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Heterogenity of Amber and Komin in Shaping Settlement Pattern of Jayapura City Baharuddin, Alfini; Wibisono, B. Hari; Prayitno, Budi; Roychansyah, M. Sani
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v7i2.3287


Jayapura city is the capital of Papua province, located at the eastern end of Indonesia and the borders with neighboring countries, Papua New Guinea. From the results of population census in 2010 the population of the Jayapura city is 256.705 inhabitants with a number of indigenous people as much as 89.773 people (34.97%) and as many as 166.932 nonPapua population (65.03%).  This figure shows that in Jayapura city, the number of migrants is much more than the indigenous people.  The term amber and komin then appears that refers to the indigenous people of Papua (komin) and immigrants nonPapua (amber).  The high migration flows in Jayapura resulting diversity in socio-cultural and economic structure of the population.  This impacted on the formation of the population settlement patterns.  This paper discusses the ethnic heterogeneity in Jayapura city community in shaping the urban spatial pattern.  From the discussion, it is known that the existing settlements in Jayapura city consists of settlements indigenous peoples, settlements inhabited by a mixed population of Papua and nonPapua population, settlements inhabited by ethnic Papuans from outside the city of Jayapura and settlements inhabited by ethnic immigrants certain nonPapua. Settlement indigenous peoples still survive as indigenous settlements that have a spiritual religious meaning that must be maintained and protected. While the settlement of migrants Papua and nonPapua formed by some preferences, namely the ties of kinship, proximity to sources of livelihood (workplace) and social status.Kota Jayapura merupakan ibukota Provinsi Papua yang terletak di ujung timur Indonesia dan berbatasan dengan negara tetangga, Papua Nugini. Dari hasil sensus penduduk tahun 2010 jumlah penduduk Kota Jayapura adalah 256.705 jiwa dengan jumlah penduduk asli Papua sebanyak 89.773 jiwa (34,97%) dan penduduk nonPapua sebanyak 166.932 (65,03%). Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Jayapura, jumlah penduduk pendatang jauh lebih banyak daripada penduduk asli Papua. Istilah amber dan komin kemudian muncul yang menunjuk pada orang asli Papua (komin) dan kaum pendatang nonPapua (amber). Tingginya arus migrasi di Kota Jayapura mengakibatkan kemajemukan dalam struktur sosial budaya dan ekonomi penduduknya. Hal ini berdampak pula pada terbentuknya pola permukiman penduduk. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai heterogenitas etnis pada masyarakat Kota Jayapura dalam membentuk pola keruangan kota. Dari hasil pembahasan diketahui bahwa permukiman yang ada di Kota Jayapura terdiri dari permukiman penduduk asli setempat, permukiman campuran yang dihuni oleh penduduk Papua dan penduduk nonPapua, permukiman yang dihuni oleh etnis Papua dari luar Kota Jayapura dan permukiman yang dihuni oleh etnis pendatang nonPapua tertentu. Permukiman penduduk asli setempat masih tetap bertahan sebagai permukiman adat yang mempunyai makna religius spiritual yang harus dijaga dan dilindungi. Sedangkan permukiman penduduk pendatang Papua maupun nonPapua terbentuk berdasarkan beberapa preferensi, yaitu adanya ikatan kekerabatan, kedekatan dengan sumber mata pencaharian (tempat kerja) dan status sosial.
Hollandia Haven – Hollandia Binnen: Two Historic Towns in Jayapura City Baharuddin, Alfini
TAWARIKH Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : ASPENSI in Bandung, Indonesia

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ABSTRACT: The history of the city seems to be beneficial in urban studies. Thematically, the discussion of the city is not only to look the city from the structural aspects, but also look at the historical reconstruction. The most important aspect of historical reconstruction is the time-bound development. Therefore, the thematic discussion of the city is essential to incorporate the discussion structurally with regard to the chronological aspect. This study relates to Jayapura City in Papua Province, that is located at the eastern end of Indonesia and directly borders with neighboring countries, PNG (Papua New Guinea). The geographical conditions of Jayapura City are very diverse and dominated by hills that lead to the formation of separated urban areas. Currently, there are two major parts of the urban areas well-known as Jayapura and Abepura. Historically, Jayapura and Abepura were two old urban towns, namely “Hollandia Haven” and “Hollandia Binnen”. The existence of two parts of the urban areas in Jayapura City is one of the interesting things to be studied to determine its relevance to historical factors of Jayapura City. The division of developmental stages into some phases was carried out to understand how the pattern of historical development of Jayapura City is. Results of the study showed that the two urban towns have existed since the established of Jayapura City and survived to date. The presence of both old towns form the characteristics of ‘‘two cities within a city”.KEY WORDS: Historic Towns; Two Cities; Hollandia Haven; Hollandia Binnen; Jayapura City.About the Author: Alfini Baharuddin is a Doctoral Student at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering UGM (Gadjah Mada University), Jalan Grafika, Yogyakarta; and a Lecturer at the Department of Architecture USTJ (Jayapura University of Science and Technology), Jalan Raya Sentani, Padang Bulan, Abepura, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via e-mail at: alfinibaharuddin@yahoo.comHow to cite this article? Baharuddin, Alfini. (2017). “Hollandia Haven – Hollandia Binnen: Two Historic Towns in Jayapura City” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, Vol.8(2) April, pp.143-152. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UIN SGD Bandung, ISSN 2085-0980. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (October 25, 2016); Revised (January 15, 2017); and Published (April 28, 2017).
Heterogenity of Amber and Komin in Shaping Settlement Pattern of Jayapura City Baharuddin, Alfini; Wibisono, B. Hari; Prayitno, Budi; Roychansyah, M. Sani
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 7, No 2 (2015): Komunitas, September 2015
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v7i2.3287


