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VITALITAS BAHASA SUNDA DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG Wagiati Wagiati; Wahya Wahya; Sugeng Riyanto
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v16i2.14357


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan vitalitas (daya hidup, tingkat kesehatan) bahasa Sunda menghadapi bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian itu berancangan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan dua variabel bebas, yakni penggunaan bahasa Sunda yang dihadapkan dengan bahasa Indonesia dan kelompok pengguna bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa pertama, yakni keluarga asli Sunda yang bermukim di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Variabel terikatnya adalah pilihan bahasa, yakni bahasa Sunda atau bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa vitalitas bahasa Sunda kuat pada ranah kekeluargaan, transaksional, dan kekariban; tetapi lemah pada ranah kedinasan dan orang tidak dikenal. Dari segi kesepakatan, ranah keluarga, transaksional, dan kekariban juga menduduki tempat yang tinggi dibandingkan ranah kedinasan dan orang tidak dikenal. Penggunaan terbanyak bahasa Sunda ada pada ranah kekeluargaan, terutama pada saat informan berbicara dengan kakek/nenek dan ayah/ibu. Bahasa Sunda berkurang vitalitasnya pada ranah kedinasan dan ranah orang tidak dikenal.Kata kunci: vitalitas bahasa, bahasa pertama, bahasa Sunda THE VITALITY OF THE SUNDANESE LANGUAGE IN BANDUNG REGENCYAbstractThis study aims to prove the vitality of the Sundanese language to face the Indonesian language. This was a quantitative study involving two independent variables, namely the use of the Sundanese language to confront the Indonesian language and groups of users of the Sundanese language as the first language, namely the native Sundanese families living in Bandung Regency, West Java. The dependent variable was the choice of language, i.e. the Sundanese or Indonesian language. The results prove that the vitality of the Sundanese language is strong in the family, transaction, and closeness domains; but it is weak in the official domain and that related to strangers. In terms of agreement, the family, transaction, and closeness domains also occupy a high position compared to the official domain and that related to strangers. The use of the Sundanese language with the highest frequency is in the family domain, especially when the informants talk with grandparents and fathers/mothers. The vitality of the Sundanese language lessens in the official domain and that related to strangers.Keywords: language vitality, first language, Sundanese language
Metalingua: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Vol 19, No 2 (2021): METALINGUA EDISI DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/metalingua.v19i2.927


This research examines about matters and language choice, the preservation pattern and strategy of Sundanese language, and the determinants that influence of Sundanese language preservation. in Binong District, Subang Regency. This research was conducted by considering two approaches, those were theoretical approach and methodological approach. Theoretically, the approach used in this research is a sociolinguistic approach. Methodologically, this research used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The data sources extracted in this study consisted of main data in the form of respondents’ answers to the questionnaire, respondents’ answer during the interview, and notes during observation; as well as additional or secondary data sources, in the form of supporting documents such as the informant’s age, educational background, and environment. Data were obtained from respondents with certain age criteria (children, adolescence, adults, and the elderly) according to a questionnaire designed to support the study towards the identified problems. The data used in this study comes from the use of Sundanese in the communities of Nangerang Village, Cicadas, Karangsari, and Binong Village. A total of 160 respondents spread across four villages (Nangerang Village, Cicadas, Karangsari, and Binong Village) were used as research samples.The results showed that: (1) The attitudes and language choices of the Nangerang Village, Cicadas, Karangsari, and Binong Village people were based on four age groups, those are: children 6-12 years, adolescence 13-21, adults 22-35, and the elderly 36-70 years, in general, from all respondents, most of them still use Sundanese as their main language in communication; (2) the pattern and strategy of the Sundanese language preservation on the eight domains of use, Sundanese is still consistently used by Sundanese speakers in Binong sub-district, at various age levels, starting from the age of children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, in the eight domains of use, namely the family domain. neighborliness and friendship, transactions, traditions/culture, education, government, religion, and topics of discussion; and (3) Internal factors extremely influence the preservation of Sundanese language, especially depending on the positive attitude of Sundanese language in personal, family environment, and close relatives who make Sundanese language accustomed to the life of the people. External factors have made the use of Sundanese language marginalized and replaced by Indonesian and local Javanese.
