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Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan Undiksha Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jiku.v8i2.29553


This study aims to determine the performance of the Physical and Sports Physical Education teacher at MTsS Nurul Iman Dharmasraya Regency based on pedagogic, personality, social and professional competence.The research method used is qualitative. The informants in this study were the principal, teachers, school supervisors, the community, and students. Data were obtained by observation, interview and documentation techniques. And data analysis techniques used are using triangulation.  The results showed that: 1) Based on the Pedagogic performance of Physical and Sports Physical Education Teachers in Nurul Iman Private Madrasah Stanawiyah categorized as not good. 2) Based on personality, the performance of the Physical and Physical Education Teachers in Madrasah Stanawiyah Private Nurul Iman is categorized as good. 3) Based on social competence, theperformance of Physical and Sports Physical Education Teachers in the Private Nurawi Iman Madrasah Stanawiyah is categorized as not good. 4) Based on the professional competence the performance of the Physical and Physical Education Teachers in the Madrasah Stanawiyah Private Nurul Iman in professional competencies is categorized as not good.
Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan Undiksha Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jiku.v8i2.29828


The problem in this study is that the basic technical skills of student football are not yet known at SMP Negeri 3 Kota Padang. So the purpose of this study was to determine the basic technical skills of student football at SMP Negeri 3 Padang, which consisted of passing, dribbling, shooting and heading techniques. This type of research is descriptive. The population in this study were all students of SMP Negeri 3 Kota Padang who actively participated in soccer training in football extracurricular activities, totaling 22 people. The sampling technique uses total sampling. Thus the sample in this study amounted to 22 people. To obtain data, measurements are made on the basic technical abilities of football. Data were analyzed using percentages. The results found that: the basic technical skills of football students of SMP Negeri 3 Kota Padang, it can be said that there are still many who have not been good, because of 22 students only 1 person (4.54%) category is very good, 7 people (31.82%) good category, and 2 people (9.09%) medium category. The rest students have less basic technical skills in soccer categories, namely 12 people (54.54%).Keywords: Basic Football Techniques.  
PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA BELAJAR PJOK PADA MATERI SENAM LANTAI (ARTISTIK) Zulbahri Zulbahri; Yuni Astuti; Erianti .; Pitnawati .; Damrah .
Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan Undiksha Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jiku.v8i2.30253


This research is motivated by the limited development of learning media for the subjects of Physical Education, Sports and Health on floor exercise (artistic) material, especially for schools in the regions. This study aims to produce a learning media product for students and students in learning gymnastics. The subjects or samples of this research were FIK UNP students who attended basic and advanced / learning gymnastics courses with a total of 12 people for small group subject trials and 15 people for field trials. The data used in this research are qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data in this study is data obtained through validation from material experts, media experts, while quantitative data in this study were obtained through assessment questionnaires which were analyzed with descriptive statistics.This research was conducted using "Research and Development" (Research and Development), namely the research method used to produce certain products. The model used as a reference is the Borg & Gall development research model with 10 developments, in this study the researcher adopted the following stages: 1) Preliminary Study (research and data collection). 2) Prepare a plan and analyze the media to be made. 3) Initial product development by producing learning media with validation by media experts and material experts. 4) Conduct small group trials. 5) Product Revisions. 6) Conduct field trials. 7) Revise the final product. For this early stage research, it has only arrived at the fourth stage (4), namely the initial stage validation by media experts and material experts. Research results in the form of learning media products for practical material with a score of 3.67 with good criteria and for media with a score of 3.3 with a fairly good category.
Performance Of Physical Education Teachers In The New Normal Of Covid-19 Damrah Damrah; Suci Novita; Yuni Astuti; Pitnawati Pitnawati; Erianti Erianti; Zulbahri Zulbahri
Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani Vol 5 No 4 (2021): DESEMBER (ACCREDITED SINTA 3)
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/jk.v5i4.16845


Based on the safety of the SMPN in North Padang  in this new normal time, it is seen that the physical education teacher's performance of sports and health is still low. This research aims to find out how physical education teachers 'performance of sports and health is seen from the new normal learning planning, the implementation of new normal learning and a normal new time learning evaluation. This type of research is combined research (Mixed Method), the first step in the study with quantitative methods, while the second step is using qualitative. In this study, the research study was conducted using the total sampling technique. Techniques of data collection process using interviews, polls, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in triangulation. The results of this research show, judging by the normal new time Learning Plan (28.57%) Category is not good. For a fairly valued category (28.57%). For a good category of worth (28.57%), for the category is very well worth (0.00%). Implementation of the new Normal learning (0.00%) Category is not good. For a fairly valued category (42.86%). For good category worth (42.86%), for very good category worth (0.00%) Evaluation/assessment of the new normal study (28.57%) Category is not good. For a fairly valued category (42.85%). For good category worth (14.29%), for the category is very well worth (0.00%). As for the qualitative results of interviews conducted with the physical education teachers at the SMPN of North Padang City, it is stated that the learning planning of physical education and sports teachers is good enough for the implementation of learning in the new normal can be categorized as a lack of good, for the evaluation/assessment of learning in the new normal future.
Pelatihan Metode Interval Ekstensif Terhadap Kemampuan Daya Tahan Aerobik Yuni Astuti; Zulbahri Zulbahri; Erianti Erianti; Rosmawati Rosmawati
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Vol 1 No 3 July Pages 88-182
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.586 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v1i3.25