Jayapura city is the capital of Papua province, located at the eastern end of Indonesia and the borders with neighboring countries, Papua New Guinea. From the results of population census in 2010 the population of the Jayapura city is 256.705 inhabitants with a number of indigenous people as much as 89.773 people (34.97%) and as many as 166.932 nonPapua population (65.03%).  This figure shows that in Jayapura city, the number of migrants is much more than the indigenous people.  The term amber and komin then appears that refers to the indigenous people of Papua (komin) and immigrants nonPapua (amber).  The high migration flows in Jayapura resulting diversity in socio-cultural and economic structure of the population.  This impacted on the formation of the population settlement patterns.  This paper discusses the ethnic heterogeneity in Jayapura city community in shaping the urban spatial pattern.  From the discussion, it is known that the existing settlements in Jayapura city consists of settlements indigenous peoples, settlements inhabited by a mixed population of Papua and nonPapua population, settlements inhabited by ethnic Papuans from outside the city of Jayapura and settlements inhabited by ethnic immigrants certain nonPapua. Settlement indigenous peoples still survive as indigenous settlements that have a spiritual religious meaning that must be maintained and protected. While the settlement of migrants Papua and nonPapua formed by some preferences, namely the ties of kinship, proximity to sources of livelihood (workplace) and social status.Kota Jayapura merupakan ibukota Provinsi Papua yang terletak di ujung timur Indonesia dan berbatasan dengan negara tetangga, Papua Nugini. Dari hasil sensus penduduk tahun 2010 jumlah penduduk Kota Jayapura adalah 256.705 jiwa dengan jumlah penduduk asli Papua sebanyak 89.773 jiwa (34,97%) dan penduduk nonPapua sebanyak 166.932 (65,03%). Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Jayapura, jumlah penduduk pendatang jauh lebih banyak daripada penduduk asli Papua. Istilah amber dan komin kemudian muncul yang menunjuk pada orang asli Papua (komin) dan kaum pendatang nonPapua (amber). Tingginya arus migrasi di Kota Jayapura mengakibatkan kemajemukan dalam struktur sosial budaya dan ekonomi penduduknya. Hal ini berdampak pula pada terbentuknya pola permukiman penduduk. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai heterogenitas etnis pada masyarakat Kota Jayapura dalam membentuk pola keruangan kota. Dari hasil pembahasan diketahui bahwa permukiman yang ada di Kota Jayapura terdiri dari permukiman penduduk asli setempat, permukiman campuran yang dihuni oleh penduduk Papua dan penduduk nonPapua, permukiman yang dihuni oleh etnis Papua dari luar Kota Jayapura dan permukiman yang dihuni oleh etnis pendatang nonPapua tertentu. Permukiman penduduk asli setempat masih tetap bertahan sebagai permukiman adat yang mempunyai makna religius spiritual yang harus dijaga dan dilindungi. Sedangkan permukiman penduduk pendatang Papua maupun nonPapua terbentuk berdasarkan beberapa preferensi, yaitu adanya ikatan kekerabatan, kedekatan dengan sumber mata pencaharian (tempat kerja) dan status sosial.
Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Pusat Kota Jayapura berdasarkan RTRW Kota Jayapura ditetapkan di KelurahanGurabesi Distrik Jayapura Utara. Kawasan ini terus mengalami perkembangan yangcukup pesat dengan terjadinya peningkatan jumlah penduduk, tingginya permintaanpemanfaatan lahan yang disertai dengan meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor. Halini berdampak pada semakin padatnya kawasan pusat kota Jayapura yang dapatberakibat pada timbulnya permasalahan-permasalahan pemanfaatan lahan dan semakinmenurunnya kualitas lingkungan. Oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan adanya keberadaanruang terbuka hijau untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang terjadi baik fisikmaupun sosial. Dalam penelitian ini tinjauan dilakukan terhadap keberadaan RuangTerbuka Hijau (RTH) publik yang ada di pusat kota Jayapura. Beberapa permasalahanpengelolaan RTH publik di pusat kota Jayapura yaitu sebaran penyediaan RTH publikyang tidak merata, RTH publik yang ada belum memiliki kuantitas dan kualitas fasilitasyang baik, serta pemanfaatan RTH publik yang ada belum optimal.
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 11 No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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Jayapura downtown continues to growing very rapidly along the increasing of population, demand of land, and number of motor vehicles and it affects to the increasingly dense of Jayapura downtown area, which results to the problems of land use and the decrease of environment quality. Therefore, it is necessary to create green open spaces to reduce the environment impact. This paper aims to analyze the needs of green open spaces in Jayapura downtown by several variables: the percentage of land area, the number of population, and the need of oxygen. The findings showed the current green open spaces available are still below standard since only the city park has meet the requirement of minimum area. It should be efforts to solve this problem by revegetation and optimalizing the available lands as green open space, the use of green roof, and green living like providing bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths.
TATALOKA Vol 19, No 2 (2017): Volume 19 Number 2, May 2017
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.936 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.19.2.104-116


