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Rancangan alat potong tebu semi otomatis yang ergonomis Dirgahayu Lantara; Nurhayati Rauf; Muhammad Dahlan; A. Pawennari
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 10 No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Abstrak Penebangan tebu yang dilakukan pada lokasi perkebunan tebu PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIV (Persero), yang dilakukan oleh petani pemotong tebu yang berada disekitar lokasi perkebunan pabrik, dengan menggunakan alat tradisional (Parang). Sedangkan tenaga kerja yang didatangkan dari luar Sulawesi – Selatan dengan menggunakan sabit. Alat potong tebu Semiautomatis Yang Ergonomis, dirancang berdasarkan Ukuran tubuh (badan) Petani pemotong tebu, tinggi batang tebu, diameter batang tebu, kondisi lahan dan cara kerja petani pemotong tebu pada saat melakukan aktivitas penebangan. Sehingga Alat Potong Tebu Semi Otomatis yang Ergonomis ini diharapkan memberikan hasil tebang yang lebih baik dari alat potong yang digunakan saat ini. Disamping itu energi yang digunakan pada saat melakukan aktivitas penebangan lebih kecil, agar petani pemotong tebu dapat tahan lebih lama untuk bekerja. Percobaan Alat Potong Tebu Semi automatis yang ergonomis ini dilaksanakan pada lokasi perkebunan Pabrik Gula Bone. Kata kunci: Petani, Tebu, Ergonomi, Rekayasa Teknik Abstract Cane harvesting that conducted on cane plantations site at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIV (Persero), by cane farmers in around the plant’s plantation site by using traditional tools (machetes). While labor brought in from outside South Sulawesi by using a sickle. Egronomic cane harvester semi-automatic, designed based on the farmer’s body size, stalk height of cane, diameter of cane, soil conditions and the procedure of farmer’s cane cutters at the time of harvesting activities. So that the egronomic cane harvester semi-automatic is expected to give better harvest results of harvester used today. In addition, the energy used at the time of harvesting is smaller, so that care farmers able to work in a long time. The testing of egronomic cane harvester semi-automatic was conducted on the sugar mills plantations of Bone. Keywords: Farmers, Sugarcane, Ergonomics, Engineering design
Kapal layar phinisi, PERT, proses produksi, waktu pesimistik, optimistik Dirgahayu Lantara
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 7 No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran cara kerja para pengrajin di sentrapembuatan kapal layar phinisi, kemudian mengembangkan dengan model PERT, agardidapatkan urutan aktivitas ( kegiatan ) yang memungkinkan dikerjakan lebih awal sebelumkegiatan berikutnya, serta melakukan pengukuran waktu dari dari 176 aktivitas sehingga dapatmemproduksi satu unit kapal layar phinisi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka semuaaktivitas yang akan dilakukan ( 176 ) pengukuran dengan mengunakan stopwatch dalampekerjaan yang sama namun tenaga kerja yang berbeda ( perusahaan ), dari pengukurandidapatkan waktu Pesimistik, Optimistik dan Most Likely, kemudian menhitung, expectedduration time, the earlist time of occurance, the latest time occurance, Slack. Dari perhitungandiatas maka didapatkan daerah jalur kritis yakni pada aktivitas,171,172,173,174,175,176. Untukmembuktikan bahwa metoda ini cocok untuk diterapkan dalam pembuatan kapal layar phinisi inimaka dilakukan perhitungan standar deviasi, dengan 99.96 %, dapat menyelesaikan perunitkapal layar phinisi dengan 303 hari.Kata kunci: Kapal layar phinisi, PERT, proses produksi, waktu pesimistik, optimistikThe purpose of this research is to get an idea how to work the craftsmen in the center ofshipbuilding phinisi screen, then developed with PERT models, in order to obtain the sequenceof activities (events) that enables done early before the next event, as well as the measurementof time of from 176 activity so as to produce one unit phinisi sailing ship. To achieve that goalthen all activities to be performed (176) by using a stopwatch measurement in the same job buta different labor (the company), from measurements obtained when Pessimistic, Optimistic andMost Likely, then calculating, expected duration time, the earlist time of occurance, the latesttime occurance, Slack. From the above calculation, obtained the critical path in the area ofactivity, 171,172,173,174,175,176. To prove that this method is suitable for application inshipbuilding phinisi screen is the standard deviation calculation, with 99.96%, can be completedper unit ships with 303 days phinisi screen.Keywords: Ship of phinisi screen, PERT, production process, pessimistic time, optimistic
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol. 6 No. 1
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v6i1.885


