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JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.718 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jstundiksha.v9i1.22774


Diare masih menjadi masalah global dengan derajat kesakitan dan kematian yang tinggi di berbagai negara. Diare dapat menyerang wisatawan yang mengunjungi objek wisata di kawasan negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab diare wisatawan adalah bakteri Escherichia coli pathogen yang memiliki gen penyandi protein transport yang berperan dalam patogenesis diare.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi gen penyandi protein transport sebagai kandidat vaksin subunit terhadap E. coli penyebab diare wisatawan.. Pengambilan sampel feses dilakukan di Ubud Care Clinic pada wisatawan yang melakukan pemeriksaan diare. Sampel dikultur pada media Eosin Metilen Blue, koloni tersangka kemudian diuji biokimia untuk mengkonfirmasi jenis bakteri yang ditemukan. Isolat positif E.coli selanjutnya disubkultur pada media Nutriet Broth, kemudian DNA E.coli diisolasi dengan GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit. DNA hasil isolasi selanjutnya digunakan sebagai template reaksi PCR menggunakan pasangan primer yang mengenali gen aidA penyandi protein transport pada E.coli. Berdasarkan hasil kultur pada media EMB dan hasil uji biokimia pada media TSIA, SIM, Simon Citrat dan uji gula-gula didapatkan sebanyak 20 (59 %) dari 34 sampel feses penderita diare wisatawan positif bakteri E. coli. DNA dari 20 isolat E.coli berhasil diisolasi dengan ukuran sekitar 12000-13000 bp. Hasil PCR dari 20 sampel DNA bakteri E. coli terdapat 5 sampel positif mengandung gen aidA yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya pita DNA tunggal dengan ukuran sekitar 585 bp. Keberadaan gen aidA yang menyandi protein transport menunjukkan sifat patogenitas, yang membedakan antara E.coli pathogen dengan E.coli non-patogen
Hubungan Frekuensi Gen Knock-Down Resistance (KDR) V1016G, V410L, dan F1534C dengan Tingkat Resistensi Populasi Aedes aegypti di Denpasar, Bali Erly Sintya; Kartika Sari; Ni Wayan Widhidewi; Ni Made Hegard Sukmawati; Ni Putu Diah Witari; Tangking Widarsa
Jurnal Vektor Penyakit Vol 15 No 2 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Donggala, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/vektorp.v15i2.4907


ABSTRACT Insecticides are used to reduce the number of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, a vector of the dengue virus that causes dengue hemorrhagic fever in Indonesia, including in Bali. However, in recent years, the resistance of the Ae. aegypti mosquito to insecticides has been reported in Bali. In addition, Ae. aegypti is also identified to be resistant to several types of insecticides whose resistance mechanism is not yet clear. Several studies have stated that the KDR genes are one of the causes of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the frequency of the KDR genes in the Ae. aegypti population in Denpasar, Bali which had been previously shown resistance to permethrin (type of pyrethroid). Forty-three females Ae. aegypti specimens from bioassay testing using permethrin stored in tubes containing 100% ethanol were used in this study. Each mosquito is put in a different tube. The mosquito DNA was then extracted. Three KDR genes, V1016G, V410L, and F1534C, were analyzed using the quantitative-PCR melt curve method at the Biomolecular Laboratory, FKIK Unwar. In this study, the mutation frequency of 1016G was 98%, 410L was 50%, and 1534C was 3.4%. The 410L mutant gene was shared by all specimens, although only in one allele (heterozygous). Of the 43 specimens, 39 had homozygous mutant V1016G, heterozygous V410L, and wild typehomozygous F1534C. It indicated that the frequency of the 1016G and 410L mutant genes is quite high, while the 1534C gene is low. The combination of the KDR 1016G and 410L genes was the most dominant found in permethrin-resistant Ae. aegypti specimens. Therefore, it is assumed that these two KDR genes play a role in forming permethrin resistance in Ae. aegypti. ABSTRAK Insektisida digunakan untuk menurunkan jumlah nyamuk Aedes aegypti yang merupakan vektor virus dengue penyebab penyakit demam berdarah dengue di Indonesia, termasuk di Bali. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, resistensi nyamuk Ae. aegypti terhadap insektisida dilaporkan sudah terjadi di Bali. Selain itu, Ae. aegypti juga dilaporkan resisten terhadap beberapa jenis insektisida yang mekanisme terjadinya resistensi belum diketahui. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan bahwa gen KDR menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya mekanisme resistensi terhadap insektisida golongan peritroid. Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui frekuensi gen KDR pada populasi Ae. aegypti di Denpasar, Bali yang sebelumnya telah terbukti memiliki resistensi permetrin (insektisida golongan peritroid). Sebanyak 43 spesimen Ae. aegypti betina hasil dari pengujian bioassay yang tersimpan dalam tabung yang berisi etanol 100% digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Tiap nyamuk dimasukkan dalam tabung yang berbeda. Selanjutnya dilakukan ekstraksi DNA nyamuk. Tiga jenis gen KDR, yaitu V1016G, V410L, and F1534C, dianalisis dengan metode quantitative-PCR melt curve di Laboratorium Biomolekuler FKIK Unwar. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan frekuensi mutasi 1016G sebesar 98%, 410L 50%, dan 1534C sebesar 3,4%. gen mutan 410L dimiliki oleh seluruh spesimen walaupun hanya pada salah satu alel (heterozigot). Dari 43 spesimen yang diteliti, terdapat 39 spesimen yang memiliki profil genotip V1016G homosigot mutan, V410L heterosigot, dan F1534C homosigot wild type. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa frekuensi gen mutan 1016G dan 410L cukup tinggi, sedangkan gen 1534C rendah. Kombinasi gen KDR 1016G dan 410L paling dominan ditemukan pada spesimen Ae. aegypti resisten permetrin. Kedua gen KDR diasumsikan berperan dalam pembentukan resistensi permetrin pada Ae. aegypti.
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Ibu PKK Desa Bresela dalam Peningkatan Pengetahuan Gizi Seimbang untuk Pencegahan Stunting Anak Agung Gede Budhitresna; Sri Ratna Dewi; Ayu Savitri Siskayani; Kartika Sari
JURNAL SEWAKA BHAKTI Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Sewaka Bhakti
Publisher : UNHI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/jsb.v8i1.2260


