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English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v5i1.393


This research was conducted with the purpose to develop the materials of textbook based on intercultural approach and character education as a guideline in learning English for senior high school class X in Purworejo regency, and to determine the validity of the development of textbooks. The method used in this research is R and D. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that English book published by the government in 2014 requires improvement in terms of 1) the current topic which are very important because the topics are most needed by the students as information directly from the book contained current trends, 2) Insight of diversity means that the knowledge, experience, and discourse reflected in the texts contained insight of diversity including the target language, and 3) Relationship with social emotional material students need to be improved. The material contained in this book will be developed based on the intercultural approach, meaning that based on the findings and goals to be achieved in this study, the findings of the field study is appropriate.Keywords: Textbooks, English, intercultural approach, character education
Using Technology-Based Media for Teaching Speaking in Intercultural Education Titi Rokhayati; Ana Widiyanti
Lingua Cultura Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022): Lingua Cultura
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v16i1.7752


The research aimed to study how did mobile-phone were used for teaching speaking in intercultural education? and was the use of mobile phone for teaching speaking in intercultural education effective? Intercultural competence could be seen in the teaching of speaking since the students had to reflect their ideas and opinions orally. Thus, the speaking ability would be much supported by intercultural education. To reach this, the use of technology-based media like mobile-phone in teaching speaking was needed to make it easier and more interesting. In the past decade, several studies have sought to determine the use of technology in education; however, in the university context, the issues of mobile phone used for teaching speaking in intercultural education had not been discussed extensively. The research employed explanatory sequential mix-method research. The instrument of the research was an observation, questionnaire, and test. The research population was 40 students of the fifth semester of the English Education Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. The finding shows that mobile phone is used as the primary tool to access the material and learning platform. Using mobile phones, the student’s speaking ability is improved by 18,3%. In addition, the finding shows that the use of mobile phones for teaching speaking in intercultural education is effective to help the teacher in delivering the material and boosting the students’ motivation to speak.
CLLiENT (Culture, Literature, Linguistics, and English Teaching) Vol 1 No 01 (2019): CLLiENT JOURNAL
Publisher : Language and Literature Faculty, Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ) Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/cllient.v1i01.671


Project-based learning (PBL) is very important for the students since in this project students learn many things. They learn how to have a survey, collecting data, cooperate with friends, find the respondent, present the data and conclude all things in the project. CCU or Cross-Cultural Understanding is one of the subjects which is compulsory for English Department students. The PBL is appropriate to be applied in CCU since at the end of the semester the students have to research on Culture by having the respondents in the surroundings. This research is a classroom observation research in which semester six are the samples. The finding said that collaboration, asking questions, reflecting and, presenting are some aspect which 100% happened in the classroom while the result of students’ questionnaire said that the students enjoy the class and they can take much benefit from the class.
CLLiENT (Culture, Literature, Linguistics, and English Teaching) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): CLLiENT JOURNAL
Publisher : Language and Literature Faculty, Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ) Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/cllient.v2i1.1269


There were two evaluations, measurement and assessment. The instruments of the evaluation must be valid and reliable. In the teaching and learning process, it had three aspects, input, process and outputs. The outputs had close relationship with evaluation. One of the kinds of evaluation was using portfolio in which the students’ work was being considered thoroughly. By using portfolio, a teacher was able to evaluate the students in detail. This research was descriptive qualitative in which it had 5 students as the subject and several students’ work as the object of the research. The result proved that portfolio can be applied to CCU (Cross Cultural Understanding) subject by considering some steps; 1) compile the students’ work, 2) make a rubric for each student, 3) evaluate the process and the results of students’ work. It was also found that portfolio could be an alternative way to evaluate CCU subject.
The Analysis of Noun Derived from Adjective Found in Barack Obama’s Speech and the Teaching of Grammar Terra Tampangella; Titi Rokhayati
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v9i2.3488


The study is qualitative research. This research deals with noun derived from adjective  found in Barack Obama’s speech. The objectives of the research are to find out the position of the noun derived from adjectives in the sentence pattern  found in Barack Obama’s speech and to describe the application of noun derived from adjective to teach grammar. In collecting the data, the researchers read the script, identified noun derived from adjectives, analysed the data related to the theory of noun derived from the adjective, analyzing the data quantitatively and qualitatively, applied the finding to teach the grammar at eleventh grade student of Senior High School. The result shows that there are three positions of the noun derived from adjectives based on sentence pattern. They are 30 SVO (Subject + Verb + Object) (50%), 18 SVA ( Subject + Verb + Adverb ) (30%), 12 SVC ( Subject + Verb + Complement ) (20%). The teacher could apply in pre teaching by giving description of Barrack Obama’s characters, whilst teaching by giving the explanation about part of speech  and post teaching by strengthening the use of noun derived from adjective as one of part of speech in which it becomes the most important piece in a sentence.
Prominent Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Prominent : Journal of English Studies
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/pro.v1i1.2491


Intercultural understanding essentiallybecomes a part of  living with others in the diverse world of the twenty-first century. It assists people to become responsible local and global citizens through their education for living and working together in an interconnected world.  Language is a major component and supporter of culture as well as a primary tool for transferring message, which is inextricably bound with culture. Language is a key component of culture. It is also a primary medium for transmitting the culture itself. Without language, culture would not be possible. Students learning their native language are learning their own culture. Meanwhile, learning a second language also involves learning a second culture to varying degrees. A language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects culture. Cultural differences are the most serious areas causing misunderstanding, unpleasantness and even conflict in cross-cultural communication. Both foreign language learners and teachers accordingly should pay more attention to cultural communication information.
The Use of Online Literature Circles to Enhance the Students’ Critical Reading Skills Titi Rokhayati; Erna Alvionita
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v10i1.4079