Makna Imperatif Struktural dan Nonstruktural dalam Novel Anak Berbahasa Inggris Hello Universe Karya Erin Entrada Kelly Afni Apriliyanti Devita; Wahya Wahya; Nani Darmayanti
Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Publisher : LP4MK STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31540/silamparibisa.v3i2.1000


One of the literary works for children that can be used as a medium for learning English is novel. The children's novel tells the children's worlds and thoughts. The method used in this research is examine the imperative form of speech in the English children's novel Hello Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly with a pragmatic study. The object or data of this research is the imperative structural and non-structural speech in the novel. The technique of collecting data was done by using the observation technique and noting technique from the novel. The data analysis used the distributional and identity method with the Segmenting Immediate Constituents technique and Dividing Key Factors technique with pragmatic competence-in-dividing technique, namely reading imperative sentences in the novel, classifying structural imperative sentence types, analyzing data based on the form and function of imperative speech, and summarize research results. The data validity was checked through membercheck and pragmatic expert test. Based on the research results, it was found that the form of utterance with imperative meaning consists of declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and imperative sentences. The meaning of the imperative can be found in non-structural imperative sentences in the form of declarative and interrogative sentences. The use of imperatives in this novel uses more direct speech because the conversation is in non-formal children's friendship situations. The structural imperative speech function is mostly a command. Meanwhile, the interrogative sentence mostly has a function as a request and declarative sentences mostly has a function as a suggestion.
Dimensi Sintaksis dan Semantik Partikel Euy dalam Novel Budak Teuneung Karya Samseodi Wahya Wahya
Metahumaniora Vol 9, No 1 (2019): METAHUMANIORA, APRIL 2019
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/metahumaniora.v9i1.22875


Partikel euy merupakan salah satu partikel fatis dalam bahasa Sunda. Partikel ini, sebagaimana partikel fatis lain, tidak memiliki fungsi sintaksis dalam kalimat, yakni sebagai unsur ekstraposisi dalam kalimat. Tulisan ini yang berjudul  “Dimensi Sintaksis dan Semantik Partikel Euy dalam Novel Budak Teuneung”membahas perilaku sintaksis partikel euy, yaitu keberadaannnya dalam jenis kalimat berdasarkan bentuk sintaksisnya, dan makna gramatikal partikel euy dalam lingkungan kalimat deklaratif, interogatif, imperatif, dan eksklamatif. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode simak dengan teknk catat. Selanjutnya, data dianalisis menggunakan metode agih atau distribusional. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah novel anak-anak yang berjudul Budak Teuneung (2018) karya Samsoedi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan 46 data kalimat yang memuat partikel euy. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap 46 data tersebut dengan pendekatan sintaksis dan semantik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa partikel euy  dapat berposisi di awal, di tengah, atau di akhir kalimat deklaratif, tetapi dominan berposisi di tengah kailimat. Partikel euy hanya berposisi di tengah dan di akhir kalimat interogatif, tidak ada yang berposisi di awal kalimat. Partikel euy dapat berposisi di awal, di tengah, dan di akhir kalimat imperatif, tetapi dominan berposisi di akhir kalimat. Partikel euy hanya berposisi di awal dan di akhir kalimat eksklamatif, tidak ada yang berposisi di tengah kalimat. Secara semantik, partikel euy bersama jenis kalimat yang memuatnya memiliki keragaman makna gramatikal. Secara umum dapat dikatakan partikel euy beserta unsur lingusitik yang mendampinginya dalam kalimat deklaratif memiliki makna ‘meberitahukan atau menyatakan sesuatu’; dalam kalimat interogatif, memiliki makna ‘meminta sesuatu’; dalam kalimat imperatif, memiliki makna ‘meminta