Stunting is a linear growth disorder caused by chronic nutrient intake malnutrition and or chronic or recurrent infectious diseases as indicated by a z-score for height for age (TB/U) less than -2 standard deviations (SD) based on World Health Organization standards (WHO). Stunting describes chronic undernutrition status during growth and development since early life. The prevalence of stunting in Gianyar Regency, Bali Province in 2013 was 40.99%. One of the 10 villages at the locus of stunting in Gianyar Regency is Bresela Village. The main factor causing stunting in Gianyar district based on data verification from the District Health Office. Gianyar, among others: smoking habits, personal hygiene in food preparation, level of adequacy of vitamin A, and availability of clean water. The problems that are often found are the lack of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of the community regarding balanced nutrition and stunting in toddlers, therefore, together with partners, community empowerment is carried out through counseling about balanced nutrition as an effort to prevent stunting. Based on the pre and posttest evaluations, it was found that the knowledge of the PKM partners had increased from before and after the education had increased significantly (p value = 0.000).
Prevalensi Ekspresi Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) pada Karsinoma Penis Gede Khrisnanda Arya Dharma; Desak Putu Oki Lestari; Ni Wayan Armerinayanti; Ni Luh Putu Eka Kartika Sari
AMJ (Aesculapius Medical Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.338 KB)


Abstrak Kanker penis merupakan penyakit keganasan pada laki laki yang ditemukan paling tinggi di Bali dibandingkan dengan daerah lain di Indonesia. Sekitar 95% keganasan pada penis adalah jenis karsinoma sel skuamosa (KSS). Perkembangan terapi kanker saat ini telah mencapai targeted terapi, sedangkan belum banyak penelitian pada kanker penis. Perkembangan targeted terapi berdasarkan overekspresi EGFR telah banyak berkembang dan telah dipakai sebagai individual terapi terutama pada kanker paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ekspresi EGFR pada KSS penis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional untuk mengetahui prevalensi ekspresi EGFR dari pemeriksaan imuno histokimia, sel tumor terpulas positif berwarna coklat kuat mengelilingi seluruh membran sel tumor. Hasil penelitian dari 141 sampel karsinoma sel skuamosa penis yang diambil dari biopsi, operasi penektomi parsial, dan operasi penektomi total didapat prevalensi ekspresi EGFR yang terpulas positif pada sel tumor kanker penis sebanyak 8 kasus (5,7%) dengan distribusi umur tertinggi pada kelompok umur 41-60 tahun sebanyak 66 kasus (46,8%). Pengetahuan tentang overekspresi EGFR pada kanker penis dapat dijadikan dasar rujukan pemberian anti EGFR terutama pada kanker penis dengan stadium lanjut.
Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Siswa-Siswi Sekolah melalui Program Bina Sekolah Sehat: Adaptasi Pandemi COVID-19 Ni Ketut Witri Cahyani; I Putu Jaya Suputra; Meilla Ayu Suryaningsih; Pande Ayu Naya Kasih Permatananda; Ni Luh Putu Eka Kartika Sari
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/jppm.v8i2.391


Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada banyak aspek kehidupan di seluruh dunia, termasuk pendidikan. Mengawali sistem pembelajaran tatap muka setelah dua tahun menghadapi pandemi menyebabkan diperlukannya usaha besar untuk beradaptasi dan mempersiapkan diri maupun fasilitas dalam menunjang pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, tim Bina Sekolah Sehat (BSS) 2022 menawarkan suatu kegiatan pemberian materi edukasi dan simulasi ke beberapa sekolah binaan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa sekolah binaan terkait materi yang dibawakan. Metode pelaksanaanya berupa screening lingkungan dan kesehatan mental, penyuluhan terkait materi pengenalan Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) dan dokter kecil, perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), kesehatan lingkungan, kesehatan reproduksi, dan kesehatan mental. Kemudian, ditutup dengan follow up untuk mengetahui kondisi sekolah setelah terlaksanannya kegiatan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 138 siswa/i dan keberhasilannya terlihat dari hasil post-test yang memuaskan. Melalui kegiatan BSS 2022, diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah untuk mengenalkan kembali materi-materi yang sebelumnya belum efektif diberikan selama pandemi sekaligus menjadi awal untuk keberlanjutan program tersebut. The pandemic of COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of life around the world, including education. Going back to face-to-face learning system after facing a pandemic for two years needed a large effort to adapt and prepare either ourselves or the facilities to support learning. Therefore the 2022 Bina Sekolah Sehat (BSS) team offered an activity to provide educational material and simulations to several schools. This activity aimed to increase the knowledge of those selected school regarding materials presented. The method of implementation was in the form of environmental and mental health screening, counseling related to the introduction of Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) and mini doctors, clean and healthy living behaviors, environmental health, reproductive health, and mental health. Then it was closed by following up to determine how the program could impact those targeted schools. The participation in this activity was 138 students and its success could be seen from the satisfactory post-test results. Through the 2022 BSS activities, it was hoped that it could be a forum for reintroducing materials that were previously ineffective during the pandemic as well as being the beginning of the sustainability of the program.
Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan dengan Kualitas Tidur pada Mahasiswa Tahap Pre-Klinik dalam Menghadapi Ujian Blok di Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Warmadewa Ni Made Aninda Febriyanti; Putu Asih Primatanti; Ni Luh Putu Eka Kartika Sari
AMJ (Aesculapius Medical Journal) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Warmadewa

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Anxiety is a mental problem that is often experienced by medical students which can be interpreted as feeling worried and unable to perform obligations. The academic obligations that medical students have to perform such as block exams encountered are the initial triggers for anxiety that affect sleep quality. Sustained anxiety will affect the quality of student sleep, resulting in impaired physiological and psychological balance. This research aims to analyze the correlation between anxiety level and sleep quality of pre-clinical students when facing block exams in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of Warmadewa University. This research applied analytical study design using cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique was using proportional random sampling approach. The sample of the research covered 227 students of medical education. The instruments of this research were Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) dan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The data analysis techniques employed within this research were univariate and bivariate analyses using the Rank Spearman test. The result of the analysis shows that out of the 227 samples; 146 respondents (64.3) indicated no anxiety, 44 respondents (19.4%) indicated mild anxiety, 19 respondents (9.3%) indicated moderate anxiety, and 14 respondents indicated (6.2%) severe anxiety. In terms of sleep quality; 67 respondents (29.5%) indicated good sleep quality and 160 respondents (70.5%) indicated poor sleep quality. The results of the Rank Spearman test analysis showed the value of p = 0.006 which means that p<0.05. So it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between anxiety level and sleep quality of pre-clinical students when facing block exams.
Hubungan antara Durasi Penggunaan Komputer dengan Kelelahan Mata pada Pegawai Bank BPD Cabang Utama Denpasar Ni Made Adinda Sadhana Pramadani; Ni Wayan Rusni; Ni Luh Putu Eka Kartika Sari
Aesculapius Medical Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/amj.4.1.2024.9-15


[Correlation between Duration of Computer Use and Eye Fatigue in Employees of BPD Bank Main Branch Denpasar] Eye fatigue is a condition when the eye muscles are overworked beyond their capacity, especially when looking at close objects for a long time. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of eye fatigue in the world ranges from 40% to 90%. One activity that often causes eyestrain is computer use. This condition can be affected by individual and environmental factors, and will induce the symptoms such as headaches, blurry vision, sore eyes, and other related symptoms. The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between the duration of computer use and eye fatigue among the employees of the BPD Bank Main Branch in Denpasar. This research was held from November 2022 until February 2023. The method used for this research was the cross-sectional analytic method. Purposive sampling was used to collect samples, and 88 samples were obtained from employees of the BPD Bank Main Branch in Denpasar. The data collection that used was the Visual Fatigue Index (VFI) questionnaire. The data were analyzed using a chi-square test (p < 0.05). The result showed that the prevalence of computer use duration was ≤ 4 hours (12,5%) and > 4 hours (87,5%). The prevalence of eye fatigue was 67%. The chi-square test results obtained a p-value = 0.021, indicating a significant correlation between the duration of computer use and eye fatigue in employees of the BPD Bank Main Branch in Denpasar. Based on the results obtained, the company needs to conduct an evaluation regarding the duration of work to minimize eye fatigue and improve working comfort for employees.