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Journal : Jurnal Teknik PWK

Kajian Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Kesesuaiannya Dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Penginderaan Jauh Alan Kurnia Setiawan; Sri Rahayu
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Rejang Lebong Regency has problems with Land Use (LU) change, which has an impact on increasing space utilization. The rise of this issue has led to cases of spatial violation, namely the existence of LU that aren’t in accordance with Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW). This study aims to examine LU change in Rejang Lebong in 2005-2016 and its suitability with Rejang Lebong RTRW 2012-2032. The method used in this study’s descriptive quantitative with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing based analysis technique. The result shows that the LU change in 2005-2016 was 55,336,17 Ha, of which 86.75% of it were in accordance with RTRW, while 13.25% of it weren’t in accordance with RTRW. Result of research indicate there’re 374,77 Ha of it located in disaster prone area, that’s in Sindang Kelingi District, Sindang Dataran, Bermani Ulu, Bermani Ulu Raya and Binduriang. In the area of settlement 299.96 Ha of them lies in the steep slopes whose characteristics aren’t suitable as it. This discrepancies, particularly those occurring in protected areas, can’ve a negative impact on the sustainability of nature and increase the vulnerability of communities in the event of a disaster. This’s because there’re new settlement areas developing in protected areas.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Penggunaan Lahan Pertanian Oleh Petani Pada Daerah Rawan Longsor Di Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo Agastyan Akbar Syahputra Nugraha; Sri Rahayu
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 7, No 4 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Kejajar District is one of the districts included in the category of high landslide hazard at Wonosobo Regency. There are a few factors that may cause the hazard besides the topography condition, which is the high conversion of forestland to horticultural farming such as potato in particular. The decrease in forest vegetation, which has a strong root grip in highlands with steep slopes and its function as the water absorption region will accelerate the soil erosion. The aim of this study is to observe the factors affecting the horticultural land use by farmers in landslide prone areas with a quantitative method that consists of spatial analysis, descriptive statistic, and crosstab analysis. Based on the result of the study using the non-probability sampling, the result showed that the factors affecting horticultural land use were economic and socio-cultural factors. The length of time for horticultural farming business in the region with a time span of > 20 years, indicated that horticultural farming business was not only for consumption or potential exploitation of the natural characteristics. Yet, there was a beneficial factor from the economic side that brought the local communities to make use of their horticultural land for business. As time goes by, it eventually became a cultural order to the locals for making the horticultural land as business. The local government has made various conservative efforts, however reinforcement is needed from certain sides. Considering the planning and paradigm change are long term process, accordingly reinforcement is required not only from the technical side, but also from the non-technical side by collaboration and participative planning.
Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Pantai Ngebum Kabupaten Kendal Oktaviana Rahayu Jati Asmoro; Sri Rahayu
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 8, No 3 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Tourism is a highly developing sector in Indonesia. Indonesia has so many tourism spots that its government is focusing on making policies on how to develop its tourism potentials. There are five things that need to be considered on tourism development, namely tourists, accessibility, tourist attractions, tourist accommodation, and promotions. Pantai Ngebum is one of many tourist sites in Kendal Regency. Pantai Ngebum has been opened as a tourism spot since 2010 but is still poorly managed independently by people of Mororejo Village where it is located. Due to its poor management, tourism facilities’ condition in Pantai Ngebum is considered low. On weekdays, Pantai Ngebum is usually visited by up to 100 people, but on weekends or holiday seasons the visitors could reach up to 1.600 people. Because of the high interest from the visitors, Pantai Ngebum is expected to improve its development so it can be one of Kendal Regency's top tourism sites. This research is aimed to find tourism development strategies in Pantai Ngebum using SWOT analysis.
Implikasi Perubahan Kerapatan Bangunan Dan Kerapatan Vegetasi Terhadap Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Di Kota Tangerang Ratu Kusumasindy; Sri Rahayu
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Tangerang City has an increasing population with an annual average of 1.87% between 2009-2019. Increased space requirements, leading to land function changes. The conversion of land use will change the built-up and the vegetation index will affect green open spaces. If it does not support properly, there will be less green open space in Tangerang City. The purpose of the research is to examine implied changes in the built-up and the vegetation index on green open space in Tangerang City. The analysis will be carried out by built-up index, and vegetation index carried out in 2009, 2014, 2019. The analysis is carried out to determine the distribution of the built-up and the vegetation index in the City of Tangerang, so that it can be seen which locations dominated by class distribution high and very high vegetation density. The density class is the assumption that represents green open space. Based on the analysis of the results, the green open space of Tangerang City is less than 30%. So, implications are related to the need for green open space in Tangerang City. The government has implemented the green open space development that has been carried out in the Tangerang City RTRW 2012-2032.