sesuatu’ atau ‘memerintahkan sesuatu’; dalam kalimat  eksklamataif. memiliki makna ‘mengungkapkan atau menyampaikan sesuatu’.Particle euy is just one-structured particles in the Sundanese language. This  particle, as another particles phatic, does  not have the syntactic function in the sentence, namely as an element in extraposition sentence. This article entitled "Dimensions of Syntax and Semantics of the Euy Particle in Novel of Budak Teuneung" discuses the behavior of particles in syntax dimension, namely it’s distribution in the type of sentence based on syntactic and grammatical meaning of particles in the environment, namely in declarative sentences, interrogative, imperative, and exclamative ones. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collected by using observation techniques to record. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using distributional method. Source data used is a children's novel titled Budak Teuneung (2018) written by Samsoedi. Based on the results of the study, found that 46 data sentence contains particles here. Based on an analysis of 46 data with the approach of syntax and semantics, it can be concluded that the particle euy can be positioned at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a declarative sentence, but a dominant position in the middle; particle euy simply positioned in the middle and at the end of interrogative sentences, no position early in the sentence; particle euy can be positioned at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the imperative sentence, but a dominant position in the end of the sentence; particle euy only just plays in the beginning and at the end of the exclamative  sentence, no position in the middle of a sentence. Semantically, particle euy with the kind of sentences  contain a variety of grammatical meaning. Generally speaking, the particle with linguistic elements that accompany the declarative sentences have meaning 'report missing or declared something'; interrogative sentences have  meaning 'ask anything';  imperative sentences have meaning 'ask anything' or 'ordered something';  exclamative sentences have  meaning 'reveal or convey something'. 
Model Penjelasan Lema Kosakata Dialek dalam Kamus Basa Sunda R.A. Danadibrata Wahya Wahya
Metahumaniora Vol 8, No 2 (2018): METAHUMANIORA, SEPTEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/metahumaniora.v8i2.20693


AbstrakTidak semua kamus suatu bahasa memuat kosakata dialek, dalam hal ini, dialekgeografis. Hal ini terjadi karena penyusunan kamus memiliki tujuan tertentu. Kamusyang memuat kosakata dialek merupakan kamus yang penyusunannya secara internalbertujuan mendokumenkan kekayaan kosakata dialek bahasa yang bersangkutansehingga pembaca mendapatkan informasi lebih dibandingkan dengan kamus yangtidak memuat kosakata dialek. Kamus yang memuat kosakata dialek secara leksikografistergolong kamus khusus. Kamus ini secara dialektologi merupakan sumber dokumenkekayaan dialek di samping dokumen kekayaan bahasa. Kosakata dialek di dalam kamussecara akademik dapat dijadikan bahan penelitian bagi mereka yang berminat terhadapkajian dialektologi, lebih-lebih bagi mahasiswa dari fakultas budaya, bahasa, atau sastra.Bagaimana pemuatan kosakata dialek dalam kamus bahasa Sunda? Tidak semua kamusbahasa Sunda memuat kosakata dialek. Salah satu kamus yang muat kosakata dialekadalah Kamus Basa Sunda yang disusun R.A. Danadibrata (2009). Kamus ini memuatlebih dari 180 kosakata dialek. Lema dialek ini berasal dari berbagai daerah berbahasaSunda di Jawa Barat dan Banten dan memiliki beragam kategori kata. Penjelasan lemadialek ini dalam kamus tersebut memiliki tiga model, yakni (1) lema + bs (basa) + daerahpakai, (2) lema + bs + wewengkon ‘daerah’ + daerah pakai, dan (3) lema + dialek + daerahpakai. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan lema apa saja yang diberi penjelasan seperti di atas,kemudian penjelasan apa yang ditambahkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifatdeskriptif dan sinkronis. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknikcatat. Dari hasil penelitian, model (2) lebih banyak digunakan daripada model (1) danmodel (3), selanjutnya model (1) lebih banyak digunakan daripada model (3). Setiap lemadialek tidak disertai penjelasan kategori katanya.Kata kunci: kosakata, dialek, kamus dialek, leksikografisAbstractNot all dictionaries contain a vocabulary of dialect words, in this case, geographicaldialects. This occurs because the making of a dictionary has a specific purpose. The dictionarywhich contains the vocabulary of dialect words is the dictionary which functions to document therichness of dialect words in a language so readers get more information from that than the dictionarywhich does not contain the vocabulary of dialect words. The dictionary which contains thevocabulary of dialect words lexicographically is classified as a custom dictionary. This dictionaryis dialectologically a source document that can show the richness of its vocabulary regarding thedialect words as well as the richness of the language itself. The vocabulary of dialect words in the dictionary can be used for academic research material for those who are interested in the study of dialectology, especially for students of the faculty of culture, language, or literature. How are the dialect words loaded in the Sundanese language dictionary? Not all dictionaries of Sundaneselanguage contain the vocabulary of dialect words. One that does is Sundanese Dictionary compiled by R.A. Danadibrata (2009). The dictionary contains more than 180 dialect words. Dialect entry is derived from a variety of local Sundanese of West Java and Banten, and has a variety of word class. The explanation of the dialect entry in this dictionary has three models, namely (1) entry + bs (basa) ‘language’ + local use, (2) entry + bs (basa) ‘language’+ regions + local use, and (3) entry + dialect + local use , This article explains what the entries are given as explanation above, then what explanation added to the entry. The research method used is descriptive and synchronic. Data collection methods refer to the technical note. The results of the research show that the model (2) is more widely used than the model (1) and model (3), the next model (1) is more widely used than the model (3). Each entry is accompanied by an explanation dialect word class.Keywords: vocabulary, dialect, dialect dictionaries, lexicographical
Jurnal Kajian Budaya dan Humaniora Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Budaya dan Humaniora (JKBH), Juni 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61296/jkbh.v5i2.149


Artikel in membahas vokatif berulang berderet bereferensi sama. Metode penelitian bersifat deskriptif-kualitatif. Penyediaan data menggunakan metode simak, yakni simak tanpa libat cakap dengan teknik catat. Penganalisisan data menggunakan metode distribusional. Adapun metode penyajian data bersifat informal. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sebelas buku cerita rekaan berbahasa Sunda yang di dalamnya memuat data yang diperlukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dari sumber data yang digunakan dengan kriteria data yang ditetapkan, ditemukan empat belas data yang memuat vokatif berulang berderet bereferensi sama. Selanjutnya, vokatif tersebut terbagi atas tujuh tipe, yaitu (1) vokatif nama diri berulang berderet berwujud kata utuh disertai penggalannya, (2) vokatif nama diri berulang berderet berwujud penggalan disertai kata utuhnya, (3) vokatif nama diri berulang berderet berwujud penggalan, (4) vokatif kekerabatan berulang berderet berwujud kata utuh, (5) vokatif berulang berderet berunsur kata kekerabatan disertai nama diri, (6) vokatif berulang berderet berunsur nama diri disertai panggilan kesayangan, dan (7) vokatif berulang berderet berunsur panggilan kesayangan yang berbeda. Distribusi vokatif berulang berderet bereferensi sama tersebut berposisi pada awal kalimat ada sepuluh data, pada tengah kalimat ada satu data, dan pada akhir kalimat ada tiga data. Dengan demikian, dominasi pada awal kalimat. Jenis kalimat yang terbentuk dengan tipe-tipe vokatif di atas adalah interogatif, imperatif, deskriptif, dan eksklamatif. Adapun jenis vokatif yang ditemukan adalah vokatif nama diri, vokatif kekerabatan, vokatif panggilan sayang, serta vokatif kombinasi antara kekerabatan dan nama diri serta nama diri dan panggilankesayangan.