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Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 23, No 1:Februari (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v23i1.17693


The purpose of research is to understand the meaning and dynamics of nationalism of a founding father, namely Ir. Soekarno. The research used qualitative methods with psycho-hermeneutic approaches. The research involved a single subject, Namely Ir. Soekarno. The results showed that nationalism contains consistent interactions between affective, cognitive, and conative. This is seen from the meaning of nationalism as a feeling of pride towards the group perceived as a nation-state on the basis of identity awareness that itself is a unified part of the group (in-group). Manifestations of nationalism in the form of political behavior create in-group unity and achieve independence from the domination of other nations (out-group). Meaning was gained through lifelong dynamics identified over four segments: partial, pre-integration, integration, and post-integration segments. Nationalism is an important element in the life of the nation and state. The soul of nationalist patrons, such as Ir. Soekarno, became relevant to be reread to be realized by all the nation's children.
Konstruksi Sosialisasi Nilai: Perspektif Remaja dan Orangtuanya Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy; Anggun Citra Dewi; Victory Tadisya Emeralda
Psychocentrum Review Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Psychocentrum Review
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/pcr.41816


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkonstruk nilai-nilai dan proses sosialisasi pada keluarga Indonesia. Penelitian yang didesain dengan paradigma indigenous psychology ini menggunakan pendekatan grounded theory. 431 remaja dan orangtuanya dilibatkan sebagai partisipan penelitian. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai yang orangtua sosialisasikan kepada anak remaja ialah nilai personal (67,92%), interpersonal (19,54%), dan ketuhanan (11,92%). Remaja mempersepsi dengan proporsi yang berbeda yaitu nilai personal (64,71%), interpersonal (25,29%), dan ketuhanan (8,63%). Sosialisasi nilai bersifat multiproses yang meliputi pemberian keteladanan, pemahaman satu arah, pemahaman dua arah, ajakan pada manifestasi perilaku, pembiasaan manifestasi perilaku, peringatan konsistensi perilaku, dan pemberian umpan balik. Sosialisasi cenderung menempatkan orangtua sebagai actor control. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada urgensi relasi harmonis orangtua- remaja dalam proses sosialisasi nilai-nilai luhur.
Helping for Fraud Action: Studi Relasi Kooperatif Mahasiswa dalam Aksi Kecurangan Shabrina Nur Mumtaza; Salsabila Arwa Sajidah; Thifal Ufairoh Abidah; Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy
Cakrawala - Jurnal Humaniora Vol 20, No 1 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/jc.v20i1.7556


Cooperative relations are often characterized by request and help to others in the fraud action. This study explores the motivation and psychological dynamics of students who help in cheating. The partisipants were 123 undergraduate students in Semarang city. The results found that the form of cheating helping behavior in academic fraud which included behavior helping in the exam and the manipulation of presences. Although risky, the provision of helping in fraud is still done because it is motivated by the desire to maintain the relationship (35.8%), fulfilling personal encouragement (28.5%), responding to the situation (15.5%) and meets the pressure of others (8.1%). The helping behavior in fraud such as, an active-direct contribution, an active-indirect, and passive contribution. The research has theoretical implications that support social determinations for teenagers, even at risky behaviors of fraud action. 
Keputusan Mengakhiri Relasi Suami-Istri: Sebuah Studi Fenomenologis Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy; Endang Sri Indrawati
Psychopolytan : Jurnal Psikologi Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36341/psi.v5i1.1847


Relasi suami-istri acap dihadapkan pada situasi krisis di ujung tanduk perceraian. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah memahami dinamika relasi dan pengambilan keputusan untuk mengakhiri relasi suami-istri. Penelitian dengan pendekatan fenomenologis melibatkan empat orang istri yang menggugat cerai sebagai subjek. Penggalian data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa relasi suami-istri bersifat dinamis. Ketidakfungsionalan suami terkait kemampuan secara personal menurunkan interdependensi seorang istri. Meskipun demikian, mekanisme adaptasi membuat relasi suami-istri tetap stabil. Kondisi berubah saat terjadi perselingkuhan yang berulang. Kepercayaan dan pemaafan istri terus tergerus. Keputusan istri mengakhiri relasi suami-istri bersandar pada pertimbangan kesiapan personal istri, ketiadaan intensi perubahan suami, dan penerimaan lingkungan sosial. Secara teoretis, penelitian berimplikasi pada penegasan tentang kompleksitas relasi interdependen di masyarakat dengan budaya kolektivis seperti Indonesia, khususnya menyangkut pernikahan.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 23, No 1: Februari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v23i1.19163