Daya Dukung Air untuk Daya Dukung Lingkungan di Kabupaten Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah Vitalia Irmawati; Sri Rahayu
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 9, No 4 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Water carrying capacity is the capability of water to meet needs by considering water availability. This research uses quantitative approach methods. While the formula used to calculate the air carrying capacity is the runoff coefficient method of Permen LH No.17 in 2009 by comparing the water availability and water needs. The study of water carrying capacity is done to know the carrying capacity of water in Semarang Regency. The results of this study showed that the water carrying capacity in Semarang Regency in general in 2018 has a deficit, with the value of water carrying capacity at 0.66. However, three out of nineteen subdistricts can still meet their water needs or water surpluses is the subdistricts of Banyubiru, Susukan and Sumowono with each of the value of water carrying capacity of 2.58, 1.09 and 1.04. Meanwhile, in 2028 showed a decrease in the value of water carrying capacity in Kabupaten Semarang to 0.48. In 2028 there is only one district that can meet the needs of water or surplus water is Banyubiru subdistricts with a carrying capacity value of 1.96. The condition occurs in line with the land cover change that affects water availability, as well as a significant increase in population, causing water needs to increase as well. The results of this research can be input for the Semarang Regency government in determining the future policy, especially in the development.
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 4, No 3 (2015): Agustus 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Keterbatasan luas lahan yang ada di Kota Semarang menyebabkan kota ini mengalami perkembangan ke daerah pinggiran kota, seperti di Kelurahan Sambiroto, Kecamatan Tembalang. Perkembangan di Kelurahan Sambirotoini berupa pembangunan perumahan. Hal tersebut memicu dampak pada kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan dengan adanya pembangunan perumahan. Keadaan tersebut menarik untuk diteliti, dengan pertanyaan penelitian: apa dampak sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan dengan adanya pembangunan perumahan di Kelurahan Sambiroto?Hal ini penting untuk mengetahui dampak sebelum dan sesudah adanya pembangunan perumahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak yang muncul setelah adanya pembangunan perumahan terhadap sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan di Kelurahan Sambiroto.Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Teknik penggumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dibantu hasil wawancara dan hasil observasi lapangan. Hasil akhir penelitiandampak setelah adanya pembangunan perumahan terdiri dari 3 dampak yakni sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan.. Dampak sosial berupa menurunya partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan sosial, meningkatnya aktifitas masyarakat, perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat yang lebih konsumtif dan menurunya tingkat kriminalitas. Dampak terhadap ekonomiberupa meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat, penambahan fungsi rumah membuka lapangan usaha masyarakat, dan meningkatnya harga lahan.Dampak terhadap lingkungan berupa adanya perubahan alih fungsi lahan, terjadinya penurunan kualitas air sumur, peningkatan jaringan drainase dan jaringan jalan.
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Mei 2014
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Kota Jakarta merupakan kota yang sering terjadi bencana banjir. Salah satu kelurahan yang mengalami banjir adalah Kelurahan Ulujami di Kecamatan Pesanggrahan. Kelurahan ini merupakan daerah yang dilewati oleh Sungai Pesanggrahan yang merupakan salah satu sungai penyebab banjir di Jakarta. Masyarakat di Kelurahan Ulujami memiliki persepi mereka terhadap banjir dengan pengalaman mereka selama mereka mengenal banjir di daerah mereka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pemahaman masyarakat terhadap banjir dan tindakan masyarakat dalam mengatasi banjir yang sering melanda tempat tinggal mereka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman masyarakat mengenai banjir dan tindakan masyarakat dalam menghadapi banjir. Pemahaman banjir berupa penyebab banjir, dampak banjir, dan keinginan untuk pindah tempat tinggal, dimana pemahaman tersebut memiliki keterkaitannya dengan tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, jarak rumah dengan sungai, jumlah lantai rumah, dan status kepemilikan rumah. Tindakan responden dalam pra banjir adalah menyelamatkan jiwa mereka. Pada saat banjir, tindakan responden adalah mengungsi ke tempat pengungsian. Tindakan responden pada pasca banjir adalah meninggikan lantai rumah dan membuat tanggul di depan rumah mereka dalam menghadapi banjir selanjutnya.Rekomendasi untuk pemerintah adalah pembentukan kelompok tanggap bencana, sosialisasi mengenai pemahaman banjir, dan pemetaan daerah rawan bencana banjir dengan lingkup yang lebih kecil. Rekomendasi untuk masyarakat adalahmembuat sistem informasi dengan sistem jaringan komunikasi yang dikepalai oleh Ketua RT ke perwakilan masyarakat dan selanjutnya disampaikan ke masyarakat lainnya. Selain itu, ketua RT juga membuat sistem jaringan komunikasi ke pihak pemerintah yang berada diatas kepemimpinannya. 
