Mahrus A. Rahman
Departement Of Child Health, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Faculty Of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mayjen Prof. Dr. Moestopo No. 6-8, Surabaya

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Efficacy and Safety of Transcatheter Ventricular Septal Defect Closure Using Nit-Occlud Le VSD coil in Short-term Observation Saraswati Dewi; Mahrus Abdur Rahman; I Ketut Alit Utamayasa; Taufiq Hidayat
Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences Vol 7 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/ams.v7i1.21439


Nit-Occlud Le VSD coil, an alternative device for closing VSD transcatheter, started to be used in dr. Soetomo Hosptal in 2017, but no research has been done on the results of closure with this device. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Nit-Occlud Le VSD coil. Descriptive observational method was used. The results are as follow: Of the 17 patients who underwent transcatheter closure during January to December 2018, 10 (58, 8%) cases were closed with Nit- Occlud Le VSD coil. The success of implantation is 100%, 8 cases were closed with Nit-Occlud Le VSD coil, 2 plus an amplatzer (ADO 1 and AVSO). Type of VSD: perimembranaous 7 (70%), subaortic 2 (20%) and mid muscularis 1 (10%). Immediate complete closure in 7/10 (70%), while 3 (30%) obtained residual DSV. The closure rate at the first month of follow up becomes 80%. Median length of post-catheterization was 2 days (2 - 3 days). Complications: 1 (10%) mild aortic regurgitation, 1 (10%) hemolysis and 2 (20%) with additional second device (ADO 1 and AVSO): first case: moderate residual VSD and severe aortic regurgitation; second case: severe tricuspid regurgitation and residual VSD that disappeared in first month. The residual VSD altered from 30% to 10%, and closure rate was 80% at the first month of observation. VSD closure with Nit-Occlud Le VSD coil provides good efficacy and safety for patients. Keywords: VSD, Nit-Occlud Le VSD coil.
Clinical Characteristics and Number of Valve Lesion in Rheumatic Heart Disease Severity Saskia Ratna Desita; Achmad Lefi; Mahrus Rahman; Yudi Her Oktaviono
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.148 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v9i1.6609


Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) occurs due to sequelae in the form of damage to the heart valves from the failure of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) therapy. Heart valve damage can cause various complications such as congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, endocarditis, which can cause death. The study aimed to assess the association between clinical characteristics and valve lesion and rheumatic heart disease severity. The study was an analytic observational with a cross-sectional design of 73 patients with definite RHD from September 2019 to March 2020 in Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital. The majority of patients were female (80%, p=0.235) 30–39 years old (34%, p=0.157). The mean age was 42.08±12.16 years. The majority of patients have low socioeconomic status (78%, p=0.025) and rural dwelling location (70%, p=0.138) over three-quarters of patients living with more than four people in the same house (75%). Multivalvular lesions (90%, p=0.003) and severe RHD (77%) were present predominantly. In conclusion, low socioeconomic status and multivalvular lesions are associated with rheumatic heart disease severity. KARAKTERISTIK KLINIS DAN JUMLAH LESI KATUP PADA DERAJAT KEPARAHAN PENYAKIT JANTUNG REUMATIKPenyakit jantung reumatik (PJR) adalah penyakit yang terjadi akibat gejala sisa berupa kerusakan katup jantung dari kegagalan terapi demam reumatik akut (DRA). Kerusakan katup jantung pada PJR dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi seperti gagal jantung kongesti, aritmia, hipertensi pulmonal, atrial fibrilasi, dan endokarditis yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan karakteristik klinis dan jumlah lesi katup dengan derajat keparahan PJR. Penelitian ini merupakan analitik observasional menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pasien yang terdiagnosis definitif PJR berdasar atas ekokardiografi pada bulan Sepetember 2019–Maret 2020 di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Didapatkan 73 pasien sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Mayoritas pasien berjenis kelamin perempuan (80%; p=0,235), dengan kelompok usia 30–39  (34%; p=0,157). Usia rerata 42,08±12,16 tahun. Sebagian besar pasien berstatus sosial ekonomi rendah (78%, p=0,025) dan lokasi tinggal pedesaan (70%; p=0,138). Lebih dari tiga perempat pasien tinggal dengan ≤4 orang di satu atap (75%). Lesi multivalvular (90%; p=0,003) dan PJR berat (77%) ditemukan secara dominan. Simpulan, status sosial ekonomi rendah dan lesi katup multivalvular berhubungan dengan derajat keparahan penyakit jantung reumatik.
Profile of Children with Congenital Heart Disease and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya Period March 2018 Nabila Izzati; Mahrus Rahman; Ni Wayan Thirthaningsih
JUXTA: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.959 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/juxta.V10I22019.57-60