This research aims to find out whether using Online Literature Circles to enhance the student's critical reading skills is effective or not. This research belongs to quantitative research using a pre-experimental design. The population of this research is eleventh-grade students of SMK N 1 Puring in the academic year of 2020/2021 which consists of 382 students. The sample of this research is XI TKPI 1 consist of 34 students. The data were taken virtual from 17th May 2021 to 31st May 2021. The technique of the data collection is using a test. It was done by giving an online pre-test and online post-test. Meanwhile, the technique of data analysis used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The result of this research shows that the mean score of the pre-test is 49.79 which belongs to fairly sufficient category, and the mean score of the post-test is 70.79 which belongs to the good category. To see whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the researchers use t-test through IBM SPSS 25. The result two-sided significant value is 0.000. Based on the 0.05 significant level, the computation shows the two-sided significance value is lower than 0.05 (0.000<0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that Online Literature Circles is effective to enhance the students' critical reading skills at the eleventh-grade students of SMK N 1 Puring in the academic year of 2020/2021.
Pelatihan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Interaktif Bagi Guru TK/KB ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal II Purworejo Andrian Nuriza Johan; Titi Rokhayati; Ismawati Ike Nugraeni
Surya Abdimas Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v1i1.306


Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu guru-guru dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris di TK/KB ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal II Purworejo kabupaten Purworejo untuk menemukan, membuat dan mengaplikasikan materi kegiatan belajar-mengajar bahasa Inggris secara interaktif dan sesuai dengan usia anak-anak. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut metode pelatihan adalah dengan melalui workshop dan pendalaman teori. Sasaran Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah para guru TK/KB ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal II Purworejo kabupaten Purworejo dengan jumlah populasi adalah 15 orang. Permasalahan diselesaikan dalam tiga (3) tahapan kegiatan, yakni persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pada tahap Persiapan yang dilakukan adalah menganalisa masalah dan kebutuhan para guru TK/KB ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal II Purworejo dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Tahap kedua yaitu pelaksanaan terbagi menjadi beberapa sesi yaitu pembukaan, penyampaian teori dasar prinsip dan model pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak, dilanjutkan dengan materi yang lebih aplikatif yaitu pembelajaran melalui berbagai media atau teknik untuk mengajar bahasa inggris bagi anak usia dini. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan intensif dengan perpaduan teori dan praktek serta diskusi dan unjuk kerja hasil workshop di akhir pelatihan. Tahap ketiga yakni evaluasi dengan meminta umpan balik peserta melalui kuesioner tentang pemahaman materi serta dengan melakukan evaluasi internal yang dilakukan tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut: peserta mampu memahami landasan teori dan prinsip pengajaran bahasa Inggris di TK atau PAUD, peserta mampu mengenal, membuat, dan mempraktikan beberapa jenis media atau teknik untuk membantu pengajaran bahasa Inggris., dan peserta mampu merancang kegiatan pembelajaran dengan aktifitas yang menyenangkan dan interaktif.
Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Toefl Bagi Para Guru SMP se-MGMP Bahasa Inggris Kabupaten Purworejo Ismawati Ike Nugraeni; Menik WIdiyanti; Titi Rokhayati; Sri Widodo
Surya Abdimas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v2i1.316


The study aims at giving training to improve the English teachers’ skill of SMP in Purworejo Regency, especially in related to TOEFL based-test. In accordance to the aims, the method used wasby giving intensif training combined with the theories, practice, and discussion. It also used the trainee’s performance (post-test) at the end of the training as the indicator of their improvement. The result of the training revealed that the TOEFL based-English training became one of the ways to improve the English teachers’ skill. The teachers can get beneficial knowledge about the underlyingtheory, principles, and strategies in doing TOEFL test indicated by the result of their post-test, and improvement in their general English skills. Besides, the result of the training can be applied asconsideration to take schools’ policies related to their English teachers’ quality.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Bedono Pageron Melalui Budidaya Warung Hidup Berbasis Organik dan Penyuluhan Pendidikan Marica Dewi; Titi Rokhayati; Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti
Surya Abdimas Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v2i2.552


Tujuan program penyuluhan ini adalah mengenalkan, mempraktekkan dan memotivasi masyarakat untuk dapat melakukan pembuatan warung hidup berbasis organik dengan memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan rumah. Melalui Program ini diharapkan diperoleh manfaat untuk masyarakat agar tidak perlu membeli bahan pangan yang harganya semakin meningkat. Seluruh warga desa Bedono Pageron pada umumnya merupakan khalayak sasaran yang menjadi fokus pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini. Luaran yang diharapkan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah 1) pengembangan pengetahuan, 2) peningkatan pembangunan. Metode kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan yang dengan langkah kegiatan berupa observasi lingkungan, sosialisasi, pemberian bibit, praktik pembuatan pupuk organik dengan warga dan pengecekan. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan mendapat respon positif dari para peserta walaupun baru beberapa rumah yang membuat warung hidup ini. Dengan adanya kegitan ini warga mendapatkan informasi tentang warung hidup berbasis organik. Selain itu, juga mengetahui bagaimana memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan rumah mereka dengan optimal.