The purpose of research is to understand the meaning and dynamics of nationalism of a founding father, namely Ir. Soekarno. The research used qualitative methods with psycho-hermeneutic approaches. The research involved a single subject, Namely Ir. Soekarno. The results showed that nationalism contains consistent interactions between affective, cognitive, and conative. This is seen from the meaning of nationalism as a feeling of pride towards the group perceived as a nation-state on the basis of identity awareness that itself is a unified part of the group (in-group). Manifestations of nationalism in the form of political behavior create in-group unity and achieve independence from the domination of other nations (out-group). Meaning was gained through lifelong dynamics identified over four segments: partial, pre-integration, integration, and post-integration segments. Nationalism is an important element in the life of the nation and state. The soul of nationalist patrons, such as Ir. Soekarno, became relevant to be reread to be realized by all the nation's children.
Dinamika Psikologis Menikah pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy; Finda Kalina Putri; Sara Imanuel Soedibyo
Jurnal Psikologi TALENTA Vol 6, No 2 (2021): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.323 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/talenta.v6i2.19695


Penelitian bertujuan untuk memahami dinamika psikologis orang yang melangsungkan pernikahan pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian dengan pendekatan indigenous psychology ini melibatkan 266 subjek yang menikah pada masa pandemi. Data digali melalui kuesioner open-ended dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis konten. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa stressor berupa peluang penolakan akad nikah dan peluang penularan virus memunculkan dominasi emosi negatif (65,54%), seperti takut, cemas, dan sedih sebelum prosesi pernikahan. Guna meredam stressor tersebut, maka diterapkanlah protokol kesehatan yaitu memakai masker, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak, menggunakan sarung tangan, membatasi jumlah tamu, serta mengecek suhu tubuh. Dominasi emosi positif (95,22%), seperti bahagia, lega, syukur, dan tenang terasa setelah pernikahan terlaksana. Mayoritas subjek (79,70%) puas atas prosesi pernikahan karena acara berjalan lancar, khidmat, dan sesuai protokol kesehatan. Penelitian berimplikasi pada urgensi kepatuhan semua pihak terhadap norma sosial serta adaptasi harapan personal, termasuk perihal pernikahan, di tengah situasi yang penuh ketidakpastian.
Explaining the forms of generation Z’s political engagement: A study on generation Z in Semarang, Indonesia Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy; Anandaru Padmonurcahyo; Adinda Zahrah Salsabila
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/sml.v5i2.17047


This study aimed to construct the form of political engagement and examine the differences in any political engagement in Generation Z based on age, gender, and scientific field. This study involved 600 Generation Z (300 male, 300 female) who were studying at Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia. This study uses a mixed method consisting of qualitative grounded theory and quantitative comparison. Data collection uses open-ended questions, in depth interview, and a political engagement scale (16 items; = 0.862). The results show that the form of political engagement of Generation Z includes the cognitive type such as understanding and analyzing political conditions, and the behavior type such as voting, expressing opinions, and habituating socio-political values in daily life as good citizens. Forms of political involvement vary from individual to collective. Generation Z’s political perception cannot be separated from the results of social construction by online media and significant others. There are differences in the political engagement of Generation Z on age and scientific field. However, there is no difference in political engagement related to gender. This research has implications for the urgency of the functioning of social systems that ensure the exposure of reliable information and provide space for expression for Generation Z to be involved in the political arena.
Keluarga sebagai Mikrosistem Sosialisasi Politik: Survei Psikologi Politik Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy
Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang) Vol 13, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/rapun.v13i1.114885