Target yang akan dihasilkan setelah pelaksanaan metode latihan interval ekstensif terhadap peningkatan kemampuan daya tahan aerobik yaitu agar mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman, pengetahuan serta alternatif dalam memberikan bantuan pada mahasiswa saat meningkatkan kesegaran jasmaninya, terutama untuk kondisi daya tahan aerobik. Serta mahasiswa pun menjadi lebih banyak mengenal tentang pelaksanaan metode latihan interval ekstensif demi mewujudkan kesegaran jasmani. Agar untuk tahap selanjutnya mahasiswa lebih mudah dalam pelatihan metode interval ekstensif, penulis akan menghasilkan luaran yang berbentuk program latihan interval ekstensif dengan penyusunan, fase latihan, set, repetisi, volume dan recovery yang akan disusun dalam sebuah buku ajar nantinya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode berbentuk pelatihan keterampilan melalui ceramah, persentase dan demonstrasi (praktek) di lapangan
Evaluasi pelaksanaan pemusatan latihan atletik Damrah Damrah; Pitnawati Pitnawati; Jayanti Nanda Fitri; Erianti Erianti; Yuni Astuti
Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 10, No 1 (2021): Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/altius.v10i1.12887


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi program pelatihan atlet atletik Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi program dengan metode CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah  observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara triangulasi dari instrumen dan sumber data yang digunakan.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tujuan dari program latihan atlet atletik yang telah disusun oleh pelatih bersama atlet, perlu disesuaikan dengan visi dan misi cabang atletik Sumatera Barat, (2) Dalam rangka menunjang program latihan yang efektif untuk mencapai prestasi nasional dan internasional, maka diperlukan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, terutama terkait dengan kualitas lapangan dari dasar tanah ke bentuk sintetis. (3) Selama persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi latihan di perlukan pengawasan yang melekat dari pelatih, pengurus dan orang tua atlet dan atlet sendiri, agar tidak terjadi kesalahan dan perbedaan yang dapat mengakibatkan prestasi atlet terganggu. (4) terdapat penurunan prestasi dan semangat atlet. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara keseluruhan pelaksanaan program latihan  atletik Sumatera Barat diperlukan perbaikan di seluruh lini baik secara konteks, input, proses, maupun produk.
Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/altius.v9i2.12988


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan daya ledak otot lengan dan koordinasi mata-tangan dengan ketepatan servis atas. Jenis penelitian adalah korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh anggota tim bolavoli Klub Kecamatan Lubuk Sikaping Kabupaten Pasaman yang aktif mengikuti latihan berjumlah 20 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Untuk pengambilan data daya ledak otot lengan menggunakan tes medicine ball put dan koordinasi mata-tangan dilakukan dengan tes ballwerfen und-fangen test (lempar tangkap bola ke dinding). Sedangkan tes Ketepatan servis atas menggunakan tes ketepatan servis atas. Data dianalisis dengan korelasi product moment dan dilanjutkan dengan korelasi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) daya ledak otot lengan mempunyai hubungan secara signifikan dengan ketepatan servis atas pemain bolavoli dan diterima kebenarannya secara empiris, serta berkontribusi sebesar 19,98%.  2) koordinasi mata-tangan mempunyai hubungan secara signifikan dengan ketepatan servis atas pemain bolavoli dan diterima kebenarannya secara empiris, serta berkontribusi sebesar 23,23%. Dan 3) daya ledak otot lengan dan koordinasimata-tangan secara bersama-sama mempunyai hubungan secara signifikan dengan ketepatan servis atas pemain bolavoli dan diterima kebenarannya secara empiris, serta berkontribusi  sebesar 32,49%. 
Jurnal Penjaskesrek Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, FKIP Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46244/penjaskesrek.v7i2.1112


