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Potensi Daun Bungur (Lagerstroemia loudonii Teijsm. & Binn.) Yang Gugur Sebagai Penghambat Alfa-Glukosidase Soraya Riyanti; Setyadi MA; Kumolowati E
Jurnal Farmasi Udayana Vol. 10, No 1, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JFU.2021.v10.i01.p04


Bungur (Lagerstroemia loudonii Teijsm. & Binn.) belong to the genus Lagerstroemia, family Lythraceae. Corosolic acid is a pentacyclic triterpene group contained in Lagerstroemia speciosa L. leaves and has been reported to reduce blood glucose levels by inhibiting alpha-glucosidase. The ethanol extract of the leaves of bungur (Lagerstroemia loudonii Teijsm. & Binn.) which was still green was reported to have alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of 262, 20 µg/mL, ethyl acetate and n-hexane fraction of 62.73 µg/mL and 97.16 µg/mL. This study aimed to determine the inhibitory activity of alpha-glucosidase of ethanol extract of fallen leaf and their fractions. The extraction process by reflux in 96% ethanol, the fractionation process by liquid-liquid extraction. Testing of alpha-glucosidase inhibitor activity using colorimetric method at a wavelength of 401 nm with chromogenic substrate p-nitrophenyl-?-D-glucopyranoside (PNPG) and alpha-glucosidase enzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, acarbose was used as a standard inhibitor alpha-glucosidase. The results showed that the IC50 values ??of ethanol extract, n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water fraction were 170.39 µg/mL; 258.41 µg/mL; 382.46 µg/mL; and 134.27 µg/mL, and acarbose 14.6 µg/mL. The alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the ethanol extract of the fallen leaves of bungur was greater than that of the ethanol extract of the leaves of bungur which was still green and the water fraction of the fallen leaves gave the greatest alpha-glucosidase inhibition activity with an IC50 of 134.27 µg/mL.
Larvacide Activity of Bungur Plants (Lagerstroemia loudonii T. & B.) Fahrauk Faramayuda; Faizal Hermanto; Ari Sri Windyaswari; Soraya Riyanti; Viola Aditya Nurhayati
Jurnal Pharmascience Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pharmascience
Publisher : Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jps.v9i1.9982


The prevalence of DHF, especially in Indonesia, is still high. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti species mosquito vector. Therefore, reducing the incidence of DHF requires efforts to break the chain of transmission by inhibiting the growth of the Aedes aegypti mosquito vector. One of the plants that can inhibit the growth of A. aegypti mosquito larvae is the bungur plant. This study aimed to determine the larvicidal activity of ethanol extract of leaves, bark, stems, and fruit of bungur (Lagerstroemia loudonii T. & B.) against A. aegypti larvae. Extraction process used maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. Phytochemical screening results showed that the ethanol extract of bungur leaves and fruit contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, quinones, tannins, polyphenols, monoterpenoids, and sesquiterpenoids as well as steroids and triterpenoids, whereas in the ethanol extract bungur bark and stems contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, quinones, tannins, polyphenols, monoterpenoids, and sesquiterpenoids. LC50 values of ethanol extract of leaves, bark, stems, and bungur fruit were 374.64 ± 11.88 µg/mL, 396.70 ± 3.99 µg/mL, 425.80 ± 8.15 µg/mL, and 312.54 ± 2.24 µg/mL, consecutively. The results showed that the ethanol extract of the leaves, bark, stems, and fruit of bungur could inhibit the growth of A. aegypti larvae. Ethanol extract of bungur fruit has the best larvicidal activity compared to other test extracts.
Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology activity and plant tissue culture of ficus carica l. (a mini review) Fahrauk Faramayuda; Sigid Pamungkas Wicaksono; Akhirul Kahfi Syam; Soraya Riyanti; Ari Sri Windyaswari; Yeni Karlina; Elfahmi Elfahmi
Riset Informasi Kesehatan Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Riset Informasi Kesehatan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.464 KB) | DOI: 10.30644/rik.v11i1.537