Introduction: Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the first year of life. One of the manifestations of CHD is upper respiratory infection (URI). In Indonesia, 90% of the acute respiratory infection is URI and it becomes the most common reason for children to go to emergency center. The aim of this study is to describe the profile of children with congenital heart disease and upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, based on sex, age, immunization status, social-economic status, and type of CHD. Methods: This descriptive study was done by collecting data using medical records and questionnaires from March 1st to 31st 2018. Results: Total number of the sample was 46 patients; 18 (39.1%) of them were male and 28 (60.9%) were female, with male to female ratio was 1:1.6. The most common age group (69.6%) was toddler (0-5 years old). The most common type of CHD was acyanotic (89.1%). Conclusion: Female patients had more (80%) severe URI than male patients. Patients with severe URI only occur in toddlers. Interestingly, 60% of patients with severe URI had complete immunization. Patients with severe URI had parents with moderate (60%) and low income (40%). There were 100% of patients with severe URI who had acyanotic CHD.
Muscular ventricular septal defect closure with Gianturco coil at Soetomo hospital (a case report) Alit Utamayasa; Teddy Ontoseno; Mahrus A Rahman; Vinny Yoanna; Rio Herdyanto
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 50 No 2 (2010): March 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.242 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi50.2.2010.118-124


Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is the mostcommon congenital heart disease (CHD)in children.1'2 It occurs in 1.5 to 3.5 of1,000 live births and constitutes 20% ofcongenital cardiac defects.1 The VSD may be small,medium or large and is classified based on its locationin the interventricular septum. There are four types ofVSD, i.e., perimembranous (80% ofVSDs), musculartype (5% to 20%) inlet or AV canal type (8%), andfinally, subpulmonary (5% to 7%).1-4 When multiplemuscular defects are seen, it is often referred to as"Swiss-cheese" type of VSD. 1•2The management strategies, which consist ofmedical, surgical and intervention techniques, depend toa large degree on the size of the VSD.1-4 Approximately40% of VSDs spontaneously and completely closed,with closure rates approaching 80-90% by age 2 years.2Indication ofVSD closure are symptoms of heart failure,left heart chambers overload and history of endocarditis.The surgical approach is considered gold standard butit is associated with morbidity and mortality, high cost,patient discomfort, sternostomy and skin scar.3 Since1988, percutaneous techniques have been conductedin order to reduce those drawbacks of surgery. Morerecently, percutaneous techniques and devices havebeen developed specifically for closure of muscularVSD (m VSD) and perimembranous VSD (pm VSD)using either the Rashkind double umbrella, the BardClamshell, the Button device, theAmplatzer septal, duct118 • Paediatr lrulones, Vol. 50, No. 2, March 2010or muscular VSD occluder, or the Gianturco coils.3AGianturco coils have been widely used to closeunwanted vascular communications and small- tomoderate- sized patent ductus arteriosus, withexcellent closure rates. In 1999, Latiff et al successfullyused this coil to close multiple muscular VSDs in a10-month old boy. Thus, percutaneuos closure ofVSDs using Gianturco coils is a feasible, reasonablealternative to surgery.5'6 We report a case of fouryear-old girl with muscular VSD who underwentcardiac catheterization and transcatheter closure withGianturo coil in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya.
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) OF CHILDREN WITH TETRALOGY OF FALLOT (TOF) Ovin Nada Saputri; Viskasari P. Kalanjati; Mahrus A. Rahman
Majalah Biomorfologi Vol. 30 No. 1 (2020): MAJALAH BIOMORFOLOGI
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.179 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mbiom.v30i1.2020.14-18


Background: Malnutrition is a common cause of morbidity and mortality amongst children with TOF. Objective: To analyze the BMI profile of children with TOF aged 0 – 18 years at Pediatric Department, Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study of the BMI from the medical record of TOF patients aged 0 – 18 years at the Pediatric Department, Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, since January 2016 to December 2017 was conducted. The data included gender, age group, demographic distribution, weight, and height. BMI was calculated by WHO formula reference; body weight (kg) divided by body height squared (m2), which was converted into z-score histogram. BMI classification was guided by the Government’s Anthropometry Standards for Nutritional Status Assessment. Result: From 84 TOF patients, there were 43 males (51%) and 41 females (49%). The most dominant age group was 0 – 4 years old (n=47;56%). The majority of patients were from outside of Surabaya (n=64;76.2%). Based on their BMI, 36 patients (42.9%) had severe underweight, 10 patients (11.9%) were underweight, and 35 patients (41.7%) were normal, whilst the rests (3.6%) were overweight. Conclusion: The number of male patients was slightly higher than female patients. The majority of TOF patients were 0 – 4 years old and resided out town of Surabaya. The predominant BMI found was the underweight and severe underweight below normal BMI.
Correlation between Serum Ferritin and Heart Function in Children with Major Thalassemia at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Evisina Hanafiati Frans; Mahrus A Rahman; Teddy Ontoseno; I Dewa Gede Ugrasena; R Fatchul Wahabe
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v26i1.1401