The development of the era where everything is instantaneous and fast as it is today must be supported by the development of increasingly sophisticated information technology. One of the functions of this technological development is to obtain accurate and fast information. But in fact, there are still companies / organizations that have not used computer technology as a work aid, such as the Bromo Rajawali Convection which still uses the manual method of writing employee data, namely data storage still using books. Therefore, the design of an employee data management information system is carried out that can help companies control the production data of each tailor employee. The method used in this research is the Waterfall method. It is called a waterfall because the steps that are passed must wait for the completion of the previous stage and run sequentially, for example the design stage must wait for the completion of the previous stage, namely the requirements stage [1]. The Waterfall method consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Maintenance. The purpose of this study is to design an information system that can make it easier for companies to write down employee production data accurately. From the design results, there are two factors that support the running of the system, namely administration and production data, the input form available on the system that has been designed, namely the login input form and the employee data input form, while the output form contains complete data related to employee personal data and employee production data. With the creation of a management information system in writing data on employee production, the Rajawali Bromo Convection can accelerate the search for more accurate data in the future, and applications made later by the company can be used properly as one of the employee production data systems
Analisis Penerapan Lean Manufaktur Untuk Mengurangi Pemborosan Di Lantai Produksi PT. Eastern Pearl Flour Mills Makassar Nurul Chairany; Dirgahayu Lantara; Nadzirah Ikasari; Alfhyan Ukkas
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol. 3 No. 1
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.143 KB) | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v3i1.202


Pemborosan yang terjadi dapat mengakibatkan kerugian pada perusahaan, salah satu contoh kerugian yang dapat ditimbulkan karena adanya pemborosan adalah waktu penyelesaian produk yang lebih lama dibandingkan dengan yang sudah direncanakan tidak memberikan nilai tambah (non value added), maka yang menjadi tujuan untuk menghilangkan pemborosan di lantai produksi, dengan merancang VSM (Future State Map) yang sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan dengan mengintifikasi weste dengan menggunakan metode 5W- 1H ( what, who, where, when, why dan how) Setelah dilakukan perancangan future valuue stream map sehingga waktu (current state map) menunjukkan bahwa total lead time adalah sebesar 2890.5 menit dan proses pada future stream map lead time sebesar 2.740,5 menit maka dari itu ada pengurangan proses waktu lead time sebesar 150 menit dengan takt time dari 0,10 menit/ unit, kapasitas produksi terpenuhi 359 ton/hari.
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol. 4 No. 2
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.367 KB) | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v4i2.456


PT Sinar Gowa Industri is a company established in 2005, engaged in the food industry (noodles). The cessation of a production process is often caused by a problem in the production machine, for example, the engine stops suddenly, decreases the speed of production, the length of time setup and adjustments, the machine produces a defective product. TPM develops from a traditional maintenance system that involves all departments and all people to participate in and develop responsibilities in the maintenance of machinery / equipment. Steps to prevent or overcome the problem in business. Increasing production efficiency is done by using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method as a tool used to measure and determine the performance of machines / equipment. The results and analysis carried out by the OEE method on machines at PT. Sinar Gowa Industries studied were mixing machines, pressing machines, sitting machines, and steaming machines. It was concluded that the most effective and efficient machine in the production process was mixing machines and pressing machines, because it had an overall equity effectiveness value of 83.8 percent followed by a sitting machine that had a value of 53.29 percent and the last was seating machines with a value of 54, 89 percent.
Supply Chain Performance Measurement at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIV Camming Sugar Factory in Bone District Anis Saleh; Arfandi Ahmad; Yan Herdianzah; Dirgahayu Lantara; Nur Ihwan Saputra; Muhammad Dahlan
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/ijieem.v5i2.6861


PTPN XIV (PERSERO) of Camming Sugar Factory in Bone Regency Measuring work results in the company is one of the company's performance evaluation tasks, namely to find out if the results achieved are good enough or still need improvement. The characteristic of a weak result is the fact that the company's goal is not achieved in the desired way. The objective of this study is to identify the KPIs and measure the performance indicators at the Bone Regency of PTPN Camming Sugar Factory. Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM), and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are used in this study. The results of this study provide 11 Lean metrics that align with business conditions. Once the indicators are obtained, the KPI weighting is carried out using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), prioritizing the performance criteria of the production and supply departments. KPIs that have a significant impact on a company's supply chain performance. This is reflected in the highest order of weight in three KPIs, namely production department performance criteria, employee productivity attributes (0.573) and delivery department criteria, on-time loading (0. 85), and delivery (0.372) attributes. with a weight percentage of 19.1, 16.20% and 12. 2%. The KPIs in the lowest weight category are collection (0.120) and delivery (0.116) with a weight percentage of .01% and 3.87%.