Jayapura City is the capital of Papua Province, located at the eastern end of Indonesia and has a direct borders with neighboring countries, Papua New Guinea (PNG). The geographical conditions of Jayapura City are very diverse leads to the formation of separate urban centers. Currently there are two parts of urban centers in Jayapura City, known as Jayapura and Abepura. This situation gave rise to a unique character in the overall system of Jayapura City, so it is necessary to examine how the two urban centers interact in Jayapura City. This study aims to assess the functional linkages that occur between Jayapura and Abepura using the case study method. Data collected through direct observation, secondary data collection and structured interviews using a questionnaire. The results showed that the functional linkages that occurred between Jayapura and Abepura are complementary functions of their natural advantages, and functions that are homogeneous but did not compete in the provision of economic and public service. In this case, the functions homogeneous appearing not cause competition, resulting in a reduction of competition.
TATALOKA Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Volume 13 Number 2, May 2011
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (647.229 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.13.2.96-107


A town ought to have clarity at its planning structure so that the town can give strong picture and image to its public. For the purpose required by existence of town planning structure which covers its functions and visual aspect which be each other related to give clarity.  Structural of the town planning among others can be observed visually by through an observation in doing movement of one point to point of others in town.  In this study, observation performed at town planning structure of Jayapura by doing observation to structural elements of town planning which there have. Observation there performed visually alongside main road which connects downtown of Jayapura-Abepura-Waena. From result show that town planning structure of Jayapura has one regulating elements in the form of kurvalinier main road which connects downtown of Jayapura-Abepura-Waena. Some of the structural elements of town planning which there have can give picture of strong image, but some elements between it needs arrangement in hope that can give optimal clarity. Result of this study recommends arrangement concept of serial vision at town planning structure of Jayapura according to its hierarchy.
Jurnal MEDIAN Arsitektur dan Planologi Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Median
Publisher : Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Jayapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.293 KB) | DOI: 10.58839/jmap.v11i1.973


Semakin padatnya lahan untuk permukiman di Kota Jayapura dan tingginya harga tanah yang menuntut pemanfaatan tanah secara optimal, memerlukan solusi berupa fasilitas akomodasi seperti wadah hunian vertikal atau bangunan apartemen. Membangun hunian vertikal di lahan yang terbatas di pusat kota dapat mengoptimalkan penggunaan ruang kotanya. Pembangunan apartemen juga dapat mengubah wajah kawasan dan mengubah cara serta pandangan hidup masyarakat yang terbiasa hidup di perumahan. Berdasarkan kegunaannya, pengertian apartemen sama dengan rumah susun, namun berbeda pada penghuninya, lokasi/letak bangunan, dan kondisi fisiknya. Sasaran pengguna apartemen yang dikaji di sini adalah masyarakat golongan ekonomi menengah ke bawah yang menginginkan kepraktisan dan keamanan namun sesuai dengan anggaran mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan konsep perencanaan City Apartment yang terletak di pusat Kota Jayapura. Tema yang digunakan dalam perancangan apartemen ini adalah postmodern. Tema tersebut diambil untuk memasukan unsur lokal dalam desain, atau dengan kata lain menggabungkan unsur modern dengan unsur lokal, sehingga diharapkan desain apartemen tetap memiliki identitas setempat.