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Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/j-icom.v1i1.2874


Employees certainly get their rights in the workplace, one of them is right in getting leave. With the sophistication of technology owned by the company, it provides an opportunity for authors to create an online leave information system to make it easier for employees to apply for leave quickly. The system is built using the waterfall software development method or often be called as classic life cycle and with PHP as its programming language. The result of system is that this system can make employees more practical in the process of applying for leave while the employees are not in the company. This information system also allows admin to be quicker in submitting the leave request form to the leader to be followed up and then printed by the admin if it has been granted permission by the leader.
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/j-icom.v1i2.2886


Technological developments now provide many changes in every institution, from government to companies, all of which take advantage of technology that has brought great progress in various fields in every agency. Likewise with PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda. The purpose of the fertilizer sales application at PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda is so that workers can control the sales flow computerized and data is stored digitally so that it does not require a large storage space compared to being done manually. Of course, in designing and making this application, there are several steps that need to be done, namely by understanding the current system, formulating existing problems, then designing and making an information system that is able to solve ongoing problems.
Sistem Deteksi kualitas Beras Berdasarkan Warna menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Guna Membantu Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Dewi Lestari; Nurul Fadillah; Ahmad Ihsan
InfoTekJar : Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan Vol 3, No 2 (2019): InfoTekJar Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (640.071 KB) | DOI: 10.30743/infotekjar.v3i2.920


Beras  merupakan bahan makanan pokok bangsa Indonesia. Tidak hanya di Indonesia, sebagian besar penduduk dunia juga memilih beras sebagai bahan makanan pokok utama. Semakin tingginya  konsumsi beras di Indonesia dapat memicu terjadinya perkembangan beras bebas produk, maka dari itu masyarakat yang cerdas harus lebih teliti dalam melihat warna beras, apakah warna beras tersebut bagus dan layak untuk di masak atau warna beras tersebut termasuk kategori warna beras tidak bagus.  Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini adalah metode Fuzzy C-Means. Algoritma Fuzzy C-Means merupakan satu algoritma yang mudah dan sering di gunakan dalam pengelompokkan data karena membuat suatu perkiraan yang efisien dan tidak memerlukan banyak parameter. Pada kasus penelitian ini akan menganalisis penerapan metode Fuzzy C-Means untuk mengelompokkan beras bagus dan beras tidak bagus berdasarkan warna beras, dengan menggunakan dua gambar objek yang di jadikan sebagai sampel data. Salah satu teknik fuzzy clustering adalah Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM). FCM merupakan suatu teknik pengklasteran data yang keberadaan setap datanya dalam suatu cluster di tentukan oleh nilai/derajat keanggotaan tertentu. Beberapa penelitian telah menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa metode Fuzzy C-Means dapat di gunakan untuk mengelompokkan data berdasarkan atribut-atribut tertentu.  Penerapan algorita Fuzzy C-Means dalam penentuan kategori warna beras di kelompokkan menjadi 2 cluster yaitu beras tidak bagus dan beras bagus. Dari sampel data yang diambil di peroleh 2 cluster berdasarkan kriteria mana yang lebih di kategorikan dengan nilai terbesar pada jarak akhir merupakan cluster warna beras yang bagus, sedangkan cluster dengan nilai terkecil merupakan cluster yang di kategorikan beras tidak bagus. Pada gambar objek ke-1 range nilai 0.1667 - 0.9877 untuk kategori beras bagus dan 0.2 - 0.1667 untuk kategori beras tidak bagus. Sementara pada gambar objek ke-2 yaitu dengan range 0.9583 - 0.9936 untuk kategori beras bagus dan 0.6742 - 0.9596 untuk kategori beras tidak bagus.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.098 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.5445


Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi wireless tumbuh dan berkembang dengan pesat, dimana setiap saat kita selalu membutuhkan sarana telekomunikasi. Internet bisa diakses dengan jaringan kabel maupun jaringan nirkabel. Sekolah SMA Negeri 5 Kejuruan Muda di Kecamatan Tenggulun Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang berada jauh dari perkotaan dan jangkauan internet sehingga sinyal jaringan yang didapatkan tidak merata. Kondisi jaringan yang masih belum maksimal, baik dari kualitas maupun jarak jangkauan yang terbatas mengakibatkan proses pembelajaran dan administrasi sekolah tidak efektif dan tidak maksimal. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kualitas jaringan internet yang baik dan pemerataan penyebaran jaringan internet diseluruh lokasi sekolah. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan penyebaran jaringan digunakan teknologi Antena omni yang memiliki frekuensi dan high gain besar sehingga jangkauan internet lebih jauh dan baik. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dalam 3 (tiga) tahap yaitu sosialisasi, perancangan dan pemasangan antenna omni. Dari hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan didapatkan bahwa 68,2 persen respon terhadap pemasangan antenna omni berpendapat baik terutama waktu mengakses gmail, mendownload dan mengupload file.Abstract: The development of wireless technology grows and develops rapidly, where every time we always need telecommunications facilities. Internet can be accessed by wired network or wireless network. The SMA Negeri 5 Kejuruan Muda in Tenggulun District, Aceh Tamiang Regency is far from urban areas and internet coverage so that the network signal obtained is uneven. Network conditions that are still not optimal, both in terms of quality and limited range, have resulted in the learning process and school administration being ineffective and not optimal. Therefore, it takes a good quality internet network and an even distribution of the internet network in all school locations. To improve the quality and spread of the network, omni antenna technology is used which has a large frequency and high gain so that internet coverage is further and better. The stages of implementing the activity are carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely socialization, design and installation of omni antennas. From the results of the implementation of the activity, it was found that 68.2 percent of the responses to the installation of omni antennas were of a good opinion, especially when accessing gmail, downloading and uploading files.
Optimasi Penyelesaian Permainan Rubik’s Cube Menggunakan Algoritma IDA* dan Brute Force Chichi Rizka Gunawan; Ahmad Ihsan; Munawir Munawir
Jurnal Infomedia:Teknik Informatika, Multimedia & Jaringan Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Infomedia
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.833 KB) | DOI: 10.30811/jim.v3i1.627


Abstrak — Permainan rubik’s cube merupakan salah satu permainan yang penuh tantangan dan digemari anak muda. Bermain rubik’s cube itu mengasyikkan. Selain permainan kerangkasan logika, permainan ini juga dituntut bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikannya. Bagi orang-orang tertentu jenis permainan ini sulit untuk diselesaikan. Kesulitan itu karena seseorang harus berpikir berulang kali agar dapat menyamakan warna-warna pada setiap sisinya. Rubik’s cube adalah permainan kubus yang berukuran 3 x 3 x 3. Pemain berupaya menyelesaikan rubik’s cube dengan memutar enam warna yang berbeda di seluruh kubus sampai setiap dari enam sisi menunjukkan warna tertentu yang sama. Untuk menyelesaikan rubik’s cube dapat digunakan berbagai macam algoritma. Rubik’s cube dapat dicari penyelesaiannya dan solusi yang dihasilkan cukup singkat. Pada kali ini akan dikemukakan optimasi penyelesaian rubik’s cube dengan menggunakan algoritma IDA* dan algoritma Brute Force.Kata kunci — algoritma IDA*, algoritma Brute Force, Rubik’s Cube Abstract — Rubik's cube game is one of the most challenging and popular games of the young. Playing rubik's cube is fun. In addition to logic clever games, this game is also required to work hard to solve it. For certain people this type of game is difficult to complete. The difficulty is because one has to think over and over to be able to match the colors on each side. Rubik's cube is a 3 x 3 x 3 cube game. The player attempts to finish the rubik's cube by rotating six different colors across the cube until each of the six sides shows the same particular color. To finish rubik's cube can be used various kinds of algorithm. Rubik's cube can be searched for and the resulting solution is quite short. At this time will be proposed optimization of rubik's cube solving by using IDA * algorithm and Brute Force algorithm.Keywords— IDA * algorithm, Brute Force algorithm, Rubik's Cube
Sistem Notifikasi Surat Pada Kantor Pemerintahan Kota Langsa Berbasis Web Harys Fajri HF; Eka Julianti; Ahmad Ihsan
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/j-icom.v2i1.3235


Notifications are notifications about actions that affect them. This notification can help users be more aware of events related to them and, if they want, can take action quickly, this notification is indispensable for letters, Letters can be interpreted as a means of communication to convey written information by one party to another by purpose tells the intent of the message from the sender. This notification system is made using PHP which will be designed using ERD and DFD and will produce a web with notification system for incoming and outgoing mail.
Segmentasi Citra Medis untuk Deteksi Objek FAM pada Payudara Menggunakan Metode Sobel Riska Nanda; Sri Wulan Dari; Ahmad Ihsan
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v3i4.1232


Fibroa Adenoma Mammae (FAM) or called a benign tumor is the most common tumor found in the breast, often this disease is considered as breast cancer by some laymen, but this disease is different from cancer because Fibroadenoma (FAM) can grow in all parts of the breast, In identifying FAM, doctors or radiologists usually have to analyze carefully the images of Magnetic Resonance stored in the format of Digital Imaging Communication In Medicine (DICOM). This process is certainly quite time consuming. Thus the author feels the need to create a digital image processing application to help doctors or radiologists identify FAM in the breast by utilizing the segmentation process in medical images of USG results using the Sobel method. This method performs the original image segmentation process by detecting the edges of the image then the segmentation results are converted into binary images so the system can determine the FAM area. Medical image segmentation using the Sobel method is good for determining the edges of FAM objects because the edges can be clearly seen but for some image images with less resolution as previously tested, edge detection will be difficult to determine the edges of smooth objects and only form lines rough edges.
Deteksi Mata Mengantuk pada Pengemudi Mobil Menggunakan Metode Viola Jones Imanuddin Imanuddin; Fachrid Alhadi; Raza Oktafian; Ahmad Ihsan
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 18 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.406 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v18i2.389