The problem in this study is the low service skills of Club Pagar volleyball players. This study aims to look at the relationship and the amount of contribution between the ability of the medicine throwing ball and the flexibility both by themselves and together towards the service of the female volleyball player at the Club Pagar Solok City. This research belongs to the type of correlational research. The population of this study were all 15 female volleyball club players. Samples were taken by total sampling technique. The research instrument used is top service to measure service accuracy. The data analysis technique uses product moment correlation analysis. The findings of this study show: (1) there is a significant relationship between the ability of medicine throwing with service, r0,56> r0,514 α 0,05 with a contribution of 31,36%; (2) there is no significant relationship between flexibility and service, r0.45> r0,514 α 0.05 with a contribution of only 20.25%; (3) there is a significant relationship between medicine ball's throwing ability and joint flexibility towards the top service, R 0.90 with Fcount> F table α 0.05 with a contribution of 81%. Abstrak Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya keterampilan servis atas pemain bolavoli Club Pagar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan dan besarnya kontribusi antara kemampuan lemparan bola medicine dan kelentukan baik ecara sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap servis atas pemain bolavoli putri Club Pagar Kota Solok. Penelitian ini tergolong kepada jenis penelitian korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua pemain bolavoli putri Club Pagar yang berjumlah 15 orang. Sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan servis atas untuk mengukur ketepatanservis. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi product moment.Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) terdapat hubungan yang berarti anara kemampuan lemparan bola medicine dengan servis atas, r0,56 > r0,514 α 0,05 dengan kontribusi sebesar 31,36%; (2) tidak terdapat hubungan yang berarti antara kelentukan dengan servis atas, r0,45 > r0,514 α 0,05 dengan kontribusi hanya 20,25%; (3) terdapat hubungan yang berarti antara kemampuan lemparan bola medicine dan kelentukan secara bersama-sama terhadap servis atas, R 0,90 dengan Fhitung > Ftabel α 0,05 dengan kontribusi sebesar 81%. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Servis atas, Lemparan Bola medicine, Kelentukkan
EFEKTIFITAS LATIHAN ELEMENTER DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN DRIBBLING SEPAKBOLA Ali Mardius; Meuthia Rezika Siswara; Erianti Erianti; Yuni Astuti; Rosmawati Rosmawati; Jefri Riswar
Jurnal Visipena Vol 11 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LP2M) STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46244/visipena.v11i2.1080


This study looks at whether elementary training methods can influence the ability of football dribbling. Forty-four male players have recruited from SSB Taram FC District 50 City and were asked to dribble through a special circuit. The results show that, mean = 3,811 which means the difference in score of football dribbling ability between after and before given the elementary training method. Furthermore, the most important results of this study are the statistical value of t = 18.743 with DB = 43 and sig. or p-value = 0,000 <0.05 or H0 rejected. In conclusion, there is a significant influence on students' football dribbling skills between before and after being given elementary training methods. Elementary training methods can be used as one of the training methods that can develop the dribbling ability of soccer players. Because elementary training is an exercise that is designed in part by section or an exercise that is done is sorted into every part that is in technical training. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas latihan elementer, terhadap kemampuan dribbling sepakbola. Empat puluh empat pemain pria direkrut dari SSB Taram FC Kabupaten 50 Kota, dan diminta untuk menggiring bola melalui sirkuit khusus. Hasil menunjukan bahwa, mean = 3,811 yang berarti selisih skor kemampuan dribbling sepakbola antara setelah dan sebelum diberi metode latihan elementer. Selanjutnya hasil terpenting dari penelitian ini adalah harga statistic t = 18,743 dengan db = 43 dan angka sig. atau p-velue = 0,000 < 0,05 atau H0 ditolak. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa, terdapat pengaruh kemampuan dribbling sepakbola siswa yang signifikan antara sebelum dan setelah diberi metode latihan elementer. Metode latihan elementer dapat dijadikan salah satu metode latihan yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dribbling pemain sepakbola. Karena latihan elementer merupakan latihan yang dirancang secara bagian demi bagian atau latihan yang dilakukan dipilah menjadi setiap bagian yang ada dalam latihan teknik.
Developing Learning Media of Adaptive Sport Course in SLLB Negeri 2 Padang erianti ai; Desi Novita Sari
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 2 No 3 (2018): August
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (590.815 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v2i3.15676


In this study the problem was that the implementation of Penjasorkes learning was not maximum in SLB N 2 Padang. The implementation of Penjasorkes learning had not been success caused by a teaching strategy that was not appropriate with the condition such as the use of learning media that had not been able to provide physical education effectively and efficiently to students. So that it made the students were less creative and less motivated in doing physical activities, especially athletic material and the basic movements of running, throwing and jumping which were presented in the form of game. This research included development research that aimed to produce athletic learning media through playing with basic movements of running, jumping, and throwing for mentally retarded students at SLB N 2 Padang. Finally, this research was expected to contribute and be useful for the development of science especially in the field of physical education, sports and health. It could be concluded that there was a significant effect of the development of learning media on the basic athletic abilities of students in SLB N 2 Padang with an increase 3.49 in the average score, from the average score of pre test 50 and the post test 53.49.