kecamatan Merakurak dan desa Latsari Kecamatan Bancar. Metode OBIA menggunakan Input Tipe Satu (yaitu menggunakan nilai rata – rata hamburan dan standard deviasi dan brightness dalam satu segmen), dan Input Tipe Dua ( adanya penambahan fitur GLCM) Metode Digitasi dengan menggunakan tiga citra multitemporal pada tiap lokasi penelitian. Hasil klasifikasi berdasarkan OBIA dengan algorithma klasifikasi nearest neighbor menunjukan bahwa data teksur GLCM (dapat meningkatkan akurasi sebanyak 0,3% dan nilai kappa 0,2 dibandingkan dengan hasil klasifikasi yang tidak menggunakan tekstur GLCM.. Berdasarkan hasil digitasi berbasis citra multitemporal dapat diketahui adanya penambahan area penambangan produktif, penambahan area bekas penambahan dan adanya penurunan penutupan lahan jenisa lainnya, seperti lokasi persawahan, lahan terbuka vegetasi atau lahan terbuka non vegetasi
Land Cover Classification Assessment Using Decision Trees and Maximum Likelihood Classification Algorithms on Landsat 8 Data Luhur Moekti Prayogo; Bimo Aji Widyantoro; Amir Yarkhasy Yuliardi; Muhammad Hanif; Perdana Ixbal Spanton; Marita Ika Joesidawati
DoubleClick: Journal of Computer and Information Technology Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/doubleclick.v6i2.10606


Classification technique on remote sensing images is an effort taken to identify the class of each pixel based on the spectral characteristics of various channels. Traditional classifications such as Maximum Likelihood are based on statistical parameters such as standard deviation and mean, which have a probability model of each pixel in each class. While the object-based classification method, one of which is the Decision Trees, is based on rules for each class with mathematical functions. This study compares the Decision Trees and Maximum Likelihood algorithms for land cover classification in the Surabaya and Bangkalan areas using Landsat 8 data. This research begins with creating Regions of Interest (ROIs) and Rules on images with greater than and less than functions for Decision Trees. The ROIs test was carried out using the Separability Index and matching each class using the Confusion Matrix. The experimental results show that the accuracy value resulting from the Confusion Matrix calculation is 90.48%, with a Kappa Coefficient Value of 0.87. The Decision Trees method produces land cover nigher to the actual condition than the Maximum Likelihood method. The difference in the class distribution of the two ways is not significant. This study is limited because the validation uses manual interpretation results. Future research is expected to use the large-scale classification results from the relevant agencies to verify the classification results and use field data, larger samples of ROIs, and the use of high-resolution imagery in order to improve the classification results.
MICROPLASTIC CHARACTERISTIC FOUND IN GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT OF PELAGIC AND DEMERSAL FISHES IN TUBAN, EAST JAVA Dewi Hidayati; Fauziah F; Aunurohim A; Nova Maulidina Ashuri; Edwin Setiawan; Yeyes Mulyadi; Nur Syahroni; Marita Ika Joesidawati; Suwarsih S
Journal of Marine-Earth Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Marine & Earth Science and Technology Research Center, DRPM, ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j27745449.v4i1.648


Regular monitoring of microplastics contamination in marine biota have been concerned in the world, since its tiny size can be swallowed direct or indirectly and lead health problems. Tuban waters is the one of Indonesia's coastal and marine fisheries areas with high risk of microplastic pollution due to their highly anthropogenic activities. We investigated the microplastic in the digestive tracts of pelagic and demersal fishes in Tuban sea waters.  Microplastic in fish sample guts were observed under microscope and the type of polymer were examined using FT-IR. This study reveals that number of microplastic in digestive tract of pelagic fishes were higher than demersal fishes. The dominant form was fiber (62%) with black color and dominant size ranging from 100-500 um (72%). The types of polymers found were polyethylene and polyamide.
Keanekaragaman dan Keterkaitan Moluska pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Kecamatan Palang Kabupaten Tuban Agung Adi Prasetia; Raka Nur Sukma; Suwarsih Suwarsih; Marita Ika Joesidawati; Perdana Ixbal Spanton M
Jurnal Kelautan, Lingkungan, dan Perikanan Vol 3 No 1 (2022): MANFISH JOURNAL
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (517.047 KB) | DOI: 10.31573/manfish.v2i2.381


