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Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Dalam Menjaga Kualitas Pembelajaran Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Syahrul Ramadhan
Equilibrium: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 9, No 2 (2021): EQUILIBRIUM JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.628 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/equilibrium.v9i2.4487


Artikel ini ingin membahas bagaimana manajemen pendidikan Islam dalam menajaga mutu pembelajaran di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Pendidikan Islam di masa pandemi harus memiliki manajemen yang pas karena pendidikan Islam bukan hanya mementingkan masalah intelektual tapi juga mengenai masalah spiritual. Tujuan dari pendidikan Islam adadalah ahlak yang mulai, maka secara otomatis manajemen dari pendidikan Islam harus tepat. Di masa pandemi, manajemen yang dilakukan oleh Kementrian Agama beserta jajaranya mencanangkan suatu perencanaan, pengelolaan dan pengewasaan dengan cara pemebajaran online. Pelaksananya sekolah masing-masing beserta pengawasan dan orang tua serta teman sejawat menjadi pengawas yang paling inti dalam pendidikan Islam. dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dan beberapa buku sebagai sumber primer dan sekuder diharapkan bisa memberikan sumbangan besar terhadapa pendidikan Islam dan secara keilmuan ada citra rasa file new bagi keilmuan yang akan datang.
Perkembangan Kajian Pendidikan Karakter Religius: Analisis Jurnal Bilbiometrik pada Database Scopus Thriska Afifandasari; Suluri Suluri; Syahrul Ramadhan
MANAZHIM Vol 5 No 1 (2023): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Islam STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/manazhim.v5i1.3038


This study aims to analyze religious character education using bibliometric analysis on the Scopus database. Bilbiometric analysis is a popular method for analyzing scientific data. This article discusses religious character education which is concretely based on the values of the teachings of each religion and the implementation of religious character education that can be carried out in schools, families and communities synergistically in shaping the religious character of students and in this article uses bilbiometric analysis which uses Scopus indexed journal on the development of religious character education studies: Bilbiometric analysis on the Scopus database. The purpose of the bilbiometric analysis in this study was to find out the top 5 year developments related to the development of religious character education studies. Specifically, this article aims to find out the development of religious character education literature from 2018 to 2022, major journals, authors, affiliates, countries and documents in the field of character education, trending topics related to religious character education, classifications and future character education topics that will provide more research opportunities. Data collected from the Scopus database using the keyword "religious character education". The author uses bilbioshiny software to analyze and visualize the database that has been obtained. The results of this study indicate that the citation analysis shows the number of citations per year from 2018-2022, namely 1,102 documents. Keane, W is a researcher who has the greatest productivity, namely 78 citations.
Research Trends in the Last 3 years Related to Distance Education : A Bibliometric Study Dewi Andriyani; Susy Puspitasari; Titi Chandrawati; Syahrul Ramadhan
Jurnal Paedagogy Vol 10, No 2: Jurnal Paedagogy (April 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jp.v10i2.7346


This study aims to analyze the research trends related to distance education over the past three years by examining the publication patterns and key topics within the field. This study used a quantitative descriptive research approach with a bibliometric method. Data was collected through the Scopus database with the keyword "Distance learning" by searching for journals based on keywords, article titles, and abstracts with the condition of publications in 2020-2022. The software used in data analysis in this study was the Bibliometrix R-Package, which was part of R-Studio. A total of 1936 articles were found and analyzed. The study results showed that the number of articles related to distance education has been increasing each year, with a growing trend from 2020 to 2022. The study analyzed the top journals, affiliations, and countries publishing articles and identified the most productive authors and relevant affiliations. The trend topics discussed were social media, distance learning, and learning analytics, with new topics emerging in 2021, such as university students, motivation, and Covid-19. Theme classifications were divided into two, connected by blue and red lines. The study also identified future research opportunities using a thematic map.
Analisis Butir Soal Tipe Multiple Choice Questions pada Penilaian Harian Sekolah Dasar Wandri Ramadhan; Fildza Malahati; Kharisma Romadhon; Syahrul Ramadhan
Tarbiyah Wa Ta'lim: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol 10 No 2 (2023): TARBIYAH WA TA'LIM July 2023
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/twt.v10i2.6155