 Background: Cardiac hemosiderosis in major thalassemia has a high mortality rate. Serum ferritin levels are routinely performed to measure body iron deposit Early detection of cardiac dysfunction by routine echocardiography is very important to prevent complications due to hemosiderosis. Objective: To analyze correlation between serum ferritin levels and heart function in thalassemia major children. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving children of thalassemia major less than 18 years in the pediatric hematology oncology outpatient clinic at Dr. Soetomo Hospital. The subjects were children diagnosed with thalassemia major who had received more than 10 transfusions and had ferritin levels above 500 µg / L. All subjects were taken through consecutive sampling and performed echocardiography to measure right ventricular systolic function, left ventricular systolic function, and diastolic function. The factors analyzed included serum ferritin levels, TAPSE index, ejection fraction, and E / A ratio. Statistical analysis using chi square. Results: A total of 82 children were taken as the study sample that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 1 sample was dropped out due to pneumonia. Serum ferritin was not correlated to right ventricular systolic function (Cramer's phi constant 0.14, p = 0.209). Serum ferritin was not correlated with left heart systolic function (Cramer's phi constant 0.187, p = 0.09). Serum ferritin was not related to diastolic function (Cramer's phi constant 0.124, p = 0.264). Conclusion: Serum ferritin level in major thalassemia was not correlated with cardiac function
Characteristics of infants and young children with sensorineural hearing loss in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Nyilo Purnami; Cintya Dipta; Mahrus Ahmad Rahman
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 48, No 1 (2018): Volume 48, No. 1 January - June 2018
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.855 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v48i1.251


Background: Hearing loss is one of the congenital abnormalities frequently found in children, which is followed by delayed speech and language development. The majority of cases have unknown causes of hearing loss resulting in late diagnosis. Newborn Hearing Screening Program (NHSP) recommended Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) and Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) as detection of hearing loss in infants and children. Objective: To obtain the prevalence and description of sensorineural hearing loss in infants and children. Method: A retrospective descriptive study of infants underwent OAE and BERA between 2011-2013 at Dr Soetomo Hospital. The degree of hearing loss was according to the International Standard Organization (ISO). Result: A total number of 552 infant and children were examined, and 377 (68%) were detected with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). This group of SNHL consisted of 199 males (52.79%) and 178 females (47.21%). The largest age group was 12 to 36 months, revealed 237 patients (62.86%) with SNHL. The majority degree of hearing loss was profound hearing loss in 329 patients (87.27%). The risk factors of SNHL mostly were not found, in 310 patients (82.23%). The majority number of SNHL was bilateral, in 357 patients (94.69%). Conclusion: SNHL was found in majority of infant and children in the Audiology Clinic of Dr.Soetomo Hospital. The hearing loss found were mostly profound and bilateral, with unknown risk factors, which might contribute to speech and language developmental delay. This is relevance with the Universal NHSP recommendation that early detection should be implemented to all newborn. ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Gangguan pendengaran adalah salah satu kelainan kongenital yang sering ditemukan, dan berpengaruh pada perkembangan bicara dan bahasa anak. Sebagian besar gangguan pendengaran tidak jelas ada faktor risikonya, sehingga tidak segera terdeteksi. Bila tidak dilakukan deteksi dini, akan menyebabkan keterlambatan diagnosis dan intervensi. Telah direkomendasikan oleh Newborn Hearing Screening Program (NHSP) pemeriksaan Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) dan Brainstem Evoked Rresponse Audiometry (BERA) sebagai alat deteksi dini gangguan pendengaran pada bayi dan anak. Tujuan: Mendapatkan prevalensi dan deskripsi gangguan pendengaran sensorineural pada bayi dan anak. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif retrospektif dengan mengumpulkan data subjek periode 2011- 2013 di Rumah Sakit Dr.Soetomo. Pemeriksaan OAE menggunakan Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions. Pemeriksaan BERA berdasarkan International Standard Organization (ISO). Hasil: Terdapat sebanyak 377 pasien (68%) dengan gangguan pendengaran sensorineural dari total 552 bayi dan anak. Pada kelompok umur 12 sampai 36 bulan didapati gangguan pendengaran sensorineural tertinggi sebanyak 237 (62,86%) pasien. Sebagian besar pasien laki-laki sebanyak 199 (52,79%). Mayoritas pasien mengalami gangguan pendengaraan derajat sangat berat sebanyak 329 (87,287%) dari total 377 penderita. Mayoritas faktor risiko dari gangguan pendengaran yang tidak diketahui sebanyak 310 kasus (82,23%), dan mayoritas penderita mengalami gangguan pendengaran sensorineural bilateral sebanyak 357 (94,69%). Kesimpulan: gangguan pendengaran sensorineural ditemukan terbanyak pada bayi dan anak di Klinik Audiologi RSUD Dr. Soetomo. Derajat keparahan terbanyak adalah profound, dan ditemukan terbanyak bilateral. Faktor risiko yang tidak diketahui terbanyak ditemukan, dan bisa merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh pada kejadian lambat bicara dan berbahasa. Temuan ini sesuai dengan rekomendasi program skrining pendengaran yang seharusnya diterapkan pada semua bayi baru lahir.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Mei : Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jpkm.v2i2.13923


Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects about 0.8% to 1.2% with the mortality rate being 81 cases per 100,000 live births. Generally, CHD is a structural abnormality of the heart and (or) large blood vessels that appear at birth. The purpose of this activity is to conduct webinar training on early detection of congenital heart disease followed by ecocardiography and oximetry pulse screening in lumajang east Java Indonesia the novelty in this service activity because it provides training on early detection of heart disease. The training method was carried out through webinars with health worker participants in Lumajang. The material provided includes early detection methods, diagnosis and therapy, as well as simulations of CHD cases. Pre and Post-test are used to evaluate the level of knowledge. A visit to the echocardiography and pulse oximetry examination by a pediatric cardiologist was carried out two weeks later in Lumajang. As a result of the activity, there were 140 participants who took part in the webinar training. The average score of the pre-test was 11.13/15 with only 5 participants getting a perfect score. At the end of the webinar, the average post-test score was 14.34/15 with 115 participants who finally got a perfect score. A total of 28 children were examined by echocardiography examination. 20 children were diagnosed with cyanotic CHD, 6 children were diagnosed with cyanotic CHD, and 2 were normal children. On pulse oximetry examination, all babies had an oxygen saturation of 95% or more and there was no difference of more than 3% between the pre and post duct sites. Conclusion Webinar training can increase health workers' knowledge about early detection of CHD.Keywords : Congenital Heart Disease; Filtering; Echocardiography; Pulse oximetry.
Role of drug-eluting stent on Takayasu arteritis with renal artery stenosis I Ketut Alit Utamayasa; Mia Puspitasari; Taufiq Hidayat; Mahrus Abdur Rahman
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 62 No 6 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi62.6.2022.422-9


Takayasu arteritis (TA) is defined as granulomatous inflammation of large arteries involving the aorta and its primary branches. Takayasu arteritis with renal artery stenosis (TARAS) is a common cause of pediatric renovascular hypertension. The main purposes of TARAS management are to improve high blood pressure and recover renal function. When general medication fails to improve symptoms, renal revascularization may be attempted. Implantation of a drug-eluting stent (DES) has been used as an alternative strategy for pediatric renal revascularization. Here, we report on a 10-year-old, female, Javanese patient with bilateral TARAS who underwent DES implantation. Her clinical presentation was hypertensive crisis and worsened renal function. Bilateral renal artery DES implantation was performed successfully without complications. The child’s blood pressure was controlled using two anti-hypertensive medications after DES implantation and her renal function recovered. Dual anti-platelet therapy was given to minimize the risk of stent thrombosis.
Correlation between Serum Ferritin and Heart Function in Children with Major Thalassemia at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Evisina Hanafiati Frans; Mahrus A Rahman; Teddy Ontoseno; I Dewa Gede Ugrasena; R Fatchul Wahabe
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v26i1.1401


Cardiac hemosiderosis in major thalassemia has a high mortality rate. Serum ferritin levels are routinely performed to measure body iron deposit Early detection of cardiac dysfunction by routine echocardiography is very important to prevent complications due to hemosiderosis. To analyze correlation between serum ferritin levels and heart function in thalassemia major children. A cross-sectional study involving children of thalassemia major less than 18 years in the pediatric hematology oncology outpatient clinic at Dr. Soetomo Hospital. The subjects were children diagnosed with thalassemia major who had received more than 10 transfusions and had ferritin levels above 500 µg / L. All subjects were taken through consecutive sampling and performed echocardiography to measure right ventricular systolic function, left ventricular systolic function, and diastolic function. The factors analyzed included serum ferritin levels, TAPSE index, ejection fraction, and E / A ratio. Statistical analysis using Chi-Square. A total of 82 children were taken as the study sample that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 1 sample was dropped out due to pneumonia. Serum ferritin was not correlated to right ventricular systolic function (Cramer's phi constant 0.14, p = 0.209). Serum ferritin was not correlated with left heart systolic function (Cramer's phi constant 0.187, p = 0.09). Serum ferritin was not related to diastolic function (Cramer's phi constant 0.124, p = 0.264). Serum ferritin level in major thalassemia was not correlated with cardiac function.