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 3, No 3 (2014): Agustus 2014
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Kelompok tani Sido Makmur merupakan salah satu kelompok tani yang mengelola kegiatan dan usaha tani yang dapat dikatakan berkembang. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perkembangan usaha yang dikelola semakin bertambah dari tahun 1994 hingga saat ini. Salah satu unit usaha yang membuat kelompok tani ini terkenal adalah adanya kegiatan pengelolaan biogas skala rumah tangga dimana masing masing rumah tangga yang merupakan anggota kelompok tani memiliki satu instalasi biogas pribadi. Hingga saat ini terdapat sebanyak 62 unit reaktor biogas yang dimiliki oleh rumah tangga  yang merupakan anggota kelompok tani. Total jumlah anggota kelompok tani adalah sebanyak 129 orang hal ini berarti separuh responden telah memakai reaktor biogas ini. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini Dusun Pangkalan mendapatkan julukan sebagai “Kampung Biogas”. Aktivitas kegiatan dan usaha tani lain yang dikelola kelompok tani Sido Makmur selain biogas adalah  usaha ternak sapi,  kegiatan rutin seperti simpan pinjam, arisan kelompok dan tabungan kelompok, pembuatan kompos serta lumbung paceklik. Dengan adanya perkembangan aktivitas kegiatan dan usaha tani yang dikelola oleh kelompok tani Sido Makmur tentunya berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Berdasarkan potensi yang ada di dusun Pangkalan ini muncul pertanyaan “Bagaimana peran kelompok tani Sido Makmur dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Dusun Pangkalan khusunya anggota kelompok tani?” Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui  peran kelompok tani Sido Makmur terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Dusun Pangkalan.  Berdasarkan hasil temuan dan persepsi responden kelompok tani merupakan kelompok tani yang berkembang. Perkembangan kelompok tani ini ternyata berperan bagi perkembangan pembangunan sarana prasarana pertanian dan pedesaan di Dusun Pangkalan. Kesejahteraan petani pun meningkat sejak mengikuti kegiatan kelompok tani hal ini dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya pendapatan petani, struktur pengeluaran, ketahanan pangan dan daya beli petani. Masyarakat yang menjadi anggota kelompok tani juga menyatakan bahwa kesejahteraannya meningkat semenjak mengikuti kegiatan kelompok tani Sido Makmur.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan rekomendasi kepada pihak pemeritah supaya lebih meningkatkan kinerja terutama dalam percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur dibidang pertanian terutama pembangunan sarana irigasi dan penyediaan alat produksi pertanian agar lebih mendukung aktivitas kelompok tani Sido Makmur
Estimasi Cadangan Karbon Akibat Perubahan Tutupan Lahan di Kabupaten Kendal Ilyata Permata; Sri Rahayu
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 10, No 3 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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Greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of global warming through the Green House Effect event. This occurs due to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions from various emission sources, one of which is land cover change. Land cover on the earth's surface has a fixed carbon stock value that contributes to storing carbon stocks through its absorption capacity. So, if there is a change in land cover from one land cover to another, it will cause the carbon stock of a land cover to change. Research on changes in carbon stocks due to land cover changes were carried out in Kendal Regency. This study uses Landsat image data from 2008, 2013, and 2018. The method used is image interpretation with guided classifications and Stock Difference for calculating changes in carbon stocks. The results obtained from this study are the changes in land cover in Kendal Regency in 2008-2018. The occurrence of land cover conversion will affect the carbon stock stored in each type of land cover in the Kendal Regency. Kendal Regency's carbon stock for 10 years has decreased. In the period 2008-2013, the total decline in carbon stocks was -4,305,193.29 tons C. This situation was caused because land cover in 2008 had more total carbon stock than the total carbon stock in 2013. Meanwhile, in the 2013- period 2018, there was a change in the carbon stock of -1,450,080.51 ton C, where the land cover in 2013 had more total carbon stock compared to the total carbon stock stored in 2018. The difference in total carbon stock in a certain year is influenced by the area of land cover as well as the determination of the carbon stock that each land cover has. The results of calculations regarding the estimated carbon stock in the Kendal Regency can then be considered for stakeholders and policymakers to develop plans and scenarios (land use directions) that support the mitigation of land-based greenhouse gas emissions to address environmental problems.
Teknik PWK (Perencanaan Wilayah Kota) Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Mei 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

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The availability of human needs are not all available in one place, but scattered unevenly in different regions. So it will trigger a spatial interaction between one place to another. This happens in the business center of curing fish in Wonosari, Demak. These fish fogging activities triggered the spatial interactions between Wonosari the areas of raw material suppliers and territories marketing of products. This study was intended to determine the pattern of spatial interaction that occurs in the business center of curing fish in Wonosari. With the approach of quantitative research and quantitative research methods descriptive. The analysis used the analysis flow of business activities curing fish and spatial interaction pattern analysis. Analytical results from this research that there are two aspects that led to the occurrence of spatial interaction in business activities curing fish in Wonosari namely the aspect of input (supply of raw material, production equipment, transfer of knowledge) and the output aspect (marketing of products). From the results of analysis show that Juwana is an area of major raw material suppliers of the business center of curing fish in Wonosari, so the most powerful spatial interaction in the aspect of input occurs with the region. In the aspect of output (marketing), the largest market area is to Demak with large sales index to the region by (100%). This shows that the marketing of smoked fish products still dominated sales to the local region. So the conclusion is very strong spatial interaction with other areas occur on aspects of input and output interaction for the most powerful aspects of the local area itself.