Kecamatan palang terletak di ujung timur perbatasan antara Tuban-Lamongan. Pantai kawasan Kecamatan Palang hanya ada beberapa titik wilayah tertentu yang tumbuh ekosistem mangrove. Ekosistem Mangrove bermanfaat bagi abrasi pantai, selain itu ekosistem mangrove juga bermanfaat bagi kehidupan fauna yang berada di sekitarnya salah satunya adalah Moluska dari kelas Gastropoda. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 stasiun, terletak di desa Tasikmadu, Gesikharjo, dan Pliwetan, Kecamatan Palang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode Transek garis (Line Transek) ukuran 5x5 dengan 3 kali pengulangan setiap stasiun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan ada 9 jenis spesies Gastropoda dari 4 Family. Gastropoda yang ditemukan adalah Cerithidea Cingulata, Pila Scutata, Telescopim Telescopium, Neritodryas Cornea, Littorina Melanostoma, Littorina Scabra, Nedillitorina Pyramidalis, Neritina Turitta, Cerithidea Obtusa. Spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah spesies Cerithdea Cornea, spesies ini memilih substrat hidupnya mengelompok menempel pada batang dan akar pohon mangrove air tawar. Spesies Cerithidea Cingulata banyak ditemukan di ekosistem mangrove ditepi laut, habitat spesies ini berada di pasir berlumpur sebagai substrat hidupnya. Secara keseluruhan dari 3 stasiun memiliki indeks nilai keanekaragaman kecil. Berdasakan dari perbandingan antara kerapatan mangrove dengan kepadatan Moluska untuk mengetahui hubungan ke-eratan antara kedua variabel tersebut R2 (Koefisien Determinasi) menunjukan nilai 0,723, sedangkan nilai R (Koefisien Korelasi) memiliki nilai 0,850. Nilai dari kedua variabel tersebut dapat menerangkan bahwa kedua variabel memiliki saling berhubungan.
Ekologia: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Dasar dan Lingkungan Hidup Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Ekologia : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Dasar dan Lingkungan Hidup
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/ekol.v13i2.135


Perubahan iklim menjadi kajian yang penting  dan sangat menarik pada beberapa  tahun terakhir, karena mengakibatkan kenaikan suhu udara dan kenaikan muka air laut. Tujuan  makalah ini adalah untuk mengkaji model dan skenario iklim yang sesuai diterapkan  sehingga dapat menggambarkan adanya perubahan iklim khususnya wilayah lokal dan  mengembangkan analisis dampak kenaikan muka air laut di kawasan  pesisir. Dalam Makalah ini pemodelan iklim menggunakan perangkat lunak  MAGICC/SCENGEN 5.3(Model sirkulasi global CSIRO, dengan skenario A2-AIM dan B2-AIM) sedangkan kenaikan muka  laut dengan memanfaatkan data Data Sea Level Anomaly dari satelit Altimeter Jason 1A. Hasil pemodelan proyeksi perubahan suhu rata-rata dan perubahan  presipitasi bulanan menunjukkan pola yang teratur meningkat secara linier dan Berdasarkan trend kenaikan nilai SSHA dari satelit altimetri Jason-1 yang diekstraksi dari hasil interpolasi lintasan satelit diperoleh rata-rata kenaikan muka laut relatif selama 7 tahun (2002-2009) sebesar 11,1 mm/tahun. Skenario yang sesuai dengan kondisi daerah pesisir Kabupaten Tuban adalah skenario B2AIM. Hasil  pemodelan MAGICC sesuai dengan skenario B2AIM menunjukkan laju rata-rata kenaikan muka air laut dari tahun 1990-2050 adalah sebesar 0.61 meter.  Hasil pemodelan SCENGEN sesuai dengan skenario B2AIM, menunjukkan perubahan curah hujan yang cukup besar pada bulan Juli, Agustus, September dan Oktober, dan perubahan kenaikan temperatur hasil pemodelan SCENGEN yaitu sebesar 0.19⁰C  1.56⁰C  pada tahun 2050.  Kata kunci : Perubahan Iklim, Kenaikan Muka Laut, Magicc/Scengen, Data  Altimetri Jason-1A
Techno-Fish Vol 7 No 1 (2023): TECHNO-FISH
Publisher : TECHNO-FISH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/tf.v7i1.6197


The activity of catching sharks and rays around the world have exceeded catch limits, causing some species to be in danger or extinct. Indonesia is one of the countries that still allows fishing for sharks and rays. Lots of fishermen at Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Brondong have been fishing sharks and rays for several that it can be causing several species of sharks and rays in Indonesia are threatened. Knowing attachment of APPENDIX II CITES, sharks and rays have become a major concern in fisheries management and marine conservation around the world. Many of these groups are endangered due to massive exploitation over the past few decades. Some species of sharks and rays have been enrolled on attachment of APPENDIX II CITES, which controls international trade in endangered species.