Keluarga merupakan mikrosistem yang memerankan beragam fungsi bagi tumbuh-kembang anggotanya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkonstruk keberfungsian keluarga sebagai mikrosistem sosialiasasi politik, Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif grounded theory dengan paradigma indigenous psychology. Sebanyak 431 remaja dan 431 orangtua dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model relasi dalam keluarga didominasi communal sharing, yang secara berturut-turut diikuti oleh authority ranking, equality matching, dan market pricing. Orangtua yaitu ayah (56,61%) dan ibu (24,83%) memegang peran sentral bagi sosialisasi politik dalam mikrosistem keluarga. Sosialisasi mencerminkan input, proses, dan output. Input berupa ketertarikan terhadap politik dipengaruhi persepsi awal, paparan media massa, dan topik yang sedang berkembang. Proses sosialisasi termanifestasi dalam aktivitas tanya-jawab, diskusi, dan pendapat. Output yang dihasilkan ialah evaluasi kolektif terhadap ekologi politik Indonesia dan evaluasi terhadap sosialisasi politik di dalam keluarga secara keseluruhan. Penelitian berimplikasi pada kebijakan publik guna mendorong peran mirkosistem keluarga sebagai agen sosialisasi politik di Indonesia.
Political Efficacy and Political Engagement in College Students Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy
Psikostudia : Jurnal Psikologi Vol 12, No 2 (2023): Volume 12, Issue 2, Juni 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psikostudia.v12i2.10880


College students are agents of change who are expected to participate and contribute to the nation and state. Students with their idealism are required to be actively engaged in influencing the process and making political decisions that have an impact on public policy. This study aims to examine the relationship between political efficacy and political engagement in college students, and to understand the motivation for political engagement. This study uses a mixed method consisting of quantitative comparison and qualitative description. This study involved 345 students from the cluster of Science and Technology at Diponegoro University to fill out the instruments, of which 3 students were assigned in the interview process. The first stage is data collection using the Political Efficacy Scale (α = 0.852, 11 items) and the Political Engagement Scale (α = 0.862, 16 items). Afterward, the second stage is data collection using in-depth interviews. The results of the study show that there is a significant positive relationship between political efficacy and political engagement in students. The correlation coefficient is 0.456 with a significance of 0.000 (p-value <0.05). Political efficacy makes an effective contribution of 20.8% to political engagement. The motivation for political engagement is personal awareness, perceived political effects, reinforcement from social environment, and uncertainty avoidance. This research has implications for the urgency of student awareness and the role of the social environment of students in fostering political engagement.Mahasiswa merupakan agen perubahan yang diharapkan turut serta berkontribusi bagi bangsa dan negara. Mahasiswa dengan idealismenya dituntut terlibat aktif dalam mempengaruhi proses dan pengambilan keputusan politik yang berdampak pada kebijakan publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara efikasi politik dengan keterlibatan politik pada mahasiswa, serta memahami motivasi keterlibatan politiknya. Penelitian menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method) yang terdiri dari kuantitatif komparatif dan kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian melibatkan 345 mahasiswa dari rumpun ilmu sains dan teknologi (saintek) Universitas Diponegoro dalam pengisian skala, di mana 3 mahasiswa di antaranya dilibatkan dalam proses wawancara. Tahap pertama, penggalian data menggunakan Skala Efikasi Politik (α= 0,852, 11 aitem) dan Skala Keterlibatan Politik (α= 0,862, 16 aitem). Tahap kedua, penggalian data menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara efikasi politik dengan keterlibatan politik pada mahasiswa. Koefisien korelasi sebesar 0.456 dengan signifikansi 0.000 (p < 0.05) Efikasi politik memberi sumbangan efektif sebesar 20,8% terhadap keterlibatan politik. Motivasi keterlibatan politik adalah kesadaran personal, efek politik yang dirasakan, penguatan lingkungan sosial, dan pengindaran ketidakpastian. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada urgensi kesadaran mahasiswa dan peran lingkungan sosial mahasiswa dalam menumbuhkan keterlibatan politik.
What Drives Political Engagement of the Young Generation? A Political Psychology Study Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy; Anandaru Padmonurcahyo
Indonesian Journal of Religion and Society Vol 5, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Religion and Society Studies (InTReSt)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36256/ijrs.v5i1.335


Political engagement of the young generation is needed for a democratic country, including Indonesia. However, political engagement has psychological challenges for the younger generation. This study aimed to determine the political engagement level of the young generation and some factors that influence it. The research was designed with mixed methods. The political engagement scale (16 items; α =0.862) was administered with an open-ended questionnaire to 600 students. Interviews to deepen the answers to the questionnaire were conducted with 6 participants (3 male, and 3 female). The results indicate that the political engagement of the young generation, especially college students, is in the high category. Factors that influence political engagement include personal factors (motivation to contribute and personal interest), national condition factors (perception of the nation's condition and perceived influence), information access factors, and social-environmental factors. This finding complements previous research, that personal factors are the most powerful in influencing student political involvement. The research has implications for government institutions, education, political parties, and families in influencing the political engagement of the younger generation with effective strategies.