Computer Vision is one of the branches of Image processing science that allows a combination of human beings, such as identifying an object like an eye and taking a decision. Many of the face detection systems use the Viola Jones method as an object detection method. The method of Viola Jones is known by having high speed and accuracy because it is useful to combine several concepts such as (Haar Features, Integral Image, AdaBoost, and Cascade Classifier) into a major method for detecting objects. The programming language used in this study uses the MATLAB programming language to facilitate the process of creating the system. The research aims to implement Viola Jones into a simple eye-sensing drowsiness system by utilizing the existing libraries in the MATLAB programming language. Once the system is completed, a system test is performed against the detected drowsiness detection characteristics. This eye drowsiness detection system aims to determine if the car rider is sleepy or not when driving with an input in the form of eye detection taken using a digital camera and then inserted into a language Programming GUI Matlab where the value is taken binary eyes, sleepy eyes and not sleepy that will be a reference that will be processed later so that it can produce the output of a warning sound to the rider of the sleepy car vehicle or not The sleepy automatically. The testing of the program gained an amount detected 7 eyes of 10 eyes by using BW 0255 level which is useful to accelerate a program to detect sleepy eyes.
Optimasi Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor untuk Klasifikasi Tingkat Kematangan Buah Alpukat Berdasarkan Warna M. Habib Hanafi; Nurul Fadillah; Ahmad Insan
IT Journal Research and Development Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.964 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/itjrd.2019.vol4(1).2477


Sistem komputerisasi semakin dibutuhkan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Salah satu sistem komputerisasi yang butuh pengujian serta pemngembangan sistem lebih lanjut ialah klasifikasi citra digital. Salah satu topik yang dapat diangkat ialah tentang kematangan buah alpukat. Alpukat (Perseaamericana mill) merupakan tanaman yang dapat tumbuh subur di daerah tropis seperti Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang digemari masyarakat karena selain rasanya yang enak juga kandungan antioksidannya yang tinggi. Alpukat Memiliki nilai warna yang mirip disetiap tingkat kematangan buah, menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dibahas dan menjadi fokus utama dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor Clasifier untuk memperoleh hasil klasifikasi buah. K-Nearest Neigtbor Classifier (k-NN) adalah sebuah metode untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap objek berdasarkan data pembelajaran yang jaraknya paling dekat dengan objek tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah menguji keakuratan algoritma k-nearest neighbor pada klasifikasi tingkat kematangan buah alpukat. Pengujian dilakukan dengan memperoleh nilai data training dan melakukan uji system. Data uji training menggunakan tiga objek jenis alpukat yang berbeda yaitu matang, setengah matang dan mentah. Sedangkan pengujian pada sistem dilakukan dengan melakukan input data berupa 30 sample alpukat ke sistem yang telah dirancang. Sample buah alpukat berupa gambar berekstensi .jpg dan .png yang terdiri dari 9 sampel alpukat setengah matang. 10 sampel alpukat matang dan 11 sampel alpukat mentah. Hasil dari pengujian sistem ini memperoleh nilai keakuratan sebesar 66,67 %. Tingkat keserasian yang mirip dari ketiga jenis kematangan alpukat menjadi factor utama dari minimnya perolehan nilai kekuratan sistem.
Acehnese traditional clothing recognition based on augmented reality using hybrid tracking method Ahmad Ihsan; Nurul Fadillah; Chicha Rizka Gunawan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 20, No 2: November 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v20.i2.pp1030-1036


Aceh's traditional clothing is cultural heritage in Indonesia. In today's, the problem faced is the lack of media to introduce cultural heritage in Aceh. Therefore was formed a media which could recognition Acehnese traditional clothing using Augmented Reality technology. Augmented Reality technology is used to users can add virtual objects to real environments. In this research, the method used is the Hybrid Tracking method, a Hybrid Tracking method is a combination tracking system of two or more tracking techniques, hybrid tracking is used to get a better tracking system and to get tracking speeds based on better distances. The results showed that the reading of markers by the cameras was greatly influenced by distance, light intensity, marker angle, and size of the device's RAM. The closest distance from the marker to the camera that can display 3D objects is 20 cm while the farthest distance cannot display 3D objects is 100 cm. And the angle of reading the marker is only around 0° an angle of 45°. The average distance that can detect markers is 0.5 m, the average time that can be detected is 0.068 sec, and the average speed obtained is 7.505 m / sec.