Ficus carica L. or Figs plants are plants originating from the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, which then spread to various parts of the world through explorers who try to plant in various countries. Figs plants can grow in various habitats, including infertile rocky soils, forests, shrubs, and even hot dry soils. Figs plants have several varieties that can be distinguished from the shape of the stem, the shape of the leaves, and the fruit's color. Figs plants are widely used as traditional medicine for both leaves and fruit. Noted in several countries have used the Figs plant as one of the plants used for traditional medicine. Figs plants are widely used for antioxidants, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antipyretic, antituberculosis, antispasmodic antiplatelet in several countries. Figs plants contain secondary metabolites of alkaloids, latexonins, phenols, and flavonoids. There is one method of multiplication of Figs plants that began to be widely used, namely plant tissue culture. Plant tissue culture is a method of propagation using tissue slices or parts of plants that are small and in aseptic conditions. Several studies have been obtained to trace figs plants by tissue culture methods using slices of leaves and shoots.
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Farmasyifa Vol 6, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiff.v6i1.11938


Bangka Belitung merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki kekayaan alam melimpah, diantaranya yaitu tanaman karamunting, jeruk kunci dan kelubi. Ketiga buah tersebut sudah biasa dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat sekitar. Sejauh ini belum terdapat laporan mengenai aktivitas antioksidan dari kombinasi ketiga buah tersebut serta penggunaannya sebagai nutrasetika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat minuman serbuk instan antioksidan yang mengandung kombinasi dari ketiga buah tersebut sebagai nutrasetika khas Bangka Belitung yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. Buah karamunting dan buah kelubi dimaserasi dalam etanol 96%, sedangkan air perasan buah jeruk kunci dikeringkan dengan cara freeze drying. Sampel buah karamunting (KAR), buah kelubi (KEL), buah jeruk kunci (JK), dan kombinasinya dilakukan penetapan aktivitas antioksidan dengan pereaksi DPPH. Formula kombinasi ekstrak terbaik dipilih berdasarkan nilai IC50 lalu dibuat menjadi sediaan minuman berupa serbuk instan dan dilakukan uji mutu sediaan untuk menentukan formula minuman serbuk terbaik. Hasil pengukuran nilai IC50 tunggal dari KAR, KEL, dan JK berturut-turut adalah 143,26 µg/mL, 1317,09 µg/mL, dan 2266,10 µg/mL dan pada kombinasi ekstrak menunjukkan F2 (KAR 2: JK 1: KEL 1) sebagai formula terbaik dengan nilai IC50 yaitu 289,14 µg/mL. Pada uji mutu sediaan menunjukkan bahwa formula minuman terbaik adalah M3 dengan rasa terbaik, kadar air (0,05%), pH (3,73), dan IC50 (1334,64 µg/mL).Kata kunci: Buah karamunting, buah jeruk kunci, buah kelubi, nutrasetika, antioksidan.
POTENSI ANTIOKSIDAN ALAMI REMPAH BUNGA HONJE HUTAN (Etlingera hemisphaerica (Blume) R. M. Sm.) DAN ISOLASI SENYAWA AKTIFNYA Kartika Putri Sholikhah; Soraya Riyanti; Wahyono Wahyono
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Farmasyifa Vol 6, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiff.v6i2.11225


Antioksidan merupakan senyawa yang mampu menghambat pembentukan radikal bebas dan melindungi tubuh dari berbagai macam penyakit termasuk paparan virus COVID-19. Salah satu tanaman dari Zingiberaceae yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan adalah bunga honje hutan (Etlingera hemisphaerica (Blume) R. M. Sm.). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan secara kualitatif serta mengisolasi senyawa aktifnya. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan secara maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96%. Fraksinasi dengan ekstraksi cair-cair (ECC) menggunakan n-heksana, etil asetat, n-butanol, serta air. Fraksi dan ekstrak dilakukan pemantauan aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) dan dinamolisis dengan penampak bercak DPPH 0,05% b/v dalam metanol. Hasil positif antioksidan ditunjukkan adanya bercak berwarna kuning berlatar ungu. Fraksi etil asetat dilakukan proses pemisahan menggunakan metode kromatografi cair vakum (KCV), pemurnian dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif (KLT-P) dan uji kemurnian dengan KLT dengan beberapa pengembang dan KLT 2 dimensi. Isolat dipantau dengan KLT menggunakan penampak bercak DPPH dan sitroborat memberikan reaksi positif. Isolate yang diperoleh memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil identifikasi isolat menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Visible diperoleh data panjang gelombang pita I 290,60 nm dan pita II 250,20 nm. Isolat diduga merupakan kelompok flavonoid golongan flavon.