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The Effectiveness of KWL Strategy for Reading Comprehension Faudi Faudi; Lia Erlisa; Isnaini Putri; Mouna Lidza; Cici Orensi
English LAnguage Study and TEaching Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Vol 1 Nomor 1 2020 Elaste
Publisher : Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.985 KB) | DOI: 10.32672/elaste.v1i1.2554


Some strategies used by teachers when teaching English seemed to be less effective, causing the students to have a comprehension difficulty, including in reading. This issue was also found among the students of SMA Negeri 1 Darul Imarah, Aceh Besar. This study was therefore conducted to find out whether or not the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Darul Imarah taught reading comprehension by using KWL Strategy will receive a higher score than those taught without KWL Strategy. This study used the quantitative method with experimental design. Sixty students were taken as the sample. The data were analyzed by using t-test, and the result showed that the t-score of two means between post-test of experimental and control group was 2.19 thus, the t-test was higher than the critical value of the t-test for the degree freedom of 58 (167) at the level of significance 0.05.
Struktur keluarga dan perilaku merokok pada remaja: analisis data sakerti 3 tahun 2000 Isnaini Putri; Mubasysyir Hasanbasri; Djaswadi Dasuki
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat (BKM) Vol 20, No 3 (2004)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bkm.3697


Backgrounds: Several conditions such as lung cancer, bronchitis, heart disorder, stroke and reproductive health problems are related to smoking. Number of adolescent smokers are increasing. The Indonesia Smoking Survey 2001 reported that about 40% of adolescents were smokers. We study smoking among adolescents in the context of family social control and health behavior. Parents' social control is important in healthy behavior. The absence of parental control provides a greater chance for adolescents to be influenced by their peer and social environment. Family structure is defined in terms of the living arrangement. We assume that adolescents who live with parents have a close control and social support for positive health behavior. Adolescents who do not live with their parents are assumed to have a weak control than those who do, and therefore they are more likely to smoke. Objectives: This study examines the relationship between not-living with parents (vs living with parents) and smoking status among adolescents. Methods: This study uses the 2000 Indonesian Family Life Survey, with the sample of 10136 respondents aged 15-24 in 13 provinces in Indonesia. If a respondent smokes during the survey, we include them as smoker. Others are non-smokers. The main statistical analysis used in this study is logistic regression. Results: Controlling for age, education, working status, rural-urban, parental smoking, there is a significant relationship between not-living with parents and smoking. Adolescents who did not live with their parents are 3.4 times more likely to smoke than those who did. Conclusion: Living or not living with parents had an impact on adolescent smoking. Some efforts to disseminate information about smoking among adolescents and the stronger regulation on smoking among these age groups are suggested as the substitute for their parental control. Keywords: smoking, adolescents, family structure, SAKERTI 3, living with parents
Literature Review : Efektivitas Teknik Hypnobreastfeeding dan Terapi Musik Terhadap Kelancaran Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum Maulina Maulina; Adri Idiana; Isnaini Putri
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i1.2871


Latar Belakang : Cakupan ASI eksklusif di Indonesia pada tahun 2014 sebesar 37,3%, tahun 2015 sebesar 55,7%, tahun 2016 sebesar 54%, tahun 2017 sebesar 61,33%, dan pada tahun 2018 mengalami penurunan yang signifikan yaitu sebesar 37,3%. Dibandingkan dengan target yang ditetapkan oleh Kemenkes RI yaitu 80% maka capaian ASI eksklusif di Indonesia belum memenuhi target. Anak yang tidak diberikan ASI memiliki risiko semakin meningkat untuk sakit, dan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan anak. Terdapat upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI melalui teknik hypnobreastfeeding dan terapi musik pada ibu nifas. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: melakukan review pada beberapa artikel tentang Efektivitas Teknik Hypnobreastfeeding dan Terapi Musik terhadap Kelancaran Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Literatur Review yang didapakan dari 7 artikel yang menjelaskan tentang teknik hypnobreastfeeding dan terapi musik. Hasil Penelitian berdasarkan 7 artikel yang di review didapatkan hasil penelitian yaitu teknik hypnobreastfeeding efektif dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu post partum, dan terapi musik juga efektif  dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI. Kesimpulan: Teknik hypnobreastfeeding lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan terapi musik dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui, karena dapat dilihat dari jumlah produksi ASI setelah dilakukan hypnobreastfeeding lebih banyak.Kata kunci: Hypnobreastfeeding, relaksasi, terapi musik, menyusui, ibu post partum,Background: Exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Indonesia in 2014 amounted to 37.3%, in 2015 amounted to 55.7%, in 2016 amounted to 54%, in 2017 amounted to 61.33%, and in 2018 experienced a significant decrease of 37.3%. Compared to the target set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which is 80%, the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has not met the target. Children who are not breastfed have an increased risk of getting sick which can inhibit child growth. There are efforts to increase breast milk production through hypnobreastfeeding techniques and music therapy in postpartum women. The objectives of this study are: to review several articles on the Effectiveness of Hypnobreastfeeding Techniques and Music Therapy on the Smoothness of Milk Production in Post Partum Mothers. This research method uses the Literature Review method which is obtained from 7 articles describing hypnobreastfeeding techniques and music therapy. The results of the study based on 7 articles reviewed obtained research results that hypnobreastfeeding techniques are effective in increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers, and music therapy is also effective in increasing breast milk production. Conclusion: Hypnobreastfeeding technique is more effective than music therapy in increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers because it can be seen from the amount of milk production after hypnobreastfeeding more than after music therapy.Keywords: Hypnobreastfeeding, relaxation, music therapy, breastfeeding, postpartum mothers