Daily assessment is an important educational instrument because it can assist teachers in measuring student learning progress. One of the most commonly used types of evaluation is Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). This study aims to reveal the quality of daily assessment items in the form of MCQs based on effectiveness, reliability coefficient, and item deception. This quantitative descriptive research uses statistical data analysis, which is then processed into a description. The assessment instrument grid used theme 4 elementary school material. The instrument was tested on 20 class V MIN 3 Padang students. The results of this study found that the items in the test instrument were good enough to use because they had an average score of 11,367, a moderate difficulty level with a score of 0.568, and element values were quite reliable. They had good discriminating power with a score of 0.070. Even so, there are still a number of items that are not of high quality in terms of difficulty level, discriminating power, and question distraction, so they need to be revised or replaced with other items.
Analisis Bibliometrik: Kurikulum pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Berdasarkan Database Scopus Tahun 2014-2023 Solatiyah Asriyani; Syahrul Ramadhan
AWLADY : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Vol 9, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan PIAUD IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/awlady.v9i2.13509


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai kurikulum pada pendidikan anak usia dini berdasarkan databse scopus yang diambil dari 10 tahun terakhir yaitu dari tahun 2014-2023. Adapun aplikasi yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu RStudio yang merupakan software untuk masuk pada aplikasi bibliometrik. Kemudian metadata yang didapatkan dari scopus mengenai kurikulum pendidikan anak usia dini 10 tahun terakhir sebanyak 207 artikel. Selanjutnya metadata yang didapatkan dari scopus tersebut diolah meggunakan aplikasi bibliometrik yang diakses melalui Rstudio. Hasil analisis bibliometrik dari kurikulum pada pendidikan anak usia dini adalah menganalisis tentang Annual scientific production, most relevant author, most relevant sources, countries' scientific production, trend topics, wordcloud, Co-occurrence Network.Thematic Map,dan Most Relevant Affiliation.
Mentari : Journal of Islamic Primary School Vol 1 No 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : PGMI, STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh antara insfrastruktur sekolah dengan prestasi belajar siswa. Permasalahan kualitas Pendidikan memuat banyak faktor, satu diantaranya dikarenakan kurangnya insfrastruktur sekolah yang kurang memadai dalam mencapai tujuan dari proses pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian metode kuantitaif dengan menggunakan model regresi linier dengan bantuan software JASP (Jeffrey’s Amazing Statistics Program) versi 0.16.30. Adapun informan didapat dari hasil PISA (The Programme for International Student Assesment) 2018 pada kurangnya insfrastruktur sekolah yang baik dan prestasi hasil belajar siswa. Pada hasil penelitian menampakkan terdapat pengaruh insfrastruktur sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar pada hasil PISA (The Programme for International Student Assesment) 2018, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara antara insfrastruktur dengan prestasi belajar siswa, dengan demikian diartikan bahwa Ha diterima. Pada hal ini insfrastruktur sekolah merupakan sarana yang mendukung secara langsung proses pendidikan mencapai tujuan pendidikan, kelengkapan fasilitas pada suatu sekolah menunjang proses pembelajaran sehingga siswa dapat mengoptimalkan kemampuan berpikir dalam belajar hal ini berdampak pada prestasi belajar siswa.
Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Education Research Development in Scopus International Database Publications 2018-2022: Analisis Bibliometrik Perkembangan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam dalam Publikasi Internasional pada Database Scopus 2018-2022 Miftahul Jannah; Hakiman; Syahrul Ramadhan
SHAHIH: Journal of Islamicate Multidisciplinary Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/shahih.v7i2.6006


This research aims as literature or library material that can be used in mapping the writing of further Islamic Education scientific articles. By knowing the main information of the article, the most relevant authors, developments of publication by year, productive countries, co-occurrence network by title, source titles, theme developments, trending topics by title, wordcloud by title, thematic maps, most citations, and institutional network collaborations.the tool used to analyze the data in this study is part of the r-studio, namely the software bibliometrix r-package. the analyzed data were obtained from the scopus database with journal document types. the type of document obtained is in the form of a bibtex file extension that is analyzed using the biblioshiny webinterface. the results of a bibliometric analysis of the scientific study of Islamic Education provide an illustration that scientific articles on Islamic Education are quite popular in the world of global academia. Furthermore, the collaboration of institutional networks in scientific studies of Islamic Education is still dominated by universities in Muslim-majority countries. The discussion of the scientific study of Islamic Education raised many themes related to the social field, the concept of Islamic Education in general, and Islamic Education which was integrated with several other concepts such as entrepreneurship, Islamic Education in Indonesia, and others. The development of studies on Islamic Education follows global developments where from 2020 until now researchers have discussed a lot about Islamic Education which is connected to the Covid-19